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Active member
so u not going to respond to my last post? or am i being too Obama for you

wish i was Obama id send ur ass to Guantanamo

Your the king of not responding after dumb post after dumb post.

I guess i will respond again, even though I already did.

Here is the definition of Racism. Please tell me how a quarantine in Africa is racist? Or are you one of those that forgot the definition, and apply it to anything that moves?

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Yes, quarantine part of Texas as well. The boarders don't mean anything to a disease, so closing Texas wouldn't be effective unless all of Texas is infected. You should quarantine the effected areas and have dead zones surrounding them so no accidental outbreaks. Like I said, 1st grade stuff.

Let me clear ( in my best Obama voice) Ebola is not racist. quarantine's are not racist. Get off your race war please, it's getting very old.


Active member
so u not going to respond to my last post? or am i being too Obama for you

wish i was Obama id send ur ass to Guantanamo

BTW you sound just like Obama. Somebody disagrees with you send them to prison.......Kind of like that guy with the video which made all those hundreds of terrorist gather around our embassies in 6 different countries and killed our ambassador......O yea.....Obama is great, and your just like him. Just keep telling yourself things like, "Benghazi was because of a video, Benghazi was because of a video, Benghazi was because of a video." Is it true yet?


Active member
LOL... This just has me shaking my head

Obama told the press:

“I want to use myself as an example just so people have a sense of the science here. I shook hands with, hugged and kissed, not the doctors, but a couple of the nurses at Emory because of the valiant work that they did in treating one of the patients. They followed the protocols, they knew what they were doing, and I felt perfectly safe doing so.”

Kissing nurses who treated Duncan....wtf


Active member
The arrogance of this guy, putting in peoples heads that Ebola is safe and sound, and no way workers could get it right? Pathetic.

I guess I was making a little to much sense for Milky and TJO to respond. Especially after TJO tried to call me out for not responding. Sad, it was him that didn't respond twice in a row, the king has retained his title. Headed out for a trip to the pumpkin patch with the wife and kid. Stay safe everybody.


Senior Member
Did not say all white....but many would be. So I go to help then have to be put in isolation and quarantine fora month. Like I said...not many volunteers for that...less chance to stop it..more chance it spreads
Perhaps you should head to your bunker now


Active member
Your point makes no sense. You say it's racist because whites can go as they please. Now your backpedaling and saying "not all white". You know your argument is flawed. So only blacks should be able to fight this disease? What exactly was your point? How again is it racist to send aid workers into an Ebola zone? Now really try to explain for those of us that see no racism involved.

So whites get to come and go cause its their job...I see not racist at all

SHow me again where you didn't say all whites, because from what you wrote that is the only thing implied. If you truly meant other races, then how is that racist? No sense being made at all here.


Active member
I'm just posting info that I know is true.

Preppers will prep...and an event like this will have their buttholes puckering like a mofo...scary shit if your a SQUIRREL....

Others will buy the latest Iphone6...and pretend it doesn't bother them...but IF this gets worse they will start to go a bit "squirrelly" too...but it'll be too late by then

Honestly, if this shit gets bad, 99% of the people are fucked simply from a Food, and shelter point of view.

3 days of food on the grocery store shelves is bad enough.....

Electrical grid is held together with elastic bands(only so many lineman what happens if they start getting sick)...and winter is coming....so no electricity...no Heat..

Our wonderful society is great when things are running smoothly, but toss a wrench into the works and shit breaks down really fast.

Think back to how well Katrina was handled...Mebbe they will isolate people in the superdome again...


Senior Member
Perhaps there is no sense being made because you cannot see beyond your media induced fear. Perhaps some of us have risen above that and see much more nuance.

Isolating yourself is the logical step for you...how else can you truly protect yourself from those of us who do not see life through your eyes. After all we are all ignorant...right


Active member
fuck the racism bullsheeiit that's going nowhere but "thread binned".

The Idiotic Explanation Why The "Idiot With The Clipboard" Was Unprotected

Why is "Clipboard Man" not wearing protective gear?


Is he with the CDC? Both the ambulance company and Emory University Hospital said the unprotected man with the clipboard (center) is not one of their employees - meaning he is likely a CDC employee


Clipboard man appears to have flown on the same flight as infected Miss Vinson, as he is seen in footage of her getting into an ambulance at an airport in Atlanta

cdc is located in atlanta. what a unique coincidence. and he knows something we don't obviously.

something smells.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
the 2nd someone starts arguing and use words like terrorist and Benghazi ...lol

Don't be mean to them...instead feel sorry for their inability to see through all the bullshit they are being spoon fed by the metric ton....

If you believe anything you see on TV.... Ive got a insane bridge in Brooklyn for sale


Senior Member
Maybe he feels because the patient is contained she poses no threat to hi. Some people trust science more than others.


The Mad Monk
I don't understand how blocking outgoing commercial flights, or at the least improving the screening process for outgoing travelers significantly, from certain affected areas prevents aid workers from being flown in and out. It's unlikely that every aid-worker recently has arrived via commercial flights, and it isn't as if there aren't other means to deliver them to the area. Military planes, anyone?

It just seems absurd to me that the media is lazily carrying water for this angle, "can't block flights, aid-workers won't be able to leave." Um, aid-workers who might be affected with Ebola, who are US nationals or from Spain, are going to get a direct flight out of there. The problem is, at least in PR terms, is that people will see a plane leaving while thousands of ill West Africans are on the ground suffering. It looks and sounds bad but isn't pandemic disease bad? I don't see how we're supposed to treat this issue with kid gloves for PR purposes.

Particularly when you realize that anyone potentially exposed to Ebola is explicitly told NOT to fly commercial. So again, how does restricting commercial flights FROM affected areas prevent aid-workers from being flown in?

It shouldn't be that all flights from Africa are banned, that's taking a hammer to the problem when you need a scalpel and certainly borders on racist. You want to condemn the entire continent because a few hot spots in West africa don't know how to deal with Ebola? C'mon.

Restrict commercial flights from Sierra Leone and Liberia, primarily. The hot zones, as they're being referred to. And hammer those areas with aid workers and equipment to truly tackle this fucking problem. They can be flown in without the use of commercial airlines, why no one has acknowledged that yet is beyond me. Just about every agency that can/could play some role in handling this issue has copped to the fact they were slow on the draw when the issue first popped up. Well, maybe now they can get their shit together and double time it to West Africa.

Duncan flew commercially from Liberia and according to the state he lied on his exit documents. It's a fairly rational thing to do, lie to get the fuck out of a country incapable of handling the issue and go to a country where you think your odds are better. Self-preservation. You think he's the only one willing to lie to get the fuck out of dodge?

If some people think we should just ban flights from Africa and leave them on their own to fight this, well then those people are fucked in the head.

A major part of the problem here is West African countries are severely ill-equipped to deal with Ebola because it is traditionally a Central African problem. There it is more rural and so when there is an outbreak it is far less likely to become a massive pandemic.

In west Africa, it's much more urbanized and of course disease spreads faster in that environment. So couple their relative inexperience treating the disease with the favorable environment and you have the current problem. Not to mention the burial rites which include washing the body of a deceased relative, a point at which a patient is most contagious with Ebola. So getting people to stop these traditions overnight is not as easy as some might think. Its a cultural barrier as much as a social and economic one that is making this problem difficult to solve.

All this being said, and I'm not trying to be cheeky, but I'm really not worried about Ebola at the present time. There are more pressing concerns in my immediate sphere. I'm concerned for the people in the affected areas greatly, though. This is a terrible disease and developed nations should band together to help out in any way possible. That's part of the gig when you're the big bully on the block. Sometimes you gotta use that power for good instead of smashing up societies and murdering civilians.


Rubbing my glands together
When people run out of sensible arguments anymore the answer is always RACISM. Racism usually clears everything up for an opposing point of view.
Didn't like Bush cause he's a baby killing drone pilot=ok
Don't like Obama cause he's a baby killing drone pilot=racist.
Muddafuckers need to get real.


One of the ideas behind not banning air travel is people are going to move about the continent and probably the world no matter what you do, but it's easier to track and screen them if you know who they are.


The Mad Monk
Wow, that's more than I ever cared to type about Ebola on ICMag.

Re: Bush & Obama

It's real simple for me: if you were FOR Bush but AGAINST Obama... you're probably racist. Or a card carrying Red Team member.

If you were AGAINST Bush but FOR Obama... you're probably racist and/or full of white guilt. Or a card carrying Blue Team member.

So it ain't necessarily racism. It's party lines & ideology, too. Many people who criticized Bush for certain policies haven't said a fucking peep about Obama for doing the EXACT same thing. What is that shit?

In fact, on some issues Obama has been worse than Bush. But don't tell that to a Democrat or some bleeding heart liberal. GWB was a piece of shit, but so is Barry. That flip flopping fuck lost me way back in 07 when the telecoms got to him and he flipped his vote on amnesty for fuckers that spied on Americans. Fuck them both, the Red and the Blue team. And fuck you for buying into the false divide.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
The medical personnel need to get the cross-contamination under control.

IN OTHER NEWS: Breaking Bad HazMat suits are on sale at Walmart :chin:



:biglaugh: Bet there gonna do/have done?? a Heisenberg Supa-Suit!!! Actually REPELS! Ebola!.. lolll.Nope

Heard before from the world health organization Ebola Cases are Doubling every 4 weeks.

Some Woman has Contracted the Virus by wearing TOO MUCH Protection too?? ! &*^( ..

Sure this would cause lots of "Crap etc etc...." so they would'nt dare BUT id LOVE to see what Eric Cartman has to say about Ebola! ROFLLLLL
Just saying..:D

"Ay KENNY! keep your Ebola ridden ass away from arE SCHOOL!!!...etc etc" rofl.....
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