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Did a final foliar of Micro 5000,sea stim, sea crop, pht cal, pht phos. hypercap,photomag. It's a revised recipe meant to fight mold and it done a damn good job so far. Now my patience will be tested with 2+ weeks till chop and some rain in the forecast.

how do you foliar this late in the game? light mist? mainly on leaves or on buds?
Atomizer everywhere. It's so dry out and the plants have barely been getting mold, maybe a half z so far that I'm not worried about it. My main concern is ppl smokin fertilizer but the dew and fog should help with that.


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Luther Burbank

Luther lets see them Grape Punch's, They finished yet?


Cut and drying. Was definitely not a "big girl". I'll try to get some shots of the finished product once trimmed. She was neglected out in a field on native soil, so I was even more surprised by her resilience.


Active member
chop chop chop!!! god damn theres just weed everywhere…i can't even go into my trim scene because i get contaminated by herb just walking into the kitchen to get a drink, the floors, couches, seats, every possible surface of that house is covered in weed... just a heads up to everyone out there, dont let your trimmers/workers/drivers get into their cars until they fully shower and change into clean clothes. been having a headache lately having to vacuum out and clean cars almost daily for trips off the hill. getting this weed off the mountain is one of the harder and risky parts of the job…..good luck and happy harvests y'all we are in the thick of it!

Bo Hasset

Active member

Steep grade, sharp curves... you know, mountain driving.

Or, he could've meant it's always a jumble trying to attach patient recs and 215 stickers on everything before taking it to patients/collective. I always find that messy.

What did you think he meant?

Red Berry

What did you think he meant?

thanks for asking . i think he meant he lacks sober drivers without drug addictions . basically most of his crew is probably damaged psychologically right now from excessive trimming mixed with booze n sex and lack of sleep. which is normal :biggrin: im not pointing fingers just saying paranoid hyper hyped up people that haven't slept in a month make shitty drivers. often times you have no choice but to let them risk there own life for a product you create . once you put your self in the place where you decide if its a good decision for them instead of just saying yea or no it turns into a slippery stressful slope. risking making yourself feel stressful things is the same and or worse then risking losing money or product for most personality types.

Red Berry

trying for 1000lbs anyone ?

it can be like a game of sk8.

75 blue dream and 150 pallets .


300 bubba and 300 pallets .

and your not allowed to use bubba math with blue dream because i said so.


I would take the 300 bubbas . You have to be really lucky/skilled to get 1000lb from 75 blue dreams no matter how many pallets you use. Plus the bubba will be done earlier and its worth more $

really though i'd rather grow seeds though

Backyard Farmer

Active member
My biggest year I got close to 900, it took in between the bubba number and the bd number of holes, no bubba or blue dream.

It's too stressful to go like that. I will again when it's rec in cali...


Active member
thanks for asking . i think he meant he lacks sober drivers without drug addictions . basically most of his crew is probably damaged psychologically right now from excessive trimming mixed with booze n sex and lack of sleep. which is normal :biggrin: .

haha they should be trimmin, drinkin and fuckin instead! i got a clean cut driver who's only task is to stay clean, put the nerd glasses on and ride out. i done earned my stripes years back doing the 101 joint which is way hotter than my current neck of the woods.

but in reality last few days trim master has cut back on the booze. we gave the green light to go hard on saturday night, spent sunday in recovery, and since then we have been purposely leaving booze out of the shopping trips. none of the crew seemed to care much, since most were still hungover from saturday. and hasn't been any new hookups between the other co-eds. once you take the booze away the reality show seems to die down.. no hard drug use on my scene either…i told them they can blow their trim profits in costa rica on blow but not up here..

BYF i couldn't imagine having to harvest 900….just doing this hillside is taking forever. how big was your crew for that 900? still got 25% of the garden left to take down, only the asteroids and a few other stragglers remain. glues, pies, OGs, are all chopped trimmed and bagged! rain gives a short break from takedown, but when the sun comes back out the rest of this garden is coming down. this will be my last year doing full term, big plants are cool but id rather grow smaller ones in greenhouses and get multiple crops per year.
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