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Crooked8 Does Karma OG


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
One more is up today.....but sadly three are down. Not sire wtf happened they just wilted and died. Too moist of soil? Too dry? No idea. Everything else seems fine and the soil seems wet but i only watered it once. My understanding was always that seedling require very little moisture and that overwatering is a big problem for them. Maybe i got it too wet to begin with. I dunno. Just as a precaution i hit all the living seedlings with a tiny amount of water in case the seedlings died due to drying out. Scared now.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I took pics of the healthy and dead seedlings. Ill post em later. Gonna get baked now :(


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Some of the ones that didn't pull through

The six healthy seedlings i have left

Not exactly sure what happened here. I guess i didn't have them moist enough? Maybe it was too moist? Pretty pissed at my results here. I know somehow its my fault but i don't get it. With my Karma/Horti testers i did everything the same way and i barely lost any. Out if 15 seeds 12 sprouted and only 6 have survived. Im disappointed because they even broke the surface and then died. Regardless, 6 Karma OG seedlings is better than none! I still feel blessed. My apologies to Karma for the shitty turn out.


Active member
dont beat yourself up it happens. in the future ive been reading that a chitosan presoak will cutdown on that immensely. its microbes and individual situations can vary. dampeing off is likely the culprit and you can suddenly take a hit doing everything the same. if the conditions are ripe and its present it dont take too much. on the otherhand you can be sloppy and get great results because its not the right time of year temp humiduty or the bennificial micros are in massive numbers in your soil etc.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah something wasnt right. Im just hoping these 6 make it, keeping a close eye on them.


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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ha dr, they are finished. Thanks for the tip though. I literally saturated the soil one time. Never watered it again. After some died, out of fear that the top of the soil dried more than i could see, i hit the remaining seedlings with a tiny amount of water. They all seem fine. Ill get over it. Ive tried starting seedling in plugs, rockwool and coco and ive always had my best luck going right into soil. Oh well, ill only cry myself to sleep a few more times then ill be back to normal ;)

Gil Tokerson

Active member
I suck at getting seeds going. Once they're going, it's pretty easy, but getting them above ground odd for some reason difficult for me.
I'm betting you'll have some keepers in the ones that did make it, so don't sweat it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks guys. As long as i find some solid females this will work out well.


Active member
All good bud what i like to use with seedlings is a syringe for first little while this way i know i do not over water hit them with 10 ml in my 1 "x 1" tray till roots come out then transplant them into either cups or 1 liter milk cartoon problem with solo cups is if you don't punch out hole over watering and lack of 02 becomes common

Good luck with the rest make it happen



ICMag Donor
I think the biggest problems people have with seedlings is too much soil when starting. I start them out in 9oz beer cups that are cut down to about 1/3 their normal height. This means I can put them on a heat mat AND KNOW the soil around the seed is warm, not just the soil at the bottom of the cup. I guess I found in my own seed ventures, that I'd create a anaerobic environment near the bottom of the cup as it was staying too wet. But the soil at the top of the cup was drying out as the fluros are only you know 8-10" above the seeds.

By the time the roots got to the bottom, the soil was oxygen deprived muck and the roots just wouldn't take hold - and then seedlings would wilt off from pathogens.

So, I just started using smaller amounts of dirt for starting my seedlings. Heat from the mat below and heat from the lights above meant the soil actually drying out and needing to be watered every 2nd or third day - which was exactly what I wanted with my seedlings...

Just sharing...fingers crossed on your 6.
