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Blue Satellite x Sour Bubble (Blue Bubble); Death Star x Sour Bubble (Death Bubble)


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ICMag Donor
DB topped to hell like a boss in the 15 gallon smarty, gonna blow up under this 2000w. Family photo for size perspective heh.

Glue takin its time comin out of reveg thats why it looks funky heh. The DB was revegged from a bud too, she blew right out.

Here is the pheno, wanted a second look, little more sour b leaner but long finish like the stretchy ones, the other sb leaners finished way faster, wasnt done last time i took her and she yields gooood...



Nice man, that gg is gonna be fucking nuts!

Yeah, Im thinking the db i have is definitely the stretchy one now. Doesnt have the same bud struture it appears and definitely isnt as frosty as that sb leaning one. Really good flavor though, that's what everyone agrees on. They just say, "damn that shit is tasty as fuck man"

Debating whether or not I'll sell any of the bubble I made. first run stuff is fucking beautiful. Im in a pretty heavy daze this morning from smoking it all day yesterday. It's just as strong as any bho I'd say.

Only difference I'd say is that bho has something to it that just fucks you up. Like I take a dab of bho and it feels so heavy and strong it's almost like another drug. The bubble on the other hand though is just like taking a massive bong rip without coughing, and the best flavor ever. The high comes on a bit slower, lasts much much longer, and doesnt have the same drop off (bubble feels much more natural). I feel like the bubble tapers down a lot more while bho just kinda drops off at a cliff leaving you much more uncomfortable groggy.

Bubble is definitely the way to go. can't believe how good I got it this time too, perfection is just around the corner :biggrin:

Keep getting this feeling in the back of my head that one day in the not too distant future they're gonna come out with all sorts of studies about the dangers of bho. Hell, just reading a portion of the list of other chemicals you'll find in all butane manufacturers canned butane scared me straight outts making the stuff again. All sorts of nasty shit, while they are only in miniscule amounts and deemed "safe" within the "maximum allowed exposure," I dont want any of that going in my system.

All sorts of benzenes and other shit, not to mention god knows what chemical reactions are taking place between said chemicals and the concentrated oil when taking a dab off a chunk of 1000F Titanium (questionable titanium at best too...).

Yeah, I love this bubble. Got my glass nail that's bound to break any dab now, but worth it. Think IM gonna go buy a few more glass one since the quartz taste a bit off and cost a lot more.
Man, I wish I could accurately describe the flavor of clean bubble off a clean glass nail in a clean glass piece. Pure flavor.

I took some of the not so good 25u and rolled a joint with it and some bruce banner yesterday. Best joint I have ever had. Tasted like a swisher sweet or some other flavored tobacco, it was crazy. NO chemical harshness though. Just a pure, clean sweet resinous high. Had a really nice floral aspect to it. Nobody in the world would dislike that joint, the flower was my best flushed too.

Fuck I could go on and on about that joint, it was damn near perfect. I never roll joints either. I really think Im destined for weed, it seems like I dont even have to really try at this stuff to get it good enough for my likings. this is just the beginning too, Im very excited to see what I'll be producing even a year form now :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Exactly dude !!! you can't get much cleaner than using water to make your concentrates !!! I use my 0 water (RO/DI ) & it comes out even cleaner than using tap . the only taste your getting is the weed , no chems no nothing !!!


Put a paper bag over her head next time ;) Cant really see her calyxes, she looks like she glows in the dark though, very nice. :good:


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ICMag Donor
High hopes for her clone in the 15 gallon smarty :D Shes doubled in size already, prolly a week until flip one way or the other I need to pull em before x mas :D, should be some fireworks :D


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ICMag Donor
Nah that is the mom, The clone of her is vegging in that 15 gallon pot, gonna flip soon. :)


Ahh I see what's goin on in the post up there Tony. Yeah that clone's gonna be a beast, what size was momma in?

Just flipped through these 42 pages here, killin' it brother Elements. :groupwave: Group wave from the congregation. Hallelujah! :biggrin:


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ICMag Donor
The mama was just thrown from a 6 inch pot she had outgrown into about a 6 gallon planter and flipped immediately, she was 12 inches or less when I flipped her.

This clone is gonna be a beast, already way bigger then the mama was heh. Hoping my intuition gives me the green light to flip in 5 days, if I feel like it I'll wait a little longer to get more root established, things move slower in soil for me, one day I will switch to coco maybe.


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ICMag Donor


We got something special with the DB eh? I reckon we outta pop a shitload to select a mom and s1 her and progeny test. I bet there is a stunning example in there somewhere.

Makes me wanna find a black rose of heath robinsons and cross em up :D



Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
thats the DB ???? Damn !!! can't wait to see what i get from these :biggrin:

no serious defolaitaion huh Tony ???


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ICMag Donor
Im not convinced of defol or not for sour b genetics, Ive done both and even despite the heavy leaf cover they throw some weight under their on the lowers.

I ran a sour b straight to flower out of veg to get her to flower with single leaves and the penetration was better, similar yields though. When I defol its usually in veg to promete those lower heads stretchin up.


This is why I don't molest my plants bro I read a long time ago the SB crosses do better if left alone but nah I think I can get a shitload more if I use some techniques. :laughing: Definitely going for it with my next run, got 8 fatgirls and she likes herself some branchin.


Will also be my first mono^ went to mono the Tiny pheno in a kiddie pool decided to throw in the legs and totem seedplants and the SLS I didnt keep. ended up cutting out the Tiny's cuz of light and she was better than em all. Shoulda cut the big ones. :shrug: Gotta do stupid shit to learn not to do stupid shit I guess.


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ICMag Donor
Best bet is to top early and top often with the sour b, takes more time but its worth it, unless yer doin it like that dude with 100 sour bubbles per light in a 10x10 footprint in 1 gallon pots. I swear im gonna try it one of these days, heard 3 # per light that way on the sour b....


Phoenix style bro? Think of the glue, Phoenix style. Olmgdmfao. "Only got 10 per 1k this round maybe I do better next time LOMFLZ" that's my plan either Phoenix style or Whiteberries style w/ hempy. My record is a 170g bubba bagseed in a 5gal pot that I drilled 100 or so holes in, and she gave me 170g. tap/happy frog, nothing else. Even 6*170 with the glue is fine.

Pix or it didn't happen?

It happened.

WB w/ hempy obviously leaves 1" on the bottom for uh...hempifying.

Gonna start topping when I get my other fixture. :good: til then it's just more stress on the girls.

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