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this is giving me the willies


Kiss My Ring
World Health Organization Contradicts US Centers for Disease Control: Admits Ebola Can Spread via Coughing, Sneezing and Contaminated Surfaces

The World Health Organization has issued a bulletin which confirms what Natural News has been asserting for weeks: that Ebola can spread via indirect contact with contaminated surfaces and aerosolized droplets produced from coughing or sneezing.
“…wet and bigger droplets from a heavily infected individual, who has respiratory symptoms caused by other conditions or who vomits violently, could transmit the virus — over a short distance — to another nearby person,” says a W.H.O. bulletin released this week. [1] “This could happen when virus-laden heavy droplets are directly propelled, by coughing or sneezing…”
That same bulletin also says, “The Ebola virus can also be transmitted indirectly, by contact with previously contaminated surfaces and objects.”
In other words, the WHO just confirmed what the CDC says is impossible — that Ebola can be acquired by touching a contaminated surface.
CDC remains in total denial, spreading dangerous disinformation about Ebola transmission vectors
This information published by the WHO directly contradicts the ridiculous claims of the CDC which continues to insist Ebola cannot spread through “indirect” means.
According to the CDC, Ebola can only spread via “direct contact,” but the CDC is basing this assumption on the behavior of the Ebola outbreak from 1976 — nearly four decades ago.
The CDC, in fact, continues to push five deadly assumptions about Ebola, endangering the lives of Americans in the process by failing to communicate accurate safety information to health professionals and the public.
Because of the CDC’s lackadaisical attitude about Ebola transmission, the Dallas Ebola outbreak may have been made far worse by people walking in and out of the Ebola-contaminated Duncan apartment while wearing no protective gear whatsoever.
Because the CDC sets the standards for dealing with infectious disease in the United States, when the CDC claims Ebola can only spread via “direct contact,” that causes emergency responders, Red Cross volunteers and even family members to conclude, “Then we don’t even need to wear latex gloves as long as we’re not touching the patient!”
Not “airborne” but can spread through the air
Both the CDC and the WHO continue to aggressively insist that Ebola is not an “airborne” disease. “Ebola virus disease is not an airborne infection,” says the WHO bulletin. But that same bulletin describes the ability of Ebola to spread through the air via aerosolized droplets.
The medical definition of “airborne,” it turns out, is a specific, narrow definition that defies the common understanding of the term. To most people, “airborne” means it can spread through the air, and Ebola most certainly can spread through the air when it is attached to aerosolized particles of spit, saliva, mucus, blood or other body fluids.
The CDC has now admitted there is a slight possibility of Ebola mutating to become “airborne” but says that chance is very small. [2] However, all honest virologists agree that the longer Ebola remains in circulation in West Africa, replicating among human hosts, the more chances it has to mutate into an airborne strain.
But the virus doesn’t need to mutate to continue to spread. It has already proven quite capable of spreading via indirect contact in a way that all the governments of the world have been utterly unable to stop. Despite the best efforts of the CDC and WHO, Ebola continues to replicate out of control across West African nations. Even in the United States, the Dallas “patient zero” incident has reportedly caused 100 people to be monitored for possible Ebola infections.
This is why government claims that “we have this under control” are just as much hogwash as the claim that Ebola can only spread via “direct contact.”
But that seems to be the default response of government to all legitimate threats: first, deny reality and misinform the public. Keep people in the dark and maybe the whole thing can be swept under the rug… at least until the mid-term elections.
Sources for this article include:
[1] http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/ebola/06…
[2] http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/220046-…

stay healthy maggers...


Active member
Hope y'all got your beans, rice, and firewood stocked up....this could be it....(winter is around the corner, and our electrical infrastructure is stretched pretty thin, get enough lineman calling in sick and see how fast the grid starts farting)

Not to mention bandaids and bullets.....

If there was ever an disease that could be a TSHTF trigger...this is it.

Estimate of $1/2million bucks JUST TO treat the Duncan EBOLA patient zero...and he died.

No fucking way the medical system could handle 100's duncan's in every city...and stay at 1st world standards.

With only 1 patient, 100 people who had brief contact under "watch"...well that means were fuckered... 48 people in isolation...

Do the math...it isn't pretty if this shit gets outta hand.

Don't forget the annual pilgrimage to mecca is coming up....one big old petrie dish just waiting to happen.

Now what happens if some crazy Terrorist decides him and 10 of his buddies are going to drink some infected bodily fluids, fly over to USA and start spitting on door handles everywhere they go...ATM machines...etc. etc.

Too boot it is cold and flu season....so how many people if they first get it will think they have a cold...and how many people with a cold wll think they have EBOLA...


Active member
Hope y'all ain't get paranoid over the wrong thing. While the global CO2 levels rise and oceans fill with plastic, we have real problems. Something needs to take out humans. We have created an imbalance in the world killing off more than half of the species that have existed since two centuries ago. Accept life is a cycle. Paranoia will conquer your mind faster than peace and harmony. Be one with the earth and all the craziness it has to offer.

Don't believe the hype


if it smells like fish
I said this a bit back..and 6 ft aint enough to stay away from sneezing/coughing person esp in windys /drafty situations... I am right next to the mountains.. when yall start croaking I am going camping ....lol... I will come back for the surviving women


Active member
I'm personally surprised that psycho-somatic panic has not set in, in the Dallas/Forth worth area.

The mind is very powerful, so is the power of suggestion.

I'm sneezing just typing this!


if it smells like fish
yeehaw .. your all gonna turn into zombies...I got my crossbow ready....lol...couldn't help it was just watching walking dead...to be honest we could use a population reduction..i will do my best to impregnate as many women as left

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Ebola is the West key to gain back entry access into Western Africa....

Time to exploit some Minerals and act like we are there to save everyone from the Virus created in a Western Laboratory.....

China is moving in on Africa with the quickness ...building infrastructure and highways in exchange for exploring oil/mineral rights....


if it smells like fish
lol... I aint worried either..and I didn't plan on visiting Africa any time soon anyhow... those near the major cities and airports will go first...plenty of time.. sit back watch and smoke a j whilest waiting for it to get real


Active member
get paranoid if ya want it's your life but consider this genius,If ebola actually was a airborne cotangent then half the world would have it by now but they don't for some reason......hmmmmmmmm


if it smells like fish
they even killed that ladies dog just as precaution... if pets got it its gonna be hard to stop..all them animals in Africa running around with ebola...damn,,,there goes the last of africas animals


Kiss My Ring
I don't believe they engineered ebola to infect other than simian/humans.

yes, I believe it's been engineered. let's hope nature intervenes...