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Kalyx's - 2014 Fall Grow - Bodhi, Karma, DNA/RP


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Hello everyone,

Getting my second seasonal grow log started. Im hoping to improve on my summer grow as I continue to get my new set up all dialed in. Due to being very busy I was unable to get this log properly started when the seeds were popped. Luckily for all that want to tag along this show is going to start with all my girls already flowering. That being said I have taken very few pictures throughout this grow and some of these girls have next to no photo documentation yet. I will provide the pictures of what I do have and a summary of the grow up to this point. Within the week I will provide a current update with photos of the girls as they are currently.

The Strains

3x Purple Gummer - Earthman Technologies
1x Sunshine DayDream - Bodhi Seeds
1x Headbanger - Karma Genetics
1x SSSDH x Jack - Karma Genetics
1x Skywalker Kush - Reserva Privada

This log will only focus on the later 4 strains. I am running a different diary for my test grow of the Purple Gummer - Earthman Technologies for those that wish to follow the progress with those girls.

The Equipment

Plants will be flowered in a 5x5x7 tent.
Light is a 1000w HPS with reflector.
Using a carbon filter for odor control.
Soil is FoxFarm Ocean Forrest with added perlite, vermiculite and earthworm castings.
Nutrients being used are FoxFarm Big Bloom, Kangaroots Root Drench and Microbe Brew.

The Rundown

7/28 - Beans were dropped in shot glasses to start germination. I started out with 1x Sunshine Daydream, 1x Synergy, 1x Headbanger, 1x SSSDH x Jack, 1x Biker Kush v2.0 and 1x Skywalker Kush. All 6 seeds cracked open inside of 24 hours and were placed into solo cups filled with FFOF with added perlite.

8/3 - By this time all seeds have sprouted above ground, this is being counted as the official Day 1 of the grow.

Day 1 - Biker Kush v2.0 - Headbanger - SSSDH x Jack


Day 1 - Skywalker Kush


8/10 - Day 7 - Synergy - Sunshine Daydream


Now fast forward sometime to around week 2 all of my seedlings are starting to have problems. The issue looks to be over-watering but that is just not the case. End up discovering the PH from the tap water is horribly off all of the sudden and its hurting all of my young plants badly. The issue was also starting to show some effects on my flowering plants as well. I fixed the PH of the tap water I was using and started mixing in FF Kangaroots and MircrobeBrew with their water. All of the plants had recovered from this with in a week of fixing the PH and using the root drench. All the plants had been damaged pretty good, growth stunted or stalled on all of them and had been set back some time.

9/17 Day 14 - Headbanger - Biker Kush v2.0


You can see the damage done to them and the Karma plants pictured above were actually the least effected by the PH problem. After recovering all the plants really started to explode with growth, displaying a lot of vigor.

9/30 Day 27 - All plants were transplanted at this time into 3gal and 5gal pots. I had wanted to run all of them in 5gal but was unable to. Only running the Headbanger and Skywalker Kush in the 5gal and the other girls are in 3's. All of them really exploded after being transplanted minus the Biker Kush v2.0, she never recovered sadly.

I had such high hope for her out of the 3 Karma plants I had and was lucky enough to have 3 for 3 females. For a couple of weeks I thought it was just shock and she was droopy. Her transplant went very smoothly and I'm really not sure what happened. I thought that maybe the light was poisoning her that she was maybe just sensitive to that. I moved her into the corner of the veg room out from under the light, at first she seemed like she was starting to perk up. Her fan leaves have been constantly droppy, then yellowing and dying. Her main shoot was growing for awhile but seems to have stopped. Im thinking of trying to clone the top shoot and seeing if I can save her that way, not sure she will make it.


Update continues on the next post.


Active member
Update Continued

9/13 - Day 42 I topped all of the plants outside of the stressed Biker Kush on 9/6. The following week on 9/13 I started to do some added training on the plants. Plants in 3gal pots where thrown into the flowering tent to begin that phase. The Headbanger and Skywalker Kush will not start flowering now as I plan to do more training with them over then next couple of weeks. I really want them to be able to take advantage of their 5 gal pots better.

I was able to sex all plants at this point as well. I did really well with my female to male ratios on this grow and ended up with more females than expected.

Earthman Technologies - Started 5x Purple Gummers seeds and lost one during veg that was fried by my T5 when I had a fan go out. Of the 4 remaining plants I was blessed to be left with 3 females and 1 male. Since these plants are being test grown for Earthman I didn't want to keep the male around as a pollen source so he was cut down.

Bodhi Seeds - Was a very small run with Bodhis genetics this round just popped 2 seeds in total, 1 Synergy and my one and only Sunshine Daydream bean at the time. I had a lot riding on the SSDD as its a special strain for me I hadn't had the chance to grow her. I have had 4 separate Sunshine Daydream orders get snatched by customs. Thanks to good friends and persistence I have recently been able to get a hold of more SSDD seeds. I was more than happy to see the Sunshine Daydream was a girl and sadly the Synergy was a male. I had initially wanted to keep him around for a pollen source. After letting him continue to grow for a few weeks I was just not impressed with his vigor, growth structure and node spacing after topping so he was tossed on 9/27

Karma Genetics - Got really lucky with the 3 Karma seeds I popped ended up with 3 females. Sadly the Biker Kush that I had the highest hopes for and was the most excited about has really had a rough go. She is still barely hanging on this point and I plan to try and clone her top shoot this weekend and try to save her.

Reserva Privada - Just planted one Skywalker Kush seed and it was a fem seed so I knew she would be a female. Always a little nervous about fem seeds so I will make sure to keep a close eye on her so she doesn't herm on me.

Headbanger and SSSDH x Jack being mauled I mean trained


Sunshine Daydream right before flower.


Im in love with this girls structure, tight node spacing, branching and her leafs.


9/28 - Sunshine Daydream - she is 2 weeks into flower, she is a really pretty girl.


9/28 - Headbanger - She has finished her training and starting her second day of flower along with the Skywalker Kush. The two of these girls look nearly identical after training with leaves, node spacing and overall structure. Both of them have tight node spacing, think stems with strong branching. They do look very similar to my Goji Og plants during veg from my previous grow. I expect they will start to stretch a lot and take on more of the Og plant structure in flowering, anticipating them to be stretching around 300%.


I will provide an update and much better photo documentation of all the girls in this grow at the end of this coming weekend. For the plants that have been flowering the past few weeks, I expect their stretching should start slowing down greatly. While those slow down on their stretch I really expect the Headbanger and Skywalker Kush to start taking off the next couple of weeks. I will also plan to update the status of the Biker Kush and whether or not she will survive.


Active member
I'm subbed. I like how organized your info is! Makes it a pleasant and easy read. Plants look good.


Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey kalyx

Thanks for the update

You seem to have things under control now looking forward to the next update

I hope your keeping well



Active member
@Useful Idiot - Hey buddy thanks for stopping by sadly its not looking like the Biker is going to pull through, everything else is doing great though. Have to take the bad with the good.

@GRIMS - Glad you like the set up of my logs still new to running these, Im used to scribbling notes in a note pad. Welcome to the party though, I think these girls will put on quite a nice show.

@Gardening Angel - Hey GA, thanks for dropping in, things are under control now and everything is looking and smelling really nice. I have had a number of setbacks for this grow more than I would like but its a happy tent right now.

Update 10/12

Girls are looking good and happy and all have flowering well underway. The girls are anywhere from 15 days to 29 days in flower. I was thrown a curve ball since the previous update that I wasn't expecting. Instead of 7 females in flower I only have 6, unfortunately I wrongly sexed my Headbanger plant as a female. In fairness to myself she threw out a few white hairs at her nodes, I have never seen a male do this. Last week when going to inspect her I noticed she/he was growing male flowers. He is not a hermie there are no female flowers on the plant and other than the few white hairs that showed before flowering he has only grown balls.

Might as well make the best of the situation, I will be collecting his pollen for use in the future. He is really an amazing plant, lots of vigor, extremely bushy very strong branching and great side branching. He has very close node spacing and the smell he gives off is the best part, its extremely loud on a stem rub of a burnt rubber, sour, og, greasy funk. I have moved him far from the flowering tent to collect his pollen. Im not positive if I will use him on this run but I'm considering dusting a few branches on the SSSDH x Jack and Skywalker Kush. The later is only 2 weeks into flower and has yet to really get started forming buds. The sssdh x jack is 4 weeks in but looks like only 2 weeks in. Guessing she is going to take at least another 7-8 weeks to finish. The other girls are a little farther along and not sure if there would be enough time for the seeds to mature before harvest.

Really sad that He turned out to be a male, it was my favorite plant in terms of structure but I figure his pollen may be more beneficial to me in the long run than flowers.

Headbanger - Its a boy!



Skywalker Kush - Day 7 - 10/5

Really liking this girl so far she has picked up an incredible lemon pinesol og funk aroma. She is a nice little bushy beast as well and and requiring a lot of training and tying down to keep her in control. Hoping that she will settle down on her stretching in the next week most likely will go on for another 2 weeks though. She has stretched a lot in the first 2 weeks of flower. I was thinking she would go about 300% but with the way she has gone Im thinking she may stretch more than that.


Skywalker Kush - Day 15 - 10/12

As you can see still having to tie her down, was really able to get her opened up nicely should allow the light to penetrate deep into her canopy. She looks like she will be a very nice yielder just need to keep her height under control before she out grows all the other plants.


SSSDH x Jack - Day 15 - 10/5

This girl is a soldier no doubt about it, thought I was about to lose her or half of her if I was lucky, due to me being a little overly aggressive with training. She has been getting trained and tied down through veg and the start of flowering like a few of my other plants. I know that she is going to be a big stretcher so I have wanted to train to keep her height in check. This problem happened sometime between 10/3 - 10/5 not sure when exactly but noticed it on 10/5 right before taking the picture below. The 2 main shoots where she had been topped had split down the middle of her main stem. The split was about 3 inches in length and straight down the middle. In the picture you can see that she was tied together using string. When I noticed this I thought for sure that I would lose one of if not both of her tops and be left with only the lower branches. I didn't want to use an adhesive thinking the chemicals in the tape/glue would cause more harm than good. I was also worried about her possibly getting infected but there have been no negative effects. This girl doesn't even seem to be bothered or slowed down by this happening. None of her leaves drooped and nothing has died. Bud development has progressed a lot the past week and is doing so equally on both tops.


Update continues on the next post.


Active member
Update Continued 10/12

SSSDH x Jack - Flower Day 29 - 10/12

She isn't really getting frosty yet moving along slowly to start flowering but the past week has had the most progression for her. She isn't smelling too strong yet but does have a hint of limes to her smell. While she is still stretching a bit the speed of her stretching has slowed some over the last week, by looks of things she will probably keep stretching for another week or two. Right now she has stretched about 250% Im thinking she will finish between 300-400%. She does have some nice main branches not too much in terms of secondary branching but is producing a good number of bud sites.


Sunshine Daydream - Flower Day 29 - 10/12

This girl Im absolutely in love with, she is working hard to meet the lofty expectations I have for this plant. She is just over 4 weeks flowering now and has progressed along the fastest of any of the plants. She is really filling in nicely and thickening up well, starting to get quite top heavy. Im actually planning on getting her tied up to some stakes this weekend. She is starting to flop around quite a bit so looking to give her a helping hand with support. She has the strongest stink of any of the plants, she reeks of a strong skunky and creamy funk. The frost this girl is putting on for 4 weeks of flower is nothing short of impressive. She is so covered the blurry picture I have is doing her no justice in displaying her frost but you can get the idea. She has all but stopped with her stretching and as expected stretched the least of all the plants. A tad hard to get and exact figure with the training and opening her up but she looks to have stretched about 150-200%. Her structure is very impressive and orderly, very bushy, great branching, incredibly tight node spacing. By the looks of things her buds will put on some good weight and will be a nice size. She is absolutely loaded with bud sites all over and appear like they will stack nicely.



A little blurry I will get better pictures for the next update but you can see her sugar leaves are just coated in crystals.


Sneak Peek into the Next Round

Just wanted to post this quickly to show some not all of the magic that will be grown in my Winter Log.

Bodhi Seeds - SkunkVA x Snow Lotus (testers) - 8 days old - 10-12


More updates coming soon.


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Update 10/19

Things are coming along very well in the garden over the past week. All flowering plants were fed Big Bloom, Kangaroots and Microbe brew over the weekend. The amount of Big Bloom used was increased a little bit, none of the plants have shown any signs of burning. All of them seem pretty hearty and not showing a lot of sensitivities. For now this update will just be on the Sunshine Daydream as Im still in the process of organizing and uploading pictures. I was finally able to upgrade to a new camera this weekend which is really helping increase the quality of the photos I have been taking. Its taking me some tinkering and has been a bit of the pain to get these photos uploaded onto my albums. So in the meantime while I work out technical difficulties enjoy the SSDD.

Sunshine DayDream - Flower Day 36

Absolutely in love with this little bushy girl in all aspects. To start she has great structure, incredible branching and very tight node spacing. Just one topping and a tiny bit of training in she turned into a beautiful squat bush with a pretty even canopy. She is absolutely loaded with bud sites everywhere and is stacking pretty nicely on her main tops. I love the dark green leaves she has that just contrast with the white frost thats coating everywhere on her buds. She is covered with a bunch of golf ball like flowers that just keep getting bigger and bigger. Really hoping that her flowers dont stop growing and swelling anytime soon. She has more frost than any of the other plants being grown right now and is also the strongest smelling. She is a stinker and at first you get a very strong skunky and kushy aroma to her, get in for a closer smell or a stem rub and you get a really buttery skunk aroma.


She is a bit leafy of a pheno but that really the only thing I could complain about with her. The good thing is her sugar leafs are totally coated with resin. I will be able to find plenty of great uses for those.


Really loving this new camera I picked up. Once I figure out all the bells and whistles I should be able to capture some amazing pictures of my ladies. I wasn't able to get this detail and quality off an iphone camera I had previously been using.


She is over 5 weeks into flower now Im guessing she is going to be at least another 3 weeks more likely 4. She does look much further along than any of the other plants Im growing. I know SSDD is supposed to be a 9 week strain for the most part. Compared to some of my other plants she looks like she might be a faster finishing pheno.


More updates coming shortly, as soon as I can get my pictures uploaded.


Active member
Update 11/2

Things are going great right now in the flowering tent, its my favorite time of the cycle when buds and smells really start developing. For the most part everything in the tent is exactly at the 50 day mark so just over 7 weeks. The Skywalker Kush is at 36 days sitting 2 weeks behind the others. There have been some ups and downs, changes and surprises with this grow but its looking like things will finish up nicely. I don't quite have the number of plants I had expected with this grow but it has turned into a rather nice and stinky cycle regardless.

There are some nice variations in the stages each of the flowering plants are in. The Sunshine Daydream is the farthest along and looks to be finishing up nicely. The SSSDH x Jack is going to have a longer flowering period but is really starting to frost and swell up, her buds are finally starting to take shape. Then the Skywalker Kush that is two weeks behind looks like she is just getting ready to blow up as her buds start to form and take shape.

Sunshine Daydream - Flower Day 50

Stunning is really the only thing I can think of to describe her, such an amazing all around plant. She has an excellent compact structure, tight node spacing, amazing branching and loaded with bud sites. She is covered with a bunch of beautiful chunky nuggets, she probably is one of the frostiest plants I have ever grown. She has an amazingly smooth buttery funk smell that keeps pulling you back for an extra sniff. She appears to be a fairly fast finishing pheno as well, she has faded a lot over the past week, her fan leaves are turning gold and yellow. At 50 days under the scope she appears to have quite a large amount of cloudy trichs. Im guessing she will be finished in the next 7 to 14 days. She has been getting pure water for the past week and will continue to be flushed until she is ready for harvest.

I could not be more pleased with this plant and the journey I have gone through with this strain. This strain does hold a special sentiment with me and this is the first time being able to grow her. At the time her seed was popped it was the only seed I had and nearly didn't make it on a couple of occasions as a seedling. I had a lot of hope put into this one seed and was not only blessed with a female but an amazing looking pheno at that. Everything about this plant has been awesome and exceeded my lofty expectations. Unfortunately, I was unable to take any cuts of her, it will be difficult trying to get a late clone or revegging her. I will still attempt to save this pheno but Im doubtful I will be able to. I am blessed to have gotten a hold of some more seeds, so I have plenty more amazing plants to find with this amazing cross.

She was a little thirsty before taking these pictures as you can see a little droop to her leaves. She is really starting to display those beautiful fall colors.






Update continues on the next post.


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Update Continued 11/2

SSSDH x Jack - Flower Day 50

This girl has come a long way the past week and is really becoming a joy to look at and smell. I know she is a longer flowering strain and I expected a slower flowering process. I have been planning for her to be around a 12 week plant give or take and seems like she will fall in that time frame, perhaps a little sooner. She is one impressive plant that has been through a lot of abuse and just keeps shinning through. To the point I thought half of her branches if not the whole plant would die, after the main stem was split down the middle. That didn't even phase or slow her down, there wasn't a single droopy leaf this girl just seems to be happy and keeps chugging along.

She has such a beautiful bud structure thats forming big pointed calyxes, so easy to see the haze influences in her genetics. If you couldn't tell there was haze in her from looking at her, smelling her will leave no doubt in your mind. She blasts you with a pungent piney, lemony, spicey haze funk. Im not getting really any smell of the sour d in her genetics yet but there is plenty of time for her terps to develop. Looking and smelling her really just reminds me of the jack I used to grow back in the day, just with a more organized structure to her. Her growth is all vertical, she has decent branching but they grow vertical as well. The vertical growth is awesome because she takes up so little room the entire plant is basically contained inside the width of her 3gal pot. If I was running just this pheno it would be ridiculous how many of them I could pack inside the tent with the way she grows. On top of that she is really starting to stack nicely and Im thinking she will bless me with some big fat colas.






Update continues in the next post.


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Update Continues 11/2

Skywalker Kush - Flower Day 36

She is a leafy beast but appears to have been tamed and her stretching has really come to a stop. After some training she has really taken on a nice shape thats pretty compact with a good number of tops. She is very bushy and very leafy and has taken a lot of training and maintenance, hoping that she will yield nicely but that will just depend on how she fills out. I had to get rid of a bunch of branches buried under the canopy, took 4 clones in the process. Got rid of a bunch of lower leaves and what would have been bud sites as well. She is just so bushy didn't want to end up with a bunch of larf, felt her energy would be better put only into the flowers getting light. She has been pretty well cleaned and opened up now, plenty of light penetration, time for her to take over and do her thing. She appears to be forming small dense little leafy buds at the moment, hoping they swell into some nice dense Og nuggets.

She has just hit 5 weeks so Im really expecting her flowers to blow up and develop over the next couple weeks. While she is very leafy her leaves are just covered in frost, I really like the dark green leathery look that she has to her. Smell wise she isn't the strongest in the tent but she is also the youngest plant, that being said she smells exactly how I had hoped she would. Rubbing one of her leaves or stems gives off and awesome lemon pinesol Og funk. The lemon parts to her smell are the strongest and just smells like a super sweet lemon candy. Really excited to see how this girl comes along and develops in the next couple of weeks. At the moment she looks like just a bunch of frosty leafs with some hairs, really hard to see the actual flowers. They may still be small at this point but they do look like they are going to be forming into some dense flowers. Assuming that she does fill out nicely she should without a doubt be the largest yielding plant of the group. She has required a lot of weekly maintenance and extra work the other girls haven't. I really hope she rewards me for the added efforts with a lot of tasty dank nuggets of Og love.

Sorry didn't realize until it was too late but all the Skywalker Kush pictures came out a little blurry, I will have better pictures up next week.





More updates coming soon.

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey kalyx

Thanks for the update pics look awesome as always

Looking forward to seeing the end result on that jack



Nice thread. Just noticed it. Likin the ffof mix... plants lookin great.


Nice SSDD. You are going to love the finished product. I tried to reveg one SSDD, it was a little slow but eventually made it so it is worth a try.


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@Siskiyou - Hey thanks and thank you for stopping by.

@Gardening Angel - Thanks GA I really appreciate it things are coming along great. Im with you on being excited with the Jack she is so greasy and just has a deadly look to her. I can already tell she is going to be one tasty hazey treat.

@sourpuss - Thanks for stopping by sourpuss glad to have you aboard. I do like the result I get with FFOF, tried some roots organics and wasn't as big of a fan, just my personal experience.

@v7ej207 - Thanks man SSDD is a very special plant to me this is my first time growing her though. Kicking myself for not taking cuts now, good thing I have more seeds to hunt through. I will try to get a clone or reveg her, just doubtful it will be possible the way I trimmed and trained her.

Update 11/9

Things are coming along great with the plants, was a fun week watching them grow. I ran out of time and was unable to get pictures of the SSSDH x Jack, so will be getting an update of her a little bit later. The Sunshine Daydream is doing great and looking amazing, almost chopped her down on Sunday but decided to give her just a little longer. If all goes to plan she will come down and be hanging in the drying cabinet this evening. The Skywalker Kush is really coming along nicely, she is starting to fill in and stack great, while smelling like candied lemon Og goodness.

Sunshine Daydream - Flower Day 57

She is such a beautiful plant words and pictures just can't do her justice. She is probably one of if not the frostiest plants I have ever had the pleasure of growing. She has really done a lot of fading the past few weeks and basically all of her fan leaves are yellow or have already fallen off. She has such a great structure and is just loaded with big pointy, chunky nuggets of love. If you thought she was pretty to look at, smelling her is truly magical. Such a smooth unique sweet buttery skunky funk, that just has me licking my chops to try her. She looks to be a fairly fast finisher looks like she will be right about the 60 day mark at chop. 8 and half weeks is good in my book especially with the stinky frosted gifts she is about to provide.

I will probably get some more pictures when she is chopped down but this will be the final round of her in all her living glory. She has some droopy leaves and they have been like that on her for a little while now. First thought was it was over-watering but thats not the case. None of the other plants I have are showing any signs like this, all plants are in the same soil and getting the same water. Im thinking that maybe this is more of a genetic thing with this phenotype finishing up it's cycle? If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them. The plant seems very healthy and happy otherwise, this leaf droop started shortly after she began her fade. Im not too worried as her flowers look and smell great, they have swollen to a large size. She is about to get the chop, guess its just more of wanting to know the cause of this. If it is something on my end would like to fix this for future grows.

Anyways here she is in all her stinky frosty goodness.






Update continues on the next post.


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Update Continued 11/9

Skywalker Kush - Flower Day 43

Im really liking this plant a lot, each week she impresses me more. She has always had a really good branchy structure, yet it's compact so she doesn't take up really any horizontal space outside of her 5gal pot. I started flowering her two weeks behind all the other plants and she still took her time to really get started flowering. This past week was great though, she has really started to form her flowers, they are really starting to fill in very nicely. She is a bit leafy and has required a lot of upkeep and extra attention to keep her opened up. I do love the look of her leaves though, they have such a pretty dark green color with a wet leathery look to them. Her sugar leaves are just completely frost, she seems to be forming some really tight dense buds. Her flowers appear to be stacking really nicely as well. Very excited to see how this girl progresses and develops over the next few weeks. The smell is the best thing about her right now, every time Im in the tent I keep going back for another leaf rub on her. Its just an explosion of candied lemon, piney Og funk, getting that smell hits a little part of heaven every time.






More updates coming soon.

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey kalyx

The sunshine day dream looks awesome

That Skywalker should come along nicely for you ive ran some dna/Rp stuff in the past
Usually good plants I remember finding a huge yeilding silver bubble a few years back

I hope your keeping well and im looking forward to your next update



Well-known member
I just found you. Great eclectic line up.Your sky walker is looking mighty fine and I was looking at the SSSDH x jack22 for purchase my self, so that's cool your running it.
The plant look outstanding.
I'm still chasing you with my SSDD.

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