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A Majority Of Florida Voters Support Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

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its time to end this maddness


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<header class="article-header margin--bottom padding--half-bottom border border--bottom border--thick news node node-story node-promoted mode-full"> Medical Marijuana Not An Easy Win In Florida

</header><aside class="promoted-media inset push--bottom">
Christopher GrangerTampa Drug Policy Examiner

</aside> September 6, 2014

For months the polls kept saying it was going to be a landslide win for Amendment 2 in Florida. Amendment 2 is the form of medical marijuana with a high THC content. Charlotte's Web passed in the Florida legislature back in the spring which is the form of Medical Marijuana that has no THC content. Recently new polls that simply reworded an earlier poll showed that if you just tweak the question it shows that it is not 88% in favor but possibly only 57% who are in favor of passing Amendment 2.
The opposition to the amendment have not really gained ground but they have been able to punch holes in Amendment 2. Their argument is that it is a closer step toward total legalization of marijuana. This us a sticking point for some who still live in the fifteenth century and believe it is the evil weed.
What really is funny about the whole thing is that in Colorado and Washington State it has been shown that recreational legalization of marijuana is not the evil that those against its legalization want to make it out to be. The tax revenue from sales are usually in the 3-4 million dollar range per month. Crime us down and traffic tickets are down. The arrests fir anything close to marijuana are usually simple misdemeanors.
Recently both sides squared off in a debate and those for legalization of Amendment 2 won hands down. There just are not enough good arguments to stop the defeat of the amendment. It might just make it past the 60% requirement to past. Just not as high as 88% that has been the number to beat for a long time. This November will see an increase in those who don't usually vote because of Amendment 2. There is just a little over a month and half until we do go to the polls. It will be interesting to see what both sides will bring out in this last little bit of time. This Amendment 2 may even be the deciding factor in the gubernatorial race between Governor Scott and challenger Charlie Crist. Scott is against amendment 2 as Charlie Crist is for it. May we have a great election either way. For information on the status of the legalization of medical marijuana in the State of Florida please go to forthepeople.com


Active member
And rick scott and his ilk are Eichmann wannabe's.

88% support medical. But people like governor rick scott have said he will VETO what the people want and his friends like this scumbag Sheldon adelson are putting up millions to see to it that continues to happen in the "sunshine" state. My best friend of over 30 years, family man with 2 kids, professional insurance man who represented Prudential is dying right this very minute in extreme pain in a hospital room in coral springs ( suburb of ft Lauderdale ) and now in his final moments of life he does not even have access to ANY cannabis and it's people like "governor" du jour rick scott who would lock people like my friend and so many others up in cages for merely trying to eeek out a few more days of life.

Fking bastards.

I am considering going to the newspapers and television stations about his situation. There isn't much time left, they are transferring him to hospice where he gets all the morphine he wants but he TOLD ME that the ONLY thing that has helped him eat, helped him sleep has been the cannabis and without it he would have already been dead. I am willing stand in front of the governors office personally and sign affidavits to that fact. Anyone in the media or who knows anyone in broadcasting send me a verifiable contact number and I'll tell you the whole story of how my friend, who is a good man is dying a bad death and how people like the governor of the state of Fla COULD with a simple signature change everything and help him and so many others like him.

Will you do it governor scott?

We must win. We must. Don't give up, don't give in. Fight. Get the word out. Make donations. Speak with as many people on the subject as you can. In getting my haircut at a hair salon where the average person is female and 50's on the low end and 80's on the high end, I had an audience today for over an hour speaking of the many benefits. This hair salon has been responsible for dozens of signatures for the ballot. Who knows how many others these wonderful older folks have spoken to who will help Fla win in less than 80 days now.


I would contact Charlie Christ. All these guys have assistants answering phones. Explain the situation and see if Charlie wants to get involved. This may be an opportunity for him to make his position clear, and to call out Rick Scott. Also, call the local state representative's office, although all the state congress people around here are anti-cannabis, Democrats & Republicans. But you can contact the local state representative for that district, which I believe is district 22 from that area. They are not state congressman, but local state representatives. Those people generally have staff that will actually help. I got help from them in a disability case. Find out who is the state representative for Ft. Lauderdale online, and call them.


ICMag Donor


New member
Hello, I'm a New Floridian, Republican Voter, 58, And I'm Voting Yes. I'm hoping the Vote opens Pandora's box and Legalizing Pot for Recreational use next.


ICMag Donor
The following is a piece of what the gop is considering making as it's NATIONAL policy in 2016 elections:

This particular scumbag pos is in Fla claiming he supports smaller, less intrusive government while simultaneously trampling the Constitution and desiring to bomb mostly poor people in poor countries and jailing human beings anywhere he can for having anything at all to do with cannabis.

GOP Congressman Warns Of The Real Social Ill Destroying American Values: Marijuana

WASHINGTON -- Conservatives are losing ground on the fight to keep marijuana illegal, a Republican congressman warned in dire terms at the Values Voter Summit.
During a conference mostly focused on religious liberty, abolishing the IRS and promoting small government, Rep. John Fleming (R-La.) delivered a full speech on the ills of decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana.
Fleming, a medical doctor, warned of a "growing acceptance" of marijuana -- a fact hard to deny, considering public opinion and state laws. Colorado and Washington state have legalized recreational marijuana, and 23 states and the District of Columbia have allowed the substance for medical use. <FORM id=qas_dfp_frm style="DISPLAY: none" method=get name=qas_dfp_frm action="" target=""></FORM>"The time for us to speak up on this issue is now," Fleming told the crowd of conservatives.
Fleming linked marijuana to deaths and domestic violence and said legalization supporters spread lies that marijuana is not addictive. Most supporters don't actually say it can't be addictive.
Of course, those ills apply even more so to alcohol. Asked about the comparison after his speech, Fleming acknowledged that there are problems with alcohol, but said it has been accepted by the culture for thousands of years, making prohibition "obviously problematic." The same social acceptance doesn't exist for marijuana, he said, echoing an argument he has made before.
"If you and I accept the fact that alcohol is a problem and a danger, is it logical to say, 'Well, instead of having one problem, that we should have two problems?'" he asked reporters after his speech. "Why add a second one if one is already causing problems?"
Fleming also dismissed the argument by advocates of legalization that it would allow states to collect significant amounts of tax revenue. A study released this month by personal finance site NerdWallet estimated that states would bring in a total $3.1 billion each year if they legalized marijuana.
The congressman said that more revenue may come in, but the cost of dealing with health issues, larger homeless populations and other social ills would make legal marijuana a net loss. (Whether Colorado's pot laws have actually drawn more homeless people is unclear.)
Fleming said he thinks efforts to keep marijuana illegal seem to be working -- at least to some degree. A recent study from the Public Religion Research Institute found that support for legalizing marijuana nationwide had dropped from 51 percent in 2013 to 44 percent this year.
But Fleming lamented that marijuana supporters remain unconvinced that the drug is dangerous.
"I'll show them the real science, and they just don't want to believe it because quite frankly, they want to smoke marijuana," Fleming said. "It's like if you're overweight. Who wants to cut back on eating when you enjoy eating? But it's still bad for your health."


Active member

Prohibitionists are in deep trouble with legalization in CO & WA, simply because the data won't match their predictions. Reefer madness has not occurred, nor will it ever. Two years from now, they won't have anywhere to hide when people say "That's not what happened in Colorado, Congressman, and we have the numbers to prove it."

Prohibition can't stand against the truth of legal marijuana, and we're laying it out there for everybody to see. This is it- this is what happens when marijuana is legal, and it's nothing to be afraid of. It just works better, for everybody.


Active member
The following is a piece of what the gop is considering making as it's NATIONAL policy in 2016 elections:

This particular scumbag pos is in Fla claiming he supports smaller, less intrusive government while simultaneously trampling the Constitution and desiring to bomb mostly poor people in poor countries and jailing human beings anywhere he can for having anything at all to do with cannabis.

GOP Congressman Warns Of The Real Social Ill Destroying American Values: Marijuana
View Image
WASHINGTON -- Conservatives are losing ground on the fight to keep marijuana illegal, a Republican congressman warned in dire terms at the Values Voter Summit.
During a conference mostly focused on religious liberty, abolishing the IRS and promoting small government, Rep. John Fleming (R-La.) delivered a full speech on the ills of decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana.
Fleming, a medical doctor, warned of a "growing acceptance" of marijuana -- a fact hard to deny, considering public opinion and state laws. Colorado and Washington state have legalized recreational marijuana, and 23 states and the District of Columbia have allowed the substance for medical use. <FORM id=qas_dfp_frm style="DISPLAY: none" method=get name=qas_dfp_frm action="" target=""></FORM>"The time for us to speak up on this issue is now," Fleming told the crowd of conservatives.
Fleming linked marijuana to deaths and domestic violence and said legalization supporters spread lies that marijuana is not addictive. Most supporters don't actually say it can't be addictive.
Of course, those ills apply even more so to alcohol. Asked about the comparison after his speech, Fleming acknowledged that there are problems with alcohol, but said it has been accepted by the culture for thousands of years, making prohibition "obviously problematic." The same social acceptance doesn't exist for marijuana, he said, echoing an argument he has made before.
"If you and I accept the fact that alcohol is a problem and a danger, is it logical to say, 'Well, instead of having one problem, that we should have two problems?'" he asked reporters after his speech. "Why add a second one if one is already causing problems?"
Fleming also dismissed the argument by advocates of legalization that it would allow states to collect significant amounts of tax revenue. A study released this month by personal finance site NerdWallet estimated that states would bring in a total $3.1 billion each year if they legalized marijuana.
The congressman said that more revenue may come in, but the cost of dealing with health issues, larger homeless populations and other social ills would make legal marijuana a net loss. (Whether Colorado's pot laws have actually drawn more homeless people is unclear.)
Fleming said he thinks efforts to keep marijuana illegal seem to be working -- at least to some degree. A recent study from the Public Religion Research Institute found that support for legalizing marijuana nationwide had dropped from 51 percent in 2013 to 44 percent this year.
But Fleming lamented that marijuana supporters remain unconvinced that the drug is dangerous.
"I'll show them the real science, and they just don't want to believe it because quite frankly, they want to smoke marijuana," Fleming said. "It's like if you're overweight. Who wants to cut back on eating when you enjoy eating? But it's still bad for your health."

This pinhead is a religious fanatic from Louisiana. What would you expect him to say? Lying is a way of life for "believers", or "people of faith", another way of saying "superstitious", ignorant religious fanatics who are incapable of critical thinking, and believe whatever tripe has been jammed down their throats since birth. His type, thankfully, is a dying breed, and he represents only a tiny minority of people. Thankfully, they are dying off. The more he talks, the more of a fool he makes of himself. No one with a brain believes his lies.
On the other hand, at least he is not a communist who is trying to destroy our country by importing illegal voters over our unprotected southern borders in order to gain future Democratic voters, and to advance his agenda to destroy the white power base while he turns America into another third world country, where the slaves are all working for the one percent. At least he has not released 37,000 convicted felon illegal aliens, including 200 murderers, many more rapists, and thousands of violent illegal criminals, gang members, cartel members, people with infectious diseases.These released illegal alien criminals have already murdered scores of Americans, and have spread the Obama Virus throughout our country to infect our children. At least he hasn't broken the law on many occasions as our President has. The Constitution? Forget it. The President has his own constitution. He makes up the rules as he goes along, while ignoring the will of the American people on immigration. He makes a joke of our entire system, and, on top of that, cannabis arrests and raids on dispensaries have increased under his watch. Being a racist is Ok, as long as you are a black racist. I am currently writing a paper on the absolute corruption of the Clintons. Since I have personal knowledge of this due to my relation to the Clintons during their cocaine using days, I am fully aware of the corruption of the next probable Democratic nominee,and will do everything in my power to prevent this from happening. Hillary is as big a liar as Bill, and has been his enabler throughout his corrupt career. Just Google the people pardoned by Clinton and ask yourself why he pardoned so many cocaine dealers (including his brother), and a large group of Puerto Rican terrorists who committed many bombings and murders. The Clintons are as corrupt as they come, and Obama is right there, trying to outdo them. It's imperative to keep these self serving criminals out of office. It may be too late to undo the damage they have caused. Cannabis is an important issue to me, but not as important as our freedoms, which are being taken away.
We need a strong third party more than ever, but the powers that be are not going to allow that. There is no bright side here. Both parties are scum, both are crooked and as corrupt as can be, but that's our system of bribery and oligarchy. There are no good choices, as this is not a democracy. The only thing we can do is vote out whichever scumbags are in office currently, and then do it again next time around.
As far as Florida, I will be voting "Yes", but I do not believe the bill will pass, due to the 60% requirement, and all the religious loons in north western Florida. The incredibly corrupt governor is against it, and the fact that he was even elected shows the lack of intelligence of Florida voters.


Active member
and to advance his agenda to destroy the white power base

Where's the problem?

while he turns America into another third world country, where the slaves are all working for the one percent.

how's he gonna do that, again... go back in time to the 1600's?
I don't care about politicians, but your arguments are silly.


Active member
politic in general is retarded to follow along to and participate. i don't wan't you to think i'm singling you out or anything. i just found your arguments to be silly in light of the overall silliness of politics.

you're going on about obama opening the borders to secure more democrat votes. i dunno if you're saying that because he's a democrat or because minorities are supposed to automatically vote democrat. imma leave that one alone.

but then your "white power" base argument...and the rest of it... it's like, you're being a religious fanatic about politricks, talking about someone else you deem a religious fanatic. i couldn't help myself. the words sorta just burst their way outta my mouth.

also you mighta missed it but...we're already including you ...slaves for the 1%...always have been. which is why i don't understand why you're investing so much energy into this. it's all bullshit. that's not gonna help you.

we're the slaves, the 1% are the masters. everyone in between us and them, work for them to keep us in check. they're the plantation overseers. you're asking the guys who are slaving you/us to set you free. that shit ain't gonna work, you gotta just set yourself free.


Active member
Fuck politics they are all crooks both charlie and rick.

Opiates the drug company's make the drugs supply the demand

makes money quick and then throws everybody in jail

then move on to the next drug of choice.


Active member
Fuck politics they are all crooks both charlie and rick.

Opiates the drug company's make the drugs supply the demand

makes money quick and then throws everybody in jail

then move on to the next drug of choice.

This fact, and that also since this is an "off year" election, meaning less young people will vote, makes me think that 60% needed for mmj might be a just a pipe dream and was put on the ballot only to make it look like they are responding to the majority of the what the public wants, but in fact are not. That Charlotte's Web thing is held up now too, so that is pretty much meaningless and just more lip-service.

We all know that voting in FL is rigged. I plan to just vote for Amd.2 and whoever the Libertarian candidate for governor is, but I don't really expect either to do well. Would be nice to be proven wrong about that here though.
Why would you just throw your vote away on "whatever libertarian candidate" out there rather than the best person for the job no matter what party?


Active member
Why would you just throw your vote away on "whatever libertarian candidate" out there rather than the best person for the job no matter what party?

Maybe I should just not vote for any guber candidate like I intended anyway and only for Amd 2. Would that make you more comfortable?

But a vote for anyone else, even if that person loses, is still a vote. Just not for some establishment douche-bag. Maybe I'll write-in Mickey Mouse. Whatever.

Why do you care about that anyway? I think I have heard this lame bit before. Why do you ass-u-me somebody else might be the best anyway this is irrelevant TO WHAT I WAS RESPONDING TO, WHICH WAS CHARLIE OR RICK AND POLITICS IN GENERAL? Those two are both bought off idiots so I think any vote for them is a wasted vote.

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