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Portable Dabs


How low are other mech mod users running their coils?

Articles I have read recommend .5 or above but I get the best hits at .3

The battery is an EFest 18650. Using the equation Volts/ohm resistance = discharge rate,
I end up with 14A. (4.2v/0.30ohms = 14A)

This number must be < the discharge current of the battery or you'll short it and something bad will happen. At least thats what I understood.

I still have to work on getting the coils to heat evenly and simultaneously. Getting both into the center pin accounts for 90% of the annoyance factor.
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I have been really happy actually with my twisted 28g 6 wrap dual coil running at 0.48 Ohms -- I think it has been my best one yet.

I am constantly building new coils and trying them, most recently with 24g, but for some reason I keep going back to that same one previously mentioned. I dunno why, it just seems to have the best mix of elements for me at the moment lol -- i.e.: heat, size, sturdiness, burning, etc.

For varied readings on your ohm reader it could be due to your post screws not tight enough, or some readers can change depending how tightly you screw the atomizer onto them.

Past that -- have you been using the calculator? Its really helpful for wrapping specific coils


How low are other mech mod users running their coils?

Articles I have read recommend .5 or above but I get the best hits at .3

The battery is an EFest 18650. Using the equation Volts/ohm resistance = discharge rate,
I end up with 14A. (4.2v/0.30ohms = 14A)

This number must be < the discharge current of the battery or you'll short it and something bad will happen. At least thats what I understood.

I still have to work on getting the coils to heat evenly and simultaneously. Getting both into the center pin accounts for 90% of the annoyance factor.

I think those batteries are only guaranteed to output 3.7v, so your calculation may be a little off. I just took a fully charged one my charger says is charged to 4.2 and put a meter on it and it reads about 4.01v output


Active member
Question ; I received a small plastic bag in a letter from a brother of mine out west.. it's this same stuff but I have no idea what to do with it ?? I've been an avid enthusiast of cannabis and some edibles but have never seen this.. Terminal renal failure causes me several debilitating health conditions , including severe nausea.. He said in the letter that this would help immensely..? any advice; I don't want to ruin it ..


New member
Wow! I was away for a little while but Thanks so much to flatslabs for the tech.
I've read through the thread and collected some instructions for assembly.
So here they are:

From Flatslabs::

A friend of mine asked me to build him a rig so I just went shopping on ebay.

I was able to get the following, which is a complete setup minus the stuff to build a coil, which he doesn't need obviously. Just wanted to post this here for anyone looking at what its gonna run.

It was $125 for all of this stuff shipped. There are cheaper clones, but all of the reviews I have read seem to regard Ehpro as one of the best and closest to the originals.

* Ehpro Brand - Nemesis Mod Clone
* Ehpro Brand - TOBH RDA Atomizer
* 2 Efest 35A 18650 High Drain Batteries
* Efest LUC v2 Charger
* 3 Magnet upgrade for Nemesis
* 4 Piece Nemesis hybrid adapter


And again, there are a million different parts you can choose to make one. You don't need the Nemesis and the Patriot, I just listed the above parts because I have used a bunch of them and I like these the best for one reason or another, which I can elaborate on if you guys want.

My Nemesis clone is made by Ehpro, they seem to be regarded as one of the higher quality clone companies but honestly other than screw / post differences I haven't seen much variance from one to the next.


Here is a list of things you can search for on ebay to build a rig like mine and the ones discussed above. I am not providing direct links in case the auctions close or you want to search for a deal.

Search eBay for the following, These are the 4 main parts you need for your vape.

1) "Nemesis Mod"

- Get whichever color you want. I recommend getting the magnet switch upgrade if your seller offers it. It gives better feeling to the button


1) "Nemesis Hybrid Adapter"
NOTE: You just cant use the hybrid adapter with an Ehpro brand Nemesis, the threads are different.

- This piece is totally optional, but lets you reduce the length of the vape for those that prefer a more stealthy approach.

If you refer to the pic I posted above, it would let you totally remove that top silver ring. That ring is meant for a different kind of atomizer and isn't used with the RDA style we use.

2) "Patriot RDA"

- Again, get whichever color you want. I got one that was drilled out for more airflow, which works good for our purposes.

3) "Efest 18650"

- These are the batteries. Make sure you get the purple 35A High Drain 18650 batteries. Do not get generic or cheap batteries. Get at least 2.

4) For your battery charger you have two options. "Intellicharger i4" or "Efest LUC v4"

- The efest charger is a little more expensive, but comes with a car plug so you can charge on the go and the screen gives you a lot more information about the battery status. Do not get a cheap charger either. No cheap chargers, no cheap batteries!

*) For the switch upgrade, just search ebay for like "nemesis 3 magnet switch upgrade" its gonna be 3 little round magnets for like 6 bucks. It replaces the spring in your switch for a better feel.

The next two items are really up to you what you get, you need material to build coils, which consist of wire and wick. You can find this stuff on Amazon or eBay

1) "24 AWG Kanthal"

- Your coil wire. Use any gauge you want. I am using the above. Make sure the listing says the wire is A1 grade.

8 Wraps with 24 A1 is pretty good around a 2mm post

2) "stainless mesh 400"

- You want a piece of stainless steel mesh which you roll up to use for the wick inside of your coil. I am not sure if the mesh count really matters, but the one I use is 400 mesh.

from boutdablife:""
Thats all I did just rolled it up around a paper clip a few times and then stuck it inside my coil. It was a little loose at first but after some dabs it seems to stay put. However when I re-do it I will probably do a few more wraps of the mesh so it is tighter inside the coil.

After that, all you need to do is build your coil which may seem daunting but really takes about 15 minutes your first time, 10 of which is spent watching youtube videos.

Also, an optional piece of equipment, but one I recommend is "atomizer ohm meter" so you can measure the resistance of the coils you are building. They can be dangerous if you are experimenting with new coil designs and end up wrapping a super low sub-ohm coil


You need the 4 main parts, which make up the vape itself, as well as the wick and wire, so 6 items total. And I highly recommend getting one of those ohm testers, they are only about 12 bucks

The only tools you will need are just basic things like clippers to cut the wire and something to wind your coil around. The Patriot RDA i bought came with a screwdriver which is exactly 2mm diameter, perfect for wrapping coils around.

The dudes videos are annoying, but I would tell you to look on youtube for a guy named Rip Trippers who does all kind of coil builds for e-cig people. The video most applicable to our purposes is the one titled "The Macro Coil", just ignore the part about the cotton which we dont use



Yeah, pretty much everything you are going to buy is going to be a clone. The authentic parts are like hundreds of dollars a piece for some reason and the 1:1 clones are the same pretty much.


link to post with picture instructions:

link to:
from boutdablife:""
Well, its not quite that simple. It has to do with wire gauge, wraps, style of wrap, diameter of coil wrap, how many coils, etc.


check that out its a nice calculator so you can have an idea on what to make if you are shooting for a specific Ohm reading.

a few basics that may help

thicker wire - lower Ohm for same amount of wraps

number of wraps - usually around 5-7 but that can vary depending on style of coil

style of wrap - the current trend is to make tight touching coils because they heat more evenly, from the center out, and don't create hot spots. not to say it HAS to be that way.

diameter of coil - less diameter = more wraps for same Ohms. more wraps = more surface area for more even vaporization.

how many coils - dual coils automatically cuts your Ohm's in half. so if you want a 0.5 Ohm build, you need to make two 1.0 Ohm coils.

I usually use the calculator in "Single Coil" mode and just shoot for whatever Ohm I am looking for on a single and then I know I can duplicate it for a dual (1/2 resistance) coils. For some reason when I try to use the calculator in parallel mode or others it gives me odd numbers sometimes. As long as you know Dual = 1/2R of Single, good to go.


Nemesis mod stainless with stainless tobh atomizer

Yes and no, The nemesis mod you have linked is made by Cigreen not Ehpro, which is fine if you want to take a gamble on quality. The ebay sellers all put the diff brands in the title so you have to read the actual item description. The Tobh is nice but harder to build on than a patriot in my opinion.

Yes just make sure you get the 18650 not the smaller one.
efest luc v2 charger

Efest just came out with a new Luc S2 charger. Same charger but a easier to read screen and better form factor, same price.

nemesis 3 magnet upgrade
Yep, but optional

nemesis hybrid adapter
Yes, but optional and wont work with Ehpro brand nemesis. Should work with the one you linked above tho.

stainless mesh

kanthal a1 wire


Mod you linked is good, get the patriot from this dude its pre-drilled for more airflow, my friend got one from that guy so I know it works ok as far as the hole sizes, etc.


Thats the right charger you linked, get the V2 or the S2 they are really the same internals and same price, but you might like the design better of one or the other.

is there a magnet adapter and/or hybrid adapter for the mod you recommend?

All the magnets are pretty much the same. If you search around on some vaping forums you can find links to buy the magnets by the dozen for cheap.

I haven't found any hybrid adapter that works on the ehpro, but its not really a big deal. The build quality outweighs the extra 1/4" in height you save.


Trying to decide if the fasttech magnets are worth it. Only $2.50 for 10 with free shipping.
3 times I have put the thing in a container with the lock off by accident and it fires up. I want a trigger that can stand on end and not activate


If you put 4 magnets in there you won't have to worry about it going off accidentally, if you adjust the button right its going to take you 2 fingers to fire it.

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
I thought I show off what this thread inspired me to put together. First off...I dont have a source for dabs. What I do have is a good supply of melty bubble hash. In a pipe it burns down to a very thin white ash so...not quite full melt. Thank you to flatslabs, greyskull & all who contributed.
The full unit- (IGO W3 on SMOK Natural Mod)

Whats doing the work- (dual 18 wrap 22ga sleeper coil after use & self clean)

Ready to go-

Pretty much spent-

Part of the puzzle-( .625" ceramic screens)

It works great. It def starts off as a vape experience. You can really taste the difference vs burning. Im getting much more stoned per "x" amount vs burning too. This is my version 1.0. I have 2 other RDAs I plan on building differently.


A custom titanium nail heated directly inside/below the cup with resistance film encased in ceramic would be great as there would be no waste/reclaim and scraping the surface clean would not cause any issues. I wonder if I wrap a quartz nail in kanthal ribbon I can make a working vape...a box mod that uses an 18mm gong would be fun, until you dropped it.