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i got my own place! it's boring as phuk!


Lover of Life
Not sure, but where I live, you have to be elderly to get into an elderly apt. complex.

I tried to rent one of those sweet pads with my girlfriend when we found out how much rent was, but we didn't fit the age criteria..lol...nice try though


Well-known member
Dude you sure your not h20?cause he made the same threads and had the same avatar.either way tell us how you got that deal.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
nope it's not Sec. 8 guys. Elderly complex. Del Boca Vista.

Ordered my Comcast, should be installed in about a week or so.

Got a ticket for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle because I didn't have my wallet on me and I have a NY license. The cops said they couldn't find a match and I have to go see a judge when I get the summons. Complete pain in the ass.
hiya db,,,,hope your license stuff works out buddy and can I ask you what a sec 8 is? is that like a warden assisted "block for the elderly" like we have in the uk?..peace and regards s2

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor


I THINK WE BEEN HAD!! "Are you fuckin with US, DB?" (said in the voice of Robert Deniro in Taxi Driver)

No, really...are you fucking with us? 'Cause this whole thread has been perplexing to say the least. Senior citizen? Who uses the spelling "phuk." And rent of $275 in/near Boston, Ma? That's incredibly low for a city as high rent as Boston and it's environs is.

Fess up dude.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
hiya db,,,,hope your license stuff works out buddy and can I ask you what a sec 8 is? is that like a warden assisted "block for the elderly" like we have in the uk?..peace and regards s2
hey thanks man! no it's like an apartment complex where only old people live, that's where I live. Section 8 is this thing in America where you get the government to pay a portion of your rent. IT takes like 5 years to get. :dance013:


Active member
Boredom has led to some of my worst decisions in life..and in the worst cases, jail.

Just chill. Stay SAFE.. And read, watch netflix and shit, and find some hobby like the park, rock climbing gym, or somewhere you can meet other people(preferably smokers and females?)

Going through a divorce and being alone for about 3 or 4 months, in a new place, and an entirely new way of life, I kinda feel what you're saying… But things just seem to happen when you least expect or crave them to.

Until shit happens(and you're going places and giving it an opportunity to happen because nothing will just come to you), BE HAPPY and enjoy EVERY day of life because it passes fast. And from the sound of it, you have more headroom to be content than A LOT of us not even considering the added paranoia of a grow or your $400/mo living conditions..

Just stay safe man. Find happiness w/ yourself. And the less you tell any new friends the better… :tiphat:

Edit-and don't push the odor factor just because you can man! Never know when the wrong person is in the building whether it's to visit old relatives or whatever. Get some auto spray air-freshener things and light some candles for the lil old ladies. They'd appreciate it over the weed smell I'm sure..smoker or not.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
hehe thanks Rico
im really high, scored some Casey Jones. It's good. Said it was a cross between og kush/trainwreck/thai but im not sure. It's good though.
Didn't go to my place today. Stayed at the family home all day. Had to borrow money for my weed anyway so hey. Chilling on the couch in the living room high and watching tv


Active member
LOL if your borrowing money for weed to get high on your parents couch....you got your priorities wrong, or your parents are rich and don't mind you sponging off them.

Honestly you might have more luck finding a lady if you had a job....


I have to agree, but im sure we all did that for a bit in our lives. Getting out and getting a job is really the best advice man, your home is supposed to be boring its your safe place from the world, with tv, internet and plants :)

Its hard to stop being lazy and slacking once you are set into that routine, but is that all you want to do with your life?

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
went to BestBuy yesterday and scored a new HP laptop with 2 year protection plan. Has Windows 8, getting the hang of using it. Comcast is scheduled for a few days from now, internet woohoo! I'll never have to come home except for food or money for weed

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Make sure you give back to those that gave to you.

Good luck with the new digs, sounds promising!


Lover of Life
Reading this thread reminds me of how fun it was getting my own place. Makes me want to move into a new place myself actually and get a delivery driver job or something and just meet new people...growing is lonely, for real.

Dude, D.B....your thread here kinda inspired me.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
cable guy came this morning! have my internet all set up! $50 a month but I have a smart TV that gets Netflix so it's worth it. Feeling good today, gonna puff on some sour diesel


its a 15 minute walk from my family's house. I kept it simple and just have a nice tv and leather loveseat and a bed, it's a 1 br. Its very clean.
The thing is, when I pictured myself getting a place I didn't realize I would miss this place and want to come back. I come back every day though, and have only slept in my new place maybe twice now. Its very lonely and I don't see street traffic, all I can do is watch tv and smoke weed. Not going to pay $100 for internet on top of what I already do. The rent is only 275 and its in a building but Im not paying for internet. I want to move back home. Theres nothing to do at the new place. No people, no animals, no noise out on the street, it sucks.
Does anyone live in a building? What do you do all day? My balcony faces north I think, I only get the afternoon sun. What to do. Very bored and lonely there.

I know its a multi paged thread by now but im gonna respond to this: you need to get a damned life and do more with your place than just a tv and love seat

you sound young and not ready; I have/had a carribean mother growing up and she always wanted me and my brother to be in the house. she got mad at me one day and wanted to kick me out, lmao, I had a bag packed and ready to go before she could finish her sentence.

yeah man, go back home, your not ready yet, you got some growin to do still. you've got your own place and all you can do it think about how lonely you are?! girlfriend? friends? cousins other family? house warming party? . . .:comfort: naaaah your not ready yet

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
well that's pretty retarded, im already here. It's like mine for life as long as I pass inspection every year. It's kind of like a condo. And the rent and utilities are about the same as a monthly condo fee I would assume. What can I say, all I want to do is smoke and watch Netflix and use the internet and eat and sleep and just enjoy life and keep it simple


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Reading this thread reminds me of how fun it was getting my own place. Makes me want to move into a new place myself actually and get a delivery driver job or something and just meet new people...growing is lonely, for real.

Dude, D.B....your thread here kinda inspired me.
your damn right hops5k,,if you wanna do it right then growing is a lonely/solitary job even if your surrounded with people,,i hope that makes sense, sorry for going off kilter db,,,,peace and regards s2:tiphat: