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A World On A String

Jericho Mile

Jericho champ sorry 4 my shitty english but its a GrusGrav we running in.. i dont know if thats the word you guys use but google translate tells me the name is the same ? Its a place where they digg for gravel .....We dont have Hills in my part of Denmark so this is the ony way i can get some hights :) The good thing with such grus grav is that there is water you can swim in after a good run but be carefull its cold water and it can kill one so dont dive :) The maker of this run use it for training before switzerland ultra maraton in the mountains and trans canaria

It's a gravel quarry. Cool that you guys are out there racing in it. Some of my runs are in old mining areas..similar to running in a quarry. One thing I marvel at: people can build roads/trails just about anywhere...but if left untended..nature takes them back.

Pre dawn here. Another hot day predicted. We've gotten almost no rain all year. This summer is dry...the trails are hard and dusty..cooked by summer sun...thirsty. The elements are the elements...accepting is conditioning


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
yep I woke up at 4 figured stay up and try to get some things done before it gets to hot, but then I smoked and have been online since lol.

have you seen that mini series about earth after humans they detail 1 year, 10 years, 100, 1000... it truly is amazing but really when you think about it, how could be any other way, the world never mind the universe has been here for billions of years full of geological and more recently biological activity that constantly reshapes the earth like it itself where a living thing. humans on the other hand only 100,000 years, outside the stone age only a few hundred, modern technology has only been around for what 30? It's a pretty egotistical idea to think that anything we create wont eventually get destroyed and consumed back into the cycle by either the earth or the greater universe at large.

what convo to start the day! lol

Jericho Mile

yep I woke up at 4 figured stay up and try to get some things done before it gets to hot, but then I smoked and have been online since lol.

have you seen that mini series about earth after humans they detail 1 year, 10 years, 100, 1000... it truly is amazing but really when you think about it, how could be any other way, the world never mind the universe has been here for billions of years full of geological and more recently biological activity that constantly reshapes the earth like it itself where a living thing. humans on the other hand only 100,000 years, outside the stone age only a few hundred, modern technology has only been around for what 30? It's a pretty egotistical idea to think that anything we create wont eventually get destroyed and consumed back into the cycle by either the earth or the greater universe at large.

what convo to start the day! lol

I believe the basics elements of life..will eventually..reclaim anything humans do. That being said...it is not an excuse for people to be idiots.

^ morning harvest of hot house grown Boston Pickling cucumbers. Fun to grow....fast moving action..been hand feeding them liquid blooming nutrients. Harvests have been daily...the plants still blasting out new growth..new flowers...new fruit.

There's actually some work there...as I'm having to train and tie them frequently. They are now supported on 2 different cages/trellises because I (weeks ago) ran out of head space..and because I don't want to block light going to the tomato plants. My indoor mentality looming large

Set out ant baits last evening. there is a full invasion in progress...and it started on a single cucumber plant. Time to check those farmers of aphids...baits take a while...but they do knock out the colonies. This morning they were heavy into the baits. It's now just a matter of time.

^ Untrimmed flowers from a Queen Mox...harvested 3 days ago. This morning I bagged them up to slow down the drying process. Tomorrow morning I'll open the bag...spread the flowers out on some newspaper....set some time aside to trim it..tomorrow evening


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
I love pickled veggies, its the only way I will eat some i.e. green beans.

I hate not eating my own food...

enjoy the trimming :moon: haha, its the worst part... hopefully soon I will be resigning to processing whole crops into hash... fuck trimming anymore. lol

oh yeah congrats on the thread being recognized as an ICMAG all time best!
It's a gravel quarry. Cool that you guys are out there racing in it. Some of my runs are in old mining areas..similar to running in a quarry. One thing I marvel at: people can build roads/trails just about anywhere...but if left untended..nature takes them back.

Pre dawn here. Another hot day predicted. We've gotten almost no rain all year. This summer is dry...the trails are hard and dusty..cooked by summer sun...thirsty. The elements are the elements...accepting is conditioning

When its dry and damn hot do you then use salt pills ?
Quarry ...offcause ..i played command and conquer so i should know :) And yes its fun to run in and deffenly hell when its hot


I've been sucked into the conceptual philosophy of the barefoot running thing too. At this age (lets just say somewhere between 40 and 41 years old), I don't have a whole lot of injury tolerance and running is notorious for this.

Still, I am LOVING it out there every day. Trying to take it easy, ease into it as all the book-learning instructs. Most of my life, with running, I have had to force myself to do it. Make it to that next tree. Try to trick myself to make it to one more tree.

Now, I don't know what happened. I just got it. It just clicked. I figured out how to cruise, how to levitate. How to breathe. I have to tell myself, STOP at the next tree. But I try to then tell myself, how about one more. Just up to that tree, then I will stop. Five minutes cruises by, and I say again "you gotta stop dude, stop at the next tree".

Anyway... I have some huaraches I made from a kit and dig them, but am not ready to take them on the rough trails here. Around here there are blackberries trailing their thorny vines all over the place, and much worse. I feel nervous with open toes. Maybe I can get there someday, but for now I just want a little protection.

I bought some "Lems" Primal IIs, but they are too narrow. I am cursed with super wide feet, and supposedly natural running will make them even wider over time. I'm sending the Lems back, the toebox is great but the middles are like torture devices. A size up, and they will be floppily too long.

I hear the Altras are pretty wide... called their customer support and I am tempted to give them a try.

I hear you on the hybrid thing. Conceptually, I like pure sativas and have wrangled a couple. In the end, I do like the semi-tamed varieties.

With my growing style, I love the idea of almost permacultural growing methods. Just using local inputs, aging them appropriately, taking the long view with minerals and compost teas.

In action though, I get better results augmenting just a bit with ready-to-go fertilizers.

I know I have more to learn, about everything. This is a journey, after all, not a destination. I dig the ride!

Jericho Mile

some crazy threading last evening..

some crazy threading last evening..

when you don't know shit...and you know you don't know shit...but you wallow in shit...it's a funny thing

One foot in the horse shit (thinking about Crazy Horse)

you know I lose..you know I win..you know I call for the shape I'm in..........

^ Is it a mess? I guess. I switched out my 1000 watt HPS for a 600 watt HPS because of the heat we are having. That means my flower studio is only lit by 1200 watts...2 vertical bare bulb 600's.

a couple plants have rotated in and out....steady harvesting. Sailing the ship through waves of heat....aye aye...don't lose the helm..check your own fucking depth

Pretty high...sitting here...sipping tea...the sun well below the ridge line..shadows sinking...twilight bats feeding

the mountains got a cloud burst today....so fine to see feel hear smell taste precipitation. Put a late afternoon run in...start August out..trampled underfoot...this was my 5th consecutive day out..bingeing..as...the last 9 of 10 have been training days...

22 of 31 days for 33 hrs and 15 minutes was how July came out. 33 hrs out of a 31 day month does not seem like much to me. Solid though. Put forth good effort...put in the work. July is a good heat month....August and September can be better. Going to keep pushing consecutive days through August...see how that goes.

* my weight has been holding at 137 lbs. Bruce Lee weight. I can easily lose 5 lbs of water weight during a 2 hr run. Feel I'm burning a really clean fuel...sticking to plant based diet....using the Vitamix blender every day..eating as much of my own homegrown as possible....the feeling..yeah...it feels really clean burning and efficient in the elements

More and more I find: during my down time off the trails (usually no more than 3 days max) I'm way more tight and sore than on the days I train. I told my wife that I need to keep running just to be comfortable. The off days...though needed (I hear)...kind of really...suck. Generally the 1st run after an off day will be sluggish or bound up..not so fun.

the consecutive day method is a different kind of endurance training. I can hardly remember one session from the next....becomes a blur of hills...drainages..trails...rocks..logs...snakes..flies..sun...brush...yucca..ravens...buzzards..lizards...gnats..sage...deer...coyote...rabbit...horses....helicopters...bikers...runners...hikers...and in the aftermath:

solitude isolation awareness
"Generally the 1st run after an off day will be sluggish or bound up..not so fun."
I hate that one...im working on tricking my mind to hate the day off :)
next year at 4 20 Me and some other potheads around the world run a maraton in the name of Mary J .. Feel welcome to join it champs


I come from the land where the oceans freeze

I just read about the ultra marathoner kilian jornet and thought of you. Over a 100miles in the Colorado race recently he climbed 33000 ft. Dude is a beast. Anyways, they mentioned pacers and made me think of you. Get em

Jericho Mile


I just read about the ultra marathoner kilian jornet and thought of you. Over a 100miles in the Colorado race recently he climbed 33000 ft. Dude is a beast. Anyways, they mentioned pacers and made me think of you. Get em

I've got his book "run or die"....good read. That dude is on a whole different planet. YouTube some of his sky running events....

Bred in the mountains of Spain

Jericho Mile

into the 6th day

into the 6th day

went to bed late and got up early. It's overcast and muggy...drizzling off and on since daybreak.

Hurting a bit today. Body is having a tired day...the lack of sleep...the hills and hours

around a gram of Moxie already consumed...over coffee and toast..or whenever I need to deepen the layer of mind fog..ease the aches (not sure on that one...herb doesn't work as a painkiller for me)

suffice to say: I'll rely heavy..today..on the powers of the Mox to get me motivated..out the door...into the trail. Usually...a rain event..would have me chomping to run. Today though..it's all about the discipline...because I'm not feeling it.

I'll come around

^ a nugget still needing to be trimmed. Something I have to make time for this evening. Have a 64 day Moxie needing to be manicured.

What's the difference between a 64 day and a 58 day harvest? Beats me. I get to them..when I get to them.

Jericho Mile

When its dry and damn hot do you then use salt pills ?
Quarry ...offcause ..i played command and conquer so i should know :) And yes its fun to run in and deffenly hell when its hot

There is sea salt in the coconut powder I dissolve in my water bottle. It's basically evaporated coconut water with tapioca glucose (sugar)..sea salt

For sure need to take up salts if you are running the body toward dehydration.

* many of the gels...energy bars etc..are really garbage. A lot of them are just loaded with refined sugars...which can give a boost but can also serve up blood sugar crashes


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
I like that foxtail structure... and I hate those days where you know you need to get some shit done but don't feel like it, tricky little ego telling you its ok to take a day off... you deserve it. :)
There is sea salt in the coconut powder I dissolve in my water bottle. It's basically evaporated coconut water with tapioca glucose (sugar)..sea salt

For sure need to take up salts if you are running the body toward dehydration.

* many of the gels...energy bars etc..are really garbage. A lot of them are just loaded with refined sugars...which can give a boost but can also serve up blood sugar crashes

Thx for the info champ. I make my own Gel. I use Chia seeds cuz they go jelly when they in water, i mix it with maltodextrin ( or some like that) and now i will add a lil salt and skip maltodextrin ..i will only use maltodextrin if i run more then 2 hours .
About the Global Ganja Run , i fellow runner is working on some shirts for the event and if peeps are keen on running it they can but shirts cheap. I will post some pictures of it soon .
Here is my Gel, water and 2 spoons of chia seeds, Runners Food. Then add what you like..salt sugar and flavor if you like:tiphat:
Thx for the info champ. I make my own Gel. I use Chia seeds cuz they go jelly when they in water, i mix it with maltodextrin ( or some like that) and now I will add a lil salt and skip maltodextrin ..i will only use maltodextrin if i run more then 2 hours .
About the Global Ganja Run , A fellow runner is working on some shirts for the event and if peeps are keen on running it they can but shirts cheap. I will post some pictures of it soon .
Here is my Gel, water and 2 spoons of chia seeds, Runners Food. Then add what you like..salt sugar and flavor if you like:tiphat:
[URL=http://i333.photobucket.com/albums/m368/kallenavndk/kallenavndk012/ChiaGel_zpse5d3acf9.jpg]View Image[/URL]
NOT I FELLOW BUT A :dance013:

Jericho Mile

Going through...

Going through...

some really fucked up days. I told you dudes..

that an old skool..dear friend of mine was shot to death last September...terrible stuff...really a bloody mess...ambushed for revenge..with wrath...in humiliation. Up close..through a fence..with a 9mm...heart and both lungs

the trial for the shooter has been going on almost 2wks (including jury selection)

been attending it. Today: final arguments. Jury gets it tomorrow morning.

Bad vibes...the court system...the buildings...the people..the forces..little is good there. Justice is far from pretty...even if..available. A hollow dirty glass of emptiness

a day or so...should bring a 1st degree murder conviction...but even that...is joyless.

"I fucked up" he says.........yup..and you fucked my friend up...fuck you...now we are going to see you fucked up

....no serenity in "fuck you" "fucked up" I'm telling you.

The line between people all being pieces of shit and only some of us...being pieces of shit....is almighty thin. The human condition is very sick.

I'm taking a time out...some bad juju is in my atmosphere

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