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Overgrowing the World.....


Active member
take a leaf with u .. and grab a microscope.. and see if u can figure it out.. does it wipe off or is it like necrosis dead tissue?

ive honestly. never seen anything like it.. to be completely honest.. but it kinda looks like maybe some sort of bug or fungi .. ? ill ask a buddy who has been doing outs for 15 years.. see if hes seen anything like it ...

ill pm you once I talk to him....


Active member
looks like Leaf Septoria to me atleast.. says its fungal.. and will reduce yields but not kill plants... also says its triggered by warm weather and rain!!

heres a clip out of the article I read..

In between harvests, if yellow leaf spots find your marijuana patch, the fungus can be controlled in several ways:

•Physically remove all affected leaves and destroy them. Do not add any diseased plant material to the compost pile.
•Spray the affected areas with a mild solution of ½ teaspoon baking soda per gallon of water. Do this in the early morning or in the evening so the leaves dry before the sun heats the day.
•Apply a Bordeaux mixture to discourage the disease from spreading.
•Spray the plants with a neem oil solution in the early morning or evening to avoid the sun burning the plant leaves.
•Use something like grow booster to avoid nitrogen deficiencies.

they say adding beneficial bacteria.. and using fungicide .. is good too.. im going to say this is exactly wat it is.. based on the weather.. and looks.. .. but ill still ask my buddy.


Active member
and dude.. what I did.. and had not a single leaf or plant get any burn at all.. was I put my lights close to the plants I was putting outside.. and let the room get up to around 85-90 degrees for 2 weeks before I put them out.. and fed them protekt and they showed no signs.. no stunting.. I put them out.. and 2 days later.. they had already grown 4 inches.. with not a single leaf getting any leaf burnt or anything

I was told to do this.. from a buddy that's been doing outdoors for a long time.. he has been doing this technique for 10 years now. intensify the light.. and let the temps get very hot.. keep air circulating but turn exhaust fans down..

and I put my plants into DIRECT sunlight.. spot 1.. gets 9 hours direct sunlight.. no burns..

so it DEFF WORKS!!!! I would do that if ur nervous.. im not dicking around either.. and I didn't believe it would work AT ALL.. but ya .. kept my lights on temps between 85-90.. ad my lights offs at around 70. and 2 weeks put directly into the spots.. with lots of direct sunlight with no issues AT ALL

and doin this temp thingy.. didn't show ANY DAMAGE indoors either. like no heat burn.. no real curling of the leaves.. nothing.. just massive water uptake.. and they got used to it nicely.. ill never put plants OUTSIDE.. without DOING THIS EVER AGAIN..

good luck bro.

the only thing I would do since ur in flower.. with lots of plants.. is proly stay toward 80-85.. and watch ur Humitidy don't want to get them moldy before going outside.. but if u don't put them out to far into flower.. you shouldn't have an issue..

my flowering plant.. has another 40 days before it will be done. and its packing on the weight like a mother fucker..


$$ ALONE $$
I figured out what it is. These green and red striped leaf hopper bugs that leave those marks while they eat, then the fungi sets in on the dead tissue.
I sprayed with Azamax and will also spray with Serinade in a few days.
I took out most the leaves that had most of the damage on them.

My temps are at 83 - 87 day. 76 - 79 night.
RH is at 45 - 60 day. 55 - 65 night.


$$ ALONE $$
No, But I seen them scurrying all over the place. Quick bastards.
Sprayed Azamax in their dumb little faces. LOL
The damage isnt bad at all. Just a few leaves here and there.
My partner has been huge this year.
Im really happy I followed my gut and partnered up with him.
Im dead set against partners but this guy is golden. Been a great asset to the grow so far.


$$ ALONE $$
Still undecided whether or not to put them out around the 19th or wait till the 26th.
I put my 3x - 600w hps lamps about 10" from the canopy and the leaves started to burn abit.
Had to lift them up a few links.

Whenever they do go out, they will need to be put in partial shade with minimal direct sunlight for a week, and then put into direct sun.
Really hoping this doesnt hurt the yield I would've had inside.

Im also hoping that no mold or PM sets in with the high humidity outside. Been keeping the RH inside around 60% - 70% and the temps around 83 to get them used to it.
I've never put indoor plants outside to finish flowering, so I dont know if it will kill the yield or change the bud structure, or if the buds will be too dense for outdoors at that point and get mold and budrot.
Worried about a big storm blowing through and just snapping the heavy buds off on these weak indoor stems. I really hate to do this to my GG's but I have 0 choice, other than trashing them till I get the new place. Ide have 0 meds then, so that cant happen.

When I move the plants outside.....they will be at week 6 flower.....:fsu:

Toxsik 8

hey ODW, where are those sticky pics? i see more talking than show... ;) GL bro!


$$ ALONE $$
Heres the girls last week @ day 22 ~ The pistils grow alongside the frost...:biggrin:


Active member
looooks like you are another one who is going to see some COLAS instead of GOLF BALLS.. lol.. Amazing JOB so far bro...... u going to be able to keep em inside.. or toss em out?


$$ ALONE $$
Still not too sure. Everything is up in the air over the next 2 weeks.
I may be able to keep them indoor till week 8....but still seriously unsure.
I know 1 thing for certain....Im harvesting 3lbs of GG#4 no matter what it takes! LOL

My temps have been at 79 - 82 day. 75 -78 night
RH has been at 55 - 58 day. 59 - 69 night.

Been keeping the Temps and RH high incase I need to put them outside.
Was gonna turn on my dehumidifier at night to keep the RH in check but still unsure.
The Glue Crew says the GG4 can take high temps and high RH no problem so....
A ton of frost on these girls already. Smells like a Chemmy Bubba K so far.
hey ODW , congradulations on your grow! those GG#4 look insane!

I´d like to see plants like that where I live! ... I bet they would THRIIIIIIVE in the big outdoors!

anyways, thumbs up on the Mary´s! they are mouthwatering!


Active member
play it by ear then right... might as well... just be ready to move at a moments notice JUST INCASE.. you don't wana get in to any BS trying to get those out or trying to get to stay till finish.. id tell my landlord. listen.. I got a big job coming up in a few months.. and ill pay u this much to say until this date.. no if ands or buts.. and see what they say man.. money TALKS. or.. u could offer to do some work on the house.. since your handy and work doing that stuff.. u could tell them hey let me stay till this date.. and ill help get the house ready for sale.. ??

good luck..

but ya u should probably hit a lb or more per plant bro on those outdoors... id say deff 12-20 ozs each big guy... put it this way.. once u harvest your outdoors.. youll be swimming in nugs.. lol... ull be able to make a mattress out of your nug pile...

edit: maybe I under estimated a lot lol . hopefully a few lbs a plant .. but let us know what happens for sure..

I keep forgetting.. they haven't even stretched yet lol. if it doubles in size wow.. 5-6 lbs a plant? man id be sooo happy to see that shit lol id be in heaven after harvesting.
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$$ ALONE $$
Im making a car out of it and moving West! :Bolt:.....LOL!

But yes.....Im really excited about the 4x GG#4's outside... especially after seeing Endurs light dep Glues. Holy Chit Mang!
I should have about 50 colas like that per plant. :bigeye: