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got a new attitude with a new cab!


Active member
im back from vacation, but my camera fell victim to the southern humidity. ill put pics up, but they are going to be of lower quality. my wife watered when i was gone, but no real attention was given. so last night i watered, and maintaind the garden. its looking quite nice. thanks again to all
are you not out of room yet? also i wouldn't have suggested transplanting in flower; at this point, the plant needs to focus all of its energy on making more flowers, not adjusting to the new pot. i think you'll be okay, though, don't panic. if you havent thought of a good way to lst, try putting some chip clips or something similar onto it and attaching strings/wires/whatever to it.


Active member
i still have room. the stretch is slowing now, and flowers are lookin sweet. it doesnt smell like blueberrys, like the mother, but if i rub the stem(thats what she said!) , it has a sweaty crotch smell. not something i would like to smell in the coming weeks


Active member
im now at 4 weeks flower. budding like mad. i have 6 very nice budsites, and several smaller ones. i also added a second 150w HPS to the cab, and i run the lights on at night. stays at 75. so that makes for 32000 lumens in a 2.7 sq. ft cab. 11,764 lumens/sq.ft. i also have placed 2 clones into flower as well, as well as my WW, and BM


Active member
well i got a new camera, so pics will be up tomorrow for sure. cab running great, got some clones going tonight for budsicles. im trying to push as many clones into the cab for budsicles. looking to get about 10-14 rooted clones straight into the flower cab.


Crotchety Cabaholic
Since your going with smart pots and lst, check out the velcro plant ties at HD or Lowes. I hear they stick to the pots.


Active member
so here is my lady at day 38:


and my trial budsicle. still trying to decide if i want to go SOG or scrog next run.

this is a shot of my 2 150s running

and some budporn. not the greatest, but its what i got, and im not embarrassed to show my work. im still a greenhorn. there is a lot that i do not fully understand, which is why im here. thanks to all who have hung around:








Active member
thanks GB. they sure smell good too. room has a slight smell of dank, but not too bad. i dont run a carbon filter cause funds are low, but its in the works. i just need to find a way to seperate the lights and grow. i talked a little about it in the 150w club, and the glass pane seems to be the only way to vent thiungs properly, and run my cab in the daytime.

the wife only allows this big of a cab, but she said nothing about what lights i can be running. thinking of selling all my 150w hps lights(8), and getting a nice 400.


Crotchety Cabaholic
Looking proper E.
A 400 is a LOT more heat than two 150s. You will need a decent 4"-6" inline fan to make it work in your flower box. Probably an air cooled hood or cool tube as well.
I have one and only run it in the winter months because of the heat.


Active member
from a fellow mad man;
a 400w light is a hell of a lot of heat. It can be done, but its not efficent. My setup required a 6 inch fan rated @ 430cfm to pull off the 12"X24" box. even then, during the summer months i had to dial back the lumatek ballast to about 300watts to keep them cool enough. Id stick with the twin 150's until you can talk the girl into letting you build a bigger box!


Active member
i guess i may be getting to big for my britches. i need to get this box dialed in, as in what method grow i want to do. im torn between a single plant ScROG, and a SOG.