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Jointed's outdoor headstash


Active member
Hey all,

I wanted to share this grow with icmag. This will be a small 12 plant, or so, medical/sacrament garden.

This will be the smallest and latest garden I've worked on in 5 years. But size is not important to me this year. I just want enough herb for me and a few loved ones.

My goal is 4 pounds of dried cannabis flowers, as well as a good amount of hash after harvest.

The garden is around 4300' elevation. This brings a few challenges, the biggest being slowed growth come fall, when there is a large difference between high and low temps. I have found the bigger the shift in temps in the fall day vs. night, the slower/smaller the growth (during a very important time in the season as well).

Another challenge I have is light. This garden is going to receive a maximum of 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.

Plants will be grown in 45 gallon smart pots (I may switch this to 35's) filled with Vermifire Soil.

I amended the vermifire with crab meal, kelp meal, neem meal, glacial rock dust for my clone starts. I will use the same mix plus a few extras for the full season blend.

For genetics I have both clones and seed. The seed is of my own creation, made last year. They are Mr. Nice (purple norcal cut)x Gsc/SdIBL. I was so happy to see all the seed i put in soil germinate, as I have a large amount of these.

These were started on 6/5.

As for the clones; I will be growing Cherry Pie, Bruce Banner, and Cush. They were placed in soil on 6/7, and are currently being hardened off out on the porch under a tree, they get a few hours of light here and there, but mostly its nice and filtered and cool with a slight breeze, just right for getting acclimated to their new home.
Here is a cush

And Cherry Pie

The goal for this week is to have them in full sun by friday 6/13. Im also going to be implementing a PPD foliar spray no later than this weekend. Then I hope to have the main garden they are going into setup by midweek of next week, so I can place them in their final homes for the season

Ill try and update regularly.

Thanks for stopping by!


Active member
Thanks for sharing your grow with us! We have some of the same problems, as i have patches at higher elevations in my region. We can only grow to maybe 3500 ft around here and the strains that finish at this elevation are few. Hope you have a great season!


At least at that elevation your stuff will be a little more potent than at sea level.

grow nerd

Active member
I'm just now checking out Vermifire as well.

That's real unfortunate about the lack of direct sun. Hope it works out well for you.


Active member
Thanks for sharing your grow with us! We have some of the same problems, as i have patches at higher elevations in my region. We can only grow to maybe 3500 ft around here and the strains that finish at this elevation are few. Hope you have a great season!

Thanks for stopping by HighCountry. It has been as low as 32f degrees the past few mornings. I hope your herb patches are growing well up in the mountains!

looks good man, good luck

Right on, thanks!

At least at that elevation your stuff will be a little more potent than at sea level.

Haha, extra uv's anyone? Hope your garden is growing well.

likewise, bro! thanks for checking in

sounds like a cool creation, Ill be lurkin'.

lurk, lurk

I'm just now checking out Vermifire as well.

That's real unfortunate about the lack of direct sun. Hope it works out well for you.

Im enjoying the vermifire. I was in the garden today and I hit full sun at 8am and it was still shining a few minutes ago, so thats about 7 hours or so. Im sure as the sun drops and dips behind the tree line i will be lucky to get 5 hours in the fall. Thanks for stopping in

nice, i will be tagging along.



Active member
Hey all,

So the garden just got plugged yesterday (6/19).

Those are 30 gallon smart pots. The soil is Vermifire amended with Neem seed meal, Oyster Shell powder, Kelp, Glacial Rock Dust, and Crab meal.

It has been getting pretty cold here in the early a.m. I had a low of 32 two days straight this week, but other than a bit of slowed growth, the ladies are looking great. They are tracking the sun and have leaves reaching as well. That makes me happy!

Here are some plant shots, I didnt post these in the Big Plants thread as i didnt want to make anyone jealous lol..i kid i kid..ive played in that league for many years, and while my heart is always craving doing things big again, id be lying if I said i wasn't excited to see how these little plants do. Everything has been topped, and is being fed by pure mountain spring water.

So.... here is the Cherry Pie (ill make sure to take pics to share of the same plant through the entire thread/season, i.e. this is the same cp as the one in the first post.)

Here is a Bruce Banner (OG kush x Strawberry diesel)

So now it's veg time. The goal for the next week (6/20 -6/27) is to source out the rest of the ingredients needed for my foliar sprays, and stake up the ladies with small bamboo stakes. I was thinking of using tomato cages as well, we'll see.

Thanks for stopping by




Active member
Thanks StankDank,

So here is a quick update of the medical headstash. Everything seems to be taking off nicely. I water these twice a week, or so.

Here is a Cherry Pie

A Cush

Bruce banner

And a group shot with a couple last minute girls added to the party.

Hope you guys have a great week!


Active member
Hey all, Thanks for stopping in, hopefully you are all having wonderful summers full of positive progression.

Just a quick update.

I have some pics to post but my sd card reader has vanished so the pics will have to wait until I get a new one off ebay.

The garden is doing good, so far. Vermifire is great soil, imho. Even though I did amend it, I can easily see the quality of the mix shining through.

We have had a few rainy days here in the mountains of the eastern 530. perfect timing imo for plants to really get triggered into flowering.

I have only been having to give these ladies about 5 gallons of water per week, and they haven't skipped a beat. Granted I dont get tons of sun but it has been pretty hot here and wind, making for good evaporation conditions. Yet the girls seem to like my 'less is more' approach to h2o this year.

Ive pruned all the branches, leaving just a few nodes of the healthiest biggest growth per brach, and then did a not too crazy tie down session, as to try and create a sort of even canopy. Ive moved a few of the girls around and have them much closer together now that they are bonded up to the bamboo. Im hoping in a weeks tims when I take some more pics, they will have really grown up from the training and will be already in stretch mode.

right now id estimate they get about 7 hours of light, From 8am-3pm, then filtered through some mixed conifer. Im guessing in a month that is going to be down to 5 or 6. Hopefully I can hold it there, anything less than 5 and im going to really question if ill even get close to my goal.

Either way though, no worries! This is strictly a medical headstash garden, so whatever I get out of it is a blessing.

Be back next week!


Active member


Hey all. Happy end of July! I hope you are all doing well.

I got some pics to share, after getting a cool sd card reader.

So here is the garden about mid july, the plants had been cleaned out on the bottoms.

Here is the same group the next day, tied down to 4 ft bamboo.

And here is a shot of the garden as of 2 days ago.

Everything is filling out as good as I could want, really. I am more about quality over quantity this year. So size is not so important. I have to be realistic too about my expectations once the sun really starts to fall.

So far nothing but water, and I havent even done a PPD spray lol

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