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Making shatter!

Hello all! I'm new here and this is my first post!

Now a little about myself and my knowledge of stuff. I have 3 years of organic and 2 years of non-organic chemistry as well as 2 years of engineering post secondary so all the chemical processes are easy for me to understand (polar solvents/non-polar solvents etc.) and building contraptions is fairly easy for me. I used to smoke my fair share a long while ago but quit and after finding an oz of stuff in a drawer a month ago in my room and decided to make bho out of it as kind of a fun experiment. So I ended up with shatter as what the extract was. This was decarboxylated and then isomerizered to yield about 3 grams of very pure THC ( aside from plant waxes/lipids/chlorophyll etc ). This was then turned into THC-O-Acetate with another chemical process which yielded a very, very potent substance that was quite psychedelic. I didn't like that stuff at all and gave it to one of my ex gf's friends to see if he could do something with it.

So anyways after a long long time of searching, reading techs, learning about THC and all the chemicals and apparatus' I'd be needing to use I think I have a good tech down for making shatter.

This is what I have:

1) I'll be starting with a 1/4 lb of starting material as this is the most economical for me. This will be put in a standard oven, heated to 135F on a cookie sheet in the middle of the oven. It will be left in there for at least 2.5 hours and no more than 3 hours, flipping every half hour. So the idea of this is to dehydrate the product and decarboxylate it as that starts at 122F (THC-A > THC) higher temps will cause the CBx's to vap and THC to degrade so 135F seems like the sweet spot. Also this will help keep the shatter more lightly coloured.

2) Cut the product up loosely with scissors and tightly pack a stainless steel or glass tube that a butane can nozzle can be injected into. The other side is covered with cheese cloth clamped on tight.

3) Use Colibri brand butane and before using it chill it in the freezer for at least an hour and a half to lower the butane below its liquidation point ( -0.5 C ). For every OZ of material run 12oz (2 cans) of butane through the tube. Now this is where things can get changed up I designed a butane reclaim system so that no butane goes out into the environment and you can keep your butane and reuse it! But that's not here or there. For all intents and purposes, let the tube drain into a pyrex beaker that has a layer of 200 proof lab grade ethyl ethanol in it, about an inch and a half deep. This will help evap. the butane (sorta).

4) Once all the plant material has been run with butane (make sure it comes out clear! ) and collected in the pyrex beaker, add about 150ml of 200 proof ethyl ethanol to it.

5) Put the beaker in a freezer and leave for 48 hours, this process is called winterization. It will get the lipids, terpenes, waxes to coagulate out of the solution.

6) After 48 hours decant the pyrex beaker into another pyrex beaker with 4x unbleached coffee filters strapped to it. This will filter out the gunk you do not want.

7) Take the pyrex beaker and cover it and take it out on a sunny day that is around 20C out and leave it out in the sun for about 3 hours. This will help break down the chlorophyll in it by use of UV radiation. Thus resulting in a lighter material in the end. Don't leave it out over 4 hours as this is when THC will start breaking down!

8) Now set up a water bath in a metal dish/pan. Take an electric hot plate that can be temp dialled and heat the water bath up to 120F and float a pyrex baking dish in it with a layer of about a centimetre to a centimetre and a half of ethanol/butane/cannibinoid mixture in it. Let it evaporate, don't whip it or muck with it or anything or you might end up with butter or something (ew!). And then scrape it up with a razor.

9) Repeat set 8 until no ethanol/butane/cannibinoid mixture is left.

10) A 1/4 lb of good starting material should yield between 20 - 28 g's of shatter, but it can vary to certain degrees.

So that's my tek I thought up of, any input would be appreciated. I know I should vacuum purge but I can't afford one right now because I just bought a puppy ( Which I'd way rather have lol ) but I think the winterization will circumvent that step. So what do you think guys and gals?


Well-known member
I wouldn't put the buds in the oven at any temp.......just make sure your product is dry.

Some really knowledgeable peeps around here, check out greywolf's posts.........there's a bunch of threads on the topic.

Kudos on the academic back ground.......Currently going through a Biotech program......The schooling can come in pretty handy for sure.

Goodluck and be safe!!



There are FOUR lights!
Standard ovens don't go as low as 135F...

Also, are you talking bud or trim? You're not going to get 20% yield with trim. Plus you'll lose alot from winterization also.
woah just checked my oven lowest it goes is 200F, well scratch that, perhaps just desiccating it and drying it out may be helpful?

I'll be using very high quality buds for this, my friend ( ex gf's ex bf lol ) makes his living on doing what nots with weed and he's always liked me so good price for very good buds. That's why I'm expecting a higher than average yield. I know the winterization will pull out weight but it's unnecessary weight that makes it harsher to smoke so I think it's the way to go.
Does anyone think building a butane reclaim is worth it? There would be no butane put into the environment so no risk of explosions. Altho I'd be doing it in a large back yard but running 8 6oz cans gives off a lotta gas. Plus the butane could be saved for future extractions. I guess i could keep it in a freezer in something it won't percolate out of like stainless steel pipe.


Well-known member
I wouldn't bother man....... use new 'tane each time, it's not that expensive really.

Good luck

It's not really much of a cost thing, but just I don't wanna run the risk of an ignition. Plus I love building things and it'd be quite fun for me. Also if shop ever picks up butane could become expense and a hassle to get, plus it's wasteful and bad for the environment to be pumping out butane left and right.
Sailor, its a bit small for most ovens so you'll probably need to increase the size of the contactor over a regular SSD, but there's quite a few PID temp controller kits on ebay that sell with a type K thermocouple, SSD and a small digital PID controller that can go down to 135*F or lower yet.

Make sure to get a controller that will display in the units of measurement which you prefer, not all of them can switch between *F and *C. Ask me how I know...
Well a little bit of a back story I recently bought a puppy so I can't afford the starting product or anything on my own yet…... But, earlier today a friend of mine agreed to bankroll me to start producing. So now I'll have a much more proper set up. I found an oven that goes to 120F and I'll be buying a vac purg as soon as this first 1/4lb worth of shatter is done. I still want to make my own reclaim system just for the sake of my own interest. But any flaws in the temperatures I'll be using or times that the solution will be subject to the heat? I have made THC-O-Acetate but that never caught on and it was just a novel experiment, same with budder that was all THC in its cannibinoids.
Also how much should I charge for the shatter, I was thinking 30$ a gram so about 700$ from every 1/4lb. My guy would be selling it around 60$ a gram and be making 1400$ a gram minus my cost which i think is fair cuz I'll be paying for all the equipment, time and product. But I'm new to selling shatter and stuff, not new to this kinda world but to the weed game yes I am. I've known this guy forever so I think he'll be pretty fair with me. He wants me to pump out about a 1/4lbs worth of shatter per 3-4 days so he has the custy base I just have the technical know how.
This has been setting up in the making for over 3 months so I can with a safe assurance count my eggys. The guy I'm dealing with is not a nobody he's a good friend and makes a good living. He is extremely intrestedin me doing this cuz he can't find a good price for extracts or mainly very many ( he doesn't really deal in those kind of things ). So with my uni. training he knows I'm more than capable and wants me to do this for him. So altho it can be seen as counting my chickens before they hatch, this chickens are ready and about to come into this world. But this thread seems to be divulging into something I didn't want it to be. I'm just looking for info on my tek that i came up with not if I'll be making money or such. I'll be getting a vac purg next week could someone give me a link to a good brand and instructions on how to use one cause that's one thing i don't understand fully.

Hash Man

First u gotta make it properly. I cant get $30/g if my life depended on it and neither can a lot of guys here, with aaa quality product.
Really? People here will seem to pay around 30 - 50$ a gram for *good* shatter or budder around here. It just depends on your niche you sell to, fortunately I found people who like to dab and such so they'd be more appreciative. Plus selling 20 - 28 g's of shatter seems a lot more appealing or to me then selling ten/twenty bags. Plus I have no car so I can't be zipping around so it really works if Im the chemist and just sell the stuff whole sale. I mean hell if I even made 25 per gram it's still money to me. And the chemistry is super easy. I've made it before, before changing it to thc-o-acetate so I have no doubts in my abilities. Actually even if i=I got weed right now I wouldn't be able to make it cause I have to wait for ethyl ethanol and some other lab gear to ship. But this is the first time I'm clean in a long time and have a clear head or in a destructive relationship so I think this will go well.


Does anyone think building a butane reclaim is worth it? There would be no butane put into the environment so no risk of explosions. Altho I'd be doing it in a large back yard but running 8 6oz cans gives off a lotta gas. Plus the butane could be saved for future extractions. I guess i could keep it in a freezer in something it won't percolate out of like stainless steel pipe.

Make sure to check out skunkpharm if you haven't, many things can be answered there, especially about closed unit extractions.

One thing though~the "I guess i could keep it in a freezer in something it won't percolate out of like stainless steel pipe" (referencing butane) part makes me lil nervous. Not a good idea to put butane in a regular freezer, or this can happen:

Well i did some calculations; yes I am a very written record, visual, person. Even if I sell it for 20$-25$ a gram Ill still be making enough to live comfortably cause he has people who want this stuff banged out fast. Never knew he was into weed but hey you never know right? Does anyone know the average yield of shatter from a 1/4 lb of weed I was thinking 18-22% dry weight because of how good my friends stuff has lately been. It's Purple Kush btw. Nice are white frothy and sticky sticky sticky. I used to sell this stuff just by its self and it sold like hot cakes.
Yea skunk pharm as been invaluable to me for my research. I learned a few tips to make thd-o-acetate from them ( the only source on the internet apparently lol). And They really are a great info site. Couldn't be better. After seeing that freezer I think I'll stay with out the reclaimer it was a novel idea and was something I wanted to prove to myself I could make. But when you're dealing with volatile gases what do you expect yea? Well my blueprint of it id good enough just knowing I have the idea of how to do it pleases me to no end. But butane is gonna get expensive at the rate I'll be using it, I can order it online but the shipping costs, cost more than the damn butane itself usually lol.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Im with Kcar here...

Ive Been a master concentrate maker for years....

Making shatter is all about your purging technique and material used. Even then, there are other variables that make it shatter or NOT shatter...

Case in point. I just ran couple thousand grams of shitty, last years trim and it shattered up no problem. Right after, I ran 1/2 lb of straight bud and it buddered up....

Its not a given, and it looks like you dont have the right equipment yet.....

My two cents...


Active member
25% on winterized is high. You will to lose a bunch during winterization. It will likely drop it below 20%. Expect to lose 20-30% winterizing it, so even if you yielded 25% you'd be looking at 22 grams winterized. If you can only get $20-25/g why would you winterize it? Normal BHO sells for that, unless you have people wanting $40-50/grams of cleaner oil stick with bho. It's quicker, and requires no explanation (of what winterization is) to sell it.

Retail prices are not wholesale/bulk prices. People might pay $30-50 a gram to smoke, but the guy buying ounces isn't paying $840/oz to get $1,120/oz if he sells it. Guys who do sell locally for $25-35 a gram won't pay more than $15/gram for their supply.

As with money/bho, guess conservatively. Nothing worse than coming up short and shooting yourself in the foot.

Perhaps you should start extracting and learning as opposed to thinking you'll just jump in at a commercial level.

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