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Operation Retirement - $nype Style!


Well-known member
I don't see whats wrong with letting the guy get on with what hes doing he seems to know his stuff , and is getting shit done , BUT people like to tell people what to do with there lives just like the docs would do if he went down that route , like said hes got this far with out help whys he need it now , he don't,.. hes proved he can get through life without it and is doing far better than the average person down the street like he said why follow the herd,...

A wise man told me once never tell the person that's doing it that it cant be done ,...:biggrin:

Personally I think his plants will be fine , I know im in uk lat 50 but iv had plants in the ground for 2 weeks with good growth at 15-16 hrs of day light with know problems and no signs of flowering I think its semi autos people might be referring to, im sure there be fine people fuss to much there a weed at the end of the day and are very forgiving plants,...


Active member
Am I a shrink? No. What I am is an educated person that managed to succeed in life doing things the right way that can engage in a conversation without ad hominem attacks. What medical advice was I giving? To get some help for a problem that he brags about suffering through, which comes across as a passive aggressive form of asking for help. I don't know what posts you are reading but you are way off the mark here.

I agree with DapperDon, but what I found out over my years of seeking help or cures for my Bipolar/ADHD, identified the same symptoms in a former girlfriend. But when I approached her about her problem, she became defensive and angry and we eventually parted ways..
Moral to the story, some people don't want help because they have become addicted to their disorder, it has become apart of their personality that they identify, sorta like a convict who becomes institutionalized.

You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him piss.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
as long as your not going out harming anyone else who gives a fuck,

powderful is correct i have seen this in hospitals for old people, give them drugs so there not complaining or annoying staff.


Active member
So we were out for a while with the plants. Some of them are stressed most likely due to the cold last night of 42 degrees F. Also some type of bugs are eating some of the leaves but I have I haven't seen any of them. It doesn't look like the bug problem is that large. I probably should have had them in bigger pots when we put them out. I also probably should have wrapped up the pots with something for some additional insulation against the cold. Me and Snypette transplanted most of the plants into 5 gallon pots into what I believe is 100% compost. It's a bag mixed that was made in the area by a guy who's been making this mix for over 30 years. People around here swear by it. We watered the plants with a product called Primordial Solutions Sea Green at the rate of 0.5 mL per gallon of water. It's supposed to feed the soil or help root development but I don't know anything about that stuff. Just trying to listen to what a few people around here tell me. The new low temps are supposed to be higher than they were the last 2 nights which will be much better for the girls. I'm thinking that the plants are a decent size with an alright root development to deal with some stress. I would have liked to put the plants outside for a few hours per day and bring them back in but I haven't put the fence up yet to block some views of nosy people getting in everyones business. This is a small rural place where everyone seems to know everyones business people are very nosy. Neighbors are far away and you can't see any of their houses but they still have to drive by to get to the main road. Also there's no cops out here. There's not a police station for many miles.

I also made a little slurry with the soil that is cooking to test the pH. It only tested 6.1. I hope that the cook makes the soil go up more or I might have to add some more lime.


Be careful in a small town like that. I happen to live in one (completely different im sure). You cant tell a single person about anything without everyone knowing.


Active member
Those Locals are seeing things any City Boy wouldn't think of. It is simply a familiarity thing.
When the landscape is the same for Their Whole lives, then small changes get noticed.
Not much is new for these Folks, so when something is new it gets noticed, and talked about. Even if They are live, and let live Types, they still talk, and speculate. to City folk this comes off as Nosey, and it is, butt when City Folk are in Your Bizz it most likely is for no good reason. Most deep country types are mostly just curious. I Have lived in Small Rural towns, and Medium sized Cities. I am a People watcher, and this is what 48yrs have shown Me bout the differences in Country Vs. City Folk.
This gets a little blurred when You have rural towns folk, and farmers that mostly work in the City. Round Here You have to get at least 45minutes from the city to get outta that dynamic.
The moral of this ramble is,,, Those Hicks are seeing more than You think Snype. As Rural as You are and knowing the live and let live REP that Mainers have You probably Ok. Extra Care near harvest For sure, cause their going to be locals that would NEVER rip a local, that WILL be watching to see if you've got You shit tight.

Peace; 1TT


Active member
Be careful in a small town like that. I happen to live in one (completely different im sure). You cant tell a single person about anything without everyone knowing.

Those Locals are seeing things any City Boy wouldn't think of. It is simply a familiarity thing.
When the landscape is the same for Their Whole lives, then small changes get noticed.
Not much is new for these Folks, so when something is new it gets noticed, and talked about. Even if They are live, and let live Types, they still talk, and speculate. to City folk this comes off as Nosey, and it is, butt when City Folk are in Your Bizz it most likely is for no good reason. Most deep country types are mostly just curious. I Have lived in Small Rural towns, and Medium sized Cities. I am a People watcher, and this is what 48yrs have shown Me bout the differences in Country Vs. City Folk.
This gets a little blurred when You have rural towns folk, and farmers that mostly work in the City. Round Here You have to get at least 45minutes from the city to get outta that dynamic.
The moral of this ramble is,,, Those Hicks are seeing more than You think Snype. As Rural as You are and knowing the live and let live REP that Mainers have You probably Ok. Extra Care near harvest For sure, cause their going to be locals that would NEVER rip a local, that WILL be watching to see if you've got You shit tight.

Peace; 1TT

Some have come banging on the door asking if they can come on the land to hunt. Then there's the religious groups. Lol! We don't talk to anyone less than 20 minutes away.


New member
Best of luck on this adventure, Snype. On the tick front, just trying to pull them out with tweezers and such is a bad idea- as you have seen yourself, they tend to leave bits behind to fester. What you want to do is persuade them to let go, then remove them. In the 70's we used to use wooden matches. You light the match, blow it out, then immediately touch the smoking end to the tick. It imparts enough heat to startle them into letting go, but doesn't kill them (which would tend to leave them embedded still). The timing is a litte tricky, and the more stubborn ones may need a few jolts, but it's always worked for me in the end.


Active member
For ticks I've heard they should be suffocated with mineral oil. I'm not sure if they just release or die but you don't lose the head that way


Active member
Snype, you are definitely among the few that truly understands the quote in my sig :biggrin: Over here on my bucket for the show :rtfo:


Best of luck on this adventure, Snype. On the tick front, just trying to pull them out with tweezers and such is a bad idea- as you have seen yourself, they tend to leave bits behind to fester. What you want to do is persuade them to let go, then remove them. In the 70's we used to use wooden matches. You light the match, blow it out, then immediately touch the smoking end to the tick. It imparts enough heat to startle them into letting go, but doesn't kill them (which would tend to leave them embedded still). The timing is a litte tricky, and the more stubborn ones may need a few jolts, but it's always worked for me in the end.

great way to get rid of the tick's :)
we used to use the the burning end of a cigarette to do the same thing
on the dogs .all the best .ww:tiphat:


Active member
The outdoor plants are looking a little better today. The indoor crops are looking amazing! I haven't let any of my work affect my indoor rooms and most of the time when it's time to do my indoor work I'm running on adrenaline. I still haven't ventured away from my ChemdogDD for my commercial crops because the yields and techniques are too easy and I remember from my past what happens when I venture to something else. I still have 11 MOMs of different pheno's that are waiting around. I shut down the tent which I use to run those pheno's into flowering but I want to get it up and running again pretty soon after we build the cold frames but I still have about a half pound of my top grade for the head to last until then. I haven't been smoking too much lately because everything that I have is such a downer and makes me feel anxious, which I don't like. The good thing is that I have over 500 seedlings of various strains to weed through to try and find something better for my personal day time smoke. I'm hoping to find something in the F13 f2's that I popped.

I don't know how people live out on a farm like this without being rich or growing a lot of trees because it is a straight money pit. We're burning through money like there's no tomorrow. Anytime we try and take something apart to fix it, we find more problems to fix. It's getting really annoying. There's also ticks everywhere that won't leave us alone.


Registered Non-Conformist
Outdoor plants do not act like indoor plants. They can handle light of a full moon, and THEY decide when to go into flower. My plants out in NorCal started to flower when there was 13 1/2 hours of light per day. So go figure.

My point: it is not apples to apples.

Plants vegged under 24 hours of t5's put outside will flower immediately. Certain genetics will retain veg. Certain ones won't. Seeds can handle more light hour fluctuations.

Too many factors to get exact.

And what about the original premise of this thread ? Which the OP hijacked on His own, in order to lash out at all and sundry.. Bizzarro world.


Active member
Outdoor plants do not act like indoor plants. They can handle light of a full moon, and THEY decide when to go into flower. My plants out in NorCal started to flower when there was 13 1/2 hours of light per day. So go figure.

My point: it is not apples to apples.

Plants vegged under 24 hours of t5's put outside will flower immediately. Certain genetics will retain veg. Certain ones won't. Seeds can handle more light hour fluctuations.

Too many factors to get exact.

And what about the original premise of this thread ? Which the OP hijacked on His own, in order to lash out at all and sundry.. Bizzarro world.
Sah Dah Tay


Active member
ive noticed the same thing.. in the north east.. if i put out anything before june 1st it usually flowers then reverts.. and yields suffer.. the onlything i can put out early is start seedlings on a back porch. and put directly into the ground once roots are established. with no issues flowering.. usually ive had a few flower but only like 3 of 100s. with seeds.. with clones i cant put out till june first to be safe. and if i just veg them nice and long inside.. bring them out at a foot or 2.. and can yield up to 3 pounds a plant with the correct genetics.. but we get usually an LB each.. sometimes more depending on how muhc soil and shit we use..

but the ticks are out in full force becareful guys. get the sprays and spray the shit out of yourself.. its not worth it . so many people are getting sick from lyme disease and they claim even after the so called cure.. they still have aches and pains forever.. its a sad wierd .. government MADE disease .. look at how Ticks and Lyme Disease spread.. in CT

this dude created a robot that goes over grass and land that expells co2 which attracts the ticks.. and then it scoops them up.. and u can take a huge tick population down to a minimum its effective.. crazyyy but effective.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
I already tried to explain this to snype, he informed me he lives in the land of snype where plants don't flower in the spring without supplemental light

ive noticed the same thing.. in the north east.. if i put out anything before june 1st it usually flowers then reverts.. and yields suffer.. the onlything i can put out early is start seedlings on a back porch. and put directly into the ground once roots are established. with no issues flowering.. usually ive had a few flower but only like 3 of 100s. with seeds.. with clones i cant put out till june first to be safe. and if i just veg them nice and long inside.. bring them out at a foot or 2.. and can yield up to 3 pounds a plant with the correct genetics.. but we get usually an LB each.. sometimes more depending on how muhc soil and shit we use..

but the ticks are out in full force becareful guys. get the sprays and spray the shit out of yourself.. its not worth it . so many people are getting sick from lyme disease and they claim even after the so called cure.. they still have aches and pains forever.. its a sad wierd .. government MADE disease .. look at how Ticks and Lyme Disease spread.. in CT

this dude created a robot that goes over grass and land that expells co2 which attracts the ticks.. and then it scoops them up.. and u can take a huge tick population down to a minimum its effective.. crazyyy but effective.


Active member
Can one of you guys explain to me why the fuck you even care if snype takes your advice or not :laughing:? It's not your garden, they're not your plants, and quite frankly his success or failure has no bearing on you, so why so emotional?


Active member
who is that guy in the picture why do you have other pictures of him?

He was a member of the site a while back that was very entertaining. Some people here know him and some don't. I'll always be a fan of Yummy. I'm just using pictures instead of responding to posts that I don't find interesting. It's sort of like my personal "I don't find this post helpful" button.

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