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World’s largest legal pot facility to open


Active member
I think what most home growers would want is the legal ability to sell their cannabis.

when big ag/big money comes in, as it is already many medical states/countries , you have those with the money making more and more money, while at the same time setting up a system which exists solely to promote the existing big ag/money farmers and retailers, while eliminating small home grown competition.

Just like how a small time brewer dude who makes stuff in his garage on the weekends cant just bottle it with some homemade labels and sell it to folks on the street passing by.

imo he should be able to, but the bureaucratic nature of our capitalistic society stops even the thought of any such thing ever happening

and we should be able to grow at home and sell it, if it were truly legal, but it will never ever be truly legal; always regulated, always chained

Legalize it, FUCK REGULATION and the bullshit lie that it leads to legality, show me the proof, you sound like lobbyist

I see those who support regulation as those who shake hands with the devil, they say; "were gonna fuck you, just not as hard..."

paper thorn

Active member
Now that we've jumped on the medical band wagon and mj is now considered medicine, I'm sure it will be a prescribed drug in some form in pharmacies in the future, maybe the near future and that is a good thing for patients but it's a really bad thing for home growers. Do you want to be caught producing pharmaceutical drugs in your home? I'm sure the laws in the future regarding mj will address that. I seriously doubt those laws will make home growers feel secure.

siftedunity said:
im sorry to say it but trying to get legalization for medical use was always gonna end like this

I tried to tell peeps back in the day this would happen.

Here in AZ, we can grow our 12 measly plants, but, oh no!, let's spread the 120 dispensaries around the state "so the rural patient won't be under served" and 96% of patients now live within 25 miles of a dispensary and can no longer legally grow.

And now some people are cheering attempts to reschedule marijuana to schedule 2.

Worst idea ever. take it off the list or leave it alone.


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Premium user
Like it or not with the Billions and Billions at stake when the plant is rescheduled in the states, growing for the 'most part' will end up... down the tobacco road.


At 10-11$ a pack(Ontario) I still see people buying smokes, and you can grow Tobacco!! These markets are set up for lazy/busy/not caring people. Who grows Tobacco? If you wanted to, you certainly could, why should this be any different! We may have to fight a bit, but legalization doesn't have to be so scary, this is just a herb and they know this!


Registered User
Small growers are fine for personal production, not for sales to the public. One or two things you just ignore about small growers, like how the coffee shops here are supplied, is that 60% of the Cannabis tested in the coffee shops here was found to have pesticides or fungicides or both on them. A survey also found most indoor farmers dump extra or old crap fertilizers etc., down the toilet. It is much the same in the USA. It is because the small growers are dependent on their grow income and will not take the chance to lose the crop to pests or diseases. Even if they have to put poisons on their crop. You can say what ever you want about the virtues of small growers, over a big agri biz that can be easily monitored for their use of pesticides and or fungicides, but that is one very good reason for a regulated and taxed Cannabis trade.
You are right that I sound a bit like a broken record on this subject, that is because the problems associated with growing Cannabis under lights illegaly are not going away until it is regulated.
That you hold the rights of growers to make profits higher then the rights of consumers to have safe products is either intentional on your part, or overlooked in the Cannabis gold rush. Better for the earth, or individual? Is that really the case with Cannabis grown under lights sprayed with poisons and polluting the water system with trash leftovers. I understand your concerns about the future, but you are blind to the real problems here and now.
If you believe your model is really better try and convince the public, if they do not buy from McBuds then McBuds is finished. Good luck, you are fighting a losing battle, most American consumers do not care much about the small guy, they care about convienience and cheap prices, maybe safety a little.
You never did say if you grown your own food or buy it from big biz agriculture, I hope it is that you grow your own, but if not I understand why, like in the case of most Americans, it is just not convienient when you can go to a 7/11.

i really dont mean to be disrespectful, but this is entirely backwards. from everything i have witnessed & participated in, the larger one grows, the less ability they have to control the process & environment... and the more they have to rely on commercial pesticides & fungicides to compensate.

for example... was around a 100k in a large facility... mold spread throughout, mites & aphids as well. personally witnessed them spraying both fungicides & pesticides about 10days before it was chopped. hourly emps w no ppe other than a cheap rubber band mask... not even gloves. this was in a state licensed facility tied to a licensed disp in co. that infested & adulterated crop went to retail & people smoked it unaware. the dispensary supposedly tested.

granted u get hack basement grows run by inexperienced idiots, but scale that by 100...and u have the commercial, 'regulated' scene in america. thats the truth.

similar hacks where i am at now are petitioning the gov't to sequester & squash caregiver grows... to only have commercial grows. the argument they offer is the same as yours... small basement grows are 'unsafe'. its a crock of shit compared to the damage done by larger grows where they refuse to invest proportionally, and end up spraying to save their ass. when they are spending 50k+ a month on overhead, how can they afford to toss a crop? they'd become insolvent really fast & belly up... there is even more of a financial imperative when growing on scale.


i really dont mean to be disrespectful, but this is entirely backwards. from everything i have witnessed & participated in, the larger one grows, the less ability they have to control the process & environment... and the more they have to rely on commercial pesticides & fungicides to compensate.

for example... was around a 100k in a large facility... mold spread throughout, mites & aphids as well. personally witnessed them spraying both fungicides & pesticides about 10days before it was chopped. hourly emps w no ppe other than a cheap rubber band mask... not even gloves. this was in a state licensed facility tied to a licensed disp in co. that infested & adulterated crop went to retail & people smoked it unaware. the dispensary supposedly tested.

granted u get hack basement grows run by inexperienced idiots, but scale that by 100...and u have the commercial, 'regulated' scene in america. thats the truth.

similar hacks where i am at now are petitioning the gov't to sequester & squash caregiver grows... to only have commercial grows. the argument they offer is the same as yours... small basement grows are 'unsafe'. its a crock of shit compared to the damage done by larger grows where they refuse to invest proportionally, and end up spraying to save their ass. when they are spending 50k+ a month on overhead, how can they afford to toss a crop? they'd become insolvent really fast & belly up... there is even more of a financial imperative when growing on scale.

This stuff will mostly work out with legalization. If you DEMAND a better product, the system will supply it. Simply don't buy schwag, then they will stop producing it. Right now many producing the medicinal herb don't have to take blame for the bad herb they release. In a legal scenario, when you buy bad herb(sprayed,weak etc.), you will be able to remember that company and never buy their products again. Under prohibition people hide, legalization will bring more open manufacturing practices. There will still be schwag ,mids, and, if you want to pay, high grade. Sadly, it's really up to we the people to stop buying the schwag, before anyone would think of not producing schwag.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If we want legal herb..we can't keep big business out

As attitudes have changed...laws have changed...and that will change attitudes...and that will change the paradigm...and its happening fast

Big business will be able to produce quality herb...its a billion dollar industry...they will climb over each other just like a closet grower progressing to a garage grow and on and on..

None of these johnny come lately politicians or cannabis "power players" will ever stop me from growing...the underground has survived worse than corporate takeovers...fuck them...the people cannot be stopped now...if they outlaw us while making billions we will continue to fight and change laws..you think that will be harder then what's changed in the last 20 years? Fuck "them"!!


If we want legal herb..we can't keep big business out

As attitudes have changed...laws have changed...and that will change attitudes...and that will change the paradigm...and its happening fast

Big business will be able to produce quality herb...its a billion dollar industry...they will climb over each other just like a closet grower progressing to a garage grow and on and on..

None of these johnny come lately politicians or cannabis "power players" will ever stop me from growing...the underground has survived worse than corporate takeovers...fuck them...the people cannot be stopped now...if they outlaw us while making billions we will continue to fight and change laws..you think that will be harder then what's changed in the last 20 years? Fuck "them"!!



its a felony to grow one plant in WA, where it is 'legal'...lol

Washington is a stepping stone for all out legalization. Once time passes and Washington and Colorado don't implode like prohibitionists say could happen, legalization on a grander scale will follow. You have to go slow in America , some people are very scared of change. I do agree Washingtons laws suck, and they should not stop fighting yet.


A lot of folks here fearing the evil of big business taking over cannabis, but the reality is there's already a giant business entity that's been controlling cannabis production and distribution for the past 50 years. They are the Mexican cartels. They don't pay taxes to any government or do anything else to benefit society in any way. They don't use corporate lobbyists to bribe elected officials, they simply kill any elected official who stands in their way. And they don't hesitate to push crystal meth, cocaine, and heroin to the same kids who distribute their cannabis product. Status quo can be great sometimes, but is this the system you really want?

honestly, the cartels have little power selling to medical patients who are able to grow their own. the problem isnt cartels, its just that the people should grow more.


Where do all of you buy your food? From big agriculture?
If you buy cigarettes who makes them? Big tobacco?
If you drink alcohol, who made it?
If you wear clothing, who makes and sells them?
If you own a home, who built it?
If you drive a car, who built it?
If you have ever flown in a jet, who made it?
Who supplies the gas, electrical, to most families?
If you want Cannabis to be "normal" like food, clothing, and most other commodities, then why shouldn't Cannabis be grown by big agriculture?
I want to be able to grow my own for personal use, I do not care if most of America wants to go to the seven/eleven and pick up some chips, ice cream, beer, and Cannabis pre-rolled. It should be their right to do so if they wish.
I understand why people that make their income from Cannabis cultivation do not want this to happen.
I even understand the fears of many thinking that the quality may go down.
As long as I can grow my own for personal use, that does not scare me at all.
If the market is happy with mediocre Cannabis then that is what they will get. If they demand high quality then at least some will be high quality.
Until people insist that they want only the highest quality, they will not get it.
At this point there is not even agreement on what is the highest quality? Indoor grown under lights? Grown with chemical fertilizers? WLD/Indicas? NLD/Sativas? a WLD/NLD hybrid? Herbal Cannabis? Resin, dry sift or water sifted? Extracts like dabs?

I get what you're saying sam, but the reason we're buying from big ag, big tobacco, big liquor etc is not because theyre good in anyway. In fact theyre pretty poisonous but its the only option for most people. Small businesses are near impossible to start because theres so many ridiculous rules and limitations, hard to get licenses etc. Bottom line you wont start a legal business without getting a huge, crippling loan from a bank.

Its not fair that you cant grow something from the earth or do something with your bare hands and be able to sell that without all the costly bs around it. Thats nothing to do with freedom, its pure thievery.

hvac guy

Active member


Well-known member
...for example... was around a 100k in a large facility... mold spread throughout, mites & aphids as well. personally witnessed them spraying both fungicides & pesticides about 10days before it was chopped. hourly emps w no ppe other than a cheap rubber band mask... not even gloves. this was in a state licensed facility tied to a licensed disp in co. that infested & adulterated crop went to retail & people smoked it unaware. the dispensary supposedly tested....

this is not what I would consider adequate regulations when providing medicine.


I think that marlboro weed cigarette picture that was floating around the internet was from a satire website like the onion.

Fuck big business, I am so sick of big business crushing everything in its path and jerking the governments off to write the rules for them.

I tell ya what

in the city I live in, there are a lot of folks who drink beer, A LOT. Sure, a bunch of them are totally fine drinking PBR every day, they may actually love it. But then there are the rest of us, the ones who get up early for a fresh tapping of a Pliney or some other sought after beer that isn't brewed for "the masses". These same folks will line up around the block long before said bar opens

long story short, just like it always has been, whoever has elite genetics and the means to produce said genetics, will always have a market. "Boutique" style shops will never end, EVA.

someone should start a "farm" with all the goodies to give these companies once they start, fusarium, verticillum, broad mites, etc


Active member
someone should start a "farm" with all the goodies to give these companies once they start, fusarium, verticillum, broad mites, etc

Yes, it'll be very easy to sabotage them. Leave them some Forbid resistant BMs from Progressive Options.