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GreeeeNs Grow.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
hey guys new to the site and im finding lots of good information already:) i started growing a few years ago and i have only ever in coco.. i tell use a little about my set up:

1.2 by 1.2x 2 meter tent
600watt dual spec bulb
air cooled hood
4" extraction fan
12" oscilating fan
i dont have a intake fan yet but i have been meaning to purchase one.

i also use the full range of canna nutes
canna A+B
canna boost

i use different pots from time to time from 15l solid pots to 7.5l airpots. i think the first few pictures are the 15l pots.

heres some pictures of some previous grows:

this was my first ever grow Barneys red diesel

These pictures are of the hog by th seeds at day 46:

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Snow Crash

Active member
Nice pictures and a solid setup man. Definitely not your first rodeo.

That 4" fan is probably kind of stressing to keep the space cool enough (depend on your intake temps of course). Stepping up to a 6" fan on a speed controller would probably resolve any need for an intake fan, but I can understand if all your 4" ventilation equipment that an intake fan would probably be a less expensive addition.

I recently added a 1mx1m flood tray to my grow space to help me manage the runoff. That was $50 very well spent, it's saved me hours of time over the course of the grow. I have personally found that there are a few things you can add/substitute in the Canna lineup for better (or at least equal) results if you're willing to tinker a little bit. Your results kind of speak for themselves but...

I use Botanicare Hydroplex in place of Cannazym. They are entirely different products, and are pretty compatible in combination also, but what I am looking for out of Cannazym for my system is the PK increase from using a 0-2-1 at 10ml per gallon. Instead, I use the 0-10-6 Hydroplex at 2ml per gallon for the same PK boost. Since each product is about the same price I save 5x the money using Hydroplex and I find the other advertised benefits to be equally useful.

In place of PK13/14 I will use Advanced Nutrients Big Bud Dry (and a touch extra Hydroplex if needed). The Big Bud dry isn't overly expensive as a dry salt since it is used at such a low rate. I'll use about 0.5g/gallon and the additional Potassium it provides definitely fits well with the lower K containing Canna line.

In place of Cannaboost I rock Cutting Edge Solutions Uncle John's Blend. I find the effects, resin production, flower size, plant health and stress response, to all be entirely equal with both products, but again, the Uncle John's Blend is about 1/5th the cost of the Cannaboost. I recommend UJB to everyone I meet and when people ask how I get my stuff so potent that's the bottle I point to every time. Shit works. Period. Get on board and you'll be so happy you did.

In place of Rhizotonic I have used a lot of things. Rhizo does work great and it's totally worth the cost but what I have gotten better results out of are General Organics BioWeed in combination with General Hydroponics Rapid Start. The kind of out of control root growth I want has been just so amazing with these two items that I don't think I'll grow any other way at least for a while. The Rapid Start is a little pricey, but you can get a 125 ml bottle (good for 60-100 gallons) for about $20 and the BioWeed is crazy cheap, so for like $40 you can definitely get squared on that stuff and it should last you a few veg periods in the grow space you have.

Canna Coco A+B is the absolute tits. I am so sold on that stuff it's not even funny - and that's after trying a dozen other systems and still working with anything else I can get my hands on (right now I'm debating between Cyco, Nutrifield, Kind, and HCO for my next run) but a product I like to have on hand for the end of the growth stage is Botanicare CNS17 Ripe. As a 1-5-4 with no calcium I find that it balances out perfectly for that stage after the PK13/14 would be cut. It's cheap as dirt and since I began using it I have noticed a much smoother swell stage with much better senescence in the last week or two of feedings. The Magnesium it provides without competition for Calcium in those later weeks is what I think sets this kind of finisher apart from straight Canna Coco A+B.

Consider me subbed. I believe there is much to learn from your ways!

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
thanks alot for your detailed reply im already learning from you :), i have never considered using any other products other then canna BUT i am willing to change, i also like saving money. ill look into some of the products you mention and ill see if there available here..

yes i agree with you about the 4" fan its something i have been meaning to upgrade .. i recently purchased an air cooled hood that has 6" openings and when money allows i will be upgrading to the 6" fan. at the moment i have the 4" fan attached to the hood but its not set up properly, im just sucking the hot air out rather then blowing cold air over the light. that will be fixed when i get the 6" fan maybe then use the 4" as an intake. winter here is cold and i may take out the hood and just use the standard reflector. my lights come on at night temps should be mid to low 20s celceus and day temps when lights off will be mid teens..

ill have to admit my past few grows have been a big let down to me. if you check my pictures the hog produced 8 and a half oz dry from one plant at the moment im getting around 2 oz average per plant so . i grow different strains nearly every grow so as we know some strains produce more then others but a loss off 5 to 6 oz is more then strain issues..

since december i have moved twice, thats three different houses and three different water supplys. the house im currently living in the water is dreadfull its so full of lime i need to shower with no shower head lol.. i think this may be an issue but i also think im getting carried away watering. i think i need to scale back the amount of water less run off and water more regular and theres other things i need to not improve as such rather then go back to the standards i once had. been to high and complacent plays a major part toward my downfall..

i have also had some serious issues with ph meters. i payed 150euro for a water proof one and it needs to be calibrated every time then it gives un accurate readings. i found this out the hard way waking up one day and the plant was white and more or less dead. so i have been using drops which isnt the most accurate but better then a crapy ph meter.. my EC meter also broke, so im waiting on the post to get my new ph meter with manaul calibration..

im trying to upgrade all my equipment, i have my eye on a larger tent which is quiet cheap at 150euros and its considerbly bigger the the one i have now. im getting married next year so thats taking priority unfortuneitly..

ill get some picturs up of my ladies in veg later.. i have been super crooping the hell out of them and some have fat ass knuckles on them already.. there vegging under a 200watt cfl blue bulb and growth does be slow..

any more advice from anyone is greatly appricated and ill listen to anything.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
at the moment i have 3 plants going in coco, critical hog and the hog.

my ph meter was faulty and i feed them at ph1.2 which killed a few plants but these three survived. they were pretty sick but there getting back to normal at the moment they have some purple stems and some sick looking leaves but the new growth is healthy. they came along way since there wrong ph watering but its taken awhile to get them 100%

if the nutrient feed is ph 5.9 the run off is the same and the EC is going in at 1.5 and run off is 1.2 does this mean that my root zone is working ok and the plant is taking up some of the feed?

trying to get them healthy and start cloning.


Active member
Yikes that ph was low, I recommend Bluelab pens best upgrade ever^^ haha btw those nugs look dank! I recently picked up canna and looking at your grow makes me stoked! Snow Crash about the hydroplex, brilliant idea.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
ye they were very nice thanks, i have not had buds like that in awhile trying to fix the problems.

ye i have the blue lab EC truncheon seems to be fairly good. im so pissed off buying ph meters and they all seem to be crap. i dont mind spending good money on one. save me in the long run

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
another thing i may just be lucky but the three i have left one was from a female seed and the other were normal seeds and even after the stress they went thru i have 3 female friends now :)

going to try clone them in the next few days, try get some really healthy plants

Snow Crash

Active member
if the nutrient feed is ph 5.9 the run off is the same and the EC is going in at 1.5 and run off is 1.2 does this mean that my root zone is working ok and the plant is taking up some of the feed?

trying to get them healthy and start cloning.

Coco should typically have runoff in more in a range of 6.0pH to 6.2pH, but can be as high as 6.4ph or as low as 5.2pH without causing problems. Runoff readings are not really representative of the true pH at the root zone because of how coco has an affinity for some elements more than others. A 5.9pH reading is not concerning because the runoff pH is just so unreliable and because it is well within the safe range.

Given the recent issue with your pH meter it would be prudent to rinse the media (50% runoff) with a good nutrient solution to help reestablish balance - You probably already have but it's worth saying. Then perform a slurry test to get a better idea of the coco health. Odds are very good that you're in okay shape though.

Traditionally, a dropping pH level in hydroponics can mean that the H+ ions are increasing while OH- ions are decreasing. Plants regulate nutrient uptake by releasing ions. This changes the electrical equilibrium and creates a "pressure" difference between the plant and the nutrient solution to uptake other elements. Nitrogen can be particularly tricky as it is available as both NH4+, NO3-, and you may want to check your nutrients for their listings on each.

Photosynthesis creates H+ ions which can cause a drop in the pH. But just before photosynthesis stops for the day plants will increase the respiration rate which slows the flow of H+ ions and tends to drive the pH up a little. So depending on the time of day you could see pH swings without anything really wrong with the nutrient solution. Plant's just doing it's thing. But in nature the microbe activity, breaking down organic matter, burns up the H+ ions so the acidity of organic media tends to be more neutral and sustain fewer swings. Hydroponics media and solutions need to be kept fresh and balanced to ensure a healthy environment for the plants over time.

Low light conditions will increase the uptake of PK also, which can cause a drop in pH. Large plants in bloom that are already in need of a little extra PK and less Nitrogen, in lower light or high stress conditions, is a recipe for a pH drop. It's nothing to really be crazy about, just aware of, so that you don't react too harshly to your readings.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
thanks snow as always great post with lots of information i did not know already. more research online now thanks :)

the ph readings may not be accurate but does it give you an idea of the condition of the root zone. if the readings came out ph4 or 7 then we know theres other factors/problems involved?

yes i immediately flushed the coco out when i realized that the ph readings were incorrect. i think that is what saved the three i have, sad thing is i lost 8 others. we learn from these mistakes and im been very thorough mixing and phing my solution since.

with the problems i have and given enough time will they eventually come back 100% and flower normally or i have caused issues that will affect yield potency. can i keep them for mothers or should i clone them and start fresh with the healthy clones?

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
instead of using my tap water which is .8 EC i purchased a 210L water res to catch rain water. hopefully this will help, by adding 10ml A+B it brings my EC up to 1.7.

im actually hoping for some rain hurry up and come :)

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
trying to experiment with water cloning and cloning in general, i did a bit of reading through old threads and it seems straight forward enough.

any tips or advice would be helpful>



Ripped since 1965
trying to experiment with water cloning and cloning in general, i did a bit of reading through old threads and it seems straight forward enough.

any tips or advice would be helpful>

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=49592&pictureid=1223598&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

I just switched cloning methods again for the 10th time. Now trying my friends method. He gets 100% all the time but it looked so low tech I never used it before. He cuts the top off a clear plastic dish soap or windex bottle and puts all the clones in with the stems about 3" below the water line. Then he runs one tube from a air pump into the top hole so it rests at the bottom and emits bubbles. That's all nothing added to the water, keep it in a warm place with low light levels. 10-14 days- ready to go.Pretty much the same as what you got except some air bubbles:biggrin:

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
why are you switching cloning methods, were the other ways not as successful?

i have not had much success cloning in the past using hormones so the water way as you say is so low tech, reading other threads the less you complicate it the better the results.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
some of my clones that are in the water are looking kinda furry around where the cut is, hoping this is roots coming and not something else. others i see the little white bumps coming up to.

hoping they will survive :)

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror

this is currently what is in my tent.

critical hog and the hog. these 3 came back from the depths of death but look really good now.

they are on 12/12 two days. good things to come ( i hope )

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Hi mate, how far away is the light from the plants? If you want a good PH/EC meter, I recommend Blue Lab Combo Meter, they are expensive but worth the money IMHO, it comes with 2 years warranty but the PH probe only comes with 6 months, they need replacing every year +/- I have been using their meter for about 5 years now and I'm still very happy with it.

Cloning is easy, either get a propagator and root riots or rockwool. You can get propagators that heat at the base, I find they root my cuts quicker, roots love a little heat. Spray them once per day and you will have good roots within 14 days. Use a CFL to root cuts. I like to use an aero cloner. They are great, you simply put the cuts in there and do nothing until they root which is usually 7-10 days. Easy as pie.

What all are you feeding the plants now and at what strength?


GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
im running out of room fast and the plants are stretching, going to get a bigger tent of a mate. at the moment they are only a few inchs away from my hood. ill try bend them down away from light until i get the larger tent.

I dont mind spending the cash on quality products that will stand the test of time. ill look into getting a blue lab ph meter. the blue lab EC meter is really a good tool.

the only thing i dont have for cloning is a heat mat but as you mentioned the aero cloner i think ill just get one of them 120 euro, think it can take up to 20 clones. i need to take my dumb ass out of the cloning equation lol :) thats where im kinda loosing out growing from seed all the time takes to long.

as you know i got the GH nutes yesterday, i got the bloom, grow and the micro. up until yesterday i was using canna i was going from EC 1.8 to 1.0 for a bit of a flush. my tap water is .8 EC so i have been mixing it with rain water to get it down to .4 EC.

one of the plants has started to get black spots on the larger fan leaves half way up the plant. so i started testing the run off, yes not very accurate way of doing it but maybe it would give me some indication of whats going on in the root zone.

the ph of the run off is 6.3 even when i have the feed at 5.6 would this be causing a problem? last night i feed at EC 2.4 i never usually go that high and the run off came out at 1.4. trying to get to the bottom of this before they really start flowering. ph meter is calibrated regularly and i always use the ph drops to make sure its within range.

cheers HGO your more then welcome here a man of your experience ill learn allot from. my ears are open for what ever good or bad you have to say, my grows have been slipping the last few months had to move a few times and the water has been crap and a number of other things to. im here to learn and get back up to pulling some weight of them:)
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Ripped since 1965
Have you feed them the GH yet? All you needed was the bloom and micro- h3ads 6/9. Hide the grow on the back of your shelf like I do. Did you get the hardwater micro? It probably would work with your straight tap water and no need for rainwater. I'm using the 6/9 formula and the growth in veg is insane.

GreeeeN GRassss

duppy conqueror
i gave them one feed of GH last night. ye i got the hardwater micro. so only use the grow in veg or not at all ? what is h3ad 6/9 ?

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