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Eureka Springs Organics

  • Thread starter Eureka Springs Organics
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Well-known member
Ordered a compost tea brewer from you today... bummer the ICmag coupons aren't running yet but glad you have such a great selection of hard to find items!

Eureka Springs Organics

Ordered a compost tea brewer from you today... bummer the ICmag coupons aren't running yet but glad you have such a great selection of hard to find items!

I got the order, and will make, and ship your order out tomorrow. If you need anything else just let me know.


During your R&D period with your tea makers, did you find out if the design is scalable for smaller amounts of tea?

Basically, I barely have room for a 5 gal tank in my apartment and I dig your stuff, but can't justify brewing 5 gallon batches of tea at a time (I don't even have enough vegetables and other plants to give it too!).

Are there any possibilities you could make a smaller version (2.5 gal or 2 gal)?

Eureka Springs Organics

During your R&D period with your tea makers, did you find out if the design is scalable for smaller amounts of tea?

Basically, I barely have room for a 5 gal tank in my apartment and I dig your stuff, but can't justify brewing 5 gallon batches of tea at a time (I don't even have enough vegetables and other plants to give it too!).

Are there any possibilities you could make a smaller version (2.5 gal or 2 gal)?

It is scalable. All of my brewers are the same "design", but with different size brew containers.

That being said I do have some people trying to use the 5 gallon brewer as a 2-3 gallon brewer, and I can't honestly advise that.

I suppose I could make a smaller brewer. It would not be to hard. However most people want larger brewers so I can't see taking the time to make one.

The time, and money I spent designing these brewers will never be recouped. Hind sight being 20/20 I would not have started this project If I would have thought it through. :)
During your R&D period with your tea makers, did you find out if the design is scalable for smaller amounts of tea?

Basically, I barely have room for a 5 gal tank in my apartment and I dig your stuff, but can't justify brewing 5 gallon batches of tea at a time (I don't even have enough vegetables and other plants to give it too!).

Are there any possibilities you could make a smaller version (2.5 gal or 2 gal)?
it's strange, i came here to ask that exact same question, ive been doing a lot of research on the available kits and diy's, yours seems to be the best overall deal, i mean they have these vortex brewers that claim to be the best but they seem extremely expensive and pretty large, and the diy versions of the vortex look kinda crappy...and all the other diy ones out there mostly just look like crappy versions of yours...

i like that yours is tested and proven and i figure since i don't have a microscope id prefer to use one that i know works, so i don't have to wonder if my diy setup actually compares or not (id need an expensive microscope to ever know for sure).

problem is at my peak im only using 1-2 gallons of water a day, i don't mind brewing 5 gallons at once, but ive read it doesn't stay good for long once you remove the air...

would it be feasible to brew a 5 gallon batch, use 2.5 gallons, and leave the rest bubbling for a say 2-3 days longer before i can use the rest? or would it be fine to store that long without aeration?


some guy
Hey Eureka, so I am a Denver local and was checking out your site. I was wondering how organic your ingredients are? I see Flax, Soybean, cottonseed, corn gluten......all potentially GMO amendments (corn at a 98% probability). Can you guarantee your products insofar as non-GMO?

Eureka Springs Organics

Hey Eureka, so I am a Denver local and was checking out your site. I was wondering how organic your ingredients are? I see Flax, Soybean, cottonseed, corn gluten......all potentially GMO amendments (corn at a 98% probability). Can you guarantee your products insofar as non-GMO?

None of my ingredients are certified to be GMO free.

Read up on remediation. Our entire planet is toxic.

GMO inputs in farming are the least of your worries. Let's look at your water hose, pots, hand tools, drip trays, reflective materials, watering cans, etc.

Most likely they are all made of petro-chemicals. Toxic as fuck.

Remediation is key as everything you use to grow with is toxic.

I don't get hung up on gmo inputs. There are far worse things that should be addressed before you get to a point where gmo inputs are going to be the deciding factor.


some guy
I don't get hung up on gmo inputs. There are far worse things that should be addressed before you get to a point where gmo inputs are going to be the deciding factor.

Yikes. GMO products contain growth hormones, anti biotics, pesticides, fungicides, formaldehyde, and the list goes on. Certainly our entire planet is toxic, but not everything is contaminated. I'm not concerned so much about the salinity of my water as I am with what worm farmers are feeding their worms, spraying on their alfalfa, injecting into the animals which then get rendered through a slaughterhouse and made into blood and bone meal. If you really want don't give two shits about GMO's then I don't know why you don't just call yourself Eureka Springs....hold the Organics.


some guy

GMO contains modified genes. Not inherently anything more.

If it's GMO it needs to be upkept. GMO foods have TERRIBLE resistances to diseases, pests, etc. THAT is why they spray so much shit on them and mess with the DNA structure. Corn is sprayed with all sorts of pesticides and fungicides alongside Soybeans. Both of these are then fed to your cows. Those cows (alongside eating contaminated food) are injected with growth hormones and antibiotics. All the while they are living their lives ankle deep in their own shit. They are then killed, rendered, and made into YOUR food and into Blood and Bone Meal. Do you REALLY want this in your garden? I prefer to stick with a safely sourced Fish and Fish Bone Meal.


some guy
Also, if you truly believe that GMO foods aren't sprayed with anything then you are living in a cave, brotha. Do an internet search for GMO, pesticide, fungicide, cancer, health.....CLick on any non government based or Monsanto site and you will find everything you need to know.


GMO products tend to be less expensive, dollar-price-wise.

Like with most produce, non-GMO organic is often more expensive.

A fairly simple trade-off.


some guy
GMO products tend to be less expensive, dollar-price-wise.

Like with most produce, non-GMO organic is often more expensive.

A fairly simple trade-off.

Very true, but I was just asking a simple question....are these products certifiably organic or not......'twas a flat "no". Price isn't an option for me as I grow small scale and try to get the highest quality, healthiest herb possible while trying not to support Corporations or the U.S. gov't. If I pay $5 for 50 lbs of GMO alfalfa or $10 for 50 lbs of organic Alfalfa, is the $5 stretch that much of a price hike when the quality and safety of the final herb will not be comprised and will be that much better? I'd rather give $10 to my local farmer than $5 to Monsanto, just sayin'.


Well-known member
Genetically Modified Organism - Thats all it means. Traditionally bred varieties are subject to the same damn treatment.

Take a step back, I'm talking about GMO. Not interested in hearing a rant about our industrial food production system.

Composted genes are still just composted genes.


some guy
Genetically Modified Organism - Thats all it means. Traditionally bred varieties are subject to the same damn treatment.

Take a step back, I'm talking about GMO. Not interested in hearing a rant about our industrial food production system.

Composted genes are still just composted genes.

Sigh. Have you read any modern articles on the dangers of GMO mass uni-farming? I am talking about GMO, you just aren't seeing the big picture. A GMO crop is a pathetic waste of space. GMO crops are low in nutrients and high in chemicals. Stop acting like GMO = genetically modified organism, while that may be true that's only scratching the surface because as I state before, "GMO crops need to be up kept with a ridiculous amount of herbicide, fungicide, and other chemical treatments in order to survive". I am from Iowa, I grew up in the Soybean and Corn industry. My mother was a farmer all her life and grew corn. I went to Iowa State where I dabbled a bit in argiculture (ISU is one if not the largest leading institution on soybean and corn farming) and it's painful to see so much ignorance permeate the world. These crops are so toxic and so lack luster in nutrients that they are destroying our world for nothing. You HAVE to see the bigger picture. IDC if you are trying to refer strictly to GMO, it's called circulation. GMO goes into the ground, gets sprayed with ferts, is chopped down and fed to animals, those animals are then fed to YOU and their byproducts are fed to YOUR gardens. See a pattern?


Not to Interrupt the hot issue of gmo's

I was actually trying to find the instructions for the 5 gallon tea brewer. Wondering how much of the starter I would put in 5 gallons of water.


Well-known member
dude thats just industrial agriculture, they did the same shit to crops before genetic modification was possible.

In the case of roundup ready corn and soy, yes that is a case of genetic modification used to further exploit a monoculture system.

But to say that GMO = pesticide, herbicide, etc is not correct.

There are GMO crops that are designed to use nutrients more efficiently, be more drought resistant, provide more complete nutrient profiles. Its way bigger than roundup. Just wait until we can plant perennial everything.

I hate monsanto just as much as you do - but we need to move past the knee jerk GMO reaction if we want humanity to benefit from these technologies rather than them being used as a tool of exploitation.

There is a reason 99% of the population doesn't know what a luddite is.


Well-known member
Sorry for the Hijack

I'm all for transparency, we should encourage our vendors to be straight forward about sources.


some guy
dude thats just industrial agriculture, they did the same shit to crops before genetic modification was possible.

Only in the last 100 or so years. Humans have farmed for thousands of years successfully without spraying their crops lol

But to say that GMO = pesticide, herbicide, etc is not correct.

As I stated before, I never said GMO = pesticide. You keep misinterpreting me. What I am saying is that crops that are genetically modified have lowered resistance to disease, pests, environmental stress. Because of this GMO crops require a heavy amount of chemical upkeep to keep them alive. Take away the pesticides and fungicides and there goes 46% of all alfalfa, 94% cottonseed, 96% soybean, 98% corn.

There are GMO crops that are designed to use nutrients more efficiently, be more drought resistant, provide more complete nutrient profiles. Its way bigger than roundup. Just wait until we can plant perennial everything.

GMO crops (even though effecient at nutrient absorption) are NOT effecient at outputting nutrients. Organic crops output higher nutrient levels across the boardEven on a molecular level GMO crops have shown to breakdown and have constant mutation all the while cross pollinating non-GMO crops. Look on a GMO label of corn or what have you and look at the nutrients. Everything on that label is a lie. You are not getting the levels of nutrients they say you are getting because Monsanto owns the industry.

I hate monsanto just as much as you do - but we need to move past the knee jerk GMO reaction if we want humanity to benefit from these technologies rather than them being used as a tool of exploitation.

That's your problem, genetically modifying any food will destroy it. The DNA code is not meant to be messed with. Do you see us testing animals in public view? Humans? Food is an easy target because no one has feelings for food. Organic all the way. Don't fuck with the DNA, it's best the way it is.

There is a reason 99% of the population doesn't know what a luddite is.

Replies in bold.

Eureka Springs Organics

Mr. Tea if you want to rant about using GMO's to produce food crops please start your own thread as We will never see eye to eye on this.

It is a simple cost, risk analyses for farmers.

Again, read up on remediation, and you won't feel the need to freak out like you are.

I to was once where you are. However I educated myself, and moved on.

Again if you want to start a thread go for it, but please leave this one. I don't have time to fight with someone.
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