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TORONTO - In a joint scientific effort, University of Toronto researchers have helped discover a human hormone that can eliminate the high caused by smoking pot.

The buzz-killing breakthrough - the result of an international collaboration - raises hopes for the creation of downer drugs that could control cannabis abuse and addictions and for the development of new, non-intoxicating compounds for medical marijuana users.

"The big deal in the paper is uncovering a whole new ( brain ) system that we didn't know was there," says Ruth Ross, head of pharmacology at the U of T and a key study author.

"The brain has and uses ( this system ) very carefully to control the effects of cannabis. The implications of that will be big."

The study was released Thursday by the journal Science.

In it, Ross and her colleagues described the previously unknown neural braking system, which is triggered by the presence in the brain of cannabis, in particular its active THC component.

The system centres on what's known as the type-1 can nabinoid receptor ( CB1 ) that's activated by THC.

This receptor, Ross says, is normally triggered by naturally occurring "cannabis-like" compounds in the brain that are involved in such things as food intake, memory and mood.

What her study revealed, however, was that the CB1 receptor also produces its own braking system when switched on.

In a feedback mechanism that helps rein in the physiological effects it creates, the receptor produces a type of steroid hormone, dubbed pregnenolone, that can turn it off.

"We've now added another whole layer onto our understanding of that ( CB1 ) system," Ross says.

Pregnenolone "is a kind of safety mechanism to switch it off again when it becomes active or overactive."

The hope, Ross says, is that this natural braking compound can be transformed into drugs that can be used to control the effects of marijuana such as euphoria, drowsiness and increased appetite - the munchies.

Researcher Pier Vincenzo Piazza, of France's INSERM ( Institut national de la sante et de la recherche medicale ) says that pregnenolone cannot be utilized as a treatment itself.

"Pregnenolone cannot be used ... because it is badly absorbed when administered orally and once in the blood stream it is rapidly transformed in other steroids."

However, he said in a media release that there is good probability that a usable synthetic form of the hormone can be created.

"We have now developed derivatives of pregnenolone that are well absorbed and stable," he said.

"They then present the characteristics of compounds that can be used as new class of therapeutic drugs. We should be able to begin clinical trials soon and verify whether we have indeed discovered the first pharmacological treatment for cannabis dependence."

Ross cautions that the research was conducted on rodents and that the effects of the mimicking compounds could differ in and among humans.

But Ross notes that the brain system that pregnenolone works on is essentially identical in people and mice.

"The inference from the research would be that certainly this would be something that would dampen or modulate a lot of the effects of cannabis."

In the study, mice and rats exposed to THC showed marked decreases in memory loss and hunger when injected with pregnenolone.

Ross says she doubts that the discovery will lead to such things as after-party pills that can sober pot smokers up before getting behind the wheel.

Rather, she says, new drugs would likely be aimed at people with serious cannabis abuse problems.

The discovery could also be useful in producing drugs that could control pain or tremors for medicinal marijuana users without the intoxicating side effects.



Does anyone have SERIOUS cannabis abuse problems? I smoked every day for years and when I got a job that tested for drugs, I stopped cold turkey. I did have a craving to smoke and I did have a little trouble sleeping for a couple of days, but then it was fine, except I still wanted to get high, but there was no physical problems from stopping cold turkey. I don't have a lot of willpower, so if it were hard to quit, I don't think I could do it. On the other hand, I drank coffee every morning for years, but when I got my teeth whitened at the dentist, I stopped drinking coffee cold turkey too, and no problems. As I understand it, you are supposed to get a headache from stopping coffee drinking, but I got nothing. I would say quitting smoking pot is about the same as quitting drinking coffee. Am I just different from most people, or are you able to stop smoking with little to no physical effects and minimal psychological effects?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have never had a any problems stopping the use of cannabis. Growing is a different story :D


Active member
"The system centres on what's known as the type-1 can nabinoid receptor ( CB1 ) that's activated by THC.

This receptor, Ross says, is normally triggered by naturally occurring "cannabis-like" compounds in the brain that are involved in such things as food intake, memory and mood."

This could support the theory that some people say they get the munchies but after they eat they lose their buzz-on.


Active member
Of course you must realize that a shocking headline is par for the course with journalists
who report on scientific experiments.

The scientists are going for big discoveries in brain science to add to their curriculum vitae, and a mechanism to block cannabinoids if discovered would be published in a journal.

The discovery of this hormone could also lead to a novel method of absorbing a higher amount of THC at a higher rate. You could just reduce the hormone that blocks THC.

The scientific discovery is interesting, but the headline is sensationalistic and obviously
meant to sell papers or get the writer injected into the national news stream.

I wonder if this explains why certain people experience large amounts of memory loss and hunger, while other people experience minimal memory loss and hunger. Could be
due to varying levels of this hormone.

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


I'd be more interested in a substance that enhances the effects, rather than diminishes them, but, hey, that's just me ;)

as far as ceasing cannabis use, most people have little or no problems with stopping all day long term use cold turkey, even those with decades of constant daily use.

But there are some people who do suffer withdrawals of varying degrees, I'm one of them. I rarely remember my dreams when I regularly smoke ganja (and I've been more high than not on a daily basis for over 40 years) but when I stop smoking as I have been more and more so in recent years, I get short tempered and irritated easily for the first few days then that goes away, but after about 4 or 5 days I suffer from the most shockingly horror filled nightmares for a week or so.....these are not just your regular "oooh that was scary..ha, ha" type nightmares, these ones are so disturbingly real and horrifying that 10% of one would give Chuck Norris a heart attack (and I'm not exaggerating here!), With exercise, keeping busy etc the bad side effects are minimized some what.

Sam, here's a question for you --- Do you suffer any adverse side effects when you stop smoking?


I have easily stopped smoking Cannabis a thousand times, whoops...
Just joking, I have stopped only a few times, like when I went to China in the early 90's. I found it decreased my appetite for a few days, harder to sleep for a few days and made me remember all my dreams which were all in vivid technicolor. Exercise helps but I am not so keen on exercising. When I was young I remembered all my dreams and in fact if I would think about it just before going to sleep and I could control my dreams and dream about anything I wanted to. Lucid dreaming, also means you are aware of the fact you are dreaming. In my dreams I used to fly up up and higher to almost space and then as I knew I was dreaming, dive straight down to the earth, I would hit the earth and enter the ground molecules on a micro level, I liked doing that, but prefer smoking. When I am smoking I do not ever remember my dreams.
I know a substance that increases the high, it is called hashish...
If you smoke pure CBD say 100 mg before smoking any Cannabis or resin you will not get high at all, and will have vivid dreams that night. It lasts maybe 8-12 hours.

I'd be more interested in a substance that enhances the effects, rather than diminishes them, but, hey, that's just me ;)

as far as ceasing cannabis use, most people have little or no problems with stopping all day long term use cold turkey, even those with decades of constant daily use.

But there are some people who do suffer withdrawals of varying degrees, I'm one of them. I rarely remember my dreams when I regularly smoke ganja (and I've been more high than not on a daily basis for over 40 years) but when I stop smoking as I have been more and more so in recent years, I get short tempered and irritated easily for the first few days then that goes away, but after about 4 or 5 days I suffer from the most shockingly horror filled nightmares for a week or so.....these are not just your regular "oooh that was scary..ha, ha" type nightmares, these ones are so disturbingly real and horrifying that 10% of one would give Chuck Norris a heart attack (and I'm not exaggerating here!), With exercise, keeping busy etc the bad side effects are minimized some what.

Sam, here's a question for you --- Do you suffer any adverse side effects when you stop smoking?
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Active member
hell no. next people on probation will be forced to take it like that pill for booze. luckily I never will be on probation .


Active member
I have stopped smoking Cannabis a thousand times, whoops...I found it decreased my appetite for a few days, harder to sleep for a few days and made me remember all my dreams which were all in vivid technicolor...When I was young I remembered all my dreams and in fact if I would think about it just before going to sleep and I could control my dreams and dream about anything I wanted to. Lucid dreaming, also means you are aware of the fact you are dreaming. In my dreams I used to fly up up and higher to almost space and then as I knew I was dreaming, dive straight down to the earth, I would hit the earth and enter the ground molecules on a micro level, I liked doing that, but prefer smoking. When I am smoking I do not ever remember my dreams.
I know a substance that increases the high, it is called hashish...
If you smoke pure CBD say 100 mg before smoking any Cannabis or resin you will not get high at all, and will have vivid dreams that night. It lasts maybe 8-12 hours.
Sam, that is exactly what I have experienced when off cannabis (lucid dreaming included!).

Yes, we've known there was a factor in cannabis (CBD) that prevents a person from getting high. So now they know how it works, whoopee!

The most practical use I can see for it, and what it will probably be used for, is in combination with other cannabinoid formulations for medical patients who don't want to get high, or can't stay high for other reasons. Esp. those who need very large doses of cannabis.

What's really cool about cannabis science now is how it reveals new secrets of the human body - secrets that are going to lead to wonderful new treatments with few, if any, mild side-effects.

And the US gov't continues to suppress cannabis research, although big pharma is pressing hard now for it.

Happy 7

Attached: Pregnenolone Can Protect the Brain from Cannabis Intoxication

Just in case someone likes to read the original paper and not the blog posts and stuff. Had to split it due to icmag's archaic size limitations.



  • 1.pdf
    823.3 KB · Views: 94
  • 2.pdf
    512.4 KB · Views: 90


ruger 500
well that very statement say to me It is a god given right to use cannibus as we were created to have it in our system,and it regulates it,......


Active member
It's an interesting find, for sure. It could lead to over the counter chill pills. Overindulged & now you need to drive home? Perhaps that edible was a little more than you bargained for? Chill pill is here to help you cope!


Active member
Finding more use!!!!!!

is what its all about,an its showing up FAST......
the more they get into it the more it becomes a med!!!

i would have to agree with the Doc's,for 1 reason only.
if your NOT a MJ user,the drug if you will is very strong,
ONLY because the body has not recognized it an acts defencive.
it can an will scare a person who has never used MJ at all.....
So,this is good for those patients that dont wanna feel the power of the high.

After the body has recognized it as just another cannabinoid,ONLY BETTER,
it then dialates an conforms with the drug making the body work much better!
after about a 2 week time,the body an mind knows what it is,an happily uses
it threwout the body systems.....elevating all scences.....
i cant wait till they break this OPEN as it is the pandoras box!


Active member
ICMag Donor
That's strange. I've been taking 50 mg of pregnenolone daily for years as part of hormone replacement therapy. When you take exogenous testosterone, your body stops producing related hormones like pregnenolone and DHEA. I've never noticed any changes in my ability to get high. I've experimented with doses up to 200 mg/day without ever noticing any changes in how weed works for me.

I'd be worried about blocking CB1 receptors too. CB1 agonists have been shown to fight cancer in countless studies (in vitro and animal studies). Cannabinoid receptor antagonists like Rimonabant have been shown to increase cancer rates in animal studies. Cannabinoids have so many medical uses for so many conditions. Blocking cannabinoid receptors just seems dangerous.

Happy 7

That's strange. I've been taking 50 mg of pregnenolone daily for years as part of hormone replacement therapy. When you take exogenous testosterone, your body stops producing related hormones like pregnenolone and DHEA. I've never noticed any changes in my ability to get high. I've experimented with doses up to 200 mg/day without ever noticing any changes in how weed works for me.

Strange? Says right there in the very 1st post:

"Pregnenolone cannot be used ... because it is badly absorbed when administered orally and once in the blood stream it is rapidly transformed in other steroids."

However, he said in a media release that there is good probability that a usable synthetic form of the hormone can be created.

"We have now developed derivatives of pregnenolone that are well absorbed and stable," he said.