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!50w Hps Stealth Cabinet

looking great deftoner!
she looks happy and healthy :peacock:
hopefully she doesnt keep on stretching on ya, lol that would be no bueno.
anyways good luck !
Keep it Green


Any suggestions on how I can deal with the height? I'm leaning toward LST.

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
yea or you break their necks but im not sure if you could do that being that far in flow. maybe some if the xperts could chime in


Active member
I've never run an autoflower but stretch can be a bitch. She looks to be holding fairly compact but lst is your friend at this point. I've made little s-hooks and hooked to the pot rim and tied down with strings.

Blue Socks

Definitely gonna need to LST that girl. Or super cropping.

Either way she looks fucking GREAT.

This is your first grow? You're doing it right my man


Thanks guys I went ahead and trimmed the upper fan leaves on the main cola and bent her 90°. Looks like its gonna do the trick.

This is my 3rd grow. Still learning. Last run in the cab was a c99 dwc.


Active member
Thanks guys I went ahead and trimmed the upper fan leaves on the main cola and bent her 90°. Looks like its gonna do the trick.

This is my 3rd grow. Still learning. Last run in the cab was a c99 dwc.

Tomorrow she will recover from that 90 degree bend. Keep pulling that cola down and you can turn it into an S shape pretty easy.

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
hey deft were your stems very woody when supercropping and did you have trouble with any of the branches?


I only bentnthe main cola over. It was pretty easy. I just gripped it with one hand and gently bent it over until it broke just enough to bend 90°. I then wrapped it loosely with masking tape to keep it from bending all the way down. What do you mean woody? Rigid?


Change when all vertical growth has stopped. Once she stops rising switch to bloom.