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Double ended bulbs and reflectors


Can you explain why that is? That's an 8" port on that reflector SS makes. Why produce a reflector with a port that size (which I normally use for my 1000w ventilation) knowing that 1000w DE bulbs aren't suppose to be air cooled?

With the indoor cannabis cultivation boom, there are an endless number of products being marketed and sold that don't necessarily give any benefit. Companies sell any product that people will buy... this is true with all markets. I'm not saying that this is necessarily the case with the SS reflector, but it's something to keep in mind in general.

nachoconqueso do you need a remote ballast? Sorry if I missed that. A lot of places sell the mounted Gavita ballast+reflector+bulb combo for just over 500 USD. Considering that the bulbs last longer, can be overdriven to 1150w, have less ballast loss than most, and output more usable light, I don't see other conventional single ended equipment is really much cheaper, unless you're getting used equipment for cheap.


+15" from fixture is no problem for my plants when it's on the 1150 setting. Though results may vary depending on room temp, humidity, and ventilation. I have no fans blowing at the fixture but the airflow is good and room temp is 80F.
+15" from fixture is no problem for my plants when it's on the 1150 setting. Though results may vary depending on room temp, humidity, and ventilation. I have no fans blowing at the fixture but the airflow is good and room temp is 80F.

Thanks for the info. I am looking for the remote ballast version. I agree with you that companies will make whatever crap people will buy. Honestly, I'm still considering just the mag and horti and calling it a day. The only way I give Gavita the consideration is because 1. I have about 30" to work with, 2. My environment is always cool (dry basement situation) 3. Lots of settings to dial back 4. Sunlight Supply has always made my favorite reflectors so I'm willing to give them a shot on this one. Besides, if it's made with the same material they use to make all their nice reflectors then it's good enough for me. The glass and air cooling have sparked my curiosity enough to put me over the edge...maybe haha

Btw, on the other side of things, Gavitas reflectors and ballasts are hardly the end all. They'll be better cheaper DE rigs coming soon I'm sure. New products are what brought us here right? No one could trust Gavita at first but you trust them, go for it, and it works out. It's just a reflector anyways, not some space age lighting bullshit.


See? I can act like a 12 year old girl too. If you're a guy and you actively seek the eye roll emoticon then there is a 98% chance you have a high amount of female hormones. In particular, the hormones found in girls just approaching puberty.

:tiphat: Have a lovely day and don't roll those eyes too much! It's a true slippery slope. One minute you're rolling your eyes, the next minute you have your arms wrapped around some sweaty homeless guy you just met next to the dumpster behind your group home, passionately making out deep into the night.


So I stumbled across a reflector that houses a double ended bulb and has an 8" port for air cooling. People keep talking like double ended is the future. Learn me on this subject as I'm in the market for a new 1000w and I'm willing to give something different a try.
You started this thread seeking knowledge...
Thanks for the info. I am looking for the remote ballast version. I agree with you that companies will make whatever crap people will buy. Honestly, I'm still considering just the mag and horti and calling it a day. The only way I give Gavita the consideration is because 1. I have about 30" to work with, 2. My environment is always cool (dry basement situation) 3. Lots of settings to dial back 4. Sunlight Supply has always made my favorite reflectors so I'm willing to give them a shot on this one. Besides, if it's made with the same material they use to make all their nice reflectors then it's good enough for me. The glass and air cooling have sparked my curiosity enough to put me over the edge...maybe haha

Btw, on the other side of things, Gavitas reflectors and ballasts are hardly the end all. They'll be better cheaper DE rigs coming soon I'm sure. New products are what brought us here right? No one could trust Gavita at first but you trust them, go for it, and it works out. It's just a reflector anyways, not some space age lighting bullshit.
And after all the knowledge bestowed, you slam Gavita anyway...Maybe this ones better:jerkit:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I posted the info you need to be sucsesful if you chose not to follow it thats yuor choice. I know at least 30 people using Gavita in huge setups and small setups. not one of them was able to get the bulb closer then 25" without damaging the tops. I tried it amd also got damage to my tops at 1150 setting. you have the info its up to you to chose what to do. I can garantee that if you put a gavita on 1150 15" from yuor tops they will fry. this is what 30+ people have reported myself inculded.


If you need at least 30" to canopy then something might be wrong with your ventilation. I have no idea why my post was neg repped... I was just trying to help by stating my real world experience. If I'm being unhelpful then please explain why so I won't be so unhelpful in the future :thank you:

Many of the tops in this photo, including the two main colas, were less than 2 feet from a Gavita reflector on the 1150 watt setting.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
NO this data is from Gavita...The 25-30" from the canopy is hard data from the vendor Gavita. Many of us don't use ventilation on these lights. you would void your warantee.. I use 1 intake and 1 exhaust both 12" inline fans. Room conditions are perfect in my garden. I keep the rooms under control not the light. With all the other crap we need like scrubbers and fans on the walls on the floors everywhere. If you use a DE Gavita light setup properly on 1150 IT will cause damage soner or later to the tops of your plants if used closer then 25". Your pic shows many up to 95% of your tops much farther away then 15". I should be able to see the hood if its 15" from the tops. 2' is 24" your right on the border line. if you keep it there you will find out as they grow taller.

that's the info Gavita says and that's the data I got using it closer then 25". I know many who use these lights, They all have the same issue as I do, tops are crispy when run closer then 25" to the bulb. Those are facts. If you have a pro gavita DE light 15" to the tops set at 1k/1150 will be worse without cooling the bulbs directly you would be the first to accomplish this.

if you are cooling the bulbs you are running them at the wrong temp and spectrum.
Gavita tells us to never cool there DE bulbs..

Keep in mind that the only thing that matters is that you like it. If your happy doing what you do it doesn't matter what anyone else has to say...I wish you the best of luck running it like that.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have a Agrotech Magnum Double Ended Reflector no cooling. Its a big sucker. I took par measurements it puts out the most par compared to the OEM gavits reflector and the OEM E-P reflector.


Here is the DE Adjustawing



if I believe your talking the 1000 bulb. you can't / shouldn't cool them. it will actually reduce output from them

The new ACDE from Sunlight Supply is the only vented double ended hood I currently know of.

It works differently than a regular vented hood. There are slits at the corner of the reflector so the heat can dissipate into a chamber above the reflector. It's from that chamber that the heat is removed via air cooling.

In this way, the hood can be vented without cold air blowing on the DE bulb.

They're pretty nifty. The above info comes directly from the Sunlight rep here in Colorado (I'm a grow store owner).
The new ACDE from Sunlight Supply is the only vented double ended hood I currently know of.

It works differently than a regular vented hood. There are slits at the corner of the reflector so the heat can dissipate into a chamber above the reflector. It's from that chamber that the heat is removed via air cooling.

In this way, the hood can be vented without cold air blowing on the DE bulb.

They're pretty nifty. The above info comes directly from the Sunlight rep here in Colorado (I'm a grow store owner).

How close can the things get to the canopy? the Gavita requirements for 30"+ kills me in one of my spaces. If these AC/DEs can get closer, I may be able to make the DE swap :)


New member
Sorry to dig this up but it's really hard to find any information about the Agrotech Magnum Double Ended Reflector. Purple Frostbyte, has your experience with it still been positive? How far off the canopy do you have to keep it?

It looks kinda like the insides of a Magnum XXXL reflector which I know has a good light and heat spread.

I know someone posted this in the ePapillon thread but there's been a test done of these DE reflectors: http://growershouse.com/blog/best-indoor-grow-light-test/

The AC/DE killed it and the ePapillon did not look to good. The Agrotech was not tested.


With gavitas I believe you can replace the inner reflector material every 1-2 years. Can you do this with all these other reflectors you people are posting?
With gavitas I believe you can replace the inner reflector material every 1-2 years. Can you do this with all these other reflectors you people are posting?

EP - yes I believe. I dont think the others are built to do such a thing...the AC/DE I don't think you are replacing that reflector easily. It's unique too - almost like a mirror on the corner sections.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
you can replace the reflector on the Gavita or the E-P. None of the after market reflectors have replaceable parts that I know of.. when it gets to dirty they need to be replaced. 150$. If you try and clean it. do not use anything but hot water. do not put any pressure on the shinny side. it will scratch/dull it to a useless state. I take it apart soak in hot water(BATH TUBE)then blow dry. I don't touch the shinny side. just wiping a finger across it will dull it.


you can replace the reflector on the Gavita or the E-P. None of the after market reflectors have replaceable parts that I know of.. when it gets to dirty they need to be replaced. 150$. If you try and clean it. do not use anything but hot water. do not put any pressure on the shinny side. it will scratch/dull it to a useless state. I take it apart soak in hot water(BATH TUBE)then blow dry. I don't touch the shinny side. just wiping a finger across it will dull it.

I was sort of thinking about that today, the gavita epap marketing makes a huge deal out of the efficiency of the reflective material but the SS ac hood I believe has normal material in the bulk of it and the new stuff in the corners.

I would love to see independent par numbers between them. I have no reason to distrust the ones that were posted but it's always nice to see it backed up by more tests.

Kind of strange that the sunlight hood makes what appear to be better numbers with out the new reflective material.

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