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Ormus is the key to future agricultural productivity.


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Ormus is created from pure Organic Sea Salts. As Ormus is created through an ancient alchemical process, elements, in their high-spin, quantum or M-state, are manifest. These m-state elements in Ormus are trans-dimensional in nature and behavior. They subtly, yet directly, connect to the Quantum Field.

These Ormus m-state elements are from the Mineral Kingdom.

Use Ormus to awaken your plant life with Gaia’s Harvest I and Gaia's Harvest II Volcano opening the Ch'i or ether vastly increasing crop yield, vibrancy, hardiness and the life of your personal Eden.

For more information and research about Ormus and it's agricultural applications click on this link to Barry Carter's website www.subtleenergies.com


As civilization moves into the 21st Century, we are discovering that recent agricultural petrochemical fertilizing methods using primarily potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus have very nearly reached their limits.

We continue to experience resource depletion and rampant soil erosion on a global basis a huge burden is then placed on increasing agricultural productivity to overcome these obstacles so that it becomes possible to feed a world population of seven billion this year and an estimated 10 billion mouths within 30 years.

The ability to meet this growing need is here today; the answer is monatomics found in Ormus.

The monatomics or m-state elements, found in the Ormus, are released in an alchemical process from organic sea salts.

In addition to the m-state elements there is a precipitate consisting of magnesium and calcium hydroxide.

Many gardeners have already discovered that in just six weeks time their crop of choice has become larger, healthier with more abundant fruit than they've ever seen; all this with just a few tablespoons of the monatomics in the Ormus concentrate made by us here at Blue Water Alchemy.

The side-by-side comparisons of plants treated once with Ormus versus the untreated plants is nothing but profound. Have a look at these tomato plants as they get ready to really get to producing. One to three pounds of tomatoes per day per plant is not unheard of. And man are they sweet!


David Hudson named these elements ORMEs or Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements. These trillions of mono-atomic Elements in Ormus act to profoundly focus the "Ch'i" the life-force energy, thereby supercharging the plants as they grow.

The Ormus is to be used at the rate of one to two tablespoons per gallon of water at the beginning of the vegetative state and then again just as plant flowering begins. Time to maturity is shortened slightly while yields, at a minimum, are 50% greater... Some growers even get yields 2 to 3 times greater!

The plants are far more resistant to insects, disease, mold, fungus, and variations in light intensity... Because the plants are so vibrant it even buys the gardener some tolerance when grown with hydroponic systems if there happens to be some kind of mechanical failure that isn't corrected right away.

Because the ORMEs are trans-dimensional in nature, young plants that begin as clones have demonstrated genetic changes enhancing the plants best attributes. This is fascinating stuff.

When soaking seeds in a 1/2% Ormus solution seed eruption nears 100% and vigorous root growth is quickly seen.

For virtually every crop, especially crops that command a high dollar per pound at market time, there truly is no greater return on investment that you can make right now than the addition of monatomics found in Gaia's Harvest Ormus to your grow arsenal.

This is a partial list of the elements, in their monatomic or diatomic state, extracted from Sonoma Pacific and Dead Sea salt, that are found in Gaia's Harvest I Ormus:

Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Iridium, Palladium, Silver, Osmium, Platinum and Gold.

The ruthenium ORME is particularly good at relaxing the dual-stranded DNA and then recombining the genetics of the plant so it is able to evolve into a healthier more vibrant and productive plant.

The evolution continues as these seeds are then harvested and planted the following season. These elements are commonly referred to as Sea-11 or C-11. Each of these 11 elements has a critical role in growing the best plant possible.

Your bottle of Ormus is shipped in a EMF protection bag and should be kept in this bag when not being used. The ORMEs are very sensitive to light and to electromagnetic fields. Store in a dark location.

Great care should be taken to not 'drive-off' the ORMEs with ambient magnetic fields and EMF energies.

We look forward to working with you to begin growing the biggest and healthiest crops you've ever had using this ancient vibrational technology!


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This recipe s offered by Anne Beversdorf. Please feel free to copy and distribute. There is absolutely NO recommendation about usage here. This is an experimental product available for research purposes.

For more information about ORMUS, see www.subtleenergies.com/ormus

Equipment needed:

2 Stainless steel or pyrex bowls, to hold at least ½ gallon volume each
Coffee filters
Strainer to hold coffee filters (coffee pot top is ok unless aluminum.) Do not use aluminum.
Squirt bottle with good lid, or dropper bottle
pH paper that tests up to at least 11 (I’m happy with strips ordered from http://www.indigoinstruments.com/? )
Glass jar (spigot at bottom is useful)
Turkey baster or 50cc syringe (esp. if you don’t have a spigot on the jar)
Pyrex measuring cup.

Ingredients needed:

Coarse sea salt. The gray kind that looks damp—clumps together—is best. I get it from Trader Joe’s for $3.79/2-cup jar. Or you can order Dead Sea Salt directly from www.snowdriftfarm.com
Lye (Red Devil Lye is in most groceries in the Drano section). You can also order food grade lye from www.snowdriftfarm.com
Gallon of Distilled water
White distilled vinegar
Preparation: Do this over the sink, out of the way.

Pour one cup of distilled water in Pyrex measuring cup that’s sitting in the sink. Add two tablespoons of lye powder. Standing back from the sink so fumes don’t get in your eyes, stir powder til it dissolves. Note: The water will get hot. If lye powder contacts your skin or clothes, remove it immediately with water and soap---take off the clothing immediately. The powder will eat through clothing and skin.

Place the squirt bottle or dropper bottle in the sink and pour the lye solution into the bottle. If water is still hot, leave the lid loosely placed over the top. You can fasten it later, when the water cools down.


Pour 4 cups of water in a bowl and dissolve 1cup of salt in the water. (Different brands of salt have different yields. Dead Sea salt takes 1/8 cup per gallon.)
Strain salt water thru coffee filters into the second bowl. You will probably have to use many coffee filters, as there’s a lot of “stuff” in sea salt.
With pH paper ready, start adding dropperfuls (or very small squirts) of lye-water to the salt water, STIRRING CONSTANTLY. (Vary your stir pattern, as the lye-water will tend to concentrate on one section unless you blend it everywhere.)
Check the pH of the water. You want the pH to reach 10 without going as high as 11. It will rise slowly til it gets to about 9, and then will go faster. When it gets to about 10 it will suddenly rise FAST. If it gets as high as 11, add a few drops of vinegar to bring the PH back down.
Note: The reason for the exact pH reading is that the m-state elements will drop out of the water at just over 10.5. If you go too high, other elements (“Gilchrist Elements”) will drop out of the water, and they are bad for you. So you want the pH to stay under 11. (10.78 to be exact).
When the correct pH is reached, check several places in the water to make sure it’s evenly distributed.
Pour water in large jar. Let it settle for at least 4 hours. Overnight is best. A white or grey precipitate will form at the bottom of the jar.
When 4-12 hours has passed, drain or siphon off the clear water (salt water), and refill the bottle with distilled or good drinking water. (You may keep this water, adding more distilled to it and raising the pH to get more precipitate.) Shake it and let it settle again. This is called “washing the precipitate”.
Wash the precipitate at least 3 times with clean water, each time shaking it and letting it settle at least 4 hours before repeating.
After the last wash, pour the “slurry” of grey/white powder and water into a glass jar with a lid and save it for use. Store it away from electric or magnetic fields.
Since Ormus is strongly affected by intent and by energy fields, it seems to increase its potency if you surround it with high-energy objects. These range from crystals, to photos of beloved teachers or grandmothers, to written intentions of goals, etc.
How to use If you choose to ingest it, start with about a half teaspoon twice a day. If you take too much at the beginning you may go into a “healing crisis” as your body detoxes.

It has also been applied directly to the skin to improve scars, age spots, wrinkles, discolorations, etc.

Pets and plants love it. (You don’t need to use much on plants to get huge yields. If you use TOO much, yield drops. The ratio, for what it’s worth, is 3 gallons per acre once a season. I’ve also heard one-half cup per five gallons of water.) Flowering plants bloom like mad after receiving just a drop of Ormus in their water.

For more information on Ormus, combining Ormus with essential oils, or for astrological insights into personal growth, contact:

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Active member
wouldn't kelp harvested from ocean provide the salts too. cause that what I do when at home in san diego. harvest fresh seaweed dry it ,compost it .my garage roof is flat and black , can even make jerky on its roof along with drying crab,lobster shrinp shells


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Ormus - Spiritual and Medicinal Gold With Incredible Healing Potential

Ormus - Spiritual and Medicinal Gold With Incredible Healing Potential

(NaturalNews) Ormus, also known as ORMEs, m-state elements, white powder gold, or the Philosopher's Stone, was discovered in 1975 by an Arizona farmer named David Hudson. He discovered some material in his soil that he had never seen before. He laid it out to dry in the hot Arizona sun so he could have it analyzed. What happened next was absolutely remarkable: the stuff exploded in a big flash of light and disappeared! But when he dried it without the use of sunlight it didn't disappear.

Hudson was a very successful farmer and businessman so he could afford to have an expensive assay of the material done by a professor at New York's Cornell University. The stuff turned out to contain gold, silver, iron and aluminum, among other things. However, the gold and silver did not dissolve in fluid, as is usually the case. The iron and aluminum also did not dissolve in various acids and in their isolated form, they formed a strange black matter.

One by one the elements were isolated. Until the standard tests revealed there should be nothing left. But there was something left - a lot of it, in fact. The scientist told Hudson there was nothing, although after removal of the individual elements a staggering 98% of the material was still left! Hudson had spent a lot of money on the analyses and left the university completely disappointed in academic science.

Dissatisfied but determined, Hudson sought out a German expert who, together with him, was willing to analyze the stuff further and build special machinery to do this. The assays showed that it contained various precious elements such as platinum and variants thereof, like rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and osmium.

The tests also showed that this material reacted differently to various heat and cold treatments. The time period to which they exposed the stuff to hot or cold temperatures also produced different results. The turning point was at 70 seconds heat treatment. When Hudson stopped the process at 69 seconds the powder contained no precious elements, yet at 70 seconds or over it did.

Hudson then went to a specialist at the University of Iowa. They conducted several experiments and once again produced the most amazing results. The material expressions of the stuff magically changed depending on the degree of warming or cooling they subjected it to. Among these forms were a white powder but also glass. Elements such as iron spontaneously disappeared or morphed into other elements. The material also changed weight, particularly when exposed to air.

Hudson was advised to patent these elements to prevent others from using his findings and keep him from experimenting further. In March of 1988 Hudson patented these elements which he called Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, or ORMEs. This has become known as Ormus and stands for what are twelve known elements which exist both in a material and an immaterial, energetic form.

Hudson found this out by getting in touch with one of the American pioneers of quantum physics, Hal Puthoff. Puthoff explained to him the strange phenomena associated with Ormus. Ormus elements are capable of losing their material form under the influence of warmth and sunlight, making them no longer subject to the laws of gravity and even capable of dissolving into sunlight. This is what Hudson had witnessed when he dried the material in the hot sun. The Ormus had literally become one with the light and transferred to another dimension in which there is no space-time. By cooling it down, he learned to bring back the stuff to the exact place where he had laid it to dry, back to the material world of space-time in which we live.

Ormus is a superconductor. These elements resonate with the primal energy, the zero point from which all life originates and which is a quantum potential of possibilities. Ormus is one with this endless source of energy, which can be found in the air, the soil, plants, stones and the sea. Hudson even showed by dissecting animal brains that they too contained Ormus. According to Hudson our brains contain at least 5% Ormus. This percentage can be raised considerably if we take in food and water with a high Ormus content.

It is exactly these foods that are so sadly lacking today. Hudson refers to Ormus as 'the light of life' and 'the Spirit'. He claims it not only makes us more spiritual but that it's capable of correcting DNA too. Now think of the experiments the alchemists carried out in which they tried to change metals into gold and made a white powder out of gold. The church persecuted, tortured and killed these people. What did they know that we're not supposed to know? The ancient Egyptians also knew. Gold has always been the true money and has remained so to this day. But the true value of gold may well be medicinal and spiritual instead of material.

There are, unfortunately, dark and powerful forces at work which are trying to keep us from realizing our true potential, our true evolution to a higher consciousness. They are spreading death energy across the planet. They do so by controlling our food and money supply. They are the inventors of NPK agriculture, which is based on growing crops with a bare minimum of three elements: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). This technique came out of the successes they had had in World War One with nitrogen bombs. Plants grown with NPK cannot survive in nature because she sends a 'clean-up crew' of insects and fungi to dispose of these weak organisms. That's why the crops are 'treated' with pesticides, which in turn are a variation of nerve gas.

Thus an unnatural product is kept artificially alive using war chemistry. As a result, we develop a structural mineral (and therefore Ormus) deficiency and ingest dangerous toxins which mess with our hormonal and nervous system. The diseases caused by this are then 'treated' with even more war-based chemicals. Like chemo therapy, for instance, which is nothing more than a variation of mustard gas.

Genetic engineering of crops such as corn, cotton, canola and soy is done to alter the natural genetic blueprint of these crops so they can be patented. This is done by making the plant sick using a cancer or virus to penetrate the plant's DNA. Animals don't fare much better. Millions of cows, pigs and chickens are kept in circumstances which would normally cause the animals to drop dead on their feet. Yet with medication, growth hormones and synthetic minerals they are kept alive long enough to be sent to the slaughter house. This process happens so quickly that many animals are skinned alive. The suffering of these animals defies description and you end up with sick plants and animals and death energy on your plate. Is this the kind of 'food' you'd like to eat? Is it any wonder only 5% of the world population are free thinkers?

Experiments show that Ormus is most abundant in the sea. Not so strange when you consider that sea water covers 70% of the earth's surface and is the primal soup of all life on this planet. All known and unknown minerals on this planet are concentrated in sea water. Grow your own veggies and fruit with these building blocks of life using diluted ocean water or sea salt. If you want to find out more about this, check out these two pages I wrote for NaturalNews:



Ormus is available in its isolated form for growing plants:


Ormus is also available for human consumption:


Eat as many raw and untreated natural products from good soil and grown with love. Drink wild water from streams in forests that comes up on its own volition. Expose yourself to the healing powers of sunlight by gazing into the sun with your eyes closed and palms outstretched. Breathe in as much forest air and sea air as possible.

In short, expose yourself to as much Ormus as possible. These are the known Ormus elements:

* Cobalt

* Nickel

* Copper

* Ruthenium

* Rhodium

* Palladium

* Silver

* Osmium

* Iridium

* Platinum

* Gold

* Mercury

Those who want to know more about Ormus should check out Barry Carter's webpage:


Ormus is life energy. This is sorely needed as a counterweight to the death energy we are exposed to daily through our food, our drinking water, our 'medicines', electromagnetic fields and radioactivity due to the use of depleted uranium by a flourishing war industry. This negative energy keeps us sick and dumb.

But it doesn't have to be like this. Remember that the force of life is always stronger than the force of death and darkness is merely the absence of light. All you need to do is surround yourself by the light. It's all around and inside you.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/022705.html##ixzz2mZA1X3MC



To Have More ... Desire Less
I took the easy route and order... 100 bucks worth of Ormus...elixir
sum for me, and sum other type for me plants...

have found a site that carries multiple types from various regions of salt world wide.....


New member
wouldn't kelp harvested from ocean provide the salts too. cause that what I do when at home in san diego. harvest fresh seaweed dry it ,compost it .my garage roof is flat and black , can even make jerky on its roof along with drying crab,lobster shrinp shells
All plants use different ratios of elements so kelp may not contain all of them.


Active member

^^ advanced search for ormus posts here at ic mag. 99 ormus posts here at ic mag.

i think ormus is probably a new frontier of exploration for lots of good results. there are even quite a few articles that say monoatomic gold is why aliens came to planet earth.

^ https://www.google.com/search?q=mon...8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8

^ 16,900# posts came up.

sea-crop has lots of ormus in it. lots of data supporting sea fertilizers for plants.

sea-crop also has lots of pre-dna microorganisms in it called archaea

achaea is probably as important in agriculture as ormus and is another new frontier to explore.

^^ posts here at ic mag on archaea.


^^ over 300,000 posts on "archaea and agriclture"

again, lots of solid evidence to suport sea solids use in agriculture and sea solids have both archaea and ormus in abundance.


The Mad Monk
You getting a cut from these guys or something Yort?

It's new age Cal/Mag with trace minerals.

I don't doubt it can be of some benefit to plants, though it is redundant for most growers with half a clue, but the science claims made are absolute bullshit.

Read up on what "ORMEs" are and you'll see the foundation for all of this nonsense talk is based on complete fiction.


sea-crop has lots of ormus in it. lots of data supporting sea fertilizers for plants.

sea-crop also has lots of pre-dna microorganisms in it called archaea

achaea is probably as important in agriculture as ormus and is another new frontier to explore.
Sea-Crop rocks and yes full of Ormus. Also contains what appears to be nitrogen fixing bacteria or supports such bacterial growth in soil.


Active member
ormus is also used to structure water. structured water has been documented to assist all living things including us (humans) and agriculture:


^ almost 13 million google hits.

has anyone used it tho?

millions, mostly indonesia, asia for now. i use it. i have leg cramps sometimes and ormus activated in structured water helps every time. i get my archaea, structured water and ormus by running ormus thru a water vortex magnifier.

Water and its properties thread: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=241388&highlight=structured+water

^^ lots of posts here at ic via links provided.

millions of google hits.


Supposedly lots or Ormus in streams that run through gold bearing soil. You can look online and get plans for an Ormus trap using rare earth magnets.

Sea-Crop is cool stuff. I drink it every day. Approximately 25 times concentration of the trace elements and marine organic compounds, which are also very important, yet the finished product has about 2% sodium chloride while seawater has about 3.5% sodium chloride. Destroy the active organic compounds using high heat and Sea-Crop does not work nearly as good. They seem to be some sort of activator for the components in the product.


Active member
that's two of us that drink sea-crop!

sea-crop:eek:rmus, archaea, trace minerals ( all in perfect ballance created by nature). run it thru a water vortex magnitizer and watch out. good energy boost. the wvm really does a good job structuring the water imo which makes hydration much more effective and activates the ormus which is very noticible.


that's two of us that drink sea-crop!
Some interesting results from animal studies with Sea-Crop.

Hey Yortbogey...there was a guy around here a few years back that used to make Ormus from salt. I never got a chance to try any. He built an Ormus trap for me yet didn't get a chance to put it to use. Was designed to sit in a creek for constant flow.


For those interested in doing a little more research into Ormus Google John Milewski. Can't get much more credible than him. Worked at Los Alomos National Labs for the government and also for Exxon and Thiokol.

Currently, I am working on a DOE contract to produce hafnium carbide filaments for the development of a new light bulb that will last longer, give more natural spectrum of light and be more energy efficient. Later in this paper, I will describe how this work of making single crystal fibers available, will tie into the capture or harnessing of SuperLight.

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