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A Warning regarding Dabs from Dale Gieringer


ICMag Donor
The term overdose, medically, is defined in part by the body having reached a point of toxicity of a given substance that results in damage done to the organs / brain - NOT just in the notion that one has an adverse reaction to something...

Overdose is ALSO defined by a known, established amount of a substance at which it might reach a level of toxicity in the body...

No such amount / level is defined in cannabis use - therefore, it is medically impossible to use the terminology of an "overdose" with ANY cannabinoid related consumption...

There is NO toxicity in the body with cannabis use - therefore, there cannot be an overdose...

To clinically define an overdose - one must first create these type reactions in a laboratory, using the scientific method, with people of all sizes, races, etc...and with some people performing the same actions using a placebo. And then, only then - when adverse reactions from other possible ingested substance can be entirely ruled out of the equation, is it possible to create any sort of factual basis or "level" at which cannabis or any of it's extracts could be considered dangerous...

The fact that some people do not like oils or have not had pleasant experiences while using them - or have behaved irresponsibly either due to ego or lack of proper information - does NOT equate the substances themselves as dangerous.

To take a very clinical word and use it as vernacular - stinks of propaganda era reporting.

The key to preventing people from passing out and cracking their skull:

Not hanging out with douche bags in the first place. I pay enough attention to those I am around, I would have noticed the loss of color and helped my friend to a safe place BEFORE they fell to the ground and injured themselves. NOT TO MENTION, I would have made sure those I was with understood the potency and strength of what they were about to participate in, especially if I knew them to be simple recreational users in the first place...

Maybe lackluster friends are more to blame here for the unfortunate events rather than the extracts themselves...

Sensibility - the biggest foe of propaganda for 80 years...


Jericho Mile

Does the OP ever have anything positive to say about cannabis? As far as I've seen...this dude just posts up negative shit. He's not trying to enlighten anyone at all. Seriously


Bubblegum Specialist
Cannabis is a very safe and highly medical herb. I love ice hash and mine is over 60% THC. Concentrates do provide higher blood concentrations for true medical patients with cancer on Chemo for example.

When we make concentrates the process is important just like when making alcohol. Badly made booze can harm you and I think butane is more an issue than the THC levels.

The difference between a herb and a drug is in the refining. An aspirin is a drug which a joint of herb is not. Herbal medicine often concentrates the active ingredients known with the rest removed to get medicine in the form of a drug.

Tobacco seems most harmful when smoked as cigarettes with filters by the so called experts in the industry. You see what they care about harm to consumers.

Perhaps the trends are inevitable that young folks seek a jolt that a DAB provides. Hash has been far more popular world wide than in the USA. Hash is becoming more popular and dabs are just hash. Strong hash. When I made BHO it was my strongest product but not as palatable as my bubble hash.

Regulations will no doubt just cause a black market for banned substances unless good products are available. My wish is that people be allowed to grow their own.

What they do with the herb is their business unless they sell it and then some regulation to protect the public from bad products might be reasonable. We will continue to make and provide under the laws if allowed but too much regulation isn't legalization.

My warning is that making BHO is dangerous. I don't teach how and I don't do it anymore.

I prefer my herb raw in natures form and I get plenty high. If I want medicine my canna butter cookies always do the trick. Bog


What could have been a generation of new cannagourmets is turning out to be a dab-generation.
Living in a world abundant with highest quality cannabis they focus on oils, and never care for recognising aspects of true bud or hash.
This new generation of canna-consumers wont have the same eye for buds we have had to develop.
Their extractors do a big amount of work.
I wonder how many top breeders this new type of canna-consumers wil bring forth...

Myself, I sometimes am not in a situation where i can rely on my favourite type of ingestion : smoking bud.Wheter it be a pipe or a spliff.
I will then visit a friend that will supp;y me with a few dabs worth of resin extract.
I lick it , and wait for the buzz to kick in.
But, - and I even tried smoking it- herb will alwasy be my passion. Buds, sometimes a drysieve.
Oil is just a way to bridge time between good spliffs IMHO.


its about tolerance.. and being responsible... come on people.. that's all.. its like a normal person.. going and shooting heroin for the first time.. or if u never drank alcohol your not going to drink an entire bottle of jack.. lol

people know your limits.. stop trying to show off to be "cool" because being a follower isn't COOL its stupid.. be yourself.. do you... and live your life.. not some1 elses..

I see a lot of people these days.. that are like oo man im just going to quit my job and start growing weed.. ill make soo much money..

its like ya.. if u only knew how much work it took to make that money.. or the investment in equipment.. genetics.. electric bills .. rent.. .water bills.. lol

and all the time involved pheno hunting.. shit.. it would be easier if seeds were actually consistent.


Bubblegum Specialist
Things change but I don't think their will be a shortage of knowledgable growers who do know their strains and who order raw herb.

Some say smoking it is bad for you but I am still alive. I have been a heavy token for about 45 years now. No cancer.

The flavors in cannabis are like fine wines and candies not to be reduced to their sugars and butters but to be enjoyed as intended.

Nothing against dabs or hash really...they taste good too but more alike than the strains as raw herb. Vaporizing makes most weed taste about the same but you can still taste some differences. To me weed is about rolling joints and growing my plants. Bog

Having trouble with your seeds? Try mine.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Ive had buds that were stronger then dabs.
Ive fallen a few times, but from a squawt. Thats the wise thing to do. You drop fast.

When you feel it comming on, get away from the bong, and drop to a squawt very fast. If you begin to have a massive white out roll from a squawt to your side, and enjoy the ride.

I got real lucky once. I took a giant bong hit of spinetingler mix. Thats a mixture if fine kief from GDP, Headband,and Sour Diesel. I took the hit and started down a garden path. I awoke standing. Like a statue. I didnt know what I was, let alone who. I stood there like stone. I could have fallen on the bricks

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Hey BOG! 44 years smoking here, and no cancer. I started smoking herb in the summer of 69.


So a cannabis activist for NORML with a Phd is an idiot and a person who passes out and breaks her nose ,teeth or cracks their head open and dies, is a pussy? The calls to 911 because people passed out were stupid and the people were pussies? OK I get it.
I've seen long term smokers with high tolerance stagger, bounce off walls and drop to their knees from dabs but they were really just pussies; right? It always amazes me to see the reaction from the marijuana community when there is any criticismm of any type of use of cannabis. People if we can't look critically at what we are doing as a community we will be destined to fail. The cannibis community is not perfect and the way we use marijuana is not perfect. There are always opportunites for improvement.
The largest portion of the population does not use marijuana regularly and that is the community we have to show that we are responsible with our useage of marijuana. If we think we should be able to do whatever we want whenever we want, we will fail. The backlash to irresponsible use will be the repeal of marijuana legalization is the states.
People need to understand how politics works and if you think a bunch of 911 calls and emergency rooms vistis won't get the attention of politicians and the public you are in for a rude awakening. If we don't do this responsibly all of the gains we've had will be lost and we will have to start all over again.
All you have to do is watch some of these Cali kids (med patients) dabbing themselves into a stupor on Youtube to see how this is going to turn out. The marijuana hating community is going to use that as amunition politically in the future. You want to talk about idiots. My God! I watch those guys and I just shake my head in disgust.The first time I saw those guys doing that all I could think was that those idiots are ruining it for the rest of us.
As a med patient who has to dose carefully I've had to experiment carefully to get the proper dose that works for me and trust me with medibles you can easily overdose and turn white as a ghost but I guess that only really happens to pussies.
If we keep going the way we are going I can foresee a time when it's going to be hard for me to get my medicine. I really wish we could get rid of the macho shit head attitudes of, if you can't take an extremely strong dose you are a pussy, type of thinking. If you don't think there are all kinds of different levels of strength with flowers and concentrates then you are the idiot and how would a person know what level of strength that concentrate is unless it is tested? All types of marijuana should be tested for strength and a grading level for different strengths should be implemented with explanations of those strengths and cautions. That will only come as the marijuana community matures. For now though too many people are thinking with the wrong head, running around getting blasted and yelling, yoohoo lets get fucked up. Kiddy land.
This is one of those 0 out of 50 think this is helpful kind of posts. Cracks me up.


The Mad Monk
lemongrove, that type of strawman arguing cuts both ways, don'tcha know?

So because people choose to get high differently than you do, they are idiots? Your way is the only one true way? Or is it that your way is the way others who do not consume cannabis find most palatable?

You have overlooked a number of posts in this very thread that say unequivocally people are going too deep too soon, not pussies but overindulging.

If you're passing out from a dab and smashing your teeth don't you think that person is overdoing it? That's on them individually, not on hash or bho. They should take responsibility for going overboard rather than blame it on the dab. That's like driving drunk and hitting a telephone poll and blaming it on Jack Daniels.

Further, this idea that we need to conform our behavior to this imagined ideal of cannabis intake is not only an outright fallacy, it's indicative of a mind set that says we need to walk on egg shells or else "they" will "take away" what is rightfully ours to begin with.

I guess when you see your freedom and individual pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness as so many crumbs that "they" break off for you rather than as inalienable rights we all share equally as natural free men and women this is the type of ass backwards thinking you start pushing on others.

Keep it to yourself, bub.

Gert Lush

Active member
Further, this idea that we need to conform our behavior to this imagined ideal of cannabis intake is not only an outright fallacy, it's indicative of a mind set that says we need to walk on egg shells or else "they" will "take away" what is rightfully ours to begin with.
Never ceases to amaze me how many people miss this bleeding obvious point!

OMG, there's stupid kids in California! Whodda guessed??
And they're going to RUIN IT for us.
Let's all tremble together.


I love my life
So a cannabis activist for NORML with a Phd is an idiot and a person who passes out and breaks her nose ,teeth or cracks their head open and dies, is a pussy? The calls to 911 because people passed out were stupid and the people were pussies? OK I get it.

Please learn to use a carriage return. Reading an unspaced block of text is really a pain in the ass.

The person who gets blacked out drunk and falls face first isn't a pussy they are temporarily or permanently stupid. No need to prohibit Vodka because of drunk idiots.

People who call 911 over cannabis are BRAINWASHED temporarily or permanently. Dumb asses not understanding brownies has lead to many a 911 calls, no need to prohibit cannabis because of some under educated sheeple.

If you think you are not able to do whatever you want whenever you want it then YOU fail. Were you born a slave? Who has any right to tell you what or how to do something?

You can watch cali kids on youtube doing beer bongs and acting the fool, how is that going to turn out for the beer industry?

The real question should be what moral authority do you have to judge what I do to my body on my property? If you don't have any moral authority then perhaps you should let me be me and how it turns out is how it turns out.

Do you need me and others in a cage to make your life feel better?



Kiss My Ring
yes i have my own playground.
no you cannot play with the big boys, go home.

...and don't come back without some dank soul.

you don't see me!


3rd-Eye Jedi
So a cannabis activist for NORML with a Phd is an idiot and a person who passes out and breaks her nose ,teeth or cracks their head open and dies, is a pussy? The calls to 911 because people passed out were stupid and the people were pussies? OK I get it.
I've seen long term smokers with high tolerance stagger, bounce off walls and drop to their knees from dabs but they were really just pussies; right? It always amazes me to see the reaction from the marijuana community when there is any criticismm of any type of use of cannabis. People if we can't look critically at what we are doing as a community we will be destined to fail. The cannibis community is not perfect and the way we use marijuana is not perfect. There are always opportunites for improvement.
The largest portion of the population does not use marijuana regularly and that is the community we have to show that we are responsible with our useage of marijuana. If we think we should be able to do whatever we want whenever we want, we will fail. The backlash to irresponsible use will be the repeal of marijuana legalization is the states.
People need to understand how politics works and if you think a bunch of 911 calls and emergency rooms vistis won't get the attention of politicians and the public you are in for a rude awakening. If we don't do this responsibly all of the gains we've had will be lost and we will have to start all over again.
All you have to do is watch some of these Cali kids (med patients) dabbing themselves into a stupor on Youtube to see how this is going to turn out. The marijuana hating community is going to use that as amunition politically in the future. You want to talk about idiots. My God! I watch those guys and I just shake my head in disgust.The first time I saw those guys doing that all I could think was that those idiots are ruining it for the rest of us.
As a med patient who has to dose carefully I've had to experiment carefully to get the proper dose that works for me and trust me with medibles you can easily overdose and turn white as a ghost but I guess that only really happens to pussies.
If we keep going the way we are going I can foresee a time when it's going to be hard for me to get my medicine. I really wish we could get rid of the macho shit head attitudes of, if you can't take an extremely strong dose you are a pussy, type of thinking. If you don't think there are all kinds of different levels of strength with flowers and concentrates then you are the idiot and how would a person know what level of strength that concentrate is unless it is tested? All types of marijuana should be tested for strength and a grading level for different strengths should be implemented with explanations of those strengths and cautions. That will only come as the marijuana community matures. For now though too many people are thinking with the wrong head, running around getting blasted and yelling, yoohoo lets get fucked up. Kiddy land.
This is one of those 0 out of 50 think this is helpful kind of posts. Cracks me up.

You know what I think when a PHd and someone like you spew vitriol like you do?

I think you are trapped within your own shallow understanding of how the plant works in your own lives but little understanding outside your own experiential paradigm.

when you start to judge people by their use of a known non addictive and benign drug it proves your thought processes are poisoned with personal biases

alcohol or tobacco regardless of concentration pose threat of loss of health/life both, both are addictive, same goes for most modern street drugs pharmaceuticals and even permeates our food supplies.

do you realize that both sugar and caffeine cause more health problems and deaths per year than even the most powerful concentrates can ever hope to achieve in all the known history of mankind (concentrates use dates back millennium)

There is no real fear here but the fear you are trying to manufacture

show some real statistics, facts or anything but opinion or sensationalism.

we are graced with a plant that is less toxic to our physical being than red bull, big macs, coffee or a plethora of other consumable food items yet it possess powerful medical effects.

the only way you can fuck people up with this plant is to adulterate it with toxin during its growth or handling

people have been killing themselves to live since the dawn of time it is on our nature to exploit this (abusing substances and each other) thus the drug trade and other unsavory facets of human life

If the sick and needy of the world abused marijuana instead of booze cigarettes heroin cocaine or each other every one in it would heal, physically heal instead of become enslaved

do you really think (and does it take a PHd to consider as much?) that people (many which are simply youth who are discovering the world around them) who do anything that has a potential to put you out like a KILLER DAB that they would do other dangerous and high risk behavior like opiate abuse? alcohol abuse?

what the author of this article wants is human beings to be bright and shiny and his type of heady, problem is the world isn't operating at his level and he doesn't set the bar for right or wrong in the use of marijuana or its concentrates.

he did make himself look like a custy noob who smoked up ha a fancy idea and felt it sounded so good he just put it out in the world

hopefully hes never in a place in his live were he needs to be medicated seriously and needs concentrates to meet his needs


3rd-Eye Jedi
for everyone else

judging how people get relief from this plant simply puts a notion in peoples heads that maybe it cant be true that it really isn't bad for you. Just because one way of use tickles you doesn't mean the plant doesn't heal others the way they use it.

if you have any real time in this game at any level and haven't figured this out it makes me wonder if you examined causation in anyone's live but your own.

If you want to unlock the healing potential of this plant or the simply your own human potential and the potential of others don't put impose the limits of your lives on others without an understanding of the underlying causation it evokes in theirs

understanding is far more potent and transforming than judgement


Accidental overdose

Accidental overdose


Like a lot of folks around here my experience with Mj started in the early 70's and things were fun. We got high to get high. When the rare honey or red oil showed up it was a treat to get really blasted.

Then college and life comes around and gettin' high took 2nd place to life's responsibilities. Never went away but wasn't a focus. Always a risk with the illegality of it. I for one never even considered that it would become what it is today with the mainstream. Let alone consider it a medicine.

Now 40 years later I'm a card carrying legal grower/caregiver/user and concentrate connoisseur. I don't dab, my preference is dry ice tumbled concentrate. I make a few different kinds of oil for some of the patients that I supply, and I personally use a de-carboxilated oil that I encapsulate to deal with digestive disorders brought on by chronic active hepatitis-c. Works wonders, even for the poly-neuropathy d/t diabetes.

Who ever thought that the pursuit of comfortable happiness would be the thing that now makes life tolerable in my later years.

One day I had just finished a batch of quick wash, distilled to the proper consistency, bottled, and set atop the fridge when I got the urge to make a smoothie. Set up the blender as usual, got the berries out of the freezer the yogurt out of the fridge and went about the normal process. I had no intention of spiking the smoothie with any oil.

As I was about half way through the smoothie, a few big gulps before brain freeze, I felt an odd sensation in my mouth and fucking shit. I poured the smoothie out through a kitchen strainer and found the shattered bottle and cap of the oil that I had just processed, It had apparently fallen off the top of the fridge into the blender. About 1/2 lb of Sour Bubble tops. Immediately set about trying to puke out what I could of the smoothie. The next three days were some of the most miserable days of my life. Couldn't sleep for fear of respiratory distress, couldn't walk properly(which I spent hours and hours doing), and surely couldn't interact with other people.

I knew I was not going to die. I was not going to scare anyone by telling them what happened. It would not do any good. I had previously heard that since thc is fat soluble that the best thing to do was eat copious amounts of fatty foods, ice cream and such, so that the thc would bind with the fat in the blood and lower the intensity, but extend the duration of the psychoactive effects. That's what I did but I couldn't tell you if it worked or not because I was in a place I'd never been, and never want to go back to. I was finally back to 'normal' in about two weeks time.

So, I'm no punk, pussy, or newbie. I'm an educated retired medical professional, and I fucking overdosed. Accidentally. I did not overindulge. I don't care what some of you define 'overdose' as.

I still supply my patients, but with a level of care and caution that I have come to realize is not the norm.

Peace Out