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70w HPS Micro Hydro SCROG Grow + Stealth Cab Build


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For your eyes:



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Cabinet progress and update

Cabinet progress and update

Moms - Week 20 Veg (18/6)
Clones - 6 weeks veg, Week 3 Flower.

Cabinet Upgrades:
-Dual CFLs mounted and wired in flower chamber
(Red spectrum and Blue Spectrum)
-HPS Wired and working

It's been since I took the clones that I've updated the thread.

I gave the clones 6 weeks of vegetative growth before switching to 12/12. The light cycle change was not abrupt, as they slowly slept more each night.

While vegging, they were trained them by removing growth tips and by the use of bent paperclips as hooks to pin down the stalks as close to horizontal as possible. I suppose it's more like a SOG than a SCROG, but...

The temperatures have been as high as 90. That wouldn't be such a huge problem if the containers were larger. Because they are so small, they dry out very quickly. I sometimes have to water every day to every other day. so..

This cabinet was really designed for hydro. I may have to adjust ph and water levels every 1-3 days in this heat with a hydro tank, but the plants wouldn't go through such drastic changes from dry to wet. I'm looking forward to the next upgrade.

I have had to trim the mothers back over, and over, and over again. Severe cutbacks. I just don't have the need for the number of clones only 4 mothers can make. This also helps with how quickly they transpire moisture. Two days after drenching them, I opened the cab door to find all of them moments away from perishing. They were totally dry.

I've also had a spider mite problem that has been kept under control with applications of neem oil and tea tree oil. I think I just want to start collecting/buying lady bugs. I think they eat mites... i would have to install fan grills, though =P

The ladies are much healthier now that I've been PH balancing and feeding with a liquid orchid food. It's convenient and quick for the moms and has been for the clones as well. Recently, I've been using rain water which they love. I do need to purchase some food for the clones as they continue into flowering.

I've also just started using the HPS to check the temps. When it's on, I'm keeping the top slightly off of the utility box because the exhaust system isn't installed yet. Exciting stuff. I love seeing the light fire up, going from green to blue, to yellow to orange to red... it's amazing.

Plant Pr0n:


Flower Cab:

Week 3 Flower:

The ? Plant looks like it may be a direct descendant of my Hermie strain! It is nugging up much faster than the others, has a compact growth profile, and may be what I choose to make the main strain. It looks like it will do the best, the fastest, and currently has my vote.

-until next time...

...dream on


Active member
I watered heavily yesterday morning and then ran the HPS and the CFLs for the full 12 hour period. The soil is nearly dry now, so I've decided to install another timer and run the hps for only a few hours each day.

I'm also considering re-potting in larger containers with more coco coir or some other medium that will retain water longer. The hydro setup will be a blessing, but I suppose that is a little ways away.

I do need to clone all the mothers soon so that I can have more space. The mothers have just overgrown what this cabinet can handle.

Guest 263194

nice cab man. I would lower that two cfl's to like 5cm. looking forward to see!


Active member
long time!

long time!

It's been a while...

1st week into flower:

7 weeks into flower:

4 Weeks into flower Closeup

7 weeks into flower closeup

Also started something new...
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Active member
only FIVE images per post now?! wow! holy lamesauce batman....

Clones - 10 weeks old

...a week later in their new home

another shot...

vegged in here for 10 weeks total...

~1 week into flower...

starting week 6 of flower


Active member
starting week 7 flower

So, this closet grow has had many many problems.

First, I didnt know you topped up the reservior with just plain ph adjusted water, not nute water.

Second, I turned on the HPS as soon as they went in the closet. Not good. That with the nute burn, they were sad and didnt grow well for a while.

I switched to a bank of 6x 4" T8's and they started loving it.

Until next time, whenever that may be...


Active member
Hey 70w. :tiphat:

They lowered the amount of pics posted to five (as you noticed) and I think you get to edit posts when your post count gets to 50.

I liked your old cab. I really like your new one.

I'll be watchin'


New member
Looking good man, you've put a lot of hard work and effort, that will definitely pay off.

Yeah, you should top off with r/o due to evaporation and in accordance to how quickly water & nutrients are being absorbed.The rates may very. The only time I add new/additional nutrients is when I'm changing the water out completely. This insures that my ph and ppm levels are proper before coming in contact with the plants roots.

all in all you are doing good. Its all a learning process.


Active member
Thanks guys!

5th - thanks! i'll try to get some photos of how the closet is built and, of course, closeups next week before harvest. and after =)

Z-man thanks for the tips. I dont have access to r/o - i'm using city water that I filter and let set for at least 24h before using it.

For the record:
Nutrients: all Dutch Pro
Additives: 30% H2O2

My guess:
ebb & flow closet: 2oz
Tiny Cab Top: 1/2 oz

I really really can't wait until the next round when the closet is fine tuned...


Active member
thanks for watching, guys.

you said you wanted to see more build photos, so here!

Small closet - 1.6' deep x 6' wide x 8' tall or so


The tray was made with 1"x8" boards. it's 1.5' x 4'
The reservoir holds about 6gal
air pump/stone


Here is the exhaust setup - 4" can fan with a can fan filter. Variable Speed Fan control set to 33-66% depending on temps


3 x 70w HPS
2 x 8" fans for cooling the lights and circulation


After this grow is done, i'm going to move the two outer lights inward by about 4" each. this will really focus the light on the growing area. right now, a lot is being lost

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Active member
A top-dwn shot of the indica dominant strain. Growing 6 of these and 2.5 of the sativa

this is the end of wk 8 btw


view from the sativa end down to the indica end


side shot


and the clean stalks. some plants have 8 colas, some have 16+ -- i wonder which makes more weight?



Active member
Two indica dominant colas (my favorite!)


and the lanky, late sativa


in other news... CHOP! at the end of wk 9, i cut these ladies. I dont have a magnifying glass, so I'm just going on time and hair-turnage. I see them twice a day, so i think i know when they are finishing up... but damn i want a magnifying glass!


can you imagine all this bud came out of that tiny box... from those three CFLs?!



Active member
So, i wet-trimmed (which I wont do next time) and three days later, this is what they looked like when most of the stems started snapping.

each plant is its own little pile


at this point, it weighed out to about 21-22g!




There are seeds from a Lemon Haze Autoflower Male that was living in the bottom for a while. I wasn't paying attention for a week and she got all preggers. The result should be interesting, though I hope not autoflower.

I kept the jar open for the first few days, now I crack it a few times a day. At first, it had a really grassy smell, but that is passing and the sweet aromas are coming on.

the bud is a but airy and light, but there is a third of an ounce of crystally nug that vapes so good. and, I didnt put too much work into these nugs. I didnt care about PH or that they had lots of springtails... I'd get filtered tap water and top up... they'd get nutes every week or every two weeks... i put less effort into these and they looked healthier than the closet for the whole grow.

I'm harvesting the closet in two days! (unless i buy a magnifying glass and they dont look ready. but, i've already switched to just ph-adjusted water for the final week flush and the big fan leaves are yellowing up as expected.

Thanks for checking out my grow! suggestions/tips welcome!

keep it green & dream on


Active member
the bud is a but airy and light, but there is a third of an ounce of crystally nug that vapes so good. and, I didnt put too much work into these nugs. I didnt care about PH or that they had lots of springtails... I'd get filtered tap water and top up... they'd get nutes every week or every two weeks... i put less effort into these and they looked healthier than the closet for the whole grow.

i meant 3/4 oz

im high