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UFC 167: St-Pierre vs. Hendricks

UFC 167: St-Pierre vs. Hendricks

  • Georges St-Pierre

    Votes: 16 76.2%
  • Johny Hendricks

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member
I didn't see that?

It looks like he is tapping after Georges has let go?? Did he verbally tap first?

there was a gif going around the net. Not saying he did, looked that way but he was probably defending the choke via hip,only johnny and george know the answer to that one...


Active member
Not a GSP fan, Just dont think hendricks did enough to win damage is not the defining factor. Obviously judges feel the same way, Not many folks saw Johnny tap to the rolling guillotine in round 1? Cry all you want does not change the fact that GSP beat Hendricks, there have been way worse decisions in mma, This was a real close fight and i would not be angry if johnny was awarded the winner.

I also thought he tapped. I saw him tap. But he did it just as George was letting go. It was weird. Ref never saw it.


Active member
G`day RG

Unfortunately they don`t use the unified Stockton rules .
ie; The one bleeding the most at the end of 5 rounds looses .

I thought it was mighty close . Even had Henricks ahead 3 rounds to 2 .
Dunno what GSP was thinkin at the after fight interview . But I thought Joe Rogan blew it by not handing over the microphone . GSP was ready to spit it out . Then Joe pulled the mic away . Apparently Dana White was not impressed with talk of a sabbatical . He wants to start the hype for the rematch ASAP .
Happy to see Robbie Lawler have another win . I enjoy watching him .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

GSP was only semi-conscious during that interview.....


Active member
GSP could have thought he was going to lose before the decision. And planned to retire if he did. Maybe winning threw a wrench into that plan. wtf moment just a thought...


Active member
/// He was also being vague on why he was going to take some time off. The real reason he just couldn't bring himself to saying. That reason was the beating Hendricks gave him./// The same beating only worse that Hendricks will give him if they ever meet again./// But GSP will never fight Hendricks again. He knows he can never beat him///:tiphat:.LOL.Any way i can get the numbers for the next Lottery?You seem to read minds and know what others are thinking.Im not even close to a GSP Fan,i just think its funny all yer posts are so heated towards anyone that is a fan of GSP,and you always seem to know the real reason why people are saying and doing what they say and do.Wanna split that ticket,lol.Well be richhhhhhhh:woohoo:.Just fuckin around.Peace and Stay Safe,DancesWithWeed


Active member
GSP might just be a little burned out with his whole life being UFC and nothing else.Who knows.Hope he makes it known though.I wanna know what his deal is.Peace and Stay Safe,DancesWithWeed


Active member
I think he should retire while on top. He's getting older, opponents are getting younger, and it gets old training 12 hours a day for your whole life. His entire life revolves around fighting. I can understand completely why he would think about retiring. He has nothing left to prove, and he has plenty of money. He can travel the world or start a family, and he can still be involved in martial arts without putting his life on the line. He's been to the top of the mountain. No more worlds to conquer, nothing left to prove. Preservation of his health should be his top priority, as with all of us.

chazz michaels

Yeah, I think Georges has become too obsessed, it shows with his lack of creativity in recent fights.....


Well,pops came round and watched the Fight and "to be honest" now ive seen the fight again with a totally UNBIASED view as with pops too we scored the fight:
rd1-even (prob hendricks if ya had to pick
rd2-even (prob gsp " ")
rd3-even (prob gsp " ")
rd4-100% Hendricks
rd5- even (-prob hendrix)

everytime they clinched hendrix was victorious sure all will agree but he simply needed to impose his activity more or as the pops said "go upa gear or speed up"

Sumarry: weve never seen gsp look so puffed up bruised/damaged and Dominated before (clinchwise)
But GSP is champ and as my brother said "you have to "Rip" the belt from the champion
sure next time he'll "speed up"and knock him out
Not seen hendrick's previous fights so dont know if his pace is usually quicker?

"think gsp looking so battered adds a bit to being swayed on the decision too.Well Dana white maybe"

You have to remember I'm from the uk and I was up until the fight came on at 5.AM


Active member
Never seen Dana White So angry

:ying: I think Dana should shut his mouth when it comes to a Fighters personnel life.I mean he was disrespectful as shit when he cut George off n said hes not answerin this or that,that is crazy man.I think Dana should get into the Cage and actually Fight a Fighter before he talks all that,he doesnt know what it feels like to be a fighter,he might train a lil but he dont fight.He drops alot of F Bombs to make himself try to sound tough,lmfao..He only talks down to all these guys because he had money givin to him and hes theire Boss,but as a Man,these dudes would fuck him up and he wouldnt be treating them like children and telling them that theire not allowed to have personnel problems and if they do,Hes the one who decides what they should do with theire lives:moon: .He doesnt own UFC...a percentage "Now" Maybe i dont know.He went to his man Larenzo and said,there sellin the UFC,you should buy it.Instant job.He deff took it to new heights and made moves and runs it,but he acts like he owns these dudes on a personnel level.It is what it is and if you get in the UFC,yer owned,Period.And George aint a judge,he doesnt control how they view a Fight and Score it.He Fights and they Judge,he shouldnt be fucked with like he did Anything wrong at all..Im not a big GSP Fan.Im a Fight fan and theres no denying his skills.I just think Dana's real grimey and hes a punk as a man.My 12 cents.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
fuckin joke , RIGGED , i knew johny would fuck him up, i bet 100, then after the bell i went outside and smoked a victory fag and came inside to that fuckin bullshit call , i lost a little respect for the ufc last night. rigged

G`day Bag

The UFC [who promote the fights ] and the Nevada State Athletic commission [who judge the fights ] are separate entities .

There are 3 judges ringside for every fight . Obviously each has a different vantage point . We watch coverage from how many different angles ? And with the bias of Joe and Goldie added . So the judge is at a disadvantage compared to the viewer . Hard to tell if a strike was significant if your view is blocked by a fighter or referee .
Factor that in next time you see a close decision .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Horse-toothed Jackass

:ying: I think Dana should shut his mouth when it comes to a Fighters personnel life.I mean he was disrespectful as shit when he cut George off n said hes not answerin this or that,that is crazy man.I think Dana should get into the Cage and actually Fight a Fighter before he talks all that,he doesnt know what it feels like to be a fighter,he might train a lil but he dont fight.He drops alot of F Bombs to make himself try to sound tough,lmfao..He only talks down to all these guys because he had money givin to him and hes theire Boss,but as a Man,these dudes would fuck him up and he wouldnt be treating them like children and telling them that theire not allowed to have personnel problems and if they do,Hes the one who decides what they should do with theire lives:moon: .He doesnt own UFC...a percentage "Now" Maybe i dont know.He went to his man Larenzo and said,there sellin the UFC,you should buy it.Instant job.He deff took it to new heights and made moves and runs it,but he acts like he owns these dudes on a personnel level.It is what it is and if you get in the UFC,yer owned,Period.And George aint a judge,he doesnt control how they view a Fight and Score it.He Fights and they Judge,he shouldnt be fucked with like he did Anything wrong at all..Im not a big GSP Fan.Im a Fight fan and theres no denying his skills.I just think Dana's real grimey and hes a punk as a man.My 12 cents.

Yeah, Dana uses and controls these guys like the McMahons do with pro wrestling. I guess its true, absolute power corrupts absolutely. They should unionize. Plus I think the UFC is losing some of its popularity, and Dana has to bear some of the blame for that.

chazz michaels

I knew he was a dickhead from the first time I saw him on season 1 of TUF when he was acting like a hard ass to Bobby Southworth.

Southworth lost a fight and was angry, so Dana tried to give him a pep talk....

Bobby said 'I don't need a pep talk Dana', Dana lost it and had a tantrum.....



Sumarry: weve never seen gsp look so puffed up bruised/damaged and Dominated before (clinchwise)
But GSP is champ and as my brother said "you have to "Rip" the belt from the champion
sure next time he'll "speed up"and knock him out

This is THE one and only reason Hendrix didn't have the belt that night. He had no heart in the fight and didn't rip it out of the champs hands. You also saw Hendrix demeanor change after the first round, almost like he realized GSP couldn't do any serious damage to him so he relaxed and didn't chase down the win.

And that "tap" in the first round is called nerves the man was in a championship fight, pretty sure his nerves were firing at full blast... if the ref would have stopped the fight there that would have been the worst call I personally would have seen in UFC history, as you saw Hendrix reversed it literally within seconds with ease.


Yea Definately looked as if Hendrix tapped think I was subconsciously expecting the ref to jump in glad He didn't. :)

Yeas totally agree on that first paragraph and that's the same as us ^^