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The Fallacy of the "Legalize and Tax Cannabis" initiatives: Insights from Jack Herer

I think the zip tie idea is lame. whats to stop one little panda from cutting off another little pandas zip tie , and replacing with his own? also, I doubt they would allow you to do such a thing on someone else's property?


Active member
The zip tie doesn't confirm who owns the plant - it only allows the plant's existence to be legal (who ever is harvesting it). Obviously those security risks with outdoor garden rippers exists whether there are zip-ties or not and kind of misses the real issue of the ziptie debate.

$100 per plant spot. You can have 25 plant spots to work with for a year for $2,500 - which could easily pay itself off. 50 plant spots for $5,000. I'm sure people could easily make their money back, smoke for free all year and then some... with that type of arrangement.


May your race always be in your favor
Another article is on www.alternet.org very informative article about the International Drug Treaties. It seems Bolivia pulled out of the treaty over indigenous peoples chewing coco leaves. That may open the door on other issues the treaties cove.
nVery informative article on how the treaties work, and how they effect the peplos of the world cause most all members of the U.N. are signers.
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lost in a sea

Marijuana, in my opinion will not become legal as long as those against legalization i.e. big Pharma want no medicine competition. The Police will fight giving up the monies from confiscation of assets. Private prisons need to be full all the time, or they make no profits. The DEA and the rest of them would have to work harder to catch the real criminals. Anyway the article hits it on the head, taxes may be the way, given the state of todays economy. Big the big anti MJ players are going to fight tooth nail and more importantly their checkbooks. They antis give millions to our "elected" officials, they get the best service money can by. Until MJ advocates can pay the congress and senate as much as the anti pot people then perhaps things will change. IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY. Follow the money you'll see who is against legal ization... my 2 cents

yeah but by stifling cannabis and owning it at the same time they win twice,, and the big agripharma corporations are controlled like puppets so they hate something one second and control the supply of it the next,, they dont give two shits because they are just business suits in a boardroom, which is the same at any big corporation, just taking orders from the bankers that give them the 0% apr loans..

and dont just chase the money because those with the money arent stupid and they havent been for a long time, they know that the people with half a brain will just add two and two together,, you need to be looking for how a play can be made,, like setting up all your chess pieces just waiting for the other person to bite and fall into the trap and then suddenly all the other moves become more obvious,, that is what happening, like a script..

money is worthless,, its completely imaginary obviously and can be taken away from anyone any second, these scum know that,, more important to them is power and influence.. they are sycophantic manipulative beings that live to tactically screw the masses out of their sovereign birth rights..

the drug war is the real war to end all wars..


after re reading my post and pondering it for a little bit...

I'm really curious as to why there isn't a HUGE push for rescheduling rather than all of these initiatives to 'legalize'.

You absolutely will not get a schedule 1 drug 'legalized'.

Cannabis absolutely does not belong in schedule 1, I think we can all agree on that. So why can we not convince politicians of the same?

Meth, PCP, Cocaine and Oxy's are all schedule 2, which is "safer" than sch 1. dafuq?

As much of a puppet as any politician is, if you cornered them in a debate about why its sch 1 vs sch 3 (at the highest); With solid factual information you could/should make anyone debating it look like a fool.

Rescheduling IS the only 'first' step towards legalization...no ifs, ands, or buts about it... the pot war with the state is money trickery and gimmicks to allow false hope.....just my initial thoughts about it....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Opps I don't think I was clear.

$100 = 1 zip-tie = the ability to have that ziptie on any plants you want for the whole year. AKA 1 Plant spot you can reuse all year.

$5,000 = 50 plants (as many times as you want in one year) but you can't go over 50 at a time. It's essentially a plant spot you are paying for - and you don't have to buy a new ziptie after you harvest, you can use that same ziptie on multiple plants throughout the year, as long as you dont go over you limit. As soon as you harvest, you move the ziptie to a new plant you are going to veg or harvest and reuse it for the year.

Ya, if it was $100 per plant grown - that wouldn't be anywhere as good as this $100 for 1 plant reusable plant spot all year.

that helps a little.

Another article is on www.alternet.org very informative article about the International Drug Treaties. It seems Bolivia pulled out of the treaty over indigenous peoples chewing coco leaves. That may open the door on other issues the treaties cove.
nVery informative article on how the treaties work, and how they effect the peplos of the world cause most all members of the U.N. are signers.

^we killed 99 percent of our indigenous people then relocated them crappy land and called them reserves, and said "go ahead do anything you want on this land. there is lots of food you can grow on this pile of sand with no water. "


New member

**** I didn't write this, it was an article I thought would be important to pass along:

I also think that the effectiveness of arguing for Cannabis legalization through taxation is a good case, and could really turn a lot of people around to voting YES who wouldn't have otherwise. It may be the only option when it's said and done to really get the support needed to make it pass, but this is just a reflection on how far we should compromise ourselves to achieve this, and how much of those Taxes would be used towards prosecuting cannabis related activity by the state/federal gov in possible disingenuous ways.

The Fallacy of the "Legalize and Tax Cannabis" initiatives: Insights from Jack Herer

I DID actually write it, and it was titled "The Fallacy of the "Legalize and Tax Cannabis" Initiatives"

Thanks for the "no credit" for being its author. It helped to force the shutdown of Overgrow The World, since I got no support...even though tens of thousands of people have read this by now.

Now there isn't a single site out there pushing for the REPEAL of prohibition. Not a goddamned one. They're all pushing EVERYTHING BUT, or they're all out there for PROFITS...no matter who suffers. For a plant.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
If you think that we will ever get legal Cannabis, without tax, I'd love to try whatever you've been smoking.


I love my life
If you think that we will ever get legal Cannabis, without tax, I'd love to try whatever you've been smoking.

We have legal home brewed beer in most US states. The same will be true of cannabis. Price will fall hugely, it won't be worth the cost to grow indoor, and if you do you are a hobby freak.

The cost of production is already close to the revenue from sales, consequently there are a lot of drop outs in the cannabis game.

If cannabis isn't going away, then neither is home growing. If home growing is around there will always be the best of the best completely out of the system. That shouldn't matter because the fuck tard regulators will tax 99% of production....

And the world spins.


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
We have legal home brewed beer in most US states. The same will be true of cannabis. Price will fall hugely, it won't be worth the cost to grow indoor, and if you do you are a hobby freak.

The cost of production is already close to the revenue from sales, consequently there are a lot of drop outs in the cannabis game.

If cannabis isn't going away, then neither is home growing. If home growing is around there will always be the best of the best completely out of the system. That shouldn't matter because the fuck tard regulators will tax 99% of production....

And the world spins.


I wasn't really talking about homegrowing. Not everyone wants top grow, not everyone can grow. I meant coffeshops or weed shops, or weed at a pharmacy, or at the petrol station with your 20 Marlboro lights.
I live like it's legal anyway..... Fuck em...til they're sore.


Well-known member
I DID actually write it, and it was titled "The Fallacy of the "Legalize and Tax Cannabis" Initiatives"

Thanks for the "no credit" for being its author. It helped to force the shutdown of Overgrow The World, since I got no support...even though tens of thousands of people have read this by now.

Now there isn't a single site out there pushing for the REPEAL of prohibition. Not a goddamned one. They're all pushing EVERYTHING BUT, or they're all out there for PROFITS...no matter who suffers. For a plant.

I kinda got from your opinion that Govt has NO role in this economy and a govt job is a drain and unnecessary.

I do think that the govt is wasteful but needed to regulate industries driven by profit because we know self-governance never works.

banking & financial regulations are needed as well as environmental regulations and an emerging Cannabis industry needs regulations in place for those engaging in the capitalist market.

im not sure how moving Cannabis from a Schedule I to a Schedule II or lower controlled substance will not be a good thing.

please share your insight as to why it should be de-classified, if that is possible for a medicinal plant.



quote=Guest304546;5203525]i'd rather pay taxes on a LEGAL product than risk prison for that same product.

...i risk prison every fucking day, ...i'm tired and i just want to live safe and if that means paying taxes, so be it.


btw, i'm pretty sure i could figure out a way to avoid paying taxes on shit i grow in my closet.[/quote]
The new "legal" will continue to make it "illegal" to grow in your closet.
So if you get into trouble now for growing in your closet and you will still get into trouble if you get caught growing once it's "legal", what have you gained?
The penalties will still be severe. They will be along the lines of the DUI penalties now. It will probably be a prohibitively high fine and you will probably do some time or they will take your lisence for a year or confiscate property or parts of all the above.
You don't seem to understand that governement agencies fiercely protect their revenue generating monopolies and they do that with stiff fines and incarceration. Always have and always will.
As Jack stated long ago the only way to go is to leave the governemnt out of it and repeal prohibition. Besides who wants to be the spineless wimp who strolls into a government approved store to pay $12 a gram, $3-4 of which the government keeps, for mj when you can grow it yourself for 25 cents a gram?
Do we as adults really want one more thing where we have to go to daddy government to get it's permission to use something? Do we really want to pay some greedy capitalist an outrageous fee to provide us with something we could very easily provide for ourselves? When are we going to stand up and say to government, "We don't need you to tell us what we can and cannot do with our lives."?
People don't seem to understand that two wrongs don't make a right. It's is wrong to have prohibition of marijuana and to send people to jail for using it and posessing it. It is also wrong to have to pay outrageous fees for something we can produce ourselves for next to nothing and to also pay the government outrageous fees to allow us to pay outrageous fees to a business. They are both crazier than hell. Oh and by the way it will STILL be illegal to grow your own pot.
Why are we so willing to SETTLE for something so wrong in order to get rid of something so wrong? We don't need government to REGULATE marijuana. I have enough faith in people that they can regulate it for themselves. I know that I know how much I can use and how much I can't. I listen to my body and my mind.
The whole purpose of establishing the USA was to allow people to have freedom from governemnt control. If people are going to give up their freedoms in order to somewhat lessen a governmental abuse by establishing another governmental abuse then this country has failed.
We have lowered our standards so far that in order to stop government tyranny and abuse we are willing to accept a slightly lesser level of tyranny and abuse. When it comes to marijuana what we should accept is the repeal of prohibition and the freedom to use it, grow it or even sell it as the individual sees fit.
We have been conditioned to accept government control over our lives as NORMAL so what we should accept will considered "unrealistic" and "unreasonable" and we will have government control and outrageous taxation on mj. It's sad though that we as a people have changed so much that where we initially sought freedom from government control we now seek it.
So what will happen is that we will see giant warehouses using God only knows how many killowatts a day in order to light, cool, provide security systems, heat and dehumidify the warehouse, all the while polluting the environment even more to generate the power needed in order to produce tons of mj so a few producers and retailers will become marijuana millionaires. These millionaires will then fund candidates elections so their voice is heard. Joe Blow will still be arrested for growing a few plants in his yard out in the sun. It's sad.


New member
I kinda got from your opinion that Govt has NO role in this economy and a govt job is a drain and unnecessary.

I do think that the govt is wasteful but needed to regulate industries driven by profit because we know self-governance never works.

They are COMPLETELY UNNEEDED in our homes, in our gardens, or in our personal lives.

I said nothing about "commercial sales" or "industrial uses." Those we already know are going to be regulated, as the government fraud mandates THEY are in control of all commercial activities, so that they can pay the foreign banks. (This is failing as we speak...but that's another discussion entirely.)

banking & financial regulations are needed as well as environmental regulations and an emerging Cannabis industry needs regulations in place for those engaging in the capitalist market.

Have you paid ANY attention AT ALL to the global financial picture over the last 30 years? The last decade? Even just since 2008? How about just since 2012?

The fraudulent fiat currency SCAM is unravelling faster than a drawstring on Charlie Sheen's track pants!

For now, the ONLY "industrial regulations" that I would consider as "mandatory" are simple:


2) NO carcinogens of any kind in the production of cannabis, whether for medicinal use, or for "weekend toker markets."

3) Testing of ALL cannabis products which will be made available for sale via the standard retail outlet model.

4) NO UNDOCUMENTED PROCESSING OR ADDITIVES OF ANY KIND, AT ANY TIME. If it's in there at all, we damned sure need to know about it!

5) Quality standards should be set (and have been via the dispensaries which have already been established), and "local point of sale testing" procedures should be designed so that ALL cannabis available for sale be quickly and easily confirmable as toxin-free, chemical free, mold-free, etc. Again...ALL pre-designed, and already in place in most dispensaries in operation around the world. (Read: No need for "new taxes" to pay for something we already have.)

im not sure how moving Cannabis from a Schedule I to a Schedule II or lower controlled substance will not be a good thing.

please share your insight as to why it should be de-classified, if that is possible for a medicinal plant.

Simple: THEY write their statutes (they're NOT "laws", they're "statutes given power of law through the threat of force") in "legalese", which "seems like" English, but it is NOT English at all. Where "not" means "and" and "and" means "something else entirely."

Talk to a lawyer for 30 seconds and they'll tell you that, if they're honest.

So I asked a lawyer when I was on a radio show a while back, and he said basically what we all would already know if we took the ten seconds ot so to think about it: If we are stupid enough to allow the government (aka: OUR EMPLOYEES) to "reschedule" cannabis, this opens the door to a BLANKET BAN FOR EVERYONE. The "legal justification" they would then be able to use would be "Well, we can't just let people do whatever they want...so everyone's banned, until we've completed all due-diligence health and safety studies, to determine if it's really safe or not."

The lawyer also said that this "fraudulent safety ban" could be "as quick as 3-6 years, or as long as...never."

Still think you want it within "the Schedule" at a slightly lower level now?

So...what about taxes, right?

If it's a business, selling retail, over-the-counter, in a FREE market (NOT a "legal" market", which is an entirely different concept...but probably what most people think of as a "FREE market" incorrectly) then those businesses will be required to collect sales taxes for as long as the current fraudulent monetary paradigm is in place.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO NEED OR BENEFIT in any "new taxes" no matter what some idiots keep telling you.

They can NEVER collect enough taxes because of the fraud in the global financial system! It is simply mathematically IMPOSSIBLE! The ONLY way that the current QUADRILLIONS IN DEBT will be erased will be after it all crumbles under its own weight...which it is in the process of doing NOW. (One of the reasons I keep telling people to try to buy silver NOW, while it's still available!)

How exactly so many millions of people continue to buy into the BULLSHIT idea that "Hey, if it's not working the way it is now...let's create some new taxes, remove some more of your rights, create a new agency or two, hire on a few thousand new government employees...and that'll magically solve everything!"

That's the biggest fraud shy of the currency scam that people will be learning about soon, even if they don't care to listen this year. Next year...that'll be another story...but for most, will be too late for them to do anything.

But I digress...I tried to explain how a "government job" is NOT "cheaper than a real job, in the real economy" to get people thinking about it REALISTICALLY, but it simply doesn't take. They just can't wrap their heads around the idea that the government lies, even as they know that EVERYTHING the government has told us for the last 50 years has been based on, or outright fraud!

Long and short? If we want it OVER, we're not going to "magically fix a system designed by THEM so that it works for US." Not gonna happen.

Want to see your freedoms restored? NOT gonna happen if you leave all of the statutes that took them away on the books, for "quick-n-easy readoption later"...whenever they want more of your money, time, freedom, or your life. We already KNOW that. We simply keep refusing to acknowledge it.

You also have to remember that before cannabis was "statutorily made ILLEGAL", it was NEVER "legal", despite the lies you've been told; You need a statute which tells you it's "legal" for it to be "legal"...just like you need a statute to tell you it's "illegal."

Before cannabis was "legally christned Marijuana" and "imported into the imaginary world of statutory control and enforcement", it wasn't legal...it was FREE.

No statutes. No rights removed. No "cannabis-specific taxes."

Want it over? That's the whole ball of wax...EVERYTHING that's needed to be done can ALL be summed up in three short words:

1) DEschedule.
2) Repeal.
3) DONE!

*Disclaimer: The word "DEschedule" was what I heard from Dennis Peron...he deserves credit for putting that HUGE piece of the puzzle into play...and for making it stick well enough that I pestered the lawyer about it, live, on the air...and confirmed both my and Dennis' suspicions about "rescheduling."


New member
I don't think I addressed this deeply enough..

I kinda got from your opinion that Govt has NO role in this economy and a govt job is a drain and unnecessary.

The vast majority of "government jobs" are a HUGE drain on society, and the more you look at it, the more you see that it's the truth.

A great example is the TSA. They tell you that "you're safe to fly now, because of the TSA"...so they're hiring more and more TSA "agents" with plans to be patrolling sporting events, buses, trains, and any road they damned well please...because they're searching for fictitious terrorists? Come on now...NOBODY is so dense as to believe that line...and yet, we do NOTHING to stop it?

Ask yourself an honest question: How EXACTLY does feeling up all of those granny tits and little boy balls "make us safer from the terrorists?!?" REALLY!!!

ANYWAY...the FIRST problem is that we are told that "government jobs are cheaper for all of us, because they're only 70% the cost of 'a real job, in the real economy' since 30% gets "clawed back" in income taxes. BULLSHIT!

Those people COULD and WOULD have been doing the same, or a similar job, in the REAL economy, where they USED TO BE productive members of society, so the "only 70% drain on the public purse" has to also take into account the fact that 100% of a REAL JOB has been permanently REMOVED from the REAL ECONOMY! That adds up to 170% to me...and that is NOT "cheaper than a real job, with a real company, in the real, TAXABLE economy."

After that, the "government jobs" get significantly higher pay than "us lowly scumbag taxpayers" ever will, so that increases the drain on the rest of us that much further...and now that some of us are waking up to that, they're quickly and actively militarizing ALL police departments across North America.

I do think that the govt is wasteful but needed to regulate industries driven by profit because we know self-governance never works.

Self-governance works just fine, in small enough doses, and works perfectly when you're talking about yourself, in your own home, on your own property. It's yours, and you should be able to do whatever you damned well like in your own home, in your own garden, on your own farm, et cetera.

The problem with "government" is that nobody CARES how it really works, so it is ignored until it gets to the point of collapse...but by then, it's usually too late to stop the crash.

Now, people thousands of miles away want to tell you that you don't deserve to know what's in your food, or even if it's been deliberately laced with toxic chemicals, and people somehow "believe that's a good thing?!?" That we need MORE OF THIS?!?

Of course, when someone accidentally stumbles upon the truth, they launch their "fall-back weapons of mass distraction"...like religion, or abortion, or gay marriage...when for 90% of the population NONE OF THAT MATTERS! Hell, if two gay guys want to get married? GO FOR IT! It doesn't affect me AT ALL! None of my damned business, either...and damned sure none of the government's business! A couple lesbians want to get married? SAME DEAL! (Although I know a LOT of guys who'd at least like to hold their video camera for them...)

We keep seeing tiny little snippets of truth being released...and if we have sense enough to grab hold of those FACTS and not let go...they "release the media hounds" to make sure that we're distracted enough for it to pass, quickly and easily.

Nobody talks about the 2.3 TRILLION that the Pentagon "lost", do they? This is one of the main reasons that so many millions of people believe that 9/11 was an inside job! They release that HUGE bombshell on September 10th...and the next day...MASSIVE DISTRACTION! One that millions of people still talk about every single day, but they're NEVER going to get any answers. ( I know that Bush didn't plan it...he's just never had enough functional synapses to be even remotely capable of such planning...but it does make you wonder...was the timing REALLY 100% "coincidental?")

People are INCREDIBLY EASILY LED. If it's on TV, it must be true. Even though we know that most TV of garbage. If it's said by a politician, it must be true...so we vote them in...even though within a month, we KNOW they lied...we just "switch to the other team." We never take "third parties" seriously...we NEVER vote for the people who actually say EXACTLY what they would do if they were elected...and yet, we're completely shocked when the people we KNOW are lying to us lie to us.

All in all, we REALLY need to wake up if this species it going to even survive.

If that's important, anyway. Probably not. Let's wait and see what Bill O'Reilly has to say about it...



Active member
Its all fake except for the guns.

de facto
Adj. 1. de facto - existing in fact whether with lawful authority or not; "de facto segregation is as real as segregation imposed by law"; "a de facto state of war"

1. A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority.

the way I see it is I don't care about their customs,i don't consent to any of them and since I cant consent for anyone else for anything, and vice versa there is no authority.

its just conditioning people to believe in it.


Well-known member

I don't think govt needs to be in a home garden so long as that individual is not engaging in sales of medical cannabis b/c when profit is the motivating factor of a business then its just a matter of time before greed rules and mold or pest infected bud will get used or cross contamination of edibles causes an allergic reaction to a sick individual.

I agree that people are easily led............EX: you making reference to 9/11 being an inside job.

conspiracy minded people fill the blanks of their knowledge with 'SKEWED FACTS' that fit and support a pre-disposed mind set. and by skewed facts I am talking about how little pieces of info is presented in a way that the truth is obscured.

regarding any law or how it is written and how to interpret or understand it ill let you get your education in 30 sec snippets...........I have worked for lawyers for more than a few yrs so no need for 2 uneducated individuals to debate the meaning of certain words within the context of the law.

EDIT: still not following the assumption's regarding the impact of Cannabis getting lowered to a Schedule II or lower and how that equates to a 'fraudulent safety ban' . remind your lawyer pro that currently the govt, via laws, already are telling people they do not have the right to consume cannabis....you can not even grow it for its aesthetic / aromatic qualities.

also tell him to STATE the FACTS of the differences between the varying scheduling of controlled substances. you can go read for yourself too but a lowering Cannabis to a Schedule II or lower will acknowledge that Cannabis HAS Medicinal properties and that is huge.

WHY? you need to understand the catch 22 mmj is in first. no academic or medical research supporting the safety or medical benefits of Cannabis from U.S. based research institutions exist. its not easy for credible research/academic institution to get approval to research the potential medicinal properties of Cannabis while it is a Schedule I controlled substance so it going to a class II is a huge step to overturning the false info about this plant.

I would love to see Cannabis removed from the list of controlled substances but I still do not see how that could happen since we have such voter apathy in this country but a removal would allow unlimited research to occure.

anyway, proof is already here of the multitude of medical benefits of Cannabis. look to ISREAL.


I love my life

I don't think govt needs to be in a home garden so long as that individual is not engaging in sales of medical cannabis b/c when profit is the motivating factor of a business then its just a matter of time before greed rules and mold or pest infected bud will get used or cross contamination of edibles causes an allergic reaction to a sick individual.

If your statement was correct, wouldn't we see lower quality cannabis in 2013 because it is being wholesaled at half the price of 2001?

Where are the contaminated edibles? Where are the poisoned consumers? Where is the government regulation?

You postulate that quality would be a problem in the free market, and I retort that quality will be a huge problem in a legal regulated market where Phillip Morris's shit is blessed by the FDA and home growers are demonized by false arguments such as the one you are advancing here.

I've been smoking for over 20 years and growing for more than 10. I can tell you from VAST experience the best cannabis in the world is being produced now, and I have never seen a dispensary with better quality than that grown by individuals here in ICmag.

I don't want the government any where near your home EVEN IF you sell what you produce on your own land.



Kiss My Ring
i don't care for the fact that our employees are determining their boss' are incapable.

influence (cash) will fete our fate.

i ain't got it, 'mersh does, see the writing?

don't need to eliminate personal growers unless the quality is rank...then personal growers will be the niche that is the black market.

they want to regulate the black market out of existence and they believe medical is a front for illegal sales. thing is, it already is illegal (federally)...so they want the illegal market in total. meaning they want the medical patients too.

so many dispensaries have sprung up recently in anticipation of receiving a distributership for rec. lcb wants to eliminate collectives (disp.) and reduce your access to a ridiculous amount. they want you making weekly forays for your medications that you already produce without taxation.

i believe we worked hard to earn our right to produce our own medicine. we've fought their lies and exposed ourselves through civil disobedience. we determined the truth through insidious repression and sometimes incarceration.

the emperor has no clothes.


Well-known member
If your statement was correct, wouldn't we see lower quality cannabis in 2013 because it is being wholesaled at half the price of 2001?

Where are the contaminated edibles? Where are the poisoned consumers? Where is the government regulation?

You postulate that quality would be a problem in the free market, and I retort that quality will be a huge problem in a legal regulated market where Phillip Morris's shit is blessed by the FDA and home growers are demonized by false arguments such as the one you are advancing here.

I've been smoking for over 20 years and growing for more than 10. I can tell you from VAST experience the best cannabis in the world is being produced now, and I have never seen a dispensary with better quality than that grown by individuals here in ICmag.

I don't want the government any where near your home EVEN IF you sell what you produce on your own land.


where is the proof of contaminated goods sold?

im not in a med state so I cant say any has or hasn't been sold but is it not true that many green-rushers move to medvill only for the sole reason to sell a grey area product to retail outlets that may not be vigilant w/QC. do these new growers care about patient health or profit?

im not sure why the assumption that the phillip morris' of the canna industry will kill quality.

I disagree. many could care less about quality so they would vend those suppliers but for those where quality is more important than quantity there will be a mkt to serve them also.

what dominates the medvill dispensaries?

damn sure not CBD high strains. or long flowering sativas..........everyone wants the moneymakers.

maybe im wrong about what is dominating the shelves but I feel im not.

EDIT: Im not postulating anything nor am I advancing propaganda about the industry so chill. the quality im concerned about is the lack of due to it not being illegal to sell contaminated edibles b/c no regulations are in place.

im not for unneeded regulations but business men in suits that are profit driven could care less about our health and safety. just research compounding companies. unregulated, profit driven and some are very dangerous but it does not lessen the important role they play nor does it imply regulations are not needed b/c most are competent at producing clean, quality products.
