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Broad Mites?

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Anyone here used Pylon aerosol bombs? Do you spray them or set them off in the room and dip? Thinking about grabbing a pack.

Some one on this thread awhile back called Lemmy used them and said they didn't work. He also said everything else didn't work, so I took it with a few grains of salt. My friends just used them, haven't really followed up with them. I still feel bombs are no replacement for good old spraying by hand, being very thorough. I guess I am just anti bombs due to the spider mite days when I first started growing where I spent $100s on pyretrum bombs that didn't do anything but knock them back. Haven't used any since.


dude just google broad mites, - and or "plants affected by broad mites" lol....cmon....heres a link to the google search (holds hand) https://www.google.com/search?q=plants+affected+by+broad+mites\\\

not be rude, but try to do a lil research b4 just askin

i've done lots of googling and it has yielded nothing. your link yielded nothing as well. why do you have to be so rude? i simply asked a question. i'm not sure why everyone here is so hostile. the mites must be stopping a lot of you from harvesting a crop because a lot of you sound like you need to smoke a bowl...

i thought this thread was for everyone to help each other since we have the same problem and goal?

to everyone else that responded to my question, than you!


New member
All you are doing is posting bad information. You are either tripping or delusional. BMs are microscopic, and can't be seen with your eyes. Predator mites, yes. Broad mites, NO. IMPOSSIBLE!

Although extremely tiny broad mites CAN be seen with the naked eye.


Chunky, if you're seeing mites with the naked eye, they're spider or russet, not broad or cyc.


here is a picture of a white fly with full grown broad mites on it. i have perfect eyes and they are tiny even with a scope.


  • bm5.jpg
    79.1 KB · Views: 18


Ok I cant find this answer again.. I cant have ANYTHING in my res organic, is their organic compound in aspirin?


Storm Shadow , do you use the kontos as a drench or foliar or do you just add to reservoir and water into medium with nutrients? I grow coco dtw and rockwool dtw and water every 24-48 hours. Have you been able to compare the effectiveness of the listed techniques? It would be nice to drench clones and foliar spray before the flip to 12/12. Drenching clones and small plants no worries but 5 gallon buckets is out of the question.

Thanks very much :)

My experience so far with broad mites and attempted eradication:

-scrub room with bleach
-Attain tr fogger with bifenthrin (before plants enter room)
- Rooted clones sprayed with avid
-3 days later forbid 4f (half strength)
-5 days later pylon tr fogger
-4 days later attain tr fogger
-5 days later forbid 4f (day one flower)
-5 days later pylon tr
This allows 55 days for the poison to dissipate so that"s as far as I could take it with the hard core stuff.

Fast forward to day 42 of 12/12 and there was signs of these micro monsters so of course I panicked for a sec and headed to google for some answers. I tried conserve sc (spinosad) as a foliar on the underside of the leaves on day 44 or so and over the next week I did two heat treatments at 118 degrees for one hour each time. These measures kept the damage from spreading and I ended up yielding roughly 75% of the weight of my average harvest. 8.5/10 quality wise.

Do to height limitations i can not use the heat treatment method on flowering plants without burning tops.

Also i would like to credit Progressive Options nursery in San Fernando Valley for creating a super bug. "we just spray forbid and they're dead." that's what they told me. Yeah right. Their forbid4f must be the special kind that comes with an extra dose of denial.
Please for the love of god nobody go there or your life may be changed for the worse. These critters cost me 2 crops before i even knew what they were. Good luck and good fortune to all:)


I have to say, I dont believe the OG Biowar is doing anything to control broad mites. It is obvious that whenever I let more than 3-4 weeks go by without a heat treatment, I will start to find damage. I was spraying OG Biowar every week and spraying a combo of spinosad and azamax every other week. The spraying alone was not enough to control BM.
Sorry to hear that

Sorry to hear that

I have to say, I dont believe the OG Biowar is doing anything to control broad mites. It is obvious that whenever I let more than 3-4 weeks go by without a heat treatment, I will start to find damage. I was spraying OG Biowar every week and spraying a combo of spinosad and azamax every other week. The spraying alone was not enough to control BM.

Sorry to hear that.

I would like to personally thank Ozarks and Retrow for there stellar work. I have been BM free for one year now after battling them for almost five years with toxic poisons and after using "Heat and OGB PROPERLY" I am BM free now totally. Only still using 100% safe methods for prevention and maintenance now. And I am a happy, happy old dude. I will post some pictures in the coming months of my grow with the results of the "BRO-SCIENCE- TECHNIQUE". :thank you:

After using heat and then OGB twice a week for three weeks then once a week for a number of weeks finally using OBG twice a month I have not needed to use heat in months but will still use heat treatments pre- flower room for maintenance. People who claim they are treating a "Live infestation " and end up with a good or great harvest with out duds is IMHO a questionable statement. All the very best peeps.


I have to say, I dont believe the OG Biowar is doing anything to control broad mites. It is obvious that whenever I let more than 3-4 weeks go by without a heat treatment, I will start to find damage. I was spraying OG Biowar every week and spraying a combo of spinosad and azamax every other week. The spraying alone was not enough to control BM.

Are you sure those two products dont disturb the OG biowar? or if anything wash it off. You should make sure to coat everything heavily with og. My plant was really infested and OG is pretty much all i have other then plain ro sprays, plant is thriving.


Are you sure those two products dont disturb the OG biowar? or if anything wash it off. You should make sure to coat everything heavily with og. My plant was really infested and OG is pretty much all i have other then plain ro sprays, plant is thriving.

Exactly, basically killing the fungus won't make it work better. I suspect those are anti-fungal...lol.


Active member
Exactly, basically killing the fungus won't make it work better. I suspect those are anti-fungal...lol.

Neither of those are antifungals, although the azamax is oil based, so it might be smothering the fungi.
Best to keep things simple, and not mix lots of things together when looking for a solution. Go with the OGBiowar by itself, after a heat treatment.


Active member
Drenching clones and small plants no worries but 5 gallon buckets is out of the question.

Fast forward to day 42 of 12/12 and there was signs of these micro monsters so of course I panicked for a sec and headed to google for some answers. I tried conserve sc (spinosad) as a foliar on the underside of the leaves on day 44 or so and over the next week I did two heat treatments at 118 degrees for one hour each time. These measures kept the damage from spreading and I ended up yielding roughly 75% of the weight of my average harvest. 8.5/10 quality wise.

Do to height limitations i can not use the heat treatment method on flowering plants without burning tops.

Also i would like to credit Progressive Options nursery in San Fernando Valley for creating a super bug. "we just spray forbid and they're dead." that's what they told me. Yeah right. Their forbid4f must be the special kind that comes with an extra dose of denial.
Please for the love of god nobody go there or your life may be changed for the worse. These critters cost me 2 crops before i even knew what they were. Good luck and good fortune to all:)

First thing: there is no reason to use 5 gallon pots with coco, if you use Hempy buckets. A 2 gallon Hempy bucket will produce a one pound plant if you veg for two months and feed daily, strain dependent of course. Save on coco and improve yields dramatically by switching to Hempy buckets. Use K.I.S.S. method with them for stellar results. The key is daily (or more, ie., drip system) feedings, which provide fresh oxygen which stimulates growth.
#2: If you can't move plants around, or bend them to keep the tops away from room lights, there are other ways to heat rooms. Space heaters, or these new heaters which are made especially for this purpose:
you can find them @ pestheat.com. Don't know how much they cost, but it's the same principle as using a space heater. Just do not have fans blowing hot air on flowers.
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