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Vermont Completely Nullifies Federal Hemp Ban



DarkShadow......This is why Congress cant get anything to happen. There are other sides to an arguement.
Dont even get yourself worked up about people who argue stuff out of assumption rather then reality. Just do you.
You will never change someones mind.
There argueing for something that seriously hurts the little guy. All these seed co's would drop off the map if it was a free market.
They will never understand that we are the freedom fighters, just like everybody that got caught before us. We are just smarter than those people and ARE the frontline men in the war against prohibition. We are the ones taking the risk of tyranny and imprisonment while the Fed Government gets rich off of private prisons and prohibition laws.
Were just trying not to drown in life, and these ignoranaces on here, instead of encouragement and support, would rather argue and condemn the soldier in the battle.
Let them. Step off the key board....dont argue. Not worth it. Keep on thinking the way you are. I support and encourage your enlightenment. He who answers a fool is a fool himself.


Doesn't change the fact you are still breaking a law and people are still making their profits on the backs of those who get caught up in the legal system.

The motto of overgrow the world, has changed to overgrow my bank account by keeping marijuana in a quasi-legal system.

Legalization means more people will be growing themselves and not buying your pot. So therefore it is understandable why some of you are acting in your own self-interest and have justified it by claiming lives will be ruined. Except for the fact that lives are already being ruined so you can stay in business. You don't really care about that though, so I don't really care if you lose your job selling 1/8ths for $50.

Were just raking it in with 2 - 600w'ers. Making fat stacks dude. Im like Scrooge McDuck swimming through it all!:biggrin:
And to blame a closet grower for the schedule that marijuana is on and blame us for what happened to other growers is just...well... I cant even say it!

Gert Lush

Active member
I knew that some would change when they found a comfortable spot to operate in.
Ain't that the truth...

alone said:
Were just raking it in with 2 - 600w'ers. Making fat stacks dude
You're worried about the loss of income from your 2 600 Watters? Over the notion of Freedom, with which you seem to be having serious issues? That just sooo sad.

And even sadder that as a result you can dream up this sob story that you are concerned about what will happen to those poor unemployed "millioins" who will be on the street, well, tomorrow, like...

Gert Lush

Active member
And to blame a closet grower for the schedule that marijuana is on

It is this freeing up (warts and all) that will get mj off its current schedule, so yes, I'd blame anyone that opposes the freeing up, whether they are a closet grower or not.
The blame lies in the opposition to freedom, not in closet growing, much as you'd like to confuse the two. Nice try, though.

Gert Lush

Active member
Another thing that is often overlooked, is that freeing up marijuana will massively improve its quality! And no, I don't mean strength, supposed THC %age, yield, or any of the other moronic standards we use today -- all of which are a direct result of tough laws.

I mean making really, really, good pot that people love, that refreshes body and soul, that makes for excellent and inspiring social gatherings, that is true soul medicine for everyone. That won't leave you monged out or paranoid.

You know, the stuff we'd all "like to grow", but don't, because the yield is no good, or the flowering time is too long, or the black market doesn't recognize it and so won't pay for it. (I've heard tales of people being unable to place Nevil's Haze in the dispensaries, ffs!). Stuff that people can talk about in a family setting.

This could be a huge new area/market and it will be open to REAL pot enthusiasts, giving them a chance to go out there and show the world what can be done. So long as it remains illegal, this is not possible.

So yes, I'm all for making a few greedy little dealing bastards unemployed, especially if this will open the gates for a real, healthy pot scene.


prices are were they are for a reason.. prices are low as fuck.. if u are complaining about prices now.. I would of loved to see u 10 years ago.. wen PRIMO was going for 500-700 a OZ.. im so sick of these TEENAGE LOSERS bitching about weed prices.. stop bitching abuot prices.. and just smoke SWAG if u wana bitch.. I just actually TOLD a Custy to fuck off.. asking for better deals because this and that... guess.. wat.. now shes texting me on a daily basis.. trying to get back in with me. because she realized quality or not.. people are still charging the same price..........

if u want good prices on good weed.. grow ur own.. or get in with a good grower.. 300 a oz is not bad at all.. honestly. specially if the grower is only harvesting a lb or 2 at a time.. come on.. electricity.. rent.. and genetics.. all cost money.. labor costs money.. good bud = decent amount of work... = good prices.. for good bud.. if u cant afford it. QUIT SMOKING OR START GROWING.


THANK YOU K.OGENETICS! Thats what Im sayin. I charge 300 an ounce for top shelf, perfectly grown, flushed, harvested, trimmed, dried, and cured.
Why is it that all these people are hoping prices get lower with legalization? Its not gonna get any lower than that. Even in a Med state with dispeceries. How much do they charge?
$50 - $60 an 1/8th right?


@ K.O.Genetics ~
Dont take that person back! Screw her! Ive done the same thing to multiple people for being greedy. I wont even smoke with someone who I think doesnt deserve good weed. MMJ is an attitude. A lifestyle. A sacred, spiritual healing plant. Fake people cant get my good-good.
My top-shelf homegrown is precious and sacred. Not just anyone is allowed to smoke or get it.


People will still want quality - look at the craft brewers market; they only hold about 7% of the volume but 10% of the $$ (both are climbing)

Anyway, yay hemp.


Active member
hahah exactly man. the idea that the little guy wont be able to survive or carve out a niche is offensive and just blatantly false. let the big biz roll out the marlboro 'greens' i could give a fuck, lol.

the fact that your (Alone) for prohibition is just laughable dude. like nothing could have made you better, haha.. its the perfect cherry on top.


Well-known member
The amount of Govt taxation and costs of regulation will have a direct impact on prices (raising them.) This will significantly offset the economies of scale.

The problems of growing high quality in large scale will prevent most large commercial ops from ever exceeding the quality of cartel herb today. Cartel ops would be the strongest hit by legalization.

There will always be a market for the small scale elite quality product, following the craft brew model.

On the other side, the opportunity for those who wish to continue operating outside the law to make more profits by refusing to pay taxes and jump through regulatory hoops, slightly under-pricing the legal commercials.
People operating in that mode would be more accurately following a moonshine model. For that comparison to apply, they would have to meet the same level of quality provided by the large legal commercial grows.

Combining untaxed herb grown in small, elite quality and you have a new model that is different from moonshine and craft brews.

Short sighted bastards only see the down side of change without being smart enough to realize that if they want to remain a criminal in the legalized world, they will still have incentive to do so.


Active member
Hey, let's get back to Vermont. I live in Vermont and I want to grow some hemp.

I don't know how to go about it.

I read the new law and it is great. Anybody can buy a permit from the state Ag department for $25 and go grow. You are, of course, subject to inspection and a tiny TCH limit.

I still want to do it but will take my time figuring out how.
No, what I'm saying is :

Would a tomato company have to pay taxes for every single tomato plant they produce? No
Would a tomato company have to pay taxes at the end of the year? Yes

Would a hemp company have to pay taxes for every single hemp plant they produce? Yes
Would a hemp company have to pay taxes at the end of the year? Yes

Here, you see? The hemp company ends up paying 2 bills.

Terribly incorrect logic.


I hate prohibition! Im all for legalizing it. Im talking to the dude who said MMJ is gonna be in a free market.... assholes!
Twisting...non comprehending schoolgirls! (ChemDick) Im way to old for this conversation. Ive been growing and smoking before most of you were even born. Now your gonna twist what I wrote and be MY judge? LMFAO! Kids!
Your mullet and your mouth is the perfect cherry on top....both need to go back to the 80's.
Get lost kid...your bothering me.


prices are were they are for a reason.. prices are low as fuck.. if u are complaining about prices now.. I would of loved to see u 10 years ago.. wen PRIMO was going for 500-700 a OZ.. im so sick of these TEENAGE LOSERS bitching about weed prices.. stop bitching abuot prices.. and just smoke SWAG if u wana bitch.. I just actually TOLD a Custy to fuck off.. asking for better deals because this and that... guess.. wat.. now shes texting me on a daily basis.. trying to get back in with me. because she realized quality or not.. people are still charging the same price..........

if u want good prices on good weed.. grow ur own.. or get in with a good grower.. 300 a oz is not bad at all.. honestly. specially if the grower is only harvesting a lb or 2 at a time.. come on.. electricity.. rent.. and genetics.. all cost money.. labor costs money.. good bud = decent amount of work... = good prices.. for good bud.. if u cant afford it. QUIT SMOKING OR START GROWING.

lol, cmon. I've done the calculations for my setup. Not including the investment cost to build an operation, I was able to produce an oz of grade A for around $30. That included electricity, nutrients, water filters, bulb replacements, seeds, rent.. practically everything except for building materials for the room and the reusable equipment. That is a 1000% markup. Legalize and that markup is gone. An oz of weed is not worth $300 unless you add in the risk the person growing/selling is taking. Time for some of you to take a reality pill.


If the gov can supply me high quality at a low price. I will buy my pot from them.


lol, cmon. I've done the calculations for my setup. Not including the investment cost to build an operation, I was able to produce an oz of grade A for around $30. That included electricity, nutrients, water filters, bulb replacements, seeds, rent.. practically everything except for building materials for the room and the reusable equipment. That is a 1000% markup. Legalize and that markup is gone. An oz of weed is not worth $300 unless you add in the risk the person growing/selling is taking. Time for some of you to take a reality pill.

lol I cannot wait to see the prices in dispensaries.. so then u fuckin idiots can see whats really up.. I don't have half the bills a dispensary has.. and I charge 300 oz.. so if u think ur going to get heady top shelf nugs that have bag appeal.. smell..taste.. and potency.. lol.. comeon.. I see people paying 325 for shit that's not even close to as potent. the grower takes risk.. the grower should make the money.. but in this business.. that's not how it works.. tooo many crappy growers selling shitty bud.. for great prices.. fuckin everything up.