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Broad Mites?

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aka "Doc"
I am not harshing you on your growing or your meds. Whatever
you choose to use to get the quality you want is and should be up to you.

There is no such thing as "almost" organic. Its like almost pregnant. You either are or aren't. This bastardization of the word is part of the reason it means so little anymore.

Standards that patients depend on to get the medicine they need should indeed be black and white and NOT shades of grey. My .02.

I'm not trying to bust your chops....this topic is a button. Clearly ;)

Cheers to you as well!

I respect your opinion, but like I mentioned in the other thread on same topic, life is NOT a series of absolutes (black or white, good or bad, for me or against me, hot or cold, day or night, etc), rather life choices include those with "shades of grey".

By incorporating the best practices of ALL disciplines (organic, synthetic, biodynamics, etc) I am in essence a "fusion grower"...and free to disregard things that don't make sen$e. You may not like that...(I respect your opinion) but the fact of the matter is--I am "almost organic".

BTW, never said I was 100% organic...but based on any measure you desire, I am well over 90% organic. We can debate the 10% all day long--but then we would be off topic...as this thread is about Broad Mites...not whether a 99% or 90% organic grower is "more pure"--the fact is neither are 100%.

Start a new thread about "almost organic" and lets share some ideas and learn from each other! My outdoor veggie garden is 100% organic...and it has been that way for over 15 years now. But, for maximum quality/quantity of our favorite crop, I found huge benefits of combining the best practices together--kinda like "sweet and sour".



Active member
eclipse i agree with you man...striving to be 90% organic is at least better than doing 0% organic like alot of cash croppin shit growers out there. there are literally asian growers using 5ml of bushmaster every feeding on top of 100% chemical nute regime, spraying their shit with avid and god knows what else at week 6, and then barely curing and rushing their shit to market so that hundreds of people will smoke chemically laced buds...

so if some grower wants to at least put in the effort to 50% organic props to them...it aint easy by any means.

i would say im in the same boat....we went with an organic method this year outdoors and honestly our results are not as good as some friends who went chemical. our entire regime is organic with the exception of the myclobutanil we sprayed a few weeks back in veg. we also sprayed serenade and actinovate, as well as new tester organic products for PM, but our hillside has more humidity than most areas and alot of weeds and other plants on the ridge had PM on them..so we had to break out the tough stuff to make sure our entire garden doesnt get taken over by PM.


I am not harshing you on your growing or your meds. Whatever
you choose to use to get the quality you want is and should be up to you.

There is no such thing as "almost" organic. Its like almost pregnant. You either are or aren't. This bastardization of the word is part of the reason it means so little anymore.

Standards that patients depend on to get the medicine they need should indeed be black and white and NOT shades of grey. My .02.

I'm not trying to bust your chops....this topic is a button. Clearly ;)

Cheers to you as well!
If he uses a blend of organic and synthetic ingredients, then he is accurate in describing his program in terms of %s of organics vs non, there's no reason to dismiss 10 things because 1 doesn't meet your standards, if you don't like that thing, then maybe find non-condescending ways to bring people over to your side.

But "you're not organic dude, until you do this..." generally just results in a hippie fight.


If he uses a blend of organic and synthetic ingredients, then he is accurate in describing his program in terms of %s of organics vs non, there's no reason to dismiss 10 things because 1 doesn't meet your standards, if you don't like that thing, then maybe find non-condescending ways to bring people over to your side.

But "you're not organic dude, until you do this..." generally just results in a hippie fight.

Thread Jack;
You're missing the point. No one gets to define organic but nature, not OMRI not me not you....as in "carbon based/derived". You'll prob argue that too, right? I am not defining anything. If you understand organic growing than you realize you are or you aren't.....you know, doing it. No one will give me a 90% certified organic rating ;). I am not criticizing technique........
You might use 90% organic products/ingredients, but its either an organic end product or its not. That is better said.
But I digress.......

Back to more BM's.


I respect your opinion, but like I mentioned in the other thread on same topic, life is NOT a series of absolutes (black or white, good or bad, for me or against me, hot or cold, day or night, etc), rather life choices include those with "shades of grey".

By incorporating the best practices of ALL disciplines (organic, synthetic, biodynamics, etc) I am in essence a "fusion grower"...and free to disregard things that don't make sen$e. You may not like that...(I respect your opinion) but the fact of the matter is--I am "almost organic".

BTW, never said I was 100% organic...but based on any measure you desire, I am well over 90% organic. We can debate the 10% all day long--but then we would be off topic...as this thread is about Broad Mites...not whether a 99% or 90% organic grower is "more pure"--the fact is neither are 100%.

Start a new thread about "almost organic" and lets share some ideas and learn from each other! My outdoor veggie garden is 100% organic...and it has been that way for over 15 years now. But, for maximum quality/quantity of our favorite crop, I found huge benefits of combining the best practices together--kinda like "sweet and sour".


Im sorry, I grow very similarly and have a Biodynamic background and vegetable garden. I too DO NOT grow organic indoor meds. My issue is not with technique but with definition? It all good. Peace.


Thread Jack;
You're missing the point. No one gets to define organic but nature, not OMRI not me not you....as in "carbon based/derived". You'll prob argue that too, right? I am not defining anything. If you understand organic growing than you realize you are or you aren't.....you know, doing it.
You aren't defnining it, but you "understand" it, and then sit telling others what is and isn't?

Again, that's just fodder for a mud wrestling match between stoners, not the basis for a helpful discussion.
Niche market

Niche market

Niche market I guess. My jars. I can see why "Some people" will be terrified that people are putting out "Clean meds" and backing it up with a challenge to have the product tested. People will have a choice if they want clean meds or adulterated meds.I believe people will gravitate towards the healthy option.


^Except that's not true, it's just your assertion, organic soils contain organisms and compounds known to cause cancer, but since these issues are inherent to soil all over the world, most regions don't even require such products to carry a "May cause cancer..." label, but then look at every single bag of potting soil produced in California, Cancer warning label.

Hell, there is data suggesting even neem has long term effects on vertebrate biology.


You aren't defnining it, but you "understand" it, and then sit telling others what is and isn't?

Again, that's just fodder for a mud wrestling match between stoners, not the basis for a helpful discussion.

Good thing we have OMRI, huh? LMAO
That definition comes from a degree in ag from UC Davis and a 15 year background in commercial Biodynamic farming. Far from a mud wrestling match between stoners. I wonder what you think the definition is? I bet OMRI has a link.......

Like I said, no one offers a 90% Organic certification. For a reason......



Like I said, no one offers a 90% Organic certification. For a reason......

Plenty of products actually do list the % of their ingredients which are organic, Odwalla still does this even since Coke bought them out. Check out their Lemonade, 70% organic ingredients.

Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't what it is, which is... partially organic.

Being truly organic would require everything from containers composed of organic material and filtration mediums from companies that source their materials organically, so, very few people are producing truly 100% organic product, and to assert otherwise is mostly just arrogance.


Plenty of products actually do list the % of their ingredients which are organic, Odwalla still does this even since Coke bought them out. Check out their Lemonade, 70% organic ingredients.

Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't what it is, which is... partially organic.

Being truly organic would require everything from containers composed of organic material and filtration mediums from companies that source their materials organically, so, very few people are producing truly 100% organic product, and to assert otherwise is mostly just arrogance.

I have a 15 year background in Certified Biodynamic farming and you think I cant produce an organic medicine? Are you kidding me? You are truly clueless about this aren't you. I gave my background...what IS yours? Anything other than green dots behind your name? I'm still waiting for your definition of organic. Organic Chemistry is the study of what????? Wait for it.............. CARBON! Alive or once living, ya know, carbon based, derived from. Just more BS I made up, right?
I can't believe you bring a company like Coca Cola into a discussion about organics but since you did......ya know why the label lists the % organic ingredients RATHER than state "Organic Juice"? Wait for it......because its NOT an organic product. DUH! It would say so if it was. So they put that BS on it to dupe feeble minded consumers into thinking they are getting something other than what they really are. Made from 70% organic ingredients? You bet. An Organic Product? Not even close. Thanks for proving my point.
Where did ya want to go from here?

Anybody got anything on BM's? ;) We've about beat that one to death haven't we?


Have fun spewing the same type of black and white judgements that others use to label our lady cannabis as an evil drug, I'll be over here in the world of grey reality, not resorting to name calling or anger.


Active member
Grow Tech (OP) you started one of the most important and helpful threads in the history of cannabis forums.​



Active member
We interrupt this program for the following message.....

Technically in chemistry Coca Cola is organic.

Chemistry defines organic as...

Organic matter, matter that has come from a once-living organism, is capable of decay or the product of decay, or is composed of organic compound
Organic chemistry, chemistry involving organic compounds
Organic compound, a compound that contains carbon

Now back to regular programming. LOL!

I love Coca Cola damn it!!!!!!!!

Peace guys!
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I have a 15 year background in Certified Biodynamic farming and you think I cant produce an organic medicine? Are you kidding me? You are truly clueless about this aren't you. I gave my background...what IS yours? Anything other than green dots behind your name? I'm still waiting for your definition of organic. Organic Chemistry is the study of what????? Wait for it.............. CARBON! Alive or once living, ya know, carbon based, derived from. Just more BS I made up, right?
I can't believe you bring a company like Coca Cola into a discussion about organics but since you did......ya know why the label lists the % organic ingredients RATHER than state "Organic Juice"? Wait for it......because its NOT an organic product. DUH! It would say so if it was. So they put that BS on it to dupe feeble minded consumers into thinking they are getting something other than what they really are. Made from 70% organic ingredients? You bet. An Organic Product? Not even close. Thanks for proving my point.
Where did ya want to go from here?

Anybody got anything on BM's? ;) We've about beat that one to death haven't we?
Btw, I know you're not producing organic medicine, why? Because you have repeatedly stated that you spray several different chems.
Thanks to everyone. Been battling these jokers for a year and only recently identified properly. Tried Avid,Forbid,Pylon and they keep coming back. Very effective against adults and juveniles but not eggs with that line up.
Im sorry, I grow very similarly and have a Biodynamic background and vegetable garden. I too DO NOT grow organic indoor meds. My issue is not with technique but with definition? It all good. Peace.
So... Why all the bother with semantics about organics when you're not growing organically? I'm confused.
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Btw, I know you're not producing organic medicine, why? Because you have repeatedly stated that you spray several different chems.So... Why all the bother with semantics about organics when you're not growing organically? I'm confused.

Finally, you get the point. I never implied I was organic or even the degree of quality or that one was "better". Thats BS. If you had actually read my posts you would have seen a remark about how no one should decide how you grow. The point I'm making is orgainic medicine is very important to many patients. 90% organic means nothing to them. I simply made the correct point that you either have an organic product or you dont. 90% organic ingredients means you DONT have an organic end product. As illustrated by your Coca Cola Lemonade example.

It seems you never read my posts and simply wanted to bang the "organic vs synthetic" drum as usual? Aren't you better than that? Now you assume I'm angry and you continue to bust my chops yet no answer to the definition of organics or even what your background is (other than a bunch of green dots). Instead, you play the "life isn't black and white" card.......I'm condescending? Puleeez!

You saw that single green dot and thought I was some noob, huh? Wrong. I'm still waiting for you to back up your position with something, anything but......prob not that coke example tho, huh? :)

Stop being so miserable.

I'm glad you read my posts about BM's, now you know they aren't the alien borg many have portrayed them to be. I wonder, did you see the posts about natural alternatives too? Nukem, Phytol? Funny , you only mention the sprays.........


aka "Doc"
.... I simply made the correct point that you either have an organic product or you dont. 90% organic ingredients means you DONT have an organic end product....

Let's look at the organic labeling rules for some guidance (instead of using stoner logic)--CFR 205.301

Products labeled “100% organic” can contain only organically produced ingredients. They can display the USDA Organic Seal.

Products labeled simply “organic” must contain a minimum of 95 percent organically produced ingredients. They are also permitted to display the USDA Organic Seal. Non-organic ingredients must be USDA-approved and appear on the National List of allowed and prohibited substances.

Products labeled “made with organic xxxxx” must contain a minimum of 70 percent organically produced ingredients. They may not display the USDA Organic Seal but can list up to three of the certified organic ingredients on the front label.

Products containing less than 70 percent organic ingredients cannot display the USDA Organic Seal or use the term “organic” on the front label. These products are permitted to list certified organic ingredients on the back panel only.

Sorry dude, if MMJ was regulated by USDA food labeling rules...it would be permissible for me to state "90+% Organic"--as long as there is a minimum of 70% organic inputs. No absolute requirement to be 100%...unless you state you are "100% organic" (period).

Link to an easy to read USDA pamphlet--http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/getfile?dDocName=STELDEV3004446


Now...let's return to the topic of this thread, Broad Mites! NO MORE HIJACKING!


Active member
what the fuck does organic vs. inorganic have to do with broad mites? there are treatment methods that fall under both categories, so pick the one that fits your gardening style and go argue about this in another forum.

please and thank you.
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