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Tips ~ Gratuities & Graft.......

Tips ~ Gratuities & Graft.......

  • 10% or less

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • 15% the traditional standard

    Votes: 11 21.6%
  • 20% the new tradition

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • 25% or more ~ the dining experience was complete

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • 0% I'm with Mr. Pink

    Votes: 5 9.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Game Bred
If the service is good or even great, I tip 10%.

I resent tipping restaurant or bar staff for their service. It's their fucken job! Service---good & great---should be a matter of personal pride and professional expectation. If their employer doesn't pay them a respectable wage, then they should find another fucken job somewhere else.

bet you would flail in rage when your food went up %50 in cost too...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

thank god I over tipped delivery food drivers back in NY Dannyboy.

I was house sitting for some friends, 2 weeks & they didn't want to board their dog but no cooking in the house either, he left his Amex card for my suppers, to eat in or out as I pleased. I called in my order for delivered Thai food at least 6 or 7 times from an awesome place a few miles away.

I used the card for the food cost but I tipped the driver w/my own cash because it felt sketchy giving away someone's money as tip even though he could afford it & more. Anyway each time I tipped I over tipped big time, after all the food was free to me; the driver always left happy & I got my food pronto, probably his 1st stop after leaving the restaurant.
bet you would flail in rage when your food went up %50 in cost too...

No, I wouldn't bother patronizing such an establishment. I don't have to eat at restaurants. I know how to cook tasty meals at home. And they know this, so they wouldn't dare jack it up by 50%.

Dining out, like most things in this world, is way over-rated. I can take it or leave it. If they want my custom, then they better keep it groovy...or else.

mack 10

Well-known member
I delivered pizzas for a few years when I was going to school. Bad tippers were well known, and we all knew which addresses would result in a shitty tip. I never did this, but a bunch of the delivery drivers got even with the cheap skates and would spit on top of the pie before delivering. I watched somebody do this once...it blends in with the shiny cheese topping perfectly, you'd never know it was there. Anyways, I wonder how many of these shitty tippers would decide to leave a fair tip if they knew that karma was biting them in their cheap skate asses?

^^this is nasty. if I caught a mofo doing that, shit I'd do time.
I don't get this tip thing you yanks have?
It is not there job?

mind you I did tip one of the waitresses in the greenhouse coffeeshop, she was running around keeping us happy, indeed good service. But they really have to do something, seems in the US most expect a tip? without giving any better service.
I delivered pizzas for a few years when I was going to school. Bad tippers were well known, and we all knew which addresses would result in a shitty tip. I never did this, but a bunch of the delivery drivers got even with the cheap skates and would spit on top of the pie before delivering. I watched somebody do this once...it blends in with the shiny cheese topping perfectly, you'd never know it was there. Anyways, I wonder how many of these shitty tippers would decide to leave a fair tip if they knew that karma was biting them in their cheap skate asses?

Karma relates to malice of forethought. Being a cheapskate is not malevolent, it's just a sign of fear and lack-based thinking. The lack-based thinking is rooted in the belief that there is only a small pile of fortune to be had and once that's used up, it will never be replenished. When in fact, life is benevolent, abundant, and replenishing.

Those filthy turds that hock loogies into people's food should be dragged to death behind a car---or soaked in petrol and set alight. They have no personal pride.

I serve the public everyday. I give them the best customer service and friendly vibes that I can and I don't expect nor receive any tips. I serve them well because it feels good to be nice and helpful. I know at the end of the workday I can forget all about the job and enjoy my evening at home because I gave my very best.

Fucken-ay right, Jack!!!

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor

the driver always left happy & I got my food pronto, probably his 1st stop after leaving the restaurant.

That is another good reason to treat your food delivery person well...it was typical that a delivery driver would go out with multiple orders, especially during busy times on busy nights when most folks order this stuff. If you were known as a good tipper, you'd be the first to receive your food, usually within a few minutes of the food leaving the kitchen, get your dinner nice and steamy hot. If the driver went out with 3 different orders, the 3rd delivery would probably spend an extra 10 to 15 minutes losing heat, and wouldn't be as nice to eat as the first delivery.

And to clarify my previous post about spitting on the pizzas...the pizzas that got spit on were pretty much limited to customers who were known to stiff the driver...no tip at all. Those customers who were known to tip but very cheaply, they were the ones who had their orders delivered last.


Game Bred
No, I wouldn't bother patronizing such an establishment. I don't have to eat at restaurants. I know how to cook tasty meals at home. And they know this, so they wouldn't dare jack it up by 50%.

Dining out, like most things in this world, is way over-rated. I can take it or leave it. If they want my custom, then they better keep it groovy...or else.

How exactly does a restaurant triple wage cost and not increase product cost?
They wouldn't "dare"? They wouldn't have a choice.
I dont think you have the slightest idea of how the food service industry works....

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Karma relates to malice of forethought. Being a cheapskate is not malevolent, it's just a sign of fear and lack-based thinking. The lack-based thinking is rooted in the belief that there is only a small pile of fortune to be had and once that's used up, it will never be replenished. When in fact, life is benevolent, abundant, and replenishing.

Those filthy turds that hock loogies into people's food should be dragged to death behind a car---or soaked in petrol and set alight. They have no personal pride.

I serve the public everyday. I give them the best customer service and friendly vibes that I can and I don't expect nor receive any tips. I serve them well because it feels good to be nice and helpful. I know at the end of the workday I can forget all about the job and enjoy my evening at home because I gave my very best.

Fucken-ay right, Jack!!!

This entire post is unadulterated bullshit. I'm not going to bother critiquing each stupid little paragraph you belched out, just not worth it.

I will say this...I'm certain you are a cheap skate. How's that spit tastin?


Lammen Gorthaur
I am spring-loaded for 20% it would seem, but if the service is there I retaliate with grotesquely large tips. Complete experience? I might go as much as a third.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

well CAPD is from the UK, and except in the finest restaurants a 10% is tops for what you'd tip at a sit down table service restaurant. the rest of that stuff about getting different jobs just don't ring true here in the states.

There are still states that allow employers to pay as little as $2.15 p/h for tipping jobs and we're goddamned lucky when we have a waiter or waitress with some smarts because otherwise the flip side is that there's nothing worse than bad service.


Hi! My name's Cheryl and we'll be your waitresses tonight!


pure genius!!! 35%+.......


Active member
As some members already stated in some places in the world service workers are payed less than a minimum wage, sometimes hardley enough to eat, to do certain service jobs. In these places it is the social norm that customers pay a tip for the services they receive as they are in reality directly paying the wages of workers that serve them. If you enter an establisment in a area that has this norm and accept the workers services you enter in an unwritten social contract to pay(tip) said workers and if you fail to do so you are cheating low level workers out of a fair pay. If this is just or not is another story, but the fact is when you accept these services you enter in a social contract to pay these workers and if you knowingly fail to do so you are a parasite.


pure dynamite
Where I'm at 10 percent is a decent tip, especially now when money is tight for most people. If I felt really nice I might round it up to 15-20 percent.
I dont think you have the slightest idea of how the food service industry works....

But I don't want to know the slightest idea of how it works.
I don't care and I don't have to care.
If you work in the industry and I sit at your table and I give you a 10% tip and you don't like it---if you're ungrateful for it---then that's tough titty for you. I am still gonna have a satisfying belch and a couple of loud, long farts.

As for you, DannyBoy, have a wittle kiss, sweetheart: :moon:

(Poking DannyBoy in the chest)---I don't like your tone of voice. I find your avatar repulsive. And I notice you have disabled your Rep. The only peeps who do that have every intention of stirring the shit and avoiding their just desserts. Talk about karma. And yet, you're still getting stomped to the ground. So, karma is biting YOU on the ass. There is no escape.

Apologize...or turn on your Rep and accept the spanking you have coming.

Your choice, tough guy. :huggg:


What were we talking about?
I am capable of figuring out an exact percentage, however, usually (if the service was really good) I will figure 20% and then round up. On your hypothetical situation, I would probably tip $10.00.

I used to deliver pizzas part-time when I was stationed in Alaska. I learned that there are a ton of people that either don't realize or don't care that they should tip the driver (especially in crappy or hazardous weather). Drivers remember people who don't tip.

I always tip delivery drivers a ton, because of my own experiences.

On the other end of the spectrum, if I receive lousy service with attitude, I leave 1 penny. That way they know I didn't forget, and they get the message (hopefully).


Game Bred
But I don't want to know the slightest idea of how it works.
I don't care and I don't have to care.
If you work in the industry and I sit at your table and I give you a 10% tip and you don't like it---if you're ungrateful for it---then that's tough titty for you. I am still gonna have a satisfying belch and a couple of loud, long farts.

if thats how you want to live your life i guess..
willfully,blissfully ignorant and myopic to a fault.
"fuck my fellow man*fart*...."
are you sure you are not 'murican? you sound very southern mississippi.


if thats how you want to live your life i guess..
willfully,blissfully ignorant and myopic to a fault.
"fuck my fellow man*fart*...."
are you sure you are not 'murican? you sound very southern mississippi.
Yeah because ignorance and a self-centered attitude are american inventions...

Can't a selfish prick be a selfish prick for his own sake?


Game Bred
We have our own brand of proud to be ignorant asshole in 'murica..
Especially in the rural areas of the south(im from there)there is a whole lot of"they wouldn't dare" and "they just need a new job" and burp and fart as puncuation.


And in Europe there's a whole lot of cigarette smoke and badly accented complaints of "Fucking Americans..." ?

We really all are just what teenagers imagine us to be?

Guess as a grower that makes me a dirty old hippie :dunno:
if thats how you want to live your life i guess..
willfully,blissfully ignorant and myopic to a fault.
"fuck my fellow man*fart*...."
are you sure you are not 'murican? you sound very southern mississippi.

Hello little squib.:)

Is you offering up some hostility my way?
Are you baiting the line for a good old fashioned ass-whoopin?
If you weren't a lady and this wasn't the Interweb, me and you could step outside and settle this REAL quick, Miss Mam.
Oh yea.

Starting some shit with me because I don't wanna tip someone more than 10% of the bill...

Them folks are lucky to get that! 10% on its own is an affront. What's so goddamn special about food servers compared to librarians & fire fighters & auto mechanics & nurses who work with cancer patients, eh?

If you're so damn dumb that you can't stop yourself from working for a business that doesn't pay you a decent enough wage so that you don't have to parasitically expect a handout from the paying customers you serve, then honey, you deserve to be the waffle waitress that you are.

(Remember the Bill Hicks joke about the waffle waitress?---:
"She says, 'Whatcha reading for?' She doesn't ask, 'WHAT are you reading?' but rather, 'Whatcha reading FOR?' And I tell her, "So I don't end up like you, a fucken waffle waitress!'")

But I digress...

Yes, dingbat, I am superior to you on so many levels that it sends chills up & down my spine. Now admittedly, most superior people don't rub their inferior's noses into it, but I am the exception to the rule, which makes me special as well as superior.

And by the way, baby, who said I wasn't American, eh?



:thank you:

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