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Landrace Article - Painting The Road Ahead

King Willie

New member
-I apologize- I am only a new member, but I feel I HAD to bump this particular thread back to the top to benefit the future of Ganja in general!

Darwinsbulldog seems to have been inactive on this site for about a year or more now, for whatever reason, but this article and his message must not die! I am every bit as much a lover of the pure landraces as he is - and we feel this way with good reason.......

wrote this up last night and today.

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enjoy guys :D


King Willie

New member
-Here is another excellent quote- written by darwinsbulldog:

"The reason one would focus on landrace studies is because they'd be more like the original strains that were dispersed 1000s of years ago than say white widow or white rhino... a good analogy i can think of is say if you were trying to look at the spatial genetics of the wolf and you tried doing it through the domesticated dog (same species as the wolf). those domesticated dogs have mixed genes from all over the world, inbred, outbred, bottlenecked... they aren't great for analysing at all because they're just a mish mash of everything, what you need to properly map the spatial genetics of cannabis is unique strains that have been isolated from one another for a substantial amount of time that they're distinctly genetically different. then you can compare them with one another to see how closely related they are, but if you breed strains from different places together, then again and again and again they all become the same level of mixed up relatedness and it's redundant."

-quoted from darwinsbulldog, 19 July 2010




Very informative article. I am a preservationist. I have been working with landrace for many years and feel the same way... If we don't preserve these wonderful genetics they will be lost forever. I am working with a few breeders with like minds and we are doing an ongoing project to do just this. This is not an easy task but it is very rewarding.. Peace