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Is Pot lawful in australia?

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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Man my head hurts after reading through this thread :D
Please keep it up though, the topic is very interesting to say the least :gday:


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Thank you SS_OG, The golden Ratio sent you to us, to share this out standing case.
I had read and even watched the videos of the queens FALSE Coronation. Its rather funny that they did not use the real stone, to swear an oath over.

I don't have the videos anymore, but they can't be too hard to find.

They didnt use the real Stone of Scone as it was stolen by patriotic Scots before the fake coronation... hehe :smoker:




I don't find moderates such as the catholic church frightening. They are losing their power due to people leaving in droves from the public perception that they are an international paedophile ring. But, that's not to detract from a previous time when they held great power. Otherwise known as The Dark Ages.

I find the evangelicals much more frightening. And they do exercise back door political power. Weren't there a few American presidents who were in the evangelicals pocket and also thought the war on drugs was a stellar idea.

MWZ I don't want to detract from the point of this thread :re standing up for your lawful right versus drug prohibition.

But perhaps I should've differentiated between the catholic peasant and the church itself. While the average catholic can and likely will be used by the church, often without their knowledge, it is the Roman church itself that is taking over Australia.

If you have travelled around the world you may've notcied that the Roman Religion differs greatly from culture to culture. This is because they adapt the religion to blend into the culture until such time as they have overthrown the country.

Just as christianity is a cover story for their real agenada.

In australia for example they act moderately, as evidenced by Father Mark Raper SJ, head of the Jesuit order for the South Pacific and perhaps the most powerful man in Australia. Instead of wearing priestly garb like overseas , he wears jeans and Tshirts and acts 'fair dinkum'. But look a little deeper and you will find that they control everything in Australia. And history tells us they're not conquering us for fun. They peeled our skins off by the millions last time they had power over us.



Most likely the most powerful man in australia, Father Mark Raper S.J. . This is the man who tells our politicians what to do.Amongst other things. Looks like a casual, warm hearted decent guy, doesn't he?


Such entities have NO POWER, all they have is FORCE.

That which is reserved for the Godly, the unrighteous shall never obtain.


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The OATH which Raper and all such heathens take before induction, as follows:

JESUIT Extreme Oath of Induction
as recorded in the Journals of the 62D Congress, 3d Session of the U.S.
(House Calendar No. 397. Report No. 1523)
Congressional Record---House, 15 Feb. 1913, pp3215-3216

I_______________ , now in the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, and all the saints, sacred host of Heaven, and to you, my Ghostly Father, the superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyoly, in the pontification of Paul the III, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that His Holiness, the Pope, is Christ's vice regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by the virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given His Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed. Therefore to the utmost of my power I will defend this doctrine and His Holiness's right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran Church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authority and Church's of England and Scotland, and the branches of same now established in Ireland and on the continent of America and elsewhere and all adherents in regard that they may be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or State, named Protestant or Liberal, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare that the doctrine of the Churches of England and Scotland of the Calvinists, Huguenots, and others of the name of Protestants or Masons to be damnable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the same. I do further declare that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of His Holiness's agents, in any place where I should be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Ireland or America, or in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or Masonic doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare that, notwithstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the Mother Church's interest; to keep secret and private all her agents counsels from time to time, as they intrust me, and not divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstances whatever, but to execute all that should be proposed, given in charge, or discovered unto me by you, my Ghostly Father, or any of this sacred order. I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions north, jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever is communicated to me. I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infant's heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus. In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever. That I will in voting always vote for a Knight of Columbus in preference to a Protestant, especially a Mason, and that I will leave my party so to do; that if two Catholics are on the ticket I will satisfy myself which is the better supporter of Mother Church and vote accordingly. That I will not deal with or employ a Protestant if in my power to deal with or employ a Catholic. That I will place Catholic girls in Protestant families that a weekly report may be made of the inner movements of the heretics. That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope. All of which I,_______________, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed sacrament which I am now to receive to perform and on part to keep this my oath. In testimony hereof, I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the Eucharist and witness the same further with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and seal in the face of this holy sacrament.

Stoned Offroad

New member
Wow, all that info's going to take a bit of time to sythesize, Cheers isaih520 :)

Like someone else posted, the only other time I've encountered this CoA Corporation thing was that utube clip about the aussie dude trying to import a car from the states.

Thanks for taking the time to share this information.


They have banned cannabis yet allow paintings such as these to be freely bought on the net as copies:



Look well at what is being depicted within that painting and then read back on the Jesuit Oath and it then becomes clear as to why such grotesque paintings are freely permitted:

"I do further promise and declare that I will... spare neither age, sex or condition, and that will... rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infant's heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race."

All the above is shown occurring in ANCIENT times in the painting, so have the Jesuits only been around since the 1500's? Or were they around under another guise LONG before then? They actually stem from the Ancient Egyptian Sun Cult, the cult of the sun god Ra became increasingly important until it evolved into the uncompromising monotheism of Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV, 1364-1347 B.C.). According to the cult, Ra created himself from a primeval mound in the shape of a pyramid and then created all other gods. Thus, Ra was not only the sun god, he was also the universe, having created himself from himself. Ra was invoked as Aten or the Great Disc that illuminated the world of the living and the dead.

The effect of these doctrines can be seen in the sun worship of Pharaoh Akhenaten, who became an uncompromising monotheist. Aldred has speculated that monotheism was Akhenaten's own idea, the result of regarding Aten as a self-created heavenly king whose son, the pharaoh, was also unique. Akhenaten made Aten the supreme state god, symbolized as a rayed disk with each sunbeam ending in a ministering hand. Other gods were abolished, their images smashed, their names excised, their temples abandoned, and their revenues impounded. The plural word for god was suppressed. Sometime in the fifth or sixth year of his reign, Akhenaten moved his capital to a new city called Akhetaten (present-day Tall al Amarinah, also seen as Tell al Amarna). At that time, the pharaoh, previously known as Amenhotep IV, adopted the name Akhenaten. His wife, Queen Nefertiti, shared his beliefs.

Akhenaten's religious ideas did not survive his death. His ideas were abandoned in part because of the economic collapse that ensued at the end of his reign. To restore the morale of the nation, Akhenaten's successor, Tutankhamen, appeased the offended gods whose resentment would have blighted all human enterprise. Temples were cleaned and repaired, new images made, priests appointed, and endowments restored. Akhenaten's new city was abandoned to the desert sands.

Sorcerers are at work in the world.

Words are Spells - words are spelt. They mean everything.

There is no big path and little path - Law comes from the "source" - it is divine. The source is before your eyes at every moment - if it involves secret societies, secret oaths, hidden agendas, esoteric and initiated paths (ie. Freemasonry) then you can bet your life that it is serving a "false god". They (ie. the powers that be - who you despise) NEVER violate Divine Law; get that straight into your mindset - because that is how you beat them.
They learn all about it in their 'secret societies' – will any one deny that all the senior barristers, judges, politicians, police, bankers, etc. aren't Freemasons, or that it is just a coincidence if they are? They know the karmic consequences if they violate Divine Law. That is why there is The Hague.

However, Law only applies to sovereign entities - slaves and chattel have no Rights and no Status under Law. WORDS MEAN EVERYTHING – if we don't understand that, we don't understand anything.

There is no separation of State and Spirituality - there is only one path. Honor thy birthright.

Some people speak of war honorably; under the supposed righteous evocation of certain spelled words, we send our sons, fund our sons (via taxes) and support our sons to go off to Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Sudan and elsewhere all over the globe to kill families, women, children, sovereign beings - we treat them as the dirt under our feet - yet we complain when we are treated similarly or aren't treated as we demand. If you deny another being the right to life and liberty, then what right do you have to claim such rights? How do you think the law - nature's law - Divine Law - is going to treat us?

Every word, every action, every intent reverberates across all worlds and dimensions. Sorcerers have convinced us otherwise – we must grow up - and take responsibility - educate ourselves and stop acting like children.

Words are what you use to state (status) who you are. They don't mean nothing - they mean everything. If you cannot articulate your thoughts in a courtroom, then you are deemed to simply Babble (as in Babel).

We want you to try and have a thought without using words - it is impossible! Everything else is reaction and/or emotion. Thought is rooted in language - that is why the ancients said that language was a 'divine' thing. If your words are Babble, then your thoughts are scrambled - you must be a minor/child, because an adult is coherent.

For instance; look up Ma'at. In ancient times, Law was derived following the codes based on the concept of Ma'at. Ma'at represented truth, order, balance and justice in the universe. This concept allowed that everyone, with the exception of slaves, should be viewed as equals under the law, regardless of wealth or social position.

Ma'at - maternal, mother, Moor, Mu'ur, Mason (son of Ma - son of the mother). Ma'at is female.

Everything that comes into living existence in this material realm comes ONLY via the female/womb.

The universe is female. God is female. Allah (All Law) is female.

What god do you worship? God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost? A male god? With all male priests, male Imams and male monks, clerics and scholars? If so, you are worshipping a false god - you cannot serve two masters and you are breaking universal/divine law. Karmic consequences will follow.

Are women allowed in Freemasonry? Why not? We all have the same birthmark on our stomach to remind us of this Fact/Reality. Woman is a man with a womb, ie womb-man, woman. NAvel, NAtion, NAtionality, NAtivity, NAme - derived from Net or Netjer. What is your Nationality? Your birthright? Your Status? Can you articulate it? Your NAme is very important - is your name derived from your mother or your father? If we don't know origins/history, we have no heritage and cannot claim our Rights. Our heritage comes from our mothers, not our fathers.

Sorcery is the manipulation of language.

Regarding the LORD God blessings and teachings;
Blessed be the LORD my strength which teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. - Psalm 144:1
But My enemies who did not want Me to be King over them; bring them here and kill them in front of Me. - Luke 19:27
I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed. - Psalm 18:37
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Matthew 10:34

Does not the above contradict the essence of true spirituality?

If Yahweh created man and woman in chapter 1 Genesis, why did the LORD God have to repeat the process in chapter 2 by making Adam and Eve? The answer is that they are not one and the same god. God created man and woman and the LORD God created the fictions (note well that the word LORD appears in all capitalized letters in the Bible aka Capitis Deminutio Maxima;

Capitis Deminutio (As defined in Blacks 8th Edition)

Black’s Definition: A diminuation or alteration of a person’s legal status.

Capitis Deminutio is the destruction of the “caput” or legal personality. Capitis Deminutio, so to speak, wipes out the former individual and puts a new one in place, and between the old and the new individual there is, legally speaking, nothing in common. A juristic personality may be thus destroyed in one of three ways. The description continues, and the three levels are thus described:-

1) Capitis Deminutio Maxima (The worst case or lowest rank in status)

The diminuation of a persons’ legal status as a result of being reduced to slavery. Identified by the names JOHN DOE, OR DOE: JOHN

Fictions, as we all know have all Capitalized NAMES. In the Jesuit manipulated Bible of today, all the fictions are spelt in uppercase, e.g.: LORD, MOSES, JESUS, just as entities are in our present commercial world, because the Bible of today is fundamentally a book about Commerce, hence all commercial law is derived from it. Or is it the other way around?

One must have the power to disseminate and discern what in the Bible is from the Original sacred text, untouched by the man, and what isn’t. When you are truly in touch with the essence of the Divine Creator, such differentiation is not only natural but effortless.

As for the Law - all Law follows this procedure:

1) the STATUS of all the parties must be established...because this determines;

2) the JURISDICTION (and Venue) and authority of those who seek to judge so that;

3) ADJUDICATION can occur

Whenever supposed 'freemen' talk about "Conditional Acceptance", you know that they have skipped right on past Status and Jurisdiction and are straight into the Adjudication. DON'T ACCEPT ANYTHING UNTIL THE STATUS OF ALL THE PARTIES HAS BEEN CHALLENGED. This is what isaih has done, which is what lends credence to such method.

The 'System' has no status and has no jurisdiction over sovereign entities; Queen Elizabeth the second and her immediate family can not ever be taken to 'commercial'/colorable Courts. They can however be taken to the Hague.

If you 'conditionally accept', you are in the game, playing the game - albeit very skillfully. Point being that UCC/strawman/honour-dishonour/conditional acceptance - they are all submitting to 'their' jurisdiction. So keep well clear of that unless you know their law like well. We do, but not all have that comfort.

The 'system' is real and must be dealt with. How you deal with it is the issue. But you are not a sovereign being if you do NOT know how to properly stand for your Inherent Rights. This is a huge topic - it involves massive hours of study. KNOW THYSELF - whoever controls the knowledge of our history and heritage has enormous power, and the Jesuits know it. But it is in our cellular memory and they have to kill us to negate that, compliments of Our Divine Creator.

You can govern by the rule of law or by the force of arms. Ma'at will not put up with the latter for very long.

So when we bless one in the name of the LORD, are we honoring or allowing they be cursed? Unknowingly or otherwise. The term "Amen" was used by the ancients/pagans as an honorary statement for Amen Ra, it is an abbreviated version thereof, and all occultists know it. It gives praise to Ra, who also goes by the name of Satan etc. What does that say about most church goers today?

The skew and fraud placed upon the manner in which people are taught to express themselves today leaves little wonder as to WHY they are being walked over by those in power.

Food for thought.


Good man isaih, but we feel your efforts may not be as profitable as we would wish, no harm trying though.


If the alleged quantities of plants, plant-material and monies which are reported on the matter can be substantiated in a Court, which we cannot see how they would NOT, given those alleging them, and given any such entity who would have been on remand for such alleged offenses is so for the given time of certain weeks now, then one certain thing is that BID-BONDS against such person's name have been drawn up.

It is all about bonds. What they’re doing in these courts is all about Bonds. When you go into the courtroom after you’re arrested, they use two different sets of Bonds. What they do when your arrested they fill out a “Bid Bond”. They use 273, 274 & 275. SF = “Standard Form”. Standard Form 273, Standard Form 274 & Standard Form 275. This is the United States District Court and all Australian Commercial Courts. In Australian Courts they also use their own forms (Real Estate based, as they deem you as a piece of land which they control per Torrents Act) which have the same purpose and are also entitled of same, attached, though they can also use the US forms pre mentioned, it makes no difference.

There is another set of Bonds and they are all put out by GSA = General Services Administration. I’m just talking off the top of my head because we have all of this stuff memorized. GSA Form SF24 is the “Bid Bond”, everyone should have a copy of the Bid Bond. The “Performance Bond” is SF25. The “Payment Bond” is SF25A and put out by the GSA. You can download them on the net.

O.K. So, what are they doing with these Bonds? What’s going on in the courtroom is that they are suing you for a debt collection. If you look at these Bonds, everyone of these Bonds: the “Bid Bond”, the “Performance Bond” & the “Payment Bond”, all have a “PENAL SUM” attached to it. The reason for the “Penal Sum” is if you don’t pay the Debt, you go into “Default Judgment”.

That is what is going on in the courtroom. That is why all of these guys are sitting in prison wondering what’s going on! If you go in and argue jurisdiction or refuse to answer questions that the judge or the court addresses to you, they will find you in contempt of court and they will put you in jail. What they do is arrest you, then they hold you, basically until the suit has been completed. Once they get “Default Judgment” on you because of your failure to pay the Debt, they put you in prison. The attorneys/lawyers/solicitors/barristers are there to create a smoke screen.

What attorneys/lawyers/solicitors/barristers have been trained to do is to lead you into “Dishonor” or “Default Judgment”. Then the court puts you into prison then they sell your “Default Judgment”.

Who do they sell it to?

Believe it or not, the Court buys all of these State Court Judgments. We don’t know why very few Australians have found this out before. There are about 300 “re-insurance” companies that buy these bonds. They are all ‘insurance” companies. These are the people that are buying these Bonds when you went into “Default Judgment” and they cannot buy these Bonds unless they are Certified by the Secretary of the Treasury.

What are they doing with these Bonds? They have regulations governing these Bonds – there are 2,000 regulations governing these Bonds.

Commercial Paper; Negotiable Instruments - anything you put your signature on is a Negotiable Instrument under the Uniform Commercial Code which is the Lex Mercantorium. Its Mercantile Civil Law.

The reason they use Lex Merchantorium in the court room is because everyone of you are Merchant’s at Law and Merchants at Law is anyone who holds themselves out to be an expert. Because you use commercial paper on a daily basis, you are considered to be an ‘expert’. This is also why they are not telling you what is really going on in the courtroom. You are presumed to know this stuff because you hold yourself out to be an expert by using commercial paper every day.

Every time you put your signature on a piece of paper, you are creating a Negotiable Instrument. Some are Non-Negotiable and some are Negotiable. Every time you endorse something, you are acting as an accommodation party or an accommodation maker under UCC 3-419.

An accommodation party is anyone who loans their signature to another party. Read UCC 3-419, it tells you what an accommodation maker is and what an accommodation party is. When you loan your signature to them, they can then re-write your signature on any document they want and that’s exactly what they are doing.

What the Federal Courts are doing is they are buying up these state court default judgments, called ‘criminal cases’ to cover up what they are doing. Actually, they are civil cases.

If you read “Clerk’s Praxis”, you find that what they call ‘criminal’ is all civil, they just call it criminal to cover up what their doing. If you don’t pay the debt you go to prison, bottom line.


How many of you have heard of REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust or PZN which means Prison Trust? Prisoners are real estate? They own all the real estate because they hold the Bonds on them. You haven’t redeemed your Bond, so they didn’t close your account.

Here’s what goes on: A contractor comes in or any corporation could come in and tender a Bid Bond to the US District Court and they buy up these court judgments and anytime you issue a Bid Bond there has to be a reinsure. So they get a Reinsurance Company to come in and act as Surety for the Bid Bond, then they bring in a Performance Bond. All of these Bonds; Bid, Payment & Performance are all Surety Bonds and anytime you issue a Bid Bond it has to have a Surety guaranteeing or reinsuring the Bid Bond via issuing a Performance Bond.

Then they get an underwriter and that would be either an Investment Broker or an Investment Banker. They come in and underwrite the Performance Bond which is reinsuring the Bid Bond.

What does the underwriter do with the Performance Bond? The underwriter takes the 3 Bonds and pools them and creates what is known as Mortgaged Backed Securities. When you pool these MBS, they are called BONDS and are sold to a company called TBA, which is the Bond Market Association - this is an actual Corporation.

These converted Bonds, now MBS’ are investment securities and being sold the international level. CCA is one of the tickers on the NY Stock Exchange. Others include; CWX, CWD & CWG. When it goes to Frankfurt = CWG, when it goes to Berlin = CWD and so on.

Remember, everything is commercial. 7211 7 CFR says that all crimes are commercial. If you read that carefully it says kidnapping, robbery, extortion, murder, etc. are all commercial crimes. Thus, you are funding the whole enchilada simply because you got into Default Judgment when you went into court and failed to redeem the Bond.

This is why people don’t win in court; cause they don’t redeem the Bond. You are the Principal upon which all money circulates, but you don’t want to start arguing with the court about that.

They are drafting you for performance. So, anytime the court asks you to do something they are drafting you for performance and if you don’t perform, you get into dishonor by non acceptance. They are making a formal presentment under 3-501 of the UCC so they can charge you and they USE the word “charge”. They use the same commercial words on your Indictment, Information and Complaint. They use the word “charge”, i.e., “the following charges”, “…he has two counts of charges”, etc.

Be as “gentle as a dove and wise as a serpent”. You can’t act like an insurgent or belligerent. If you do, they will treat you like one; they’ll beat you up.

What you want to do is settle the account…go to full settlement and closure; you’re running the account, you’re the Fiduciary Trustee over the account – tell them what to do. You’re the Principal and owner of the account, tell them what to do – tell them you want full settlement and closure of the account. You have to do this from the get-go.

In order to win in court you have to redeem the Bond.

Here is where to begin: Start with what we call a conditional acceptance.

With the conditional acceptance you can say: “I’m more than happy to give you my name, if you can show that charging papers have been put into the court record. We have not seen any papers that show any charges exist.”

That’s a “Negative Averment”. What you are doing is rebutting the presumption that they have charges against you. They work off presumptions. They don’t have to have anything. You must rebut their presumptions.

We went down there and asked them for the Bid Bond. We said we want the Bid Bond back. We asked for full settlement and closure of the account. It’s your money that they create and the same thing is going on in the Banks and with these Bonds - they monetize these Bonds.

Then ask for legal counsel. The reason why you have to have an attorney, and we cannot emphasize this too strongly, is because the attorney while in a courtroom is they are working on the public side and you are working on the private side. The court cannot talk to you except through your attorney. You need a mouth piece; a microphone. That is what attorneys/lawyers/solicitors/barristers are - a mouthpiece. Everyone on the Public side is insolvent and bankrupt. You are not.

This is situation is called a Fiction-of-Law. They will not allow you to defeat this “Fiction-Of-Law”. Why? In Admiralty Maritime Law everything is colorable. It has the appearance of being real but is not real.

They will appoint legal counsel for you. You then instruct the attorney that you are doing a “LETTER OF ROGATORY” or letter of advice. This is also called an “Acceptance for Honor” and you want an accounting of what the total amount of the Bill is post settlement and closure of this account.

Then you give your CUSIP and AUTOTIS number and your case number.

Here’s the wording you use: “We/I accept your charge(s) for Value and Consideration in return for Post Settlement and Closure of Case # , account# 123-45-6789 [put down your 9 digit social security number (CRN in Aust)] and put down CUSIP# [your ssn (CRN)] & AUTOTRIS# [your ssn (CRN) w/o dashes]. Please us my exemption for full settlement and closure of this account as this account is prepaid and exempt from levy. (Date it and endorse it as the Grantor.)

(AUTOTRIS means Automated Tracking Identification System. This is the same as your social security number without the dashes. When we said that they didn’t even want to talk to me…when you say CUSIP & AUTOTRIS they know exactly what you’re talking about. CUSIP is The COMMITTEE ON UNIFORM SECURITIES IDENTIFICATION PROCESSES. . CUSIP uses your Social Security Number to identify you because the Birth Certificate is a Security. It is an investment security and they have all the original Birth Certificates which are registered at the State level with the Department of Human Recourses and then they go to the Department of Commerce and the Federal level and then to the DTC (Depository Trust Corporation).

Judges and lawyers don’t understand commercial law. They do not teach commercial law at law school. They have a special school for them and it’s on a “need to know” basis. The law always assumes that you know, since you were doing this since you were born until you reach the age of accountability, which is 18 years of age or what they call adulthood. If your holding yourself out and using commercial paper on a daily basis, that legal definition makes you an expert or you wouldn’t be using it, so they presume that when you go into the courtroom you know all this stuff.

They have to give you an out. Whenever you create a liability, you always have to create a remedy. They’re on the Public side of the accounting ledger. You are on the Private side.

You have an account and your account is a “Demand Deposit” account and you are insured by the FDIA and the FDIC (remember what we said in a previous post – your strawman in registered in the US, thereby obligated and having right to invoke USCodes and UCC). The “Federal Depository Insurance Act” which insures the FDIC which is the Federal Depository Insurance Corporation under Title 12; they have a $10 Million Dollar Policy on you and YOU’RE WORTH MORE DEAD THAN YOU ARE ALIVE.

It would be near impossible for anyone other than Kangativa to be in a position of helping Kangativa at law, if indeed they were already competent enough to do so given what has transpired. The more costly Kangativa's legal representative may be, the worse off they will be. What is needed here is a Rep known to assist such persons for a fair or proper fee and who has a proven track record on minimizing the resultant damage. Thinking that there may exist a Rep who will "get him off" is no longer a reality in the Commercial Courts of today. That could only be done in a court of common or constitutional law or equity, which have effectively ceased in Australia for almost two decades - since the enactment of the Australia Act 1986, compliments of Gough Whitlam (now you know the true reason as to why Gough was sacked; to evade treason and place him as an escape goat in case the people woke up) and Bob Hawke (both Fabians {original Fabian emblem attached, changed a few years ago, but their doctrine and methods remain the same – look at it closely, the Bible pre warned of them), by Hawkes era they know they had the people living blind and had taken sufficient control of the judiciary so as to suspend any charges of treason, as they have done with the newer Fabians, Gillard & co) and against the wishes of the Australian people's referendum held to determine its legitimacy.

Anyone else in such position would be in an unenviable position, though if such an entity had any priors relating to a similar form of charge, then from what little we know, they would be in a far worse position than that. In such event, the price set on the Bonds would be astronomically high, thereby making the task of assisting such entity in obtaining proper relief proportionally harder.

As we have said earlier in this thread, to achieve fortification in such matters one MUST know the law and have applied all proper administrative processes BEFORE such trouble begins. If such entities do not know the law, they shall require years to come up to speed with it, and that, by studying most every woken hour. To become sufficiently competent in such matters, one will learn the true meaning of the term "due diligence".

So there you have it; learn the law, comprehend the above process, and jail time for victimless offenses shall not be to such student.

As GeneralExecutor operates only in private capacity protecting the estate against trespass, there is no more he can do in matters public, though we hope the above information will help others.


Original Fabian emblem which they have made extensive efforts to publicly conceal, depicting a wolf in sheep's cloths.


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hard rain

evade treason and place him as an escape goat in case the people woke up)

I think you mean scapegoat, not escape goat. :)

This is all very interesting but can you (I,we, GE, Isiah) please provide links or references for what you are claiming, both legal and historical.
:thank you:


New member
General executor-
How is best to begin this administrative process in australia?

Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge


Hard rain , as this is my own approach I'm not too sure who I would link to.
I don't know anything about Kangativa's situation.

If he is yet to be convicted I can help. If he has been convicted I cannot help.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]lp


"Good man isaih, but we feel your efforts may not be as profitable as we would wish, no harm trying though."

I asked you to start your own thread. Do we have manners?
My efforts may well fail, although they have succeeded for my own show in a real live court and with 2 real life raids by real life police with real life guns.

Your googling efforts are to be admired. And I'd love to see you go into a real court and help this poor bastard who is having his life fucked by criminals. Please do so.

Though I have a funny feeling, if I'm any judge of character , that you are all hot air. If so -
If Kangativa wants to follow GeneralExcetiors approach it is generic freeman knowledge and can be googled.
you might want to start at southernfreeman, freemanitoba, fotl (freeman on the land) google dean clifford he has a website now, winston shrout.

The disnformation of the day in freeman is trust law and using equity courts for recourse.
You can apply in the NSW supreme court under equity jurisdiction for an appeal based on whatever - religious grounds.medical. and it comes down to reasoning Kangativa's opinion against the state's opinion on drug prohibition.
Or arguing he isnt who they say he is. Or even try being the excecutor of his estate .This in my opinion would be his best opportunity following freeman disinformation.

Costs $900 to apply.

He will probably get a reduction on his sentence ,because equity is a replacement for common law. Common law without jury. And they want us to take the poison apple, are giving generous judgements in that jurisdiction at this time. So we accept judges instead of juries..
As far as I know this is his best approach if he is willing to bend over to defacto government.

But once again, I dont think freeman information works in practice because the courts in Australia are utterly corrupt. I wouldn't use it on principle. But I'm sure General Excecutor would be pleased to stand up in court on kangativas behalf, being the gentleman he is.

I'm not interested in helping unprincipled men lessen their sentences for pragmatic reasons.
Or try to find loopholes in their system, as if you're getting away with something.
If you think you committed a crime and want to beg your master to be merciful get a lawyer.
I will help men who will fight for their rights, as far as I am able

I hope there's enough here for men to be able to help themselves.
This is the basic skeleton of my knowledge when I went to court.
It should be sufficient.

hard rain

Hard rain , as this is my own approach I'm not too sure who I would link to.
Isaih, you have obviously read widely to come to your conclusions, or if you didn't they aren't worth repeating. Can you quote some of your sources. You have made a ton of wild statements. I'll pick some things from post # 29 to explain what I mean. Sorry but I don't know how to do multiple quotes in the same post. The three posts below are out of order and I did not want to quote the entire lengthy post.
Ok now some more recent history. In 1973 while australian men had just been overseas fighting communism, Gough Whitlam ( a temple lawyer) quietly staged a communist coup in australia.

This might explain why so many people, who weren't even alive when Whitlam was prime minister see him as a folk hero. All media hype by the catholic church.
the man is Australia's biggest traitor.
Communism was created by the catholic priests by the way and is still controlled by them today.

Some of you may be aware that this counterfeit government has control of our treasury and stolen all our publiclly owned assets, and the public service.
Some of you may not.
This info is freely available if you look for it online. The source info.
I'm indebted to Dick Yardley for this bit of history, by the way.
Wow, a Communist coup in Australia??? Communism created by Catholic priests and controlled by them??? Really? I'm assuming you do know what Communism is?

You can't expect us to swallow this without explanation. You then quote one source (who is Dick Yardley? and why should we believe him?). What you are writing is an interpretation and it seems quite biased at times.

I can probably find stuff like this on every page. Not just you but GE as well.

This stuff is interesting to read but I take it with a grain of salt, unfortunately.

EDIT:I just found your source. You have cut and pasted directly from here. You are either Larry Hannigan or you simply think it is ok to plagiarise. Check this out:

hard rain

Isaih, half your historical information seems to have been quoted directly from here word for word cut and paste:

You mention in one of your posts that you have been in contact with him so I presume he is not you?

I can't find out anything about him apart from the fact that he makes money from donations. Sorry but if you think he is credible provide some info.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Good questions there hard rain mate :good:
To do multiple quotes in 1 post you just click on the notepad with "+ on it, which is in the bottom right hand corner of the post that you want to quote, it will turn red which means you have selected it, you can do this as many times as you want then click on the post reply button and you will be taken to the Reply page where you write and put smilies and pictures etc, hope that helps bruz :tiphat:

hard rain

Good questions there hard rain mate :good:
To do multiple quotes in 1 post you just click on the notepad with "+ on it, which is in the bottom right hand corner of the post that you want to quote, it will turn red which means you have selected it, you can do this as many times as you want then click on the post reply button and you will be taken to the Reply page where you write and put smilies and pictures etc, hope that helps bruz :tiphat:
Thanks, looking forward to the answers. will tackle multiple quotes later. cheers.

Please make your sources known.


We have found through years of attempting to assist others in Courts that they hang themselves given their total lack of comprehension of the law. Even when the case is near ended, and we have to the point of an inevitable victory, one way or the other, they respond to a seemingly benign question or statement made by the well trained judge or magistrate, and out the window goes their case. So many go by that wayside that we have long decided not to try again.

We have also searched the respective court and Court records to find the cases pre mentioned by isaih pertaining to people NOT being obligated to provide anything to police, not even their name as said, to no avail. Such cases are not on record nor would such matters have protective orders placed on them for 30 years as they are not of that level of importance, only matters pertaining to State secrets would be concealed from the public to that level.

We have provided PROOF of what isaih claims to be freeman trash actually WORKING and having full faith and credit in Australia, so unless isaih does also, then his credit will remain as it is.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I asked you to start your own thread. Do we have manners?[/FONT]

Your ask is denied, your wish granted.

All the best to one and all herein.
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