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Anonymous and Milky Present NorCal Summertime Fun Time!


Veg N Out

I burnt up a plant using Naturalis-L last year much worse than you have shown there, and still pulled over 5 # from it. I sprayed them much later in the year, too. You'll be fine!

All around you're lookin' pretty good.


Active member
Clearing skys

Clearing skys

Well, I don't have a rain gauge but from looking in buckets and wheel barrels and such sitting around, i would guess we got around an inch of rain over the last couple days. But now the sky is Clearing up!!

The plants seemed to enjoy the rain and cloudy days.


Sour Pineapple

Mendo Purps


It is so fucking great to watch these ladies grow. In the next few days I will be pruning and cutting some of them back a tad. I really dont have any clue how to go about pruning and managing what looks like are going to be some monsters. But I know I want a lot of good flowering tops and I know i need a lot more hortinova.

Stay Green!


New member
Really Nice garden and welcome to the emrald triangle. Im going on my second year here.

If you dont mind explaining your watering situtation and how you water from your rez. I have that same rez and a 2500gal one.

Im looking into a few pumps and what not but would like to get some more ideas.

Subbd and have a great season!!


Active member
Partying in the sun!

Partying in the sun!

Things are going well. Thanks for the well wishes and support everyone. And to run my irrigation I am using a 3/4 HP Goulds Jet Pump from my two 2500gal tanks and a 1hp sump pump for the tea brewer.

Here are pics of the Girls:

Sour Pineapple

Mendo Purps

Blue widow



Active member
The church was one of my first and most successful outdoor grows many years ago. Prepare yourself for large cotten candy shaped spears of dankness from here. You can see smell and taste the dutch genetics as soon as she starts to flower.


Beautiful location and great strain lineup! I'm a bit south of you, but frequent the area. I hope to one day have a beautiful spot up your way! I'll be watching till' seasons end.


Active member
Plugging away

Plugging away

Things are going just great around here. Fucking grasshoppers wanna try to fuck shit up. and they have but only the cucumbers are really getting hit bad. Cannabis is doing really well. I am excited for what the month of July will bring the ladies.


Mendo Purps

Sour Pineapple

Blue Widow


Veg N Out

Next year in April spread a bunch of Semaspore, do it again in June...Shouldn't have a problem with Hoppers after that :)


Active member
moving right along

moving right along

Veg thanks a lot for the semaspore recommendation, hadn't ever heard of it.

Things are looking great on the hill. I have been lazy and have yet to put up the netting on the ladies but will get to in the next week or so.

Here are some more pics:


Mendo Purps (though I am thinking its not really mendo purps, just a mislabeled clone i got)

Sour Pineapple

Blue Widow

Black Cherry Soda

Veg N Out

You guys are looking great! So cool!! Great first season at your new place so far!

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