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LED Retailers...


New member
[The slogan, "Jet fuel for your Plants" isn't no joke!]
"Isn't no joke" is a double negative, so what you mean is "it is a joke".
$979.00 for a 435 watt Eshine? Good luck.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
anyone know the diodes on the valoya lights?

very interested as making your own can be tedious..

never seen a thin diode like that, also even in colors..

these are attractive because making a LED.. my style..

150 watt LED:

-heatsinks - $110
-leds ( 36 ) - $270
-drivers - $200 ( could do with one if you connect the bars together.... )
-20 mm stars - $36
-wire - $5
-thermal paste - $8
-fans - $80 I think
-fan power source - $12
-hardware to hang light ?
-zeners ?
-MOV ?
-power line ?
-shipping ?
-dimmers ?
-misc stuff like terminal block.. ?

mad money for a top of the line DIY project.. it all depends though, you can cut some corners if you really wanted ( one drive, less fans, other heatsinks.. )
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Andinismo Hierbatero
habeeb, just checked those vayola lights out, they look nice and expensive as well.

could not find prices or any other detailed info though... they seem to be from Finland though.


Sativa Dragon

Active member
Hey there fellas, I compared my last harvest done under LED's to the one of equal wattage done under the Hortilux HPS, and I have to say hands down Hortilux hps all the way, did I get ripped. there has to be a reason why there is an LED following. I just found the Essential oil profile and the smells all different, same strain run under both and the Horti was 5 times more resinous and more than twice the yield, I don't get it.



Active member
Hey there fellas, I compared my last harvest done under LED's to the one of equal wattage done under the Hortilux HPS, and I have to say hands down Hortilux hps all the way, did I get ripped. there has to be a reason why there is an LED following. I just found the Essential oil profile and the smells all different, same strain run under both and the Horti was 5 times more resinous and more than twice the yield, I don't get it.


Need way more details, pics, analysis for this to be taken as truth. 5x more resin under HPS and 2x the yield? No....

Sativa Dragon

Active member
All I know is it was an LED bought from China 924 watts much like you see all around here, I may have embellished a little on the yield but, it took forever for them to flower and the resin was barely visible.



Active member
All I know is it was an LED bought from China 924 watts much like you see all around here, I may have embellished a little on the yield but, it took forever for them to flower and the resin was barely visible.


So it was actually probably around 488-500w at the wall. What kind of HPS did you put it up against?

LEDs are king of resin...you did something wrong :/


Hey guys how can I find out about changing out bulbs with these premade kits...I hear some leds are easy to change a burnt out bulb and some arent

Sativa Dragon

Active member
So it was actually probably around 488-500w at the wall. What kind of HPS did you put it up against?

LEDs are king of resin...you did something wrong :/

Ya your right it is 5 and change at the wall, but it went up against a 1k Horti, either way I found the essential oil profile totally different, the pungent smell did not come out it was only the sweet florals, made some weird smelling weed for sure.



Active member
Ya your right it is 5 and change at the wall, but it went up against a 1k Horti, either way I found the essential oil profile totally different, the pungent smell did not come out it was only the sweet florals, made some weird smelling weed for sure.


So double the wattage and you are surprised at the yield difference?

Lights will not change terpines/taste either...

It's funny how different the story is when details come out.

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Ya it is funny, funny that the LED retailer advertised it as equal to a 1k HPS, and now that I see the harvest is also full of seeds, this is the first EVER hermie that I have ever had. I will likely retire this fixture to starting garden veggies and house plants and return to my Baddass low frequency square wave ballast and 1k bulb, and just run a new bulb ever cycle like usual.

There was nothing wrong with my technique, the fixture produced as much heat if not more than my 1k in a cool tube.

All I can say is that, LED's may be the future but they have a terribly long road ahead when it comes to growing cannabis as effectively as the HPS MH.

This explains why people have to run UVB, MH, CFL's with there LED grows, because the laws of conservation of energy will more less limit your yields based on proportional energy input.

LED's just can't beat the weight and density and essential oil profile that the HID bulbs provide. They may be close but not equal.

Maybe they will come up with a good fixture no doubt but I believe it will be sucking back the kilowatt hours just like the HID's, and that opinion is based on the laws of conservation of energy.

Even the plant kingdom obeys the sun, some crops just won't grow worth a damn in substandard light conditions, or I believe the may be called heat units m3, a lot like Corn...



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i think you are judging a whole lighting discipline with one cheep chinese fixture.

led quality is important, the wavelengths used are important (far red induces flowering quicker and also increases resin production a little). blaming the herm on the LED is ridiculous. have you checked that your timer is shutting off properly and there is no light in the dark period? (a common problem with certain timers).

personally i find that terpenes are much better with LED and flower times a little faster with a good spectrum. yield WATT for WATT actually used from the wall is better with any good quality fixture.

expecting a 500w array to match a 1K which probably uses more like 1100w is expecting a lot, whatever the manufacturer says.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey guys ive just sent off for one of the new HGL SOL fixtures - a SOL2.
hopefully it will arrive in a couple of weeks and i'll get a diary started up.



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
hey guys ive just sent off for one of the new HGL SOL fixtures - a SOL2.
hopefully it will arrive in a couple of weeks and i'll get a diary started up.


cool, look forward to your review

i need to add these sol units to me spreadsheets too


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yeah ive wanted a short 'bar' type light for a while and the sol2 kind of fits the bill.
the multi wavelength 50W diode sounds pretty cool, as do the square reflectors.

i'll get you a wattage from the wall when it arrives
