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3000W SCROG/Fully Automated/Gavita's/Iponic 600.....Let the fun begin!!!


Active member
Those brown pistils can be LOTS of things.

The most common is that those pistils were touched or damaged.. even a leaf bumping the pistils from the air flow will cause them to brown and receed, that has nothing to do with bugs or deficiency.

Find a bud site with a leaf resting on it, the pistils will have browned and receded.

Very good to know!!! Thank you!! :tiphat: My last grow I didn't get to learn much about flowering cause of all the spraying and shit I had to do to fight those BM's so this round I have lots to learn!! :biggrin:


Active member
That's tough to say. Have you grown this strain before? Are they receding and dried up or just brown?

My first thought would be the spray. Back when I got PM I used greencure which fried the pistils. However the greencure didn't seem to affect new pistil growth.

I'll see if I can find a camera. You know I'm not into pics, lol.

Come on man, lets see some damn pics already!!!! :biggrin:
Epsom Salt is now made from a rock substance called Dolomite, which is found abundantly in, and derives its name from, a mountainous district in the South Tyrolean Alps called The Dolomites'. When examined by the chemists, this Dolomite rock is found to belong to a very large group of substances known as 'salts', in which an alkaline base is combined with an acid radical to form a neutral substance the 'salt'. It consists of two metals, calcium and magnesium, combined with two non-metallic elements, carbon and oxygen, and takes the form of a neutral double salt know as carbonate of calcium and magnesium i should note that sulfer is added so in reality epsom salt is magnesium sulfate
but anyways

Coir has some tricky features when it comes to hydroponics nutrients and absorption. Most coir contains lots of potassium, and it transfers some to your crops. Coir locks up magnesium and calcium and the only thing that defeats the lock-up is to add calcium and magnesium so your hydroponics plants can get enough of these two essential elements. why is it your so worried only about magnesium when you need both ?????

Some manufacturers pre-charge their coir with calcium and magnesium so you don’t have to. If your coir is not pre-charged, when initially soaking your compressed coir or watering pre-hydrated coir, add Cal-Mag to your water now with your coir was it pre charged ???? with Calmag ???? and if so why are you not adding both ??? and how do you know that it needs more of one nutrient or another ???? have you had it tested ????
Wouldn;t it be wise to keep a = playing field with all nutrients rather then to much of one or another

Calcium, an essential part of the plant cell wall structure, improves the absorption of other nutrients by the roots and their translocation within the plant. It activates a number of plant growth-regulating enzyme systems, helps convert nitrate-nitrogen into forms needed for protein formation, and contributes to improved disease resistance.

Calcium is an intracellular messenger as well and can send a signal from one cell to another telling other cells how to react or what to do.? It also provides for the transport and retention of other many other elements.? Calcium,?Magnesium,?and Potassium live in a delicate balance within plants.? Too much of one will inhibit the other two. Finally,?Calcium is a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions. Its presence is needed to turn an enzyme on or off and allow it to catalyze a reaction.

Magnesium is part of the chlorophyll in all plants. Magnesium is the central core of the chlorophyll molecule in green plant tissue and essential for photosynthesis. Thus, if Magnesium is deficient, the shortage of chlorophyll results in poor and stunted plant growth.

Magnesium also helps to activate specific enzyme systems. Enzymes are complex substances that build, modify, or break down compounds as part of a plants normal metabolism.

Most growers incorporate higher levels of cal-mag (around 50 to 200ppm) during the first two weeks of bloom. This is when the plant takes up a higher concentration of calcium and magnesium to help facilitate the rapid division of cells changing the plant from a vegetative process to a reproductive process. Also, during main flower set, four to six weeks into the flowering process, additional cal-mag is required.

get it correct...dolomite lime deposits are not where they obtain magnesium sulphate...you're just an ignorant bigot that thinks he knows it all because he supposedly grows commercial cannabis...you are all about $ and putting others down as you are the best...get over yourself...everyone else already has
hahaha roll it larges current grow :)) hahaha dude your fcking brain is fried if thats your so called scrog first 2 pics .. then thats one sorry piece oh here some of my prior sogs 2 rooms 76 in each consideing sog style your really on harvesting 1/4 of top plant and all other shit is so 3 -4 buds per plant how much weight per plant you think your going to get sog style 1/2 oz dried ???? and for your info Veg time - root mass dictates YIELD NOT PLANT COUNT

nice dead leaves...yeah...you know
why are you ruining someone elses thread?

those two pics are my first attempt at a rockwool slab grow they are over 6mnth old but you allready know that because you trolled that thread too

not my current grow and most certainly not a scrog get your facts straight before trolling

i grow sog not scrog i shoot for 2oz dry per plant

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you wanna carry this on pm me

now quit trolling this thread

on with the show lednewbie your doing a great job

my apologies:tiphat:
Beautiful job and LEDNEWB quite beautiful as well...ignore the pompous person...he'll get his...his greed and arrogance insures it


Active member
Well got myself a new toy today :biggrin:

Santa Fe Classic :woohoo:

The last few days the best my 60 pint could muster was 75% The Santa Fe lights off is keeping the room around 65%, then when the a/c turns on humidity drops to about 56% Lights on humidity should be right what I'm targeting at 60%

I'm assuming once I do a light defolation humidity should drop a bit as there will be less transpiration.


Active member
Here is a question for you seasoned growers. This rockstar kush I'm growing is a 9 week strain. At what point do these girls typically stop putting on size and weight? After week 7? Week 8?
lovely looking grow.

always wanted to do lots more plants instead of less plants and longer veg time.yes its more work but u cut down on weeks of veg.

keep up the good work:tiphat:


Awesome grow!!
Plants look very healthy!!

One question about the last set of pictures you posted.
What are the white things on top of the Home depot buckets??
Appears to have some sort of LED screen on them.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Here is a question for you seasoned growers. This rockstar kush I'm growing is a 9 week strain. At what point do these girls typically stop putting on size and weight? After week 7? Week 8?

Do you know this strain to be a 9 week strain? Or is it advertised as a nine week strain?

If you don't have first hand knowledge, always take the advertised description with a grain of salt.:tiphat:


Active member
Guy that got me the clones said make sure to take them to 9 weeks. Said I could go less with a slight loss in yield.


Active member
Awesome grow!!
Plants look very healthy!!

One question about the last set of pictures you posted.
What are the white things on top of the Home depot buckets??
Appears to have some sort of LED screen on them.

Those are DC motored fans. I believe they are 1800cfm and they only use 30w of power!!!!! Typically fans of this cfm consume at least 80w.


Guy that got me the clones said make sure to take them to 9 weeks. Said I could go less with a slight loss in yield.

Truthfully, the reason that I would wait would not be for weight
or bud density, nice though they both are ;0), but for the flavor.

I find that the funk really grows toward the end.

The other powerful factor is the quality of the high, and, in the end,
the trichs get to say that.

Just things to consider.



Active member
I'm just wondering in general when plants typically stop putting size and weight on? Just trying to figure out when to stop supplementing co2...... thanks.


Active member
Here is a question for you seasoned growers. This rockstar kush I'm growing is a 9 week strain. At what point do these girls typically stop putting on size and weight? After week 7? Week 8?

What you'll find, all things equal, is that the last week on a nine week strain is the calyxes continue to swell and the smaller trichs develop bigger heads while the trichs that were already plump will turn amber. You may need ten weeks to get where he's thinking or you could get there in eight weeks.

I never listen to anyone as to an exact time, just use that as a guide to plan your rotations. You need to get that scope you use for BMs and determine for yourself. You could also start posting closeups of the calyxes and trichs around week eight:)


Well-known member
I cut back the co2 to 900 ppm start of week 8 and Ill bring it down to 800 ppm for week 9 final flush week

Then again Im a rookie with co2 but it worked out great last run and this run is looking sick greasy


Active member
Thanks big green. I know both the Doc and jack cut co2 completely the last 2 weeks. Thinking my last 2 weeks ill cut co2 and go to fresh air then I save on a/c and running the dehumidifier.

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