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Canna Boost Foliar feeding



if it sweetens the bud when smoking it is not interesting for me.

if it ads to yield - yes.



Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Molasses will add your yield and deter some pests from your grow :yes:

It feeds the microbes and helps the plant chelate the goodness from your soil/soiless mix... not sure about hydro.

You guys should hang out more in the organic grow forum :D

PS. I highly recommend the addition of charcoal to your mix also.

i just was at west coast, sure is a small world greyskull. and i in fact did get canna boost. figured it was worth a try, and is cheaper than liquid light. think it would be better to just use it with my water, or spray it?


hey bone carver, i think molasses is melassa in spanish ! The grandma molasses we get in canada is from guatemala.


hey weed wacker I add it to the rez for now and I am very happy.

If you are not using Canna's program (ie A/B, Rhizo, Zym, PK13/14) you may not see the results I see and love so much. It seems its formulated to work optimally within the "range of whatever it is that happens between the mixture of those products".
If you're not running the whole Canna show (or w/minimal additives from outside manufactures ie SWEET & CAL/MAG form botanicare seem to be okay for me) it may not ,make you a happy camper.

That said, using it in conjuction with everything else is fucking awesome. PERIOD. It works.
well right now im feeding 6ml base / 9ml bloom botanicare triflex, handwatering / draining to waste. so do you know how i would want to mix boost into that?


Any new test done with Boost? I figure if it nets you another OZ @ $300 an OZ and A litter costs $100 then it would make since. At lest for me. Thanks,
Ive ran mostly canna over the last few years and when i started I had to justify the cost of boost to my self, I did side by side runs 2x on 3x3 trays and the boost side flowers faster and gets dencer buds, In the end there is very little difference, but it will pay for it self with a little more yeild. Now with a larger grow, i have a hard time paying for it, and im sure you can get the same results with other flowering enhancing products like budcandy, gravity, moab, ect ect and save some $ If your going to do a test to see if its worth it for you, you need to do atleast half a light and not 1 plant vrs 1 plant. and should be all 1 strain, other wise you wont see much difference.


I have ran grows with and without and I feel it is worth the price. Better quality and a bit higher yield. I use it in conjunction with molasses. Great results.

Have also had good results foliar feeding with it.


i liked the results of the full canna line with boost, snowstorm, and gravity.
buds produced massive resin glands and plenty of turpins. my sr71 purple kush finished dense as F$%K but tasted amazing.

id say its worth it.


I'm bumping this thread.

I have just started using Canna Boost as a foliar spary. The bottle recommends 20mL - 40mL per 10 liters of nutrient solution, but I'm assuming that is the concentration to use when watering it in with the rest of the nutrients. I am using it at the 40mL/10L concentration right now, but I'm not sure if that's too much or too little for foliar.

I would much rather just mix it in with the rest of my nutrients so the plants get a constant supply, but with how much Boost costs I just can't see myself doing that.

Maybe if I could find a cheaper triacontanol solution I could do that and remove Boost from the picture all together.


Canna Site said:
For a foliar application a dilution of 20 ml BOOST in 10 liters of water (8 ml/Gal) is sufficient. A leaf application can be viewed as having a more immediate effect, but the grower will have to use it more frequently to get the same result as a soil or hydroponic application to the root system.
source: http://www.cannagardening.com/cannaboost_a_real_boost?page=0,2

So 20mL per 10L is their suggested application rate, but I still don't know what a good application interval would be. I'm doing it like every 3-4 days right now?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hiya,,been using bio-boost for a while now but on my last run used very little and had the some of the best results taste and aroma wise and even maybe upped my yield a tad more then usual,,
i think its about using the right product at the exact time the plants need it and no longer,,at the right time with the correct amount it does work,,but use in small doses imo,,cheers s2


Interesting, what time do you think is the best time?

I was thinking between flower weeks 3-6 for an 8 week flower?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
How often did you foliar spray? I'm thinking every second day?
as i understand,it was never to be used as folier spray but i might be wrong,i have never used it for such,,i use in wk [strain dependant] 4 to wk7 and small amounts 1+half ml per litre of water,,cheers s2


Canna indicates that you can use it as a foliar spray.

Unfortunately they omit any guidance on how often you should foliar spray.

Any update on this AK-51? I'm curious to see if you feel you have succeeded?
I had a worse crop and am looking to pin down the reason why, so my test run with it was inconclusive. Given the high cost I am not sure I will be trying it again, at least not for a while.

I think there is a consensus amongst many that triacontanol is the main active ingredient in Boost. If that is the case I would rather use a regular agribusiness triacontanol product. Anytime something is marketed towards they "hydro" market they crank up the price. Boost is one of the best examples of that I can think of.


Thanks for the sentiment.

I doubt that the Boost had anything to do with it. I was applying it at the 2mL per Liter rate about every 3-5 days. I pretty much drenched the top canopy with it. I always sprayed during lights on, and usually with more than 6 hours left to go. I used distilled water and never saw any indication that the leaves were burning or any other negative effects of the spraying.