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CAUGHT: Alibi's and justifications


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
If LEO has a dog, best to just not run :D

Stun gun'll just piss him off and get your ass shot :biglaugh:


Rudolf.. may have the best recommendation of all. If you sound like a nut, youre hard to believe behavior may be beliveable. Law inforcement officers often percieve themselves as superior and the citizenry as misguided underlings. Reinforce what they're already willing to believe!

"Scotty told me to come to this location for transport back to the mothership". " All praise to Bongo the monkey king!


Hey Gantz,

Upgradeshafted, i have a couple more you'll like.

"I was out here lookin for some ass to kick when you chikenshits showed up"

"I'm a birdlover Mo_her _uker! You want to hold my pet cock?"

Just make sure that before you use your excuse or one of these, your health insurance is paid up and you have some arrangement for bond money! he he he


Smoke weed and prosper
in my neck of the woods i never see officials. just campers, shepherds, beekeepers and farmers that tend the fields next to the woods.
i dress like a hiker and i bring a camera with me. the campers are there usually for a day and they stay away from my areas. the shepherds i see from afar so i avoid them because they have dogs. i rarely see the farmers because we take different entry points and the beekeepers are easy to fool since my hiking story works and they are always willing to sell a bottle or a jar of fresh honey...


ICMag Donor
Mr. Smoke said:
I wonder all you guys that have been seen, are you going at night or daylight when everyones out?

My excuse if ever caught is I'm making a food plot for hunting. You could even actualy make a food plot. Have it near your plot of plants and go to the food plot first have a look around then go to your patch. :wave:

persoanlly, the last thing I want is MORE reason for animals to come near a plot....that is a big enuough problem as it is...no need to encourage it.
I was in the back country years an years ago tending at harvest time. I was in camo with a rifle. I was going patch to patch and saw the evidence that some trees were gone. I started following the tracks and heard some voices then out pops LEO in all black with a gun. I didnt know at first that it was Johnny. After an interagation I just stuck to the Turkey hunting story. Said I heard voices in the bush and needed to see who it was. I was about 10 miles off the road so they were suspicious. They took my guns and sent me on my way. They only found 1/3rd of the plots and I came back in a week to finish. Recovered my guns a month later. I nearly shit my pants, but pulled it off.


DirtDevil said:
""we're gay"

Honestly, I had to pipe up here and say this has got to be one of the best excuses... Depending on your locale... In the bible belt that would be a detriment, may never leave those woods...
in the commie northeast they'd run the other way afraid of a discrimination charge.


Active member
i dress like a hiker and use the excuse i am exploring the woods for mushrooms and wild herbs and berries

or i bring a telescoping fishing pole in my backpack and some fishing supplies and act as if im on my way to fish in my secret locals

or i am scouting for new places to set up my tree stand in the falls for deer season

or that you are enjoying a beautiful day in the sun and jus taking a stroll thru the woods minding ya own business like they should :D

I go out to my plants between the hours of 12 to 5am and im out of the woods and the area by sun rise


Well-known member

I always have the telescoping fishing pole in my pack. I had a hard time finding one been a long time since the "pocket fisherman" days.

I have actualy landed a couple of fish on the cheap thing.


I like the mushroom idea PS420.
hamstring, i have 2 spots that i carry a fishing pole to. I wish they would stop increasing the cost of a license.

I grow in a couple of spots where there are old farm junk piles. Farm equipment or whatever else they could throw in a sink hole. I take a magnet with me so I can say Im checking old junk for precious metal or valuebles. I once stuck my magnet up to a tar coated little metal pot and it wouldn't stick. When i got it home and cleaned it up, it turned out to be an 1805 peice of Revereware. I got 600$ for it.
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DirtDevil said:
Sometimes if I think there are cameras I will wear a Halloween mask.

good luck explaining that right?

hahahaahah... SHits funny.. I know how that feeling is tho...


I would also say that I am gay but then I would have to explain how that explains being in the deep woods with hoses, gardening tools, chicken wire, and fertilizer.

I try to keep risky gear rigged to my backpack to throw away, if practical. I have hidden.

I've harvested with friends, and we used a scout with a designated warning, like a birdcall. If we had run into cops they would have been there only to look for growers, and they will search your ass illegally and with prejudice if they have the slightest suspicion, then cover their tracks in the paperwork.

What I'm saying is, don't talk to the police in the first place if you are dirty and can help it!

Oh yeah, my usual excuse when I run into someone is that I am hiking. I keep in mind what I'm hiking (mountain, some trail, a destination or hiker challenge of some sort, like a rock wall somewhere or a remote lake). If you sound really into it, demonstrating a good knowledge of local geography, then people will believe you. Have a list of questions to ask should someone be returning from where you claim to want to visit, regarding conditions, etc.

If I ever get caught in the plot, I plan to run. I keep my car keys and ID on my person! I run fast! I hope to God that this never happens!

Scum Bum

New member
Good God,you guys are gonna get yourselves caught from your own ignorance.If your walking in the woods carrying a back hoe on your back,so what! You can carry anything you want as long as it is not illegal.If a officer should ask you what your doing or what all the soil and shovel is for tell them that it is personal! All you are required to give is your identification...nothing more.Start telling stories and that is all they need to trip you up and get probable cause.If your at the site,your all ready cooked.


bumping an old thread here forgive me..

Has any one ever pretended to be a hobo/bum/homeless guy living in (and/or traveling through) the woods? I think this could be a great cover during certain times


A Cop might catch you out asking 101 questions about why you are lurking around in the backwoods, BUT, after a couple of minutes of mildly deranged ranting about Bigfoot, genetic experiments, government conspiracies, the Roswell incident etc etc my guess is you will be more than free to go on your way !
"Patrol 2 to base, we have that escapee from the mental asylum in custody"

If I ever get caught in the plot, I plan to run. I keep my car keys and ID on my person! I run fast! I hope to God that this never happens!
They will usually have german shepherd dogs with them if they are out trying to catch growers.

Best to take your supplies, shovel, fertilizer and whatever else to your spot well before planting time, and stash them there, don't carry them around with you all the time.
Leo wont be out looking for grows outside of the growing season.

I had one spot staked out by leo once, it was just a seedling spot, and they would have been moved soon too their final sites, but there were reasonable numbers there, well over commercial level.
Anyway I went there and I saw a sign that someone had been there, but I thought ok, if they were going to take the plants they would have taken them then and there.
So I didn't move them.
The next time I went to water them, about 5 days later, I had a feeling someone was close by, so I watered the seedlings quickly and quietly, probable only took less than a minute, and then I stepped over the fence and exfiltrated quietly.
Didn't hang around for even a second longer than it took to water them.
I got about 25 metres away from the seedling when there was a loud crashing in the bushes heading towards my plants.
I froze for several seconds and then kept exfiltrating quietly.
I came back about 5 days later to check on them and they were gone.
I had looked around carefully when I got to the plants and didn't see anyone, so it seems that leo was hiding just out of sight of the plants.
This makes sense from their point of view because if they are hiding within view of the plants then whoever comes to tend to the plants will probably be able to see them too, and if I had seen them in that case then I would have just kept walking right by the plants.
Because unless they catch you tending the plants then you could just say in court, I was just out walking and happened to walk right past them.
So obviously they were out of sight of the plants, because if they weren't they could have come charging at me while I was in the enclosure watering them, but they didn't charge until I was about 25 metres away. So I'm thinking they had a sensor set up and I triggered it, and maybe they thought they would wait for a minute to give me time to start tending the plants, so they could bust me in the act. And if I hadn't realised the time before that someone had been to the spot then I probably would have hung around, looking at the plants and stuff.
I usually carry my camera and binoculars in plain view with my grow equipment in the backpack. I've never been asked what I was doing, but I'd just say I was a nature photographer (which is true anyway) looking for Orchids and such.

On the other hand if somebody would see me with the plants or digging holes I wouldn't know what to say. I mean if they only see you near the plants you can still pretend you just found them, but if you're caught preparing a spot you'd have a pretty hard time explaining yourself.


Take binoculars, lots of excuses with those, birdwatching, scouting for game, etc...

Take your dog, "dog for a walk" is a good one or if its a bird dog, say you are practicing flushing game, preping for hunting season. Depending where you live, this may be risky for your pet, in some areas cops shoot dogs for fun these days...

When carrying growing supplies, dirt, ferts, shovels etc. Take some cheap garden plants with you. A bag of onion sets for example will give you reason to dig many holes. Tell them you have no place to grow vegetables, so you are experimenting with growing them in the wild. Say you read about it on the internet!!! Just have nothing specifically ILLEGAL on you, cops might think its wierd, but if you appear honest, shouldnt be too hard to sell.

Mushroom hunting around here is common enough to use as an excuse. I actually will carry a bag and collect some mushrooms when Im out 'exploring', also a digi camera with mushroom pics, or a mushroom identification book will really help you sell this one to anyone suspicious enough to ask.

Another that works well in areas where there is game is "shed hunting", many hunters will spend a lot of time after regular season walking in backwoods areas collecting discarded antlers. Get a deer antler and take it with you, to show someone your new 'trophy' if you are stopped. I actually found a really nice moose shed last spring when I was out preping spots, when I got back to my truck some locals were there and they were very impressed, one even offered to buy it from me!

Above all, always be OVER THE TOP friendly with anyone you encounter, act innocent, even if you arent.... Dont use any drugs when you are out in the woods, alcohol or even cigarettes. Appear clean, wear appropriate clothing for the activity you are 'claiming' to do, appearance is important. Not many birdwatchers out in the woods with $20 binoculars and ripped up jeans and dreadlocks....