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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏


Active member
Again it is not about freedom of choice WHAT TO DO FOR A LIVING.

Or about my personal IDEALS.

What about the debt we inherit when we're born? Why am I forced to pay for something some small group of sociopaths/psychopaths agreed on?

Freedom exists on some levels, but are you born into freedom or into a world where you have no choice but to work a job that certainly isn't always your dream job.
Does the freedom mean having freedom of choice to either work to survive or starve on the streets?

There are very influential rich people who don't care about your freedom, but let's you live a lie believing you're truly free.
Or can you say the women and children in 3rd-world countries have any say when the Big Boys come in scraping for resources.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Again it is not about freedom of choice WHAT TO DO FOR A LIVING.

Or about my personal IDEALS.

What about the debt we inherit when we're born? Why am I forced to pay for something some small group of sociopaths/psychopaths agreed on?

Freedom exists on some levels, but are you born into freedom or into a world where you have no choice but to work a job that certainly isn't always your dream job.
Does the freedom mean having freedom of choice to either work to survive or starve on the streets?

There are very influential rich people who don't care about your freedom, but let's you live a lie believing you're truly free.
Or can you say the women and children in 3rd-world countries have any say when the Big Boys come in scraping for resources.

Again, it's not about slavery or lack of freedom, it's about whether HAARP is a weapon that was used to create Super storm Sandy and whether or not evidence was caught on radar and Satellite of that. If you want to talk about freedom and slavery or what people in 3rd world countries can or can't say, then by all means go start your own thread about those things. I'll likely not come though because clearly we have differing views on what Freedom actually is. I do know it's not you hijacking this thread to talk about the topics you want to talk about. Although clearly you think you have the freedom to do that even though it's common knowledge that doing such is frowned upon in forum ettiquette.


Active member
ehm, you asked us to ponder on a thing not very much related to HAARP a few posts back, didn't you?

Sativa Dragon

Active member
Haarp is like a big Microwave, they have there own supply and refinery of a large natural gas deposit, they can operate without dependence on the grid, they have a staff of very talented young university students who are willing to do pretty much anything anyone in any sort of powerful position wants them to do. They can be responsible for weather events that can normally not be explained through conventional means. They are funded heavily by the US air force. This is really all we need to know about HAARP as the military always has interest in anything diabolical.

Haarp spelt backwards is Praah, just missing the O Opraah, an equally dangerous presence on the planet which degrades moral standards, and demonizes normal behaviours.



Game Bred
All this bullshit about freewill, answer me this, how are you not enslaved by the financial system? You have the right/freedom to choose what JAWB to have and and.. LOL stop right there.
Atleast for me freedom is quite far-fetched in a world where a financial elite has been pulling the strings and keeping the right to print money to themselves while confiscating world gold reserves while also lying about the amount of gold dug up today.

in order to have a well informed debate one must define terms.
we can talk about freedom but unless we are talking about the same thing we are not really talking...

so please define freedom so the conversation can continue in an honest fashion?

in my mind the idea that everyone gets their dream job is not freedom it is entitlement.

so what is this "freedom" you are talking about?

how are you conscripted?


Andinismo Hierbatero
Freedom exists on some levels, but are you born into freedom or into a world where you have no choice but to work a job that certainly isn't always your dream job.

how old r u man?

that's silly to think that man is born with the freedom to earn a living by doing some kind of dream job...

before any cities or economical systems were created; man had to bust his ass daily to get food and water into the stomach; you think such activities like hunting, gathering and even agriculture are dream jobs?

which leads us to the next question:

once you have an organic body, you're pretty much fucked and not free; you need to provide for its needs, food, clothes and shelter, whether you like it or not. you need to pee and poop, you get sick against your will, and eventually die after much work and toil required for the maintenance of this body.

there's no such thing as freedom under this light.


Sativa Dragon

Active member
The Indians of Western Continent had an awesome lifestyle til the whiteman complicated it. A Caribou, Deer, Salmon, Rabbit, Corn, Some Veggies. A littrle further north Moose, Scads of fish tonnes of Corn, larger deer, all the fire wood you could ever want, fresh water everywhere, I am not so sure villages of up to 1000, were really busting there ass. Not to mention you could grab a piece of ass anytime you wanted. They had plenty of time to make up dances and fashion clothing build big long houses make canoes, smoke some herb, party a few times a week. Sure there were rough times but it doesn't seem so bad if you ask me.



Active member
how old r u man?

that's silly to think that man is born with the freedom to earn a living by doing some kind of dream job...

before any cities or economical systems were created; man had to bust his ass daily to get food and water into the stomach; you think such activities like hunting, gathering and even agriculture are dream jobs?

which leads us to the next question:

once you have an organic body, you're pretty much fucked and not free; you need to provide for its needs, food, clothes and shelter, whether you like it or not. you need to pee and poop, you get sick against your will, and eventually die after much work and toil required for the maintenance of this body.

there's no such thing as freedom under this light.


What good is this again, are you trying to explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs to me or what?

Did you know Automatication could solve 75% of today's jobs.

You try to sound smart but man stay out of this, unless you have something productive and with less negative attitude, I'm not some retard.

The thing I'm after is very simple for even you to understand,
let's take our beloved plant for example.

We all know it provides us with many of those basic needs, yet it is illegal to grow, in my area, and most others too.

So it is substituted with Big Pharma medicine, and the other industries creating paper, fuel, fiber and multiple other industries that can bring bigger bucks to the owners.
Yet here we are THE PEOPLE worrying about some economic crisis the WEALTHY created, FREE-HE-DOM!!

We can go on and on about this.

Get this, the way things are now is forcing man to work so much more, pay much more for healthcare that is not curing, pay more for fuel, shelter, yeah I hope you get it.
Some people are fine with destroying the environment just to make some bucks, I hope you're not since you're registered to this forum.

I'm not some childish Hippie-hipster who doesn't like to work a job, FWIW I'm a stayhome dad working my ass off everyday.

But the way things are most of us are forced to work a JAWB that is far from the things we would love to do in our life. This is not something that can't be turned around but the attitudes here aren't helping much.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
ehm, you asked us to ponder on a thing not very much related to HAARP a few posts back, didn't you?

Yes but only in response to someone who had taken the thread off topic and eventually I asked to get back on topic. Even if I never asked to get back on topic it doesn't change things. If I decide to give up growing and smoking pot are you going to give up growing and smoking pot just because I did? I mean come on the old "Well you did it so I'm going to do it too" is a pretty childish way to go about life.


Active member
Either you're very simple or have me completely outleveled, what are you talking about, who said anything about behaving like others do?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Either you're very simple or have me completely outleveled, what are you talking about, who said anything about behaving like others do?

You did, but since your cognitive ability seems greatly impaired I'll quote it again

ehm, you asked us to ponder on a thing not very much related to HAARP a few posts back, didn't you?

This is what you said when I was telling you that this is a thread about proof that HAARP was used as a weapon. To come back with pointing out I made a post that didn't have anything to do with HAARP is like saying "Well since you did it, why can't I?"


Game Bred
The Indians of Western Continent had an awesome lifestyle til the whiteman complicated it. A Caribou, Deer, Salmon, Rabbit, Corn, Some Veggies. A littrle further north Moose, Scads of fish tonnes of Corn, larger deer, all the fire wood you could ever want, fresh water everywhere, I am not so sure villages of up to 1000, were really busting there ass. Not to mention you could grab a piece of ass anytime you wanted. They had plenty of time to make up dances and fashion clothing build big long houses make canoes, smoke some herb, party a few times a week. Sure there were rough times but it doesn't seem so bad if you ask me.

and they slaughtered their neighbors men and enslaved the women...
sounds idyllic?
my people (poarch band of creek) liked to remove the left foot of any chickasaw or seminole(after the seminole/creek civil war)captive so they could not escape bondage.
we particularly enjoyed raping the women.

ahhhh utopia.

boy I wish we could to back to before we were all slaves..


Active member
I claim that filty rich and influential men with inflated egos beyond anything are capable of doing just about anything to fill the emptyness the ego has left them with, and take sick action to feed the ego.
The faces you see on TV aren't to blame 100%, they're doing their part but aren't gaining as much as the people with the money.

These people will do anything to gain and keep control.
We have proof they exist on the highest level of society, and the way things are going, it seems the steering wheel is held by the sociopathic elite.

Or do we have a reason to believe this is all imagination and conjecture too?

Sativa Dragon

Active member
and they slaughtered their neighbors men and enslaved the women...
sounds idyllic?
my people (poarch band of creek) liked to remove the left foot of any chickasaw or seminole(after the seminole/creek civil war)captive so they could not escape bondage.
we particularly enjoyed raping the women.

ahhhh utopia.

boy I wish we could to back to before we were all slaves..

Sounds about right, things havent changed much in human civiliztion, still slaughtering raping and , enslaving. You must live in a very sheltered part of the world with no REAL news, only CNN perhaps. Anyway made my pint, things really havent gotten any better just more complicated.



Andinismo Hierbatero
What good is this again, are you trying to explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs to me or what?

Did you know Automatication could solve 75% of today's jobs.

You try to sound smart but man stay out of this, unless you have something productive and with less negative attitude, I'm not some retard.

The thing I'm after is very simple for even you to understand,
let's take our beloved plant for example.

We all know it provides us with many of those basic needs, yet it is illegal to grow, in my area, and most others too.

So it is substituted with Big Pharma medicine, and the other industries creating paper, fuel, fiber and multiple other industries that can bring bigger bucks to the owners.
Yet here we are THE PEOPLE worrying about some economic crisis the WEALTHY created, FREE-HE-DOM!!

We can go on and on about this.

Get this, the way things are now is forcing man to work so much more, pay much more for healthcare that is not curing, pay more for fuel, shelter, yeah I hope you get it.
Some people are fine with destroying the environment just to make some bucks, I hope you're not since you're registered to this forum.

I'm not some childish Hippie-hipster who doesn't like to work a job, FWIW I'm a stayhome dad working my ass off everyday.

But the way things are most of us are forced to work a JAWB that is far from the things we would love to do in our life. This is not something that can't be turned around but the attitudes here aren't helping much.

my point is that at no point in time have we been free of the needs that having a physical body entails.

whether you lived in some highly cultured pre-colombian civilization or now, it makes no difference.

we are still subjected to all kinds of needs that limit our would-be-freedom.

regardless if you are an individual whose economical wealth is big enough so that there's no need to do any work of any kind; such individual is still forced by his biological organism to go after all kinds of needs; he still needs to eat, drink water, entertain himself someway somehow, he still needs much more complex things such as love and affection, etc...

you say you can get rid of 75% of labor through automation, but then, who will give maintenance to the machines, calibration, install them? that still entails labor.

you suffer of what some have termed as the nostalgia of the garden of eden...

coming to terms with our condition and dealing with it is much more heroic in any sense than simple mental masturbation based on imaginary freedom.


Freedom from the coercion of nature, no(well only in death)

Freedom from the coercion of other men through government monopoly on violence would be nice though.


Active member
word architect.

thats what I'm after Bombadil. The leeching elite has got to go.
Our minds are overloaded with irrelevant stuff, forced into survival mode on a large scale.

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