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Is it ever safe to breed with Hermis?


The Tri Guy
I'd say that if the problem causing it is the Y, then yes, if it's the X, then no, if it's the autosome then it will mean both less males and females.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
For me it depends on the the breeder who made the seeds.. I got a few plants out of 100 that had naners late in flower and it was not the untire plant just a few buds. After I cut them off I had no other issues . Out of the 1000 seeds I sent in as free seeds I got 1 report of naners but his plant had mites. IMO i think they all have the recessive trait some show easy some dont show at all. When I started my work it had already been worked on for a few years. Then I spent almost 2 years working in my cross. When I sent out free seeds to see how they perform in other gardens I did not get back as much feed back as I would have liked.. I dont think I can completely remove it from the genetics. IM very happy with my cross. I would not change a thing that's why its a done project :)

Someday I will play with the male/female pollen from the S1 I had.. If I get regular seeds I dont think anyone will know why..If I get all female plants then I get the told ya so.. I have yet to see anyone use pollen from the male/female pp( only showed male flowers not 1 pistil was found). I have to do the test see the results then post the results..I cant say the plants made with this pollen will be Hermies without doing the test myself.
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Well-known member
Hi Banjangreen

I have the same problem as you.

I got some Sumatran seeds in 2009. All the plants were females and one intersexed female.

Due to a stupid problem I wasn't able to grow that plants at home that time so I gave them to a friend.

I was only able to get seeds from the only one that produced seeds (the intersexed) as all the other plants were seedless.

Now I have some plants in different degrees of intersexaulity but a few females. At least the "true females" don't show staminate flowers. I have never seen a male in this strain.

But they are very mould prone, at least in the environment that I can give to them. When I have harvested some buds without mildew they smell like carrots and the high is soaring electric type. So I would like to preserve and work this strain and get a dioeciuous line but due to mildew infestation in each crop I am a bit bored.

Best regards.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
i recently made some seeds with hermi pollen and all the offspring have been female so far... curious if your more inclined to get female seeds then male seeds when pollenating with hermi pollen


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That is true the seeds from a hermie will be fem seeds..That does not mean the plant will be crap. There is some of the best cannabis grown from fem seeds


Dr. Narrowleaf
Yes, it would be easier to start with common m/f hemp.

No, I'm not after CBD.

When I started to grow cannabis many years ago, I was only able to get hemp bird seed. For a few years I was growing hemp, and I had never seen problems with mold, pests or intersexuality. I have never seen a healthier strain.

The headache begins with psychoactive strains. It is almost impossible to get a harvest because here all plants are whipped with oidium year after year.

At first I thought that it was due to mold weakness from the indica side in hybrids. But with 100% wild sativas the problem is even worse.

My goal is to get a strain like a Thai, Colombian, African but with no oidium problems. A little faster would be good but it is not very important because here the weather is not very cold.

I have read that hemp breeders select hemp plants for no THC and high CBD because CBD makes the THC loose effect.

On the other hand I have read that some hemp strains are selected with no THC and no CBD because females buds lack trichomes.

I think that it would be better for breeding a hemp strain that adds no change in the cannabinoid profile, in order to get the full same high from the psychoactive strain with as many back-crosses as needed.

I don't know if the hemp mutants lacking trichomes can restore its high CBD profile when they are crossed with a low CBD and high THC strain. But some research is needed.

It is very interesting what you say about Beniko because some landraces have a very low % of males too, and perhaps that is the answer.

Altai seems very interesting because if plants there are sativa trees with trippy sativa high effect but aclimatized to far north day length and weather seeds from there could be the dream for many growers. And it wouldn't be necessary to make hybrids, only the pure strain that any grower can reproduce each year for more seed.

Cops are the problem again.


What is your climate? Sounds harsh!

We've got lots of sativas and indicas that flower real good at 63 degrees north. I also have about a kilo of Altai realated hemp seeds, as well as ruderalis strains from surrounding areas. All standard m/f, high cbd. Thc and Cbd are equally dominnant in crosses, so it's pretty easy to breed out the cbd, alot easier I would think than getting rid of intersex traits.

You can find thc dominant hemp in China, Southeast Asia and the Himalayas.


Well-known member

My climate is not harsh. Actually at 36ºN is very good. It's harsh is the place were I can grow!

I can get Chinese hemp seed but I don't know if it would be the best choice. It is seed allowed by law.

I think that when you cross a good sativa with and indica the unique sativa high is lost forever and you open that line to mould problems. So I though that hemp could be an interesting option. But if the hemp strain is high in CBD, perhaps it wouldn't a good idea.

But about the thread subject. It is very interesting the possibility of getting a dioecious line from a monoecious strain.

In some landraces like Zamal to find a male is very strange. So we can use intersexed plants as pollen donors in order to not lose the strain. And perhaps we can find a male or something similar a few generations later ad get a dioecious line.



I actually forgot about these plants as it is an experiment and i put them far out of the way, i have to check and see if they are still around.


i got 3 hermis/ 4 males out of 40 plants from this batch. no difference using hermis as the dad when compared to bag seed. but other seed i made are not showing any hermi trait's.

Tom Hill

Active member
you didn't finish all of the "males",,,, so you are in no position to say, are you.... ? be honest....
you didn't finish all of the "males",,,, so you are in no position to say, are you.... ? be honest....

im with tom on this one... i bet if you had grown out the males they would have possibly shown some female traits

even if those males didnt, i bet if you used one of those males to make another cross or to inbreed that line the next gen would be where you started to notice the shit on the walls...


I actual have 2 males running right now, These are F2, big variation in the flowering start times of all the plants. this could be due to the spot being in shade this time of year. Not sure though.

I killed 2 of the males because they had a female "structure" in that they are not growing lanky but short and tight like females i destroyed on site out of habit forgetting this was a experimental patch.

Out of the 30+ females ent see nutting that impresses structure wise but it could be lack of sun light, wait till they stack up before i chose a mum for the f3, thinking about planting out the mafri f3 seed, got like 30. this mafri is the dumbest plant i ever seen mutated in a strange way, the individual claxes are 1/2in apart on a string about 6in long, looks like a 10 foot tree with bud like this will give you a oz, lol. Wish i had a pic in growth but she is already dead. the mother had 1 of these strings but this offpring has most of the plant like this, shit grow so fast in veg though and it can handle the clay earth. its a shame.


All in all, i think hermis are good (not saying first choice) in the first 2 generations, after that i believe the rate of this trait increases exponentially in a close gene pool.


Dr. Narrowleaf
What can you expect from seeds from a plant that hermies early during flower but after being hit with pollen? The father is a pure male.

I now have the answer. Out of six seeds, 4 solid females and two males that soon grew a few pistils. This is probably the reason why some landraces don't put out alot of males.

I incrossed the plants to see what happens in the next generation. I don't mind having lots of females.


New member
using males with pistils is a different game than using females with bananas, entirely so :) , and results (dominating traits) are dependent on the heritage.

the male with pistils , IME , is carried by the males not the females. i have a mighty might hybrid who always throws males with hairs (even in x's, and after 2 gens of using males stress tested who did NOT throw hairs)... but has never produced a female plant with bananas.

all relative, all intriguing


using males with pistils is a different game than using females with bananas, entirely so :) , and results (dominating traits) are dependent on the heritage.

the male with pistils , IME , is carried by the males not the females. i have a mighty might hybrid who always throws males with hairs (even in x's, and after 2 gens of using males stress tested who did NOT throw hairs)... but has never produced a female plant with bananas.

all relative, all intriguing

Thank you for your incite.


This is a quote from JD Short:
"A quick word on "backward" hermaphrodites? declared males that eventually sport female flowers? as opposed to the usual female-to-male hermaphrodites. These are semi-rare occurrences, usually sterile but sometimes viable, that I have found at times to be valuable in their genetic contributions. Some of the most resinous and desirable males I have encountered exhibited this trait. This trait almost seems to guarantee against unwanted hermaphroditism in subsequent generations as it also increases the female to male ratio in its progeny."
^ lol...DJ Short breeding advice. I would take whatever that advice dude gave me, especially anything to do with breeding with mutants, throw it right out the window and do the exact opposite. If you want your plants to be sickly, ugly little ducklings, just like all of DJ Short's garbage, then feel free to use crazy stuff like male hermaphrodites to breed with.

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