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Aliens, yay or nay?

Aliens, yay or nay?

  • Absolutely no

    Votes: 18 4.8%
  • Maybe, i'm not sure

    Votes: 43 11.5%
  • Of course, there are aliens out there!

    Votes: 312 83.6%

  • Total voters

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
The poll asks if aliens are "out there". It says nothing about whether Earth has been or is currently being visited. Small solar system in a very big universe.


Andinismo Hierbatero
I'll take truth when and where I find it. I'll dispense it as I please.
Your speculation about the originality of Crowley's statements are irrelevant.

Nobody owns truth.

I offer Crowley to illustrate MY point. Not as an expert.

Crowley should be re-named to: The Esoteric Fudge-Packer


Bubblegum Specialist
I am glad someone is out there but stars do seem a long way off to us now. Some day we will figure it out though and even time travel is possible.

If so someone could be trying to uplift mankind with religion.

How would we help a planet of barbarians if some day we became enlightened?

We might first send robotic probes and I think this could be what we usually call ufos.

If we are being probed now then what do you suppose is next?

I hope we and others always continue to move forward and that animalistic tendencies will evolve away as we move up the ladder. Jacobs Ladder?

Some of those funny shaped skulls they say are human make me wonder if there weren't aliens around with long skulls we tried to emulate.

One night in the summer of 74 my wife and I saw a really bad ass UFO. It came down and landed in our dead end dirt road in central Michigan. It was about three hundred yards from our farm and it rotated in the road like a tank and opened a small hatch on what appeared to be the front end. An electrical arc light of incredible brightness lit up the mile of fields all the way to the woods on all sides and it was far brighter out than any full moon.

It was scary because it then skimmed the field across our road like a cartoon it sighed and sagged all over. I think they do make crop circles that way but this time it left no trace. It seemed like they were looking for something then they went down by the creek and turned off the lights. They stayed ther for about half an hour and then rose straight up with rotating red light and a building sound as it rose a whine like jet engines but then it shot off like a bullet and three shock waves hit us and the house almost breaking my front window. If it had broken it would have Bren a close encounter of the second kind.

While on the ground it had remote sentry small flying vehicles that went back and forth guarding their perimeter till they left. I know it accelerated too fast for a human to stand the g force so I think it was not ours even though it sounded somewhat like a jet when lifting off the ground. This one was rectangular but others we saw that summer were triangular in shape and not as scary as this one.

We haven't seen any since 74 and we are still just as crazy so we weren't imagining things.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
sadly we have no historical record of Jesus except for the main four gospels; which begs the question of why didn't the contemporary historians that wrote a lot about many of the characters found in the 4 gospels, did not write about Jesus? maybe out of spike? who knows...


Rather than assuming that historians deliberately altered or ignored their own histories out of spite, why not consider that Jesus is real in the same sense as Apollo or Zeus?

Lacking any historical, archeological or scientific evidence whatsoever, the proper response is to approach a claim skeptically.

It is statistically likely that aliens of some kind exist, have existed or will exist somewhere in the universe. It is statistically unlikely that they would be aware of or able to reach us. It is highly unlikely that they are so advanced that tjey could travel between stars and do so in order to scare, teach or probe people on remote locations of the planet.

I'd be happy to consider any positive evidence for either phenomena.


Bubblegum Specialist
Not really...that sounds like Carl Sagen reasoning that there isn't enough metal in the universe it would take to build enough spaceships to visit all the likely planets in our galaxy. In reality we could be near others who did for some reason visit us.

Maybe we still don't know the answer and the truth could seem unlikey but there is some truth to all the things we see. There really is vast evidence but that is never proof no matter how many people see the same things.

I think we do have space brothers and the man who had telepathy with me as a child thought to me that he was from another planet and there were a million of his kind here and that they were here to help us. That was fifty years ago and I still know he was thinking the truth to me but why?


Well-known member
Any thing the mind can imagine can or has happen.

According to the bible angels/aliens came here a screwed our women. There's you ficken aliens. What more proof do you need. There is DNA in our code that the researchers can't identify..alien of corce it is..


Sorcerer's Apprentice
This ^^^^^ is formally known as the argument from ignorance.

Anybody with actual documentation of supernatural or otherworldly phenomena should publish a paper for peer review. Once your evidence/experiments have been verified you will surely get the nobel prize and one million dollars. And you'd be famous.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't know from any sort of personal first hand experience if there are aliens out there or not but when you start to examine and understand just how big the universe is, it's unlikely the we are the only form of "intelligent life" out there. Recent understanding of the universe has begun to reveal that what we thought was originally so vast that statistically there must be other life, turns out to only be a small segment of the entire universe. In other words even though we thought the odds make it statistically impossible if our latest understanding of the universe is correct then it's so much more statistically improbable that the likelihood we are the only intelligent life is so infintesimally small that it's all but impossible. Like you would have a greater chance of winning the superbowl, hitting a megamillion jackpot and getting struck by lightning simultaneously then for us to be the only intelligent life out there.

Of course this new understanding also tends to rule out other notions we have such as there are evil aliens that want to enslave us or rape our planet for it's recources. The universe is so unbelievably vast and the things in it so far apart that an alien race would use far more resources trying to get to us to take ours, then they would get from us if they ever did make it here. Then there is the matter of getting said resources back to their home gallaxy or planet. If they had the technology to somehow make that different they would be well beyond needing anything we have here on earth.

Now as for the notion that it will never happen that aliens will come to us or we will go to them. I can't say that for sure. What I can say is that as we understand things now it's not possible. However lots of things that weren't possible in the past now are. At the dawn of flight with theWright brothers at that moment in time the idea of use having hundreds of jets darting back and forth all over the globe in a matter of hours still seemed very unlikely. That first flight only lasted a short time and went a very limited distance. All we learned then was it was possible to fly. Over many following years though we've turned it into the very thing thing that seemed unlikely back then. Right now long distance space flight and/or deep exploration seem very unlikely based on what we know right now. In the future who knows? Maybe while trying some of the more limited things like landing on a passing asteroid (one of our more likely upcoming space attempts) we stumble on new understandings and technologies that have the potential to take us much farther then we can currently imagine.

Our ability to imagine is important though because imagination comes first. Not that long ago it was pure science fiction to have portable communications devices like on Star Trek with their communicators. Move ahead 50 years and virtually everyone has cellular phones that aren't much different, even small children have them. Once it was pure science fiction to have a powerful handheld computing device that interacts with it's surrounding environment wirelessly like the tricorders in Star Trek, now we have ipads and bluetooth and you can even control your home while you are out of town. So is it possible things will change in the future, yes very possible, even likely. If we can manage not to kill ourselves off before we get there.


Active member
I've read experts say that if there were contact, humans would very likely be on the losing end of that one. I mean think about it, any species that could travel those great distances, through space and maybe time, and then evade detection, why would they want much to do with this primitive, warring, shit where you eat, destroy your environment, species.

Anyway, *holds my nose*, take me to your leader.


Active member
Wouldn't it be cool if aliens were actually from earth. Like highly evolved creatures from earth a million years in the future that have developed the ability to go back in time. And that's why they pop out randomly in our time and make minimal contact as not to alter their time by influencing ours. :joint:

Wow! Like....totally rad concept dude! Can I get some of that shit you're smokin' man?...Seriously, can I?


Well-known member
Can you prove me wrong?

This ^^^^^ is formally known as the argument from ignorance.

Anybody with actual documentation of supernatural or otherworldly phenomena should publish a paper for peer review. Once your evidence/experiments have been verified you will surely get the nobel prize and one million dollars. And you'd be famous.


I picked yes of course there are aliens out there. Theyre probably discussing the same topic :)


Gday Tony. Yes plenty of weird people mate haha. I think i may have seen a few unusual type of phenomenon kind of things but it could well have been from lack of sleep or those little pills that kept me awake. I really can't honestly answer you Tony. One night i did follow whats called :min-min lights: into a farmers grain paddock. Maybe another Aussie can give you more information about min-min lights but this is my understanding from an Aboriginal man. Min-min lights are ancestors of the Aboriginal people coming back to guide their people. It is supposedly a good,loving spirit. Stories have been told of white people trying to follow the min-min lights and getting lost in the bush or desert for days or never being found. They are flickering little lights that when you get closer to them they keep moving away until you are lost and the lights vanish. That's the story of min-min lights as i know it. I do know that the traditional Aboriginal people believe whole heartedly in their legends. Although unfortunately their culture is fading away.

Oh, Sorry Tony got a bit lost there myself. I ended up running through a fence and squashing a fair clump of his grain and getting a massive scratch up the side of my truck. The farmer wasn't impressed, but i made it up to him :)

Cheers mate


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Can you prove me wrong?

I have no need to do so. You haven't offered any evidence. There's nothing to disprove.

That's another argument from ignorance, by the way.

You are the one making the claims. Therefore, you are the one who must support those claims with evidence. Lacking evidence, I have no need to prove you wrong.

Welcome to logic and reason!