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Stretching Seedlings. Pictures help please



Setup pictures...

NFT's through room door (2 x gt901 2.1m tables side by side)

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NFT's through door...normal nft pump in each...pump in end of each NFT for emptying (flick switch and empties out of wall into drain)....2 x extra pumps inside each NFT for mixing only (turn on for 10 minutes when adding potions)...rena "unbreakable" 300W fish tank heater in each NFT

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10" 1 metre Rhino Carbon filter strapped to ceiling with 5x 400W halides hanging..currently 3 MH's on and hung down low...5 will be on during flower (possible mix 3 x HPS and 2 x MH)

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100 litre external reservoir outside of room filling right hand NFT table via gravity and float valve (both nfts joined together with 4 x 1" pipes so both allways at same level)....big pump in external reservoir so can turn on when doing the mix so no stiring stick needed...nutty electrics behind it variacs, timers, Lumatek 600W dimmable ballasts etc

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Left hand frame with yoyos ready (more strings needed low down dependant on when I have to start to train them off the lamps)..room heater stat for lights off

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:biggrin: nice setup, shame couldntblow photos up larger for better look, have something similer '' no chiller'' have not run yet with plants. very neat .


Hi..I love your neat setup.You should see some improvement soon with the seedlings.
Did you place a spreader mat beneath the cubes.
I am thinking of putting Rhizotonic in the NFt's....is this wise to do at this stage and also what kind of dose would be best?

Each NFT is 75 litres so 150L in total....as of Rhizotonic directions its saying 4ml per litre so 150 x 4 = 600ml at full strength. I am thinking of putting 250ml in each so will be a 3.34ml per litre dose?
wall heater has died today...going to be a swine to get to now but will put a couple of tubular heaters in its place..this way if one of them decides to pack up at lights off the other will stilll keep them warm...more expense!...its 24-26 degrees with the lights on anyway.....
Rhizotonic in and 2 x 12" fans on low speed (1 per NFT) blowing against then to see if the stems with fatten up. Switched to 20/4 lighting also to give them a bit of a break

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
If you haven't got the tube heaters yet, I would suggest a small oil-filled radiator instead, much more effective. The tube heaters are good in small spaces and to keep frost away in a greenhouse, but they aren't all that great to keep a growroom warm unless you have a bunch of em.
If you haven't got the tube heaters yet, I would suggest a small oil-filled radiator instead, much more effective. The tube heaters are good in small spaces and to keep frost away in a greenhouse, but they aren't all that great to keep a growroom warm unless you have a bunch of em.

The heater is now working....There is a built in stat on it of which I had set at max...when i was checking to see if it was working yesterday the lights were on so the room temp was 26 or so degrees (but the end vert light is quite close to the heater). When I was switching the seperate room stat that controls it it wasnt turning on due to the built in stat over riding it. When the lights are off and the temps about 20 degrees (day time) and i switch it on via the seperate room stat it fires up no problem

Doing a 8pm - midnight lights off test at the moment then seeing what the room temp is via text message so it sends the temp every 30mins to me phone to make sure the heater holds up ok at lights off...heaters set to 22 degrees..
lights off temp is 17 degrees...seems a bit close for comfort. Will have to adjust the in fan speed so it pushes in less cold air when below 22 degrees i think...


most of those heaters wth built in temp controls ifound to be useless to what you set them to, had 2 that dropped about 20 past set point to come back on, heater with no auto i think is better, with controls you have.
most of those heaters wth built in temp controls ifound to be useless to what you set them to, had 2 that dropped about 20 past set point to come back on, heater with no auto i think is better, with controls you have.

It will work fine with the remote stat as long as the rooms not overly warm to start with
Day 21

Day 21

They are now on 20/4 light. Have Rhizotonic in them. Room temp 26 degrees. Humidity 40%. EC 1.2 (Ionic one part grow)

For 21 days they are still looking pretty pathetic!

Mate has just phoned me at 11.30pm to say its 14 degrees at plant level!

It looks like the heater has died as its not on when it should be when below 20 degrees

They were on the 4 hour off period of there 20/4 when it happened. The water temp was 20 degrees due to the fish tank heaters...

So for around 3 hours they have been cold

Put the lights back on 24/7 for now

Going to have to put a couple of 3 foot tubular heaters in the broken heaters place. Will also set the in fan so if it goes below 20 degrees (lights off) it turns off and becomes passive intake then when it goes above 20 degrees (lights on) It goes back to normal speed...there is a fan on the wall that pushes the air in be it cold or warm...so doing it this way if a tubular heater breaks then theres another one next to it and will be on passive intake so it wont go pumping freezing cold air in!

Do you think exposing them to 14 degrees for 3 hours is going to cause them problems?


They look cold and lonely in the photos. :freezing:

Are the lights on in the pics you posted? (Sometimes digital cameras compensate in weird ways so it's hard to tell.)

With the temperature issues, maybe they've just decided it's winter and they're going to hold off on big vegetation until they know there's not another cold snap coming. I expect them to explode when you get the heating sorted and it feels nice and tropical to them again!
They look cold and lonely in the photos. :freezing:

Are the lights on in the pics you posted? (Sometimes digital cameras compensate in weird ways so it's hard to tell.)

With the temperature issues, maybe they've just decided it's winter and they're going to hold off on big vegetation until they know there's not another cold snap coming. I expect them to explode when you get the heating sorted and it feels nice and tropical to them again!

Lights are on in the pics....

Totally fucked up earlier with the broken heater for 3 hours earlier.....

Other than that they are at 26 degrees with the lights on....
My EC is 1.1 including 0.4 tap water...do you think this is to high?

Also on them is Rhizotonic at 3ml a litre and liquid oxygen at 0.5ml per litre

They are definitely moving now but still painfully slow..they are 23 days old from splitting and have been on the NFT's for 6 days..........