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my whatever I've got growing thread


12/13 - C99's are on day 22 of flowering.. starting to get some frost and buds are developing.

had a little grow room hiccup - apparently my exhaust fan that i've had for 10 yrs (used maybe 5 or 6 years) the motor went out. tripped the outlet and interrupted the light cycle... but I got it all fixed up :) I have 6 inch ducting and got a new 400 cfm exhaust fan, i think my old one was like 250 cfm. Pulls alot of air, I have it on a speed controller and have it just about as low as I can go to keep the temps from getting too cold

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posted twice.. whoops


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C99's are on day 25 and seem to be doing pretty good. Smell in the cabinet is coming on and fresh pineapple seems like a good comparison. Smell from a few plants vary a bit but definitely similarities.

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It can get a little cold in my garage this time of year, so a year or so ago I got a 4 ft x 2 ft seedling heating map and put it on the ground in the flowering cab. its hooked up to a thermostat and so it definitely helps to keep the roots a bit warmer when the garage gets cold.

My little greenhouse for seeds is going ok i guess. Its 40 degrees and raining and its been pretty cold lately with no sun. So we'll see how they do.. they were looking ok tdy, just taking some time for sure tho.

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Also got a new compost pile going... lots of leaves, some grass, hay/cow manure scooped up from a friends place. It could use some more grass so it heated up a bit quicker but I think it will be good by the time I need it. the plants just seem to love the compost, as they should :)


East Coast, All Day!
Hey man looking good! And awesome news on starting up a compost pile. Best way to get quality humus is to make it yourself! Your garden will definitely reward you!


for sake of comparison

for sake of comparison

Its cool seeing others results for comparison and just fun, learning if they noticed any particular things that maybe you haven't yet.

Well anyways I was kinda checking out how these C99's from Mosca look compared to the ones I grew back in 2004, the GN03 collection C99. The more I think about it and look at the old pics, I think I really had a special plant... wish I could have preserved it by making seeds or something but didn't... oh well.

The old ones I think looked like they leaned more sativa.. longer and skinnier leaves, and i remember the stems were pretty flimsy. Man they packed on the buds... probably went about 55-60 days. I needed to tie some of the branches for support. I remember it got me really really high :) definitely an up and c99 characteristic type high (clear but strong, a little racy/paranoia for me sometimes).

I am for sure happy with what I've got going now and can't wait to try it.. very curious to see how it turns out and I'm glad I have 5 to pick and sample from.

The 2004 C99's
Day 39 flowering

Day 46 flowering
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Day 54
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1/5 Today is the 45th day of flowering for the C99's. They look like they've got another 2 weeks.. some yellowing of the bottom/mid leaves and buds are looking like they are making progress. Days 52-54 at just a week to 10 days away and it just seems they could go a bit longer.. we'll see. It takes me time to trim anyways so I'll prob just take a plant at a time starting around day 52/54 and just do it in stages over the next week to 10 days..

So I think the plants are happy enough and doing what it seems like they should be doing.. there is definitely one yield winner, i don't know if i prefer its smell the best right now.. but smell after cure is what matters. The others look real nice too, mostly the tops and uppers. I think next time I'll trim/clean up more off the lower half during flowering. The lowers seem like they'll be a bit airy but nice for cooking or just putting through the grinder.

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My outdoor seed attempt is going... but pretty slow. I've been keeping the greenhouse closed up pretty tight cuz its been cold, but they look pretty good, just going slow. Cleaned up the plants a bit, I did see a little bit of mold starting here and there. I'm gonna bring them in and put them under the lights after the c99's are done I think.

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mosca c99 bx1 day 56 flowering

mosca c99 bx1 day 56 flowering

1/16 - tdy is the 56th day of flowering for the mosca c99 bx1's. Probably going to take them on day 59 because of my time frame for drying/etc... they look like they could go a bit longer but I do prefer the up/daytime high so I think they should be just about right..

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thanks! yah i cant wait much longer... I think they could go a little longer but I want them to be dried and jarred by the 31st... so I'm planning to chop them at 59 days which i'm sure will work out just fine.. so looks like I hopefully get to do some trimming this weekend.




So I was checking out my outdoor seed project.. I decided after I clear out the C99's I would bring them inside and finish them up. They've had a bit of a tough last 2 months... been cold/wet and now just recently have been though a week or 10 days of pretty good frosts/few freezes just about every night. And they only get like 4 hrs a day of direct sun. I was feeling a bit sorry for them..

So when I bring them in I'm gonna really try and give them some good organic TLC and see how strong they'll finish up :) I neemed them tdy and cleaned them up a bit. I really would like to get a few good piles of seeds to have for the future.. It really is some great weed and there should be some killer plants coming out of them someday. :)

little mosca c99 bx1 clones (of the ones i'm flowering inside.. just had an extra of each)


The 2 Mosca c99-bx1 males I got from my pack of seeds

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My 3 mothers (2 Maui Wauis and a Maui Waui x GN09 C99 - so the resulting seed of that one would have c99 genes from both the GN09 and mosca bx1. which should be kinda cool :) the bud shot is from that one

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East Coast, All Day!
haha trimming is always fun, for like the first 10 minutes.... hahaha
nice outdoor plants, thats sweet that you are making your own seeds bro. I may start dabbling in some pollen chucking myself. its always good to preserve genes just in case...


Just getting around to checking out your grows - nice work!

I wish I had the balls to grow outdoors. It's nice to have a more controlled environment against pests and mold, but sunshine does wonders doesn't it? Thanks for posting!


Plants look awesome mate:D!

Thanks man, I'm happy with the way they came out, next time I'll let them go another week to 10 days probably. I'll probably end up keeping 2 of them...

Just getting around to checking out your grows - nice work!

I wish I had the balls to grow outdoors. It's nice to have a more controlled environment against pests and mold, but sunshine does wonders doesn't it? Thanks for posting!

Thanks! I love growing outdoors... I can't do it very big where I live now, but I do like having a couple outside because yes the sun really makes them plants grow :) I'm just thankful that I get to grow, not only is consuming the herb therapeutic, but growing it as well...

So I got all of them down and harvested at 59 days 12/12. They could have gone a bit longer but nonetheless they are chopped and drying. Looking forward to getting them in jars and seeing how they cure up and smoke.

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thanks sour, yah I think they came out pretty good. Two of the plants I think are the winners so far... here's some shots..

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Yield wasn't quite as heavy as I normally get in my space, but I know I could do better if I ran only the two best again. My scale isn't working but I'm sure its pretty close to about 6 zips. Plenty for what I'm able to get through :)