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Mayan Prophecy Epic Fail Excuse Thread


Proud Cannadian Cannabist


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Well-known member
I guess I kind of got caught up in the hype and came inside my gf at around 12am this morning. A little too stoned and slightly drunk. So I'm actually kind of crossing my fingers for an asteroid or alien invasion.... Maybe just an attack on American soil, so I can go die honorably rather than by the hands of a stinking fucking brat kid......


Heres the link to that story w/video.
Its 120ft wide.
There are quite a few that we know cross earths orbit. Its just a matter of time before they cross our orbit at the same time as us. Then there are the ones we dont know about like this bitch.
If it landed in the ocean there would be a 1000ft wall of water or some crazy shit like that.
Not sure how much of it would burn up before impact though



A newfound asteroid gave Earth a close shave early today, zipping between our planet and the moon just two days after astronomers first spotted it.

The near-Earth asteroid 2012 XE54, which was discovered Sunday (Dec. 9), came within 140,000 miles of our planet at about 5 a.m. EST Tuesday (Dec. 11), researchers said. For comparison, the moon orbits Earth at an average distance of 240,000 miles or so.

Astronomers estimate that 2012 XE54 is about 120 feet wide — big enough to cause substantial damage if it slams into Earth someday. An object of similar size flattened 800 square miles of forest when it exploded above Siberia's Podkamennaya Tunguska River in 1908.

Asteroid 2012 XE54 also passed through Earth's shadow a few hours before its closest approach, generating an eclipse on the space rock's surface, researchers said. [Video: Asteroid 2012 XE54 Flies Closer Than Moon]

"Asteroids eclipsing during an Earth flyby are relatively rare," astronomer Pasquale Tricarico, of the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Ariz., wrote in a blog post Monday (Dec. 10).

The first known case, Tricarico added, was "asteroid 2008 TC3 which was totally eclipsed just one hour before entering Earth's atmosphere over Sudan in 2008, and asteroid 2012 KT42 experiencing both an eclipse and a transit during the same Earth flyby in 2012."

2012 XE54 will be coming back to Earth's neighborhood before too much longer. The asteroid completes one lap around the sun every 2.72 years.

Scientists have discovered about 9,000 near-Earth asteroids to date, but perhaps a million or more such space rocks are thought to exist.

And some of them are potentially dangerous. Observations by NASA's WISE space telescope suggest that about 4,700 asteroids at least 330 feet wide come uncomfortably close to our planet at some point in their orbits.

So far, researchers have spotted less than 30 percent of these large space rocks, which could obliterate an area the size of a state if they slammed into Earth.

But there are much bigger asteroids out there, such as 4179 Toutatis, a 3-mile-wide behemoth that's in the process of flying by Earth now. Toutatis will remain 4.3 million miles away during its closest approach Wednesday morning, but it may come closer on future passes.

Toutatis would inflict devastating damage if it slammed into Earth, perhaps extinguishing human civilization. The asteroid thought to have killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago was about 6 miles wide, researchers say.

Follow SPACE.com senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall or SPACE.com @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebook and Google+.

Photos: Asteroids in Deep Space
Asteroid Basics: A Space Rock Quiz
5 Reasons to Care About Asteroids

Copyright 2012 SPACE.com, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Well it did seem like the end to a long wait... I got a raise at work today. I am now paid $12.21 per hour, which isn't strange or scary at all, nope.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Is it just me or are mofos driving like its the last day on earth?

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Is it just me or are mofos driving like its the last day on earth?

I noticed the same thing while driving around today. People were driving like it wasn't raining and the roads were dry. Heh. Fun times!

I could see the frustration on people's faces. Christmas is a pretty stressful time as is, then you throw in all the kooks that think the world is going to end, and there you go.



We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I had to stop watching when he claimed the Mayan pyramids were particle accelerators.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
My purpose built Millennium bunker is 0-2 for the ends of the world now. Good thing it cost so much to build, i didn't have money left to bet on it.


It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

Too soon?

im me

I've been waiting all damn day for some crazy shit to happen... fucking Mayans
Who's a Guy gotta sacrifice to get a proper Armageddon around here
Customer satisfaction sure isn't what it used...
nothing but empty promises......fucking mayans


at this point i wish some shit would happen, atleast then one of these motherfuckers would be right about something and things can get a lil interesting around here.

if the end does come what is anyone gonna do? what bunker is gonna protect anyone from liquid hot magma? and then again what is supposed to happen (and i say "is" because theres always another jackass with another date somewhere, you know its true!) actually? is the earth gonna implode/explode/sucked into a blackhole/invaded by extraterrestrials? i mean exactly what? hit by a meteor?

anyway, if something does happen and i cant get back on line, ima miss you guys.

and where the fuck are the zombies supposed to be and how are they to come about exactly? any of you doom prepper whack jobs out there care to elaborate on any of this?


I've been waiting all damn day for some crazy shit to happen... fucking Mayans
Who's a Guy gotta sacrifice to get a proper Armageddon around here
Customer satisfaction sure isn't what it used...
nothing but empty promises......fucking mayans
i so fucking agree! c'mon man bring on the madness!

im me

I was looking forward to the anarchy had a nice spot picked out overlooking the city favorite lawnchair
shitload of weed what a fucking rip off....


riddle me this

why would an ancient civilization even consider the fact the world would end? They lived in a paradise and had no notion of an end of the world. They lived their lives in cycles, and this was the end of one.

To think that just one day everything will end is laughable, even in a nuclear war there will be lots of life that goes on, including us

To think that anyone would sit down and write out a calendar for the rest of humanity is also a bit FAR FETCHED to say the least. Are we pissed cause these people didn't make a calendar that lasted forever can't we be glad they gave us everything they did?

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