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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏


Oh ok. got it. My local weather man is lying about the weather in the predictions to coverup the global conspiracy of the reptilian class to create the weather.

...I know that's not what you meant either, but saying that the govt. is the only organization that knows how to model weather is just an absolutely ridiculous idea to me.


Kiss My Ring
Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails (Revised)

Posted on July 28, 2010 by Rady | 151 Comments

Sept. 2011 UPDATE: Chemtrails among Project Censored’s Top 10 most censored stories in 2011, featuring this article. Buy the Book: Censored 2012.

A review of “CASE ORANGE: Contrail Science, Its Impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted by the United States and Its Allies”

By Rady Ananda
COTO Report

At an international symposium held in Ghent, Belgium May 28-30, 2010, scientists asserted that “manipulation of climate through modification of Cirrus clouds is neither a hoax nor a conspiracy theory.” It is “fully operational” with a solid sixty-year history. Though “hostile” environmental modification was banned by UN Convention in 1978, its “friendly” use today is being hailed as the new savior to climate change and to water and food shortages. Military forces stand poised to capitalize on controlling the world’s weather.

“In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.”

~World Meteorological Organization, 2007

Rainmaker Charles Hatfield, in 1915, destroyed much of San Diego.

The only conspiracy surrounding geoengineering is that most governments and industry refuse to publicly admit what anyone with eyes can see. Peer-reviewed research is available to anyone willing and able to maneuver the labyrinth of scientific journals. So, while there is some disclosure on the topic, full public explanation is lacking. A brief list of confirmed cloud seeding events is produced at bottom, starting in 1915.

Going under a variety of names – atmospheric geoengineering, weather modification, solar radiation management, chemical buffering, cloud seeding, weather force multiplication – toxic aerial spraying is popularly known as chemtrails. However, this is merely one technique employed to modify weather. The practice of environmental modification is vast and well funded.

Hosted by the Belfort Group, which has been working for the last seven years to raise public awareness of toxic aerial spraying, the Symposium included chemtrail awareness groups from Greece, Germany, Holland, France and the U.S. Belfort published five videos covering only May 29,[1] when filmmaker Michael Murphy (Environmental Deception and What in the world are they spraying)[2] and aerospace engineer Dr. Coen Vermeeren [3] gave the most dramatic presentations.

Dr Vermeeren, of the Delft University of Technology, presented [4] a 300-page scientific report entitled, “CASE ORANGE: Contrail Science, Its Impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted by the United States and Its Allies.” [5]

Case Orange notes it was prepared for the Belfort Group by a team of scientists but presented anonymously. It was sent to embassies, news organizations and interested groups around the world “to force public debate.”

The report spends some time on HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, [6] which is a military endeavor focused on manipulation of the ionosphere, magnetosphere and atmosphere, and on other exotic weapon systems that manipulate the environment. While related, they go beyond this discussion of chemtrails.

In the interest of brevity, the health and environmental implications of cloud seeding is not discussed in any depth herein. Case Orange does go into it, as did most of the speakers at the Belfort Symposium. Cursory research reveals a debate among researchers as to chemtrail toxicity, but whether that’s a 50-50 or 99-1 argument is unknown.

Contrails Are Chemtrails

Case Orange rejects use of the term ‘chemtrails’ because it is associated with amateur conspiracy theorists. The only credible document it could find that uses it is the Space Preservation Act of 2001 introduced by U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-OH). [7] H.R. 2977 sought to ban the use of exotic weapon systems that would damage climate, weather, tectonic and biological systems. “Chemtrails” are specifically listed. Though later removed, no version of the bill ever became law.

Instead, the writers prefer the term ‘persistent contrails’ to describe the phenomenon since all contrails are chemtrails. ‘Persistent contrails’ distinguishes those that contain weather-altering additives from those that represent normal aircraft exhaust that dissipates after a few seconds or minutes.

Case Orange also rejects misanthropic intentions behind persistent contrails on the assumptions that 1) public health agencies have the public interest at heart; and 2) the economy is consumer driven. The authors indicate no awareness of numerous reports of collusion between the pharmaceutical industry and government health agencies. This year, a significant conflict-of-interest report appeared in the prestigious British Medical Journal, which further heightened suspicions that the H1N1 flu and its vaccines were a scam.[8] Nor do the authors consider that sick people will spur economic growth in a capitalist (for profit) health system.

Dr. Vermeeren gave his own introductory remarks and conclusions, but spent the bulk of the hour presenting information from Case Orange. He frankly admitted the existence of persistent contrails.

“We also know that chemtrails do exist because we do spraying; for crops, for example, and we know that they have been spraying for military purposes. So, chemtrails is nothing new. We know about it.”

LISTEN TO Dr Coen Vermeeren Symposium speech, Afternoon Part 1 video, (starting at about 35 mins.) http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/7299427

DOWNLOAD the “CASE ORANGE” Report (PDF without appendices)

“Weather manipulation through contrail formation … is in place and fully operational.”

Case Orange cites publicly available material that shows geoengineering has been ongoing for “at least 60 years.” Used as a weapon of war in Hamburg by the UK during World War II, it was also used in the Vietnam Conflict by the US. Controversy over its use, revealed by investigative reporter Jack Anderson, spurred Senate hearings in 1972. During those hearings, military officials denied the use of cloud seeding technology. Later, a private letter from Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird surfaced, admitting that his testimony was false. He, again unbelievably, claimed he didn’t know what was happening. [9]

Environmental modification (EnMod) weaponry was finally banned by treaty in 1978. The UN Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques forced the end of such programs, overtly anyway.[10] (Case Orange authors seem unaware of this international ban, as it is one of their recommendations.)

However, with widespread reporting of rising global temperatures, increasing population, and degradation of water supplies, renewed interest in EnMod is now becoming broadly supported. (See, e.g., Top economists recommend climate engineering, 4 Sep 2009 [11] and similarly, Top science body calls for geoengineering ‘plan B’, 1 Sep 2009.[12])

The crew in Operation Stormfury in 1963. Note the special belly on the Douglas DC6-B for cloud seeding purposes. (From Case Orange)

Building a case for old technology finding a new market, Case Orange discusses several U.S. patents. For example, authors describe a 1975 patent, “Powder Contrail Generation,” [13] for the invention of a:

“specific contrail generation apparatus for producing a powder contrail having maximum radiation scattering ability for a given weight [of] material. The seeding material … consists of 85% metallic particles and 15% colloidal Silica and Silica gel in order to produce a stable contrail that has a residence period of 1 up to 2 weeks.”

In 2009, researchers published “Modification of Cirrus clouds to reduce global warming,” which proposed two methods of delivery for this same proportion of metallics to silica and the same staying power of one to two weeks.[14]

Case Orange also reveals a 1991 patent held by Hughes Aircraft Company [15] that:

“contains 18 claims to reduce global warming through stratospheric seeding with aluminum oxide… thorium oxide … and refractory Welsbach material ….”

The report notes that “the proposed scenario by the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] in 2001 is identical to the claims” in Hughes Aircraft’s 1991 patent. Hughes was acquired by Raytheon, a private defense contractor, in 1997, “the same company that acquired E-systems and the HAARP contract.”

Case Orange presents evidence that Raytheon stands to control all weather, which the authors find repugnant given that it is a private corporation...


Kiss My Ring
Rothschild’s, And The Geoengineering Empire

November 13, 2012 5 Comments

Why would the Rothschild’s be so interested in owning the largest and most recognized weather modeling organization out there? Why would E.L. Rothschild LLC wish to have the controlling interest in the worlds leading provider of interactive weather graphics and data services for television, web, and mobil? Because when you are involved in climate decimating geoengineering programs, you must also control the “forecast” models to cover your tracks.

The scope and scale of the global spraying of our skies can hardly be comprehended. SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) and SRM (solar radiation management). The massive web of supporting structures for these programs is mind bending. What is even more difficult to understand is how all of this happens in plain sight, and almost none seem to connect the dots.

Defense contractor “Raytheon” does all the “forecast” modeling for the National Weather Service and NOAA. Lockheed Martin does the modeling for the FAA. Since both of these private defense contractors are up to there necks in weather modification patents and programs, the “forecasts” are more or less the “scheduled” weather. Now, with the Rothschild’s acquisition of the dominant private modeling organization, the control of weather “modeling” seems complete. This control of “forecasts” and “graphics” provides for the constant visual conditioning that makes the population more likely to accept the constant spraying and manipulation of our weather as “normal”. When the nightly weather “forecast animation” matches what the public sees in the sky, right down to the upper level “haze” or “overcast” from the constant spraying, all seems to correlate, so nothing more is questioned. When the “forecasters” predict a hurricane will make an unprecedented 90 degree turn, and it does, nothing seems wrong. When they say there will be “heavy wet snow” at 40+ degrees, and there is, all appears OK. The global elites have, it seems, “covered all the bases”.



Kiss My Ring

High-Power Microwave Directed Energy Weapons Program

What Is It?

ONR’s High-Power Microwave Program will be aimed at delivering a new means for engaging and neutralizing various hostile targets in the maritime domain by utilizing high-power microwaves in a directed RF field. This technology provides a Maritime Dominance function.

How Does It Work?

High-power microwaves transmit high levels of energy via concentrated radio waves. These radio waves interact with various electronic and sensor materials to cause physical damage to the electronics or produce upset to sensitive components, like guidance systems.

What Will It Accomplish?

ONR’s High-Power Microwave Program seeks to develop new technologies (through BA.1, 2 and 3 activities) to engage and neutralize various hostile targets in maritime domain by utilizing high power microwaves in a directed Rf field. Much of the specifics of the work underway is classified and can only be discussed at the appropriate security levels for the technology.

Microwaves have been under investigation since their introduction and use in communication systems in the late 1960s. The Office of Naval Research (ONR), together with the Naval Research Laboratory, has been involved with technologies related to various concepts of high-power microwaves since then. High-power microwave technologies could be used in U.S. Navy operations under all shipboard conditions.

Typical ranges were limited due to high-clutter environments and low-power projectors with large angles of regard (or projection, noted often as “side lobes”). Development of newer and more compact high-power microwave sources and innovative antennas could have a game-changing capability to extend the current performance range.

ONR will begin investigating and developing multiple technologies for potential airborne and surface applications. Studies will include various modeling of effects to address concerns for human safety as well as total systems integration with existing platforms.

Technologies being investigated will focus on efforts to provide operational effectiveness against various weapons, C4I and sensor systems to deliver a “destructive” capability within a unique maritime environment.

Specifics on the work related to warfighter payoff of HPM systems can only be discussed at the appropriate security levels for the technology. However technical discussions at an unclassifed level are encouraged and ONR Program Offi cers will consider other venues for continued discussions at a later time and place, as appropriate, and convienent to all parties who would be involved.

edit: wow, they just described HAARP...


Case orange, an anonymously written pile of...conjecture, to put it nicely. It's weird that a "scientific" paper completely fails at the scientific method. I saw that chembusters were on sale at the symposium though. Could be a cool piece of folk art.

post#328 demonstrates a clear lack of reading comprehension on your part. Maybe you just skimmed over it.

guy fawkes

Active member
the sky over north england is covered in chemtrails now but was clear when i got up, just happen we have a severe weather warning for next few days .

guy fawkes

Active member
there is so much proof out there for those will to open there mind and look, going back 5 years i thought it was all BS to but ive seen it with my own eyes


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Its obvious to anyone who looks into laser and other directed energy weapons that they are real. I think we can all agree on this?

What they are doing to their targets is at their most basic level is heating something. The more energy = more heat.

I think it is beyond plausible that this is what took down the twin towers for starters see Dr Judy Wood:

Have you heard of Dr. Judy Wood? Did you know she has been researching 9/11 since 2001 and has already filed several law suits against NIST's contractors for science fraud, and legal requests that NIST's fraudulent data gets reexamined? Dr. Judy Wood has received more than one threat due to the research she has done and the evidence she has gathered, and one of her students was also murdered in 2006. Surprisingly, Dr. Judy Wood is the only 9/11 researcher who has submitted evidence to the courts in pursuit of the truth.

I. In 2007, Dr. Judy Wood filed several legal cases against the corporations NIST had contracted to conduct the 9/11 "investigations", many of which are military / defense / weapons organizations involved in Directed Energy research (huge conflict-of-interest). The filings in these legal cases included Requests For Corrections (RFC) based on the Data Quality Act, and Qui Tam whistle-blower cases. One of her legal cases made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in October of 2009. She has been actively pursuing 9/11 Truth with her lawyer, despite the lack of support she has received from Dr. Steven Jones and other members of the 9/11 Truth community. The legal documents from her court cases can be viewed at the following links:

1. http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/NIST/NIST_RFC.html
2. http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/NIST/Qui_Tam_Wood.shtml

II. Dr. Judy Wood has collected an overwhelming amount of evidence which suggests that a Directed Energy Weapon of some kind was used to powderize ('dustify') the primary steel and concrete portions of the WTC buildings, while burning and bending aluminum, yet leaving paper and many other materials unharmed. These characteristics are matched by those of "The Hutchison Effect", and are the result of "field effects" and energy interference. John Hutchison has filed an affidavit in Dr. Wood's court case, to legally testify to the numerous similarities between The Hutchison Effect and the 9/11 attacks.

III. Dr. Judy Wood received her B.S. (Civil Engineering, 1981) (Structural Engineering), M.S. (Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), 1983), and Ph.D. (Materials Engineering Science, 1992) from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Her dissertation involved the development of an experimental method to measure thermal stresses in bi-material joints. She has taught courses including: Experimental Stress Analysis, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials (Strength of Materials), Strength of Materials Testing.

1. Dr. Judy Wood, Ph.D - 'The New Hiroshima' Presentation (Part 1): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzSN7dKSAaM
2. Dr. Judy Wood's evidence-packed website: http://www.drjudywood.com/wtc
3. A very important, related website: http://www.checktheevidence.com

IV. Here are some very important video documentaries discussing the reality of The Hutchison Effect and other suppressed technologies, such as Cold Fusion, Anti-Gravity, and Military Energy Weapon Technology, which are related to 9/11:

1. John Hutchison & The Hutchison Effect (Documentary | 68mins): http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=5866006842090712676
2. Heavy Watergate: The Cold Fusion Cover Up (Documentary | 45mins): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6562030534380820378
3. Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZKTA7nx8U
4. Colonel Tom Bearden on Military Energy Weapon Technology (1985) similar to The Hutchison Effect: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MovpYUD7fTY
5. What Turned The Twin Towers To DUST on 9/11? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGXDmNZCeKo

So if you can direct enough energy to vaporize a large portion of a skyscraper you can surely heat enough water to feed into a storm cloud. The concept is simple.

I just ask that people look into Tesla (Neon lamp, Induction motor, Wireless telegraphy Tesla coil, Alternating current, Remote control) and realise he was doing his thing in 1900.

Then think what we might be capable of 100 years + later. :smoke:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You did read these patents didn't you LOL let me pull one out for you just incase you missed it:
" Defense System For Discriminating Between Objects In Space"

What EXACTLY do YOU think they mean here lol.....
It's shrouded in far too much secrecy for this to be good!
He who contols the weather controls the world and all it's commodities make no mistake about this. I know you like to play the devils advocate but this is too much info for them not to be fucking around with it. I guess it's good you trust your Gov.this much,, I personally DO NOT lol . As far as using the weapons on it's own ppl your kidding right?If the USA cared about it's citizens then you would not send your young bright men and women to WARS!!!! WTF? More soldiers KILLED themselves from Vietnam then died in it! That's a fact that the US was aware of and couldn't give two shits about!
Trying to force democracy down others throats when you don't have it yourself is paramount to one of the biggest fuck ups the US has ever made.imvho stay safe headband 707

stay safe headband 707::smoker:

Wow, just wow, do you get any exercise other then jumping to conclusions? First of all I'm not playing Devils advocate, to do that I would have to believe HAARP is a weather weapon but still argue that it isn't for the sake of debate. Second, just because I don't believe HAARP is a weather weapon doesn't mean I trust the government. Our Government can't even balance a fucking budget or figure out how to stop going deeper in debt and yet you want me to believe they can create and steer hurricanes and that their first use of such an ability is to use it on it's own people when there are nearby hostile targets that would be so much better to test it on.

Then to counter my suggestion they wouldn't test it on their own people like that you talk about how we send people to war? I mean wtf, that's a totally incoherent arguement. The people we've sent to war recently were volunteers, people who joined the military knowing they might see combat duty. If they joined not knowing that then they were not as bright as you seem to think. As for Vietnam, the reason more soldiers killed themselves afterwards was because of the totally fucked in the head way the public treated them when they came back from fighting a war most of them were forced to fight via the draft. Imagine being thrown into a hell hole against your will and having to compromise most if not all of your moral values just to survive and make it home only to find the people of your own country branding you as baby killers and refusing to hire you or provide you the same things as everyone else simply because they think you might be too dangerous to be around after you survived the hell hole you were thrown into. IT wasn't just the US government that treated Vietnam vets badly it was ALL OF THE US, government and citizens. It's only been in the past few years that we've started to recognize what a raw deal those vets got and begun to take baby steps towards treating them how they should have been treated from day one of thier return. Regardless though none of that supports the arguement that we would steer a hurricane into one of the most populated cities in the world just to supposedly test the weapon you believe created the hurricane.

Yes we've tested weapons and shit on our own people but never like that, never with them being totally unaware that a test was being done. Hell the reason LSD became as popular as it did was partially due to Government testing of it being done on volunteers like Ken Kesey. Who then took it and formed the Merry Pranksters and began doing the Electric Koolaid Acid Test around the country.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
hempcat...where's your scientific proof this isn't happpening?

you admit to the capabilities and the tech yet you doubt someone who would think this stuff up wouldn't use it for the purpose it was invented for???

patents were granted for these technologies. US Patents aren't granted to theories...

"The patent law specifies that the subject matter must be “useful.” The term “useful” in this connection refers to the condition that the subject matter has a useful purpose and also includes operativeness, that is, a machine which will not operate to perform the intended purpose would not be called useful, and therefore would not be granted a patent."

Where's your scientific proof it is happening? I came into this with no preconcieved notions, I looked at the stuff you guys are putting up as "proof" only to find that it's not proof at all but conjecture and speculation whose most supportive arguement is that in the past the US Government did fucked up things to people so therefore they must still be doing fucked up things to people.

I hate to piss in your wheaties pal but that ain't proof and it's no where near scientific. When you go around making claims there is this evil conspiracy against most of mankind the burden is on you to prove it, not on everyone else to disprove it.


Active member
Our Government can't even balance a fucking budget or figure out how to stop going deeper in debt and yet you want me to believe they can create and steer hurricanes and that their first use of such an ability is to use it on it's own people when there are nearby hostile targets that would be so much better to test it on.

This is exactly what I feared. You seem to have a very false picture of what is really going on, you need some in-depth brain-unwashing ASAP.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Problem is Hempkat doesn't understand the mindset of the people who could do such things.They're absolute sociopaths.

No the mindset I don't understand is that of people like you who read speculation and see fact simply because they want to believe that the world is the way it is because of evil conspiracies.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What is it that you think this means? Where does that say anything about haarp or manipulating weather?

Are we reading the same thing?

He's making the connection to Raytheon because Raytheon is seen by most people as a defense contractor. Therefore if Raytheon is involved it must be for the purpose of creating a weapon. What most people are unaware of though is that companies like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin are not just defense contractors.

It might surprise alot of people to know that one of the things that has boosted Lockheed Martin's stocks alot in the past 10 years is their developement of the systems used around the nation now to take pictures of the license plates of cars that run red lights.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This is exactly what I feared. You seem to have a very false picture of what is really going on, you need some in-depth brain-unwashing ASAP.

Who are you to judge what I need and don't need? You must fancy yourself to be the Grand Exalted Foil Hat of the loyal order of Foil Hats.

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