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Greyskull The Upcountry Country Grower


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
hey heres some dry shots i took and uploaded
i thought i uploaded them hahahaha



Valley OG Kush



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor


and the jars together hanging out while there was still buds in them

Old Soul

Active member
Looking loverly bro. I need to get back to Maui, need a break from the mainland madness. lol So of the strains you grow which one is your go to?


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the kind words all
What my go to bud...
Valley OG
Well, yeah if theres x number of full jars OG is the one Id love to pull every time. Thats probably why its always empty first.

Cruised to town last night w a 3' bag w me. Haha. I should get a dc converter...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Hey flyinhawaiian!
A homie set me up w the grape romulan when i first got on island but i wasnt firing right my indoor room was jacked blah blah blah. BUT... a kick ass lil birdie told me last night it looked into a crystal ball and saw some cool things in the future like grape rom on maui
Well see but im pretty excited.

Im gonna do what i can to ensure Maui/Hawaii is now gonna be on the cutting edge of current elites for the rest of my days here. Pretty cool stuff... I just want the best plants growing in the best place.

As for the groms taste... Iv always thought welchs grape....

Things are just coming into focus...

Old Soul

Active member
lol when I had my volcano I had a dc converter and cruised everywhere with that thing in the back seat filling up bags. Man, what memories. lol Sounds like you will be keeping the islands very happy bro, respect.
Yoooo. That volcano bag kicks ass bro. Made it to ace and scored on the 20% deal. I got both gallon tiger bloom and grow big. Just forgot all the dosages you said cuz I got high. Hahaha. Thanks for stopping by.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Bandit you the man
Sorry i didnt get back to you about piggybacking at ace
I went up to uncles across the way lost track of time and was dealing w some kids wanting to go movie. Yeah.

Hooefully ill find where yall are st tonight for the big supper
Very interesting thread, my grow is at 9,500 ft, indoors, yours at sea level, outside... worlds apart! Someday I want to retire in Hawaii, my most favorite place on earth, visited 3 times, Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii (Big Island), and I have been a lot of places... I'll look you up in 20 years! Gonna take me some time to read the whole thread, but Mahalo!
sup dude.
i hate to tell you this, but i don't even have any of the seeds i made. i sent in like 1000 of the cross. and i gifted a bunch to folks. but fuck if i didnt give away my own archive pack too. im fucking retarded hahahaha

Regarding the Greyskull Madness x Raspberry Kush cross... I will definitely post up some pics of mine when that time comes. I've had some Vegin under T5s for a couple months now. We will definitely get there.


Active member
I know for a fact when he hits his stride things get realllllll good. looking forward to seeing what he comes up with in about 4 months,


How did I miss this!? Awesome! Awesome! Awesome Greyskull! Valley OG island style! I bet that tastes amazing!

I have to make it out to Hawaii now. Thanks a lot Greyskull! :tongue:

I know if I go, I'll never leave hehe. Perfect weather, beautiful surf, coral reefs, tourist women that are bored easily and need local private tours and some of the best pot on Earth. I think Hawaii was taken from some alien planet and set down here on Earth, cause there is no way that its from this planet!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
shit man those are some nice jars there.
i go for the og first too

i will be on maui from 12-6 through 12-12 for my birthday this year. b day is 15th but still cant beat that present. looking forward to playing on your island
Dude can't pm back yet. But definitely the new blood sounds mean. Good to have u in the hood hahaha. Tasting all these killer strains. See u pau Hana.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Very interesting thread, my grow is at 9,500 ft, indoors, yours at sea level, outside... worlds apart! Someday I want to retire in Hawaii, my most favorite place on earth, visited 3 times, Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii (Big Island), and I have been a lot of places... I'll look you up in 20 years! Gonna take me some time to read the whole thread, but Mahalo!

if you read the whole thing try not to mind the grammitical errors. theyre pretty abundant. lol
i hope im still here in 20 years
meaning i hope i dont get kicked off the island hahaha

Regarding the Greyskull Madness x Raspberry Kush cross... I will definitely post up some pics of mine when that time comes. I've had some Vegin under T5s for a couple months now. We will definitely get there.


awesome brother it sounds like you are hitting your stride bro! take, care, aloha!

well im trying to get the hitch out of my get-a-long.... if that gives me a rhythmic stride, then fuck yeah!!!!!!!
we'll see what happens.

thanks for staying tuned

I know for a fact when he hits his stride things get realllllll good. looking forward to seeing what he comes up with in about 4 months,

i like the way you think homie!

How did I miss this!? Awesome! Awesome! Awesome Greyskull! Valley OG island style! I bet that tastes amazing!

I have to make it out to Hawaii now. Thanks a lot Greyskull! :tongue:

I know if I go, I'll never leave hehe. Perfect weather, beautiful surf, coral reefs, tourist women that are bored easily and need local private tours and some of the best pot on Earth. I think Hawaii was taken from some alien planet and set down here on Earth, cause there is no way that its from this planet!

yeah its a pretty magical place to be.
i am very blessed to be able to do what i do where i am.
i spent the morning yesterday stand up paddling and snorkling in Wailea. but i need to get more into the outdoor/upcountry stuff - hunting and camping and hiking.
i have some good friends that are masters of the mountain... itd be great if i could hike out of a gulch with a dead boar on my back backpack style. one day im sure....

so i priced the upgrade for my garden.... basicaly doubling up the kennel action w a redesigned roof yadda yadda yadda. gonna cost me about 850 in parts. 300 for the kennel, 200 for the poly panels, 120 for wood.... in the end though the garden cage will be 6x20x6 super secure and hopefully ready to go for the next decade + of cannabis grows. its not quite diy but not quite out of the box either... im working my way to diy maybe one day hahahahaha


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
sirsmok mauis the place to recharge
killer bday indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bandit no worries man
im just glad you can read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
new blood welcomed into the garden today

ic's gsc
phenos 2&4 chemsisxsourdubb
grape romulan
triangle kush

heard from a birdie that the legendary blood weed will be making a visit, too.

808 is loaded

thanks for all the help everybody who has contributed to the cause

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