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Living organic soil from start through recycling

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Neo 420

Active member
Phew..Just got done. I more day and I am done. Here is the total for today.

My arms are tired so I will puff on a couple and call it a night. Will post tutorial tomorrow...


Neo 420

We just harvested a cycle and it is the finest buds that I've grown in my career and I would include the years in the Ortega area of OC growing Thai landrace seeds in the 70's.

Everything clicked on this flip - no PM or Spider mites and I still don't know what a 'fungal gnat' is and probably never will.



Neo 420

Active member
Neo 420

We just harvested a cycle and it is the finest buds that I've grown in my career and I would include the years in the Ortega area of OC growing Thai landrace seeds in the 70's.

Everything clicked on this flip - no PM or Spider mites and I still don't know what a 'fungal gnat' is and probably never will.


I think I am beginning to understand you CC.. I gotcha!!..LOL



Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
This is my no-till bed on its first run. 3 Bubblicious.

And today:

This is the 3rd or maybe 4th run with Ice on the left and Reclining Buddah x Grapefruit on the right. I did a nice long veg this time and started with lots of seedlings. Its now 5 plants in there.

I added a pvc water pipe with holes drilled all over to increase the air to the rootzone.

This is going to get a few blumats added next time and then its party time. Watering is the biggest issue as it does get dry spots real easy and is very thirsty.

I did have to pull out half the medium before this run to properly saturate as its about 50% coco. Apart from that its been no-till and quite a few topdressings.

I can now add a full watering can with hardly any runoff.



Active member

I really like that bed. I'm suspicious though, that a healthy living soil will start digesting that pine lumber where it touches. I hope I am wrong. Maybe wrapping the 2x4s in plastic sheet of some kind would prevent that. Maybe I shouldn't post when I am high.


I hear ya CC, I harvest once a week, and the quality has just been the best I have ever seen. Flavor, smell, crystal coverage, greasyness, they have it all. Mites are going away with the cooler temps, and the next month looks like it is going to be epic..

I stopped spraying with neem and added lemon basil, dill, and cilantro to my rooms. Those plants are supposed to attract beneficial insects. I feel like the neem was killing more predators than mites.. The herbs were also growing in ROLS outside all summer, so they have plenty of bugs on em, not sure exactly what they are. One has green dots and little marvin the martian spikes on it's back, if nothing else they look cool! I haven't seen any more damage yet, so we will see. The mites might have just gone dormant for the winter though...


Neo 420

We just harvested a cycle and it is the finest buds that I've grown in my career and I would include the years in the Ortega area of OC growing Thai landrace seeds in the 70's.

Everything clicked on this flip - no PM or Spider mites and I still don't know what a 'fungal gnat' is and probably never will.



Good to hear my brother! keep growing keep smoking.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
The frame of that bed is hardwood so it wont rot easily. There are however thin pine flat bits to take the weight off the bottom so if anything goes it will be that. But the soil doesnt actually touch the wood and the fabric landscaping material is very strong.

I did try putting a rope through the whole thing alongside the pvc and had the end in water containers. It didnt wick a drop however (i suspect it was too dry when inserted) and was pulled out.

So the fabric is ripped on the side but it could easily last another year or two.

I am thinking of a similar design but instead of making one whole 'bag' by stitching it together i am going to staple the sides and bottoms on seperately as single pieces. But still stapled onto the inside of the frame so no wood is touching the medium. Being on wheels makes it a breeze to move around and the tray on the bottom mops up any drips... of which there aint too many :D


Active member
Silver has always displayed great ingenuity and craftmanship. Remember the OBBT? You were building great stuff back then too.

Speaking of fabric containers, I am really digging my Geo Pots. 7 gallon pots running right now. Fabric pots seem like a fitting companion for living soil
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Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Cheers rrog and crew.

I sure remember the OBBT (biobox) :smoke:

I helped my mate make one out of a decent sized plastic crate and a tiny air pump. It worked really well and outgrew his others no worries!

Yeah i love this material and its super cheap and tough. The material itself is probably 'breathing' enough without the airpipe but i like it.

Now i just need to hook up my growroom to the main water supply and i can plug in my blumats. :rasta:



The woman featured is Dr. Vandana Shiva who hold two PhD - physics and philosophy. It was her organization that successfully fought W.R. Grace over their attempt to grab the neem tree industry in India. The case went all the way the the World Court in The Hague.

She's a remarkable woman......


The woman featured is Dr. Vandana Shiva who hold two PhD - physics and philosophy. It was her organization that successfully fought W.R. Grace over their attempt to grab the neem tree industry in India. The case went all the way the the World Court in The Hague.

She's a remarkable woman......


She also appears in the documentary The Corporation where she gives an empassioned analysis of 'terminator seed' technology that actually brought tears to my eyes on more than one viewing.


Gone but NOT forgotten...

The woman featured is Dr. Vandana Shiva who hold two PhD - physics and philosophy. It was her organization that successfully fought W.R. Grace over their attempt to grab the neem tree industry in India. The case went all the way the the World Court in The Hague.

She's a remarkable woman......

When I first thought of the Kali Mist x Burmese/Cherry Bomb combo....I knew Vandana Shiva was the right name for the cross....so all you kids w/the beans...lets get crackin and find some momma's...I've got a few up and grabbing light.

Why not name a mind blowing sativa after her........ya' know maybe raise a little awareness to who the woman actually is and what her cause for the big picture is.
When I first thought of the Kali Mist x Burmese/Cherry Bomb combo....I knew Vandana Shiva was the right name for the cross....so all you kids w/the beans...lets get crackin and find some momma's...I've got a few up and grabbing light.

Why not name a mind blowing sativa after her........ya' know maybe raise a little awareness to who the woman actually is and what her cause for the big picture is.

That's actually a fuckin awesome idea! (As a guy who doesn't have any of the beans, I guess that's easy for me to say)


When I first thought of the Kali Mist x Burmese/Cherry Bomb combo....I knew Vandana Shiva was the right name for the cross....so all you kids w/the beans...lets get crackin and find some momma's...I've got a few up and grabbing light.

ill snap a few shots of me progress
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