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High CBD strains, gotta have em!



Just picked up some of these beans. CBD is very high and THC pretty low, might be a very good therapeutic option.


Ok, ran a few more. I've got to say, the extra money is giving back in the quality of the plates in the Cannatest Mini Lab, they are all flawless until I mar them. Lane 1(S2) and 2(S1) are the freebie Original Haze x Skunk #1. S1 looks like the highest CBD so far, falowed very closely by the Medikush2 (KushAge) from the last run, and then Medikush 4 and 3 (K4 and K3) in lanes 3 and 4. Lane 5 (G) is a "weed" from the compost pile:gift: I've been nibbling at for juice till I can get some more oil. It was from some outside stuff last year I imagine, has fat indi leaves and kind of purple. Thought maybe, since it must have been pollinated by feral hemp it could have been a good one. The high CBC level in it makes me suspect it was a cross with Lifesaver in the mix because of the blueberry in it. By the way, Lifesaver x MasterKush (MasterSaver) made some of the strongest dope I've ever had, but also some of the most harsh.:comfort: So if that's what it is, it will stay a juicer only.


I should add too that lane 5 (G) is only just starting to flower. Don't know if the CBC spot will grow or shrink but that THC spot should get much bigger. Also, they are all heated, and although I will be utilizing the none heated acid forms, I can see the CBD more in a heated plate.


Finally! :woohoo:
Got more than just some CBD :jump::groupwave:
In the first lane (D1) is wild growing indica looking plant that was early and fully seeded. Lane 2 (Bk) is a vegetating pre98 Bubba-kush, Lanes 3 4 and 5 are 1 month old Z7's. I use twice the amount called for on young plants as I'm not looking for accuracy here just the ratio, which will stay the same through its life. More quantity but same ratio. So it looks like 2 out of 3 of the Z7 so far are close to 1:1 ratio THC:CBD.:yay: 3 more Z7 and a CBD-Crew outdoor mix to test next. I almost did a dance like the little blue dude up there, and hope to again next round. I will redo these again when they are done too, but for now I know where to concentrate.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
I smoked a strain called lemon remedy from harborside the other day which was really nice. it was 10% cbd


Was it high THC or do you know? I don't know if I've ever had anything with that much CBD or not.:thinking: Maybe DumpTruck from a few years back. Might explain a few things.


So did you ever try chemotherapy? How did that work out for ya? ............ Didn't cure ya, did it?........

Which brings me to a little bit of factoid. A fella called Max Gerson. MD, testified before Congress in 1946 that he had a cure for cancer, bringing with him some of the folks he had cured. That testimony was expunged from the Congressional records by the powers that be.

Do you ever wonder what the real reason our govt will not allow research into the medicinal effects of cannabis? The powers that be: drug co's, ama, big oil, etc stand to lose much of their wealth because there is no profit in a plant that heals people --- in their minds. The money to be made is in stringing sick folks along--- in their minds.

"To thy patient, do no harm." ----The powers that be are responsible for the deaths of countless millions that would've made Hitler blush with envy.....just to line their pockets.......Tell me that we just didn't come down from the trees!

Do yourself a favor and read up on the "Gerson Therapy". From the little I gather, juicing FRESH, ORGANIC, fruits and vegetables is all the food and medicine a body really needs to cure itself..........by restoring its own defenses. And coffee enemas ----
Don't laugh....... not only have some severe cases of cancer been cured but many of the cured have gone on to live way beyond the average human lifespan.

Thing is I kinda suspect that juicing (high CBD) cannabis leaves (and oil) may be the holy grail to cure a lot of ailments as well as just juicing in general. But I ain't no doctor but I will not be lied to as most of them have been.

"To thy own patient, do no harm"


I am becoming more convinced every day that there is more in ALL cannabis that is medically important. Even in the water solubles. Which one is most important is relative to the condition. Even cancers are different from each other in what is going to be affective, but so far the CBD seems to be the ticket for the general "cure/tonic" for almost everything. There was a study I read about from the University of Iowa conducting a study in Jamaica on child birth and cannabis tea. These plants are full of goodness we don't even understand yet. I'm so glad so glad CBDs are being looked at more closely, just in time for me. :D

So did you ever try chemotherapy? How did that work out for ya? ............ Didn't cure ya, did it?........

Which brings me to a little bit of factoid. A fella called Max Gerson. MD, testified before Congress in 1946 that he had a cure for cancer, bringing with him some of the folks he had cured. That testimony was expunged from the Congressional records by the powers that be.

Do you ever wonder what the real reason our govt will not allow research into the medicinal effects of cannabis? The powers that be: drug co's, ama, big oil, etc stand to lose much of their wealth because there is no profit in a plant that heals people --- in their minds. The money to be made is in stringing sick folks along--- in their minds.

"To thy patient, do no harm." ----The powers that be are responsible for the deaths of countless millions that would've made Hitler blush with envy.....just to line their pockets.......Tell me that we just didn't come down from the trees!

Do yourself a favor and read up on the "Gerson Therapy". From the little I gather, juicing FRESH, ORGANIC, fruits and vegetables is all the food and medicine a body really needs to cure itself..........by restoring its own defenses. And coffee enemas ----
Don't laugh....... not only have some severe cases of cancer been cured but many of the cured have gone on to live way beyond the average human lifespan.

Thing is I kinda suspect that juicing (high CBD) cannabis leaves and canna oil may just be the holy grail cure to a lot of ailments as well as just juicing in general. But I ain't no doctor but I will not be lied to as most of them have been.

"To thy own patient, do no harm"


So did you ever try chemotherapy? How did that work out for ya? ............ Didn't cure ya, did it?........

Which brings me to a little bit of factoid. A fella called Max Gerson. MD, testified before Congress in 1946 that he had a cure for cancer, bringing with him some of the folks he had cured. That testimony was expunged from the Congressional records by the powers that be.

Do you ever wonder what the real reason our govt will not allow research into the medicinal effects of cannabis? The powers that be: drug co's, ama, big oil, etc stand to lose much of their wealth because there is no profit in a plant that heals people --- in their minds. The money to be made is in stringing sick folks along--- in their minds.

"To thy patient, do no harm." ----The powers that be are responsible for the deaths of countless millions that would've made Hitler blush with envy.....just to line their pockets.......Tell me that we just didn't come down from the trees!

Do yourself a favor and read up on the "Gerson Therapy". From the little I gather, juicing FRESH, ORGANIC, fruits and vegetables is all the food and medicine a body really needs to cure itself..........by restoring its own defenses. And coffee enemas ----
Don't laugh....... not only have some severe cases of cancer been cured but many of the cured have gone on to live way beyond the average human lifespan.

Thing is I kinda suspect that juicing (high CBD) cannabis leaves (and oil) may be the holy grail to cure a lot of ailments as well as just juicing in general. But I ain't no doctor but I will not be lied to as most of them have been.

"To thy own patient, do no harm"
The Gerson treatment has been very successful in treating certain types of cancers, other types have shown little to no reaction, a famous example would be the case of Johnny Gunter, the basis for the story "Death be not proud". In that case, they seemed to interpret the tumor's own natural cycle of contraction and expansion to be a response to the treatment.

I'd guess that the Gerson treatment would be most effective on cancers which were caused by environmental factors, rather than genetic.


Ok, I'll be doing the outdoor mix and other 3 Z7s next week, can't wait!! Really exited after seeing those orange spots! Which brings me to correct some of my earlier posts. All the previous plates that I thought had a bit of CBD were in fact CBGM instead. It looked orange instead of yellow, but no doubt after seeing it next to CBDs. CBG and CBGM are supposed to be similar in color. Interesting that in the test manual sample chemotype fingerprint profiles, the only one that exhibited CBGM was Ruderalis.

@ Rouge- No, I don't do chemo ;) If I had I would most definitely be dead now. I have a few problems (meds, lung, heart) that would prevent me from surviving "traditional" treatments. I have angiosarcoma which is an insidious bastard that is tough likes to come back too. I have been juicing for a bit but it does nothing to stop or even slow it :( I did get my main juice idea from Gersons protocols (according to Jay Kordich). Cantaloupe with apple or carrot. I add cannabis to it and it acts a bit different from the oil in that it seems to last longer to slow growth for seems like best part of a week with just a couple of doses. This is all with no CBD. I did have some with CBD about two years ago that was FAST and hard on it, completely removed a golf ball sized tumor in just a few weeks. Lots of great info floating around here about terpenes and stuff to maximize the effectiveness of the cannabinoids, but I think the "holy grail" lies in "cocktailing" herbs, oils and CBD cannabis. I have also found though that if I am killing the cancer with cannabis, I can remain in toxic environments, ie- junk "food" and pepsi like it's going out of style. Like I can't ruin the treatment if I try, in Gerson therapy this is imposable because that is the whole basis of it's success. It can shield and protect cells from some damage from chemo and radiation too.


I have been juicing for a bit but it does nothing to stop or even slow it :(
When I say juicing for a bit, the juice that doesn't work (at least noticeably) I meant cannabis free juice, and when I am out of oil I can tell what isn't working for sure. The cannabis juice is as effective as the hash oil but noticeable energy benefits. Also notice more lung improvement with the canna juice. I am hoping that a high CBD juice will get me off some of my heart and lung meds and that alone would give me most of my life back. :)


Alright! I have been waiting to see this much orange!!!:greenstars:
What your looking at here is local ditch weed in lane one. Yup, that's right D1 is ditch weed at about 6% CBD and almost 5% THC. It was fully seeded and finished. All the rest are seedlings with about 6 sets of nodes, and doubled the micro-liters called for. Lane 2, 3, and 4 are Z7's. And lane 5 is the sole surviving CBD-Crew Outdoor Mix out of 5, 3 of them corkscrewed and died and the other got et by a cat:cry:. But it's all good after seeing this! :party:


  • Ditch Z7 Outdoor.jpg
    Ditch Z7 Outdoor.jpg
    50.3 KB · Views: 13


If your looking for a high CBD plant, in the midwest USA we have a plant we call ditchweed.

It is wild hemp full of CBD's and very low in THC, plus the seeds/cuttings are free... Just go to any ditch and pick all you want around September :tiphat:

They're very strong plants, can handle low feeding, hot and cold temps, good in drought or wet conditions... Really really hard to kill! :ying:

I hope this helps :)
Yup, I am blown away!!:tiphat:
As it turns out the ditchweed with 6%CBD/ 5%THC is enough to make HUGE differences in the response of my tumors!! After just two glasses of juice, the whole area is all dark like a tan and hot with no numbness. it's like it's trying to push it out of me, already feels like it's getting smaller. Hell of a time for my camera to go out, I need to document this quick before it goes away! So, I am humbling myself and turning from the chastisement of those that call RSO "hemp" oil, so far it seems to work better than some higher THC oil I've used. I am also seeing a HUGE argument for breading with it now. I am definitely going to be running some more test on some both from the same area and others to see what's up on the ditchweed scene. Should have known by the amount of improvement I got isomerizing that stuff back in high school.

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