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Government WILL Ban Guns Soon....

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09-10-2012, 03:54 AM
Look at history. Time and again the mechanisms of war are no match for the general public in an uproar.

What history books are you reading, besides ancient history? The anesthetized droids who constitute today's public are no threat to the government. There is no chance of a real revolution today. Federal government is all powerful. They have gas to disable all of us. They have heavy weapons and aircraft, and weapons we don't even know about. Noise cannons that deafen you, lasers that blind you, electromagnetic pulse bombs that disable all electronics and moving vehicles. Even if we were organized and united, we the people have no chance against the all powerful federal government and their military.
They will put down any disorder with overwhelming force, just as they have been in any cases of recent civil disorder. We have lost this country. It doesn't belong to the people anymore. It belongs to the feds.


Active member
What history books are you reading, besides ancient history? The anesthetized droids who constitute today's public are no threat to the government. There is no chance of a real revolution today. Federal government is all powerful. They have gas to disable all of us. They have heavy weapons and aircraft, and weapons we don't even know about. Noise cannons that deafen you, lasers that blind you, electromagnetic pulse bombs that disable all electronics and moving vehicles. Even if we were organized and united, we the people have no chance against the all powerful federal government and their military.
They will put down any disorder with overwhelming force, just as they have been in any cases of recent civil disorder. We have lost this country. It doesn't belong to the people anymore. It belongs to the feds.
I agree, if this thread alone can have this many different thought patterns how in the hell do we get so organized and defeat a system since the 40s has been perfecting secretcy, murder, political plotted TV, and media infultration, these frickin sick fucks who run this country, and others around the globe show how evil, and sick they can be by the very cases that show they hunt down kids, your kids, kidnap them, and force them into pedifile networks, they do this while running the country, and daily, we have yet to do anything bout that, and since I dont see the numbers of kid deaths lowering but rising, means they will do what they want, whos going to stop them? You cant and wont stop them, so I dont see it happening when they have all out war on the mind, and we are targets, matter fact I see a situation that they take the ones with balls that stand up and fight and off them first hence -Prisons, next target, loud mouths, the rest will beg for life.

Did we forget about the probe in DC that caught 5000 plus Govt officials caught red handed with just child porn!!!! And I see no gun toteing militias, or even citizens lined up to yell, let alone shoot, this is paramount on how the gathering of citizens will come together and fight for guns, but not their own kids, and thats fact, not some heman GIjoe talk of what I will do if somebody blah blah blah, mean the shits old already people starting to sound as bad as political slaves, maybe ones who find this situation not valid then read the link below.



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Quebec court rebukes Canada’s Conservative government on bill that eased gun control

Quebec court rebukes Canada’s Conservative government on bill that eased gun control

Our brothers and sisters to the North, just had a big win...
Hope it works out well for them..Congrats to them..


MONTREAL — A Quebec court delivered a stinging rebuke Monday to Canada’s conservative federal government over a bill that scrapped a law requiring the registration of rifles and shotguns. The verdict Monday was a victory for gun control activists and came on the heels of a series of high-profile shootings in Canada.

The court accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government of violating the principles of Canadian federalism by refusing to hand over registry data for Quebec. The French-speaking province, where there is a strong current of support for gun control, wants to start its own provincial registry to replace the now-defunct federal one.
Justice Marc-Andre Blanchard gave the federal government 30 days to hand over the registry data for the province. The ruling applies only to Quebec but it is a crucial round in a broader legal battle that is expected to end up before the Supreme Court of Canada.

The federal government, which argues that the long-gun registry unfairly targeted law-abiding hunters, suggested it would appeal the Quebec ruling.

The decision came one week after Quebec was shaken by a deadly shooting at a rally following the election of a new separatist premier. A series of public shooting in Toronto earlier this year raised fears that Canada could be moving closer to U.S. levels of gun violence despite the country’s stricter gun control laws.

Prosecutors said the man suspected in the Quebec shooting had several weapons on him and in his car, including a long gun used in the shooting. Richard Henry Bain, who owns a hunting and fishing lodge, had many more guns at home, prosecutors said. The premier-elect, Pauline Marois, was unharmed but one man was killed and another person was wounded.

The federal government introduced legislation last year to scrap the law requiring registration of rifles and shotguns. Canada has long required registration of hand guns, but the long-gun registry law passed in 1995 faced bitter opposition from rural Canada, the Conservative party’s base, which considered it an overreaction to the problem of urban crime.

The law took effect in April but Quebec obtained a series of injunctions safeguarding data pertaining to the province.

However, the Harper government has refused to relinquish any data from the registry. It says Quebec can start from scratch if it wants to build its own registry.

But Judge Blanchard ruled that the registry data cannot be viewed as being strictly “federal” and said Quebec has a right to it.

Harper’s government criticized the ruling.

“I am disappointed with today’s ruling and will thoroughly review the decision,” Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said in a statement. “Our Conservative government will continue to fight against any measures that needlessly target law-abiding hunters, farmers and sport shooters.”

Gun control advocates applauded the decision.

“The decision of the court reaffirms the fact that the data on guns is useful, that the province which contributed to collecting it is entitled to keep it and that it is in the interest of public safety to maintain it,” the Coalition For Gun Control said in a statement.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


couldnt care less, fuck guns!
Ok,But I question your choice of sexual partners.. but hey some folk like 'unsafe' sex I guess.

Just make sure that .22 is not loaded like your other sexual conquests :dance013:

Fuck peace. they started this war


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heres a awsome short speech.

Tom Woods - CPAC 2011 - The Tale of the Slave


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Not sure if any of this has been posted through all the arguments BUT this stuff is a GREAT read for anyone who thinks gun control is a good thing.

part one - http://www.fff.org/freedom/0694e.asp
part two - http://www.fff.org/freedom/0794d.asp

also something great to note for those "guns are only for militias" folks here

Here is the actual docs from the hearing held in 2008

it is a pdf file


and specifically within it is this

1. The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a
firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for
traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home

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Active member
Maybe we should just issue AK47s to everyone to even the playing field. That ought to cut down on gun deaths!


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show

Maybe we should just issue AK47s to everyone to even the playing field. That ought to cut down on gun deaths!

funny thing is IT WOULD

If all LAW ABIDING CITIZENS were armed who would the CRIMINALS attack?

FYI how many CRIMINALS register the guns they use in their crimes?

If they issue a gun confiscation how many CRIMINALS would abide by the LAWS? I do think many LAW ABIDING CITIZENS would because they..... OBEY THE LAWS even unjust ones


minus the spelling error it does make a great point.
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The Aardvarks LED Grow Show

or at least ak-74's because that 5.45x39 round ROCKS

I find one thing funny when I debate gun rights with people on ROUND COUNT.

When I go to the range I go through 500+ rounds especially when I bring a couple people with me. I don't get why people can't understand the need for THOUSANDS of rounds UNLESS they have never actually went out and shot guns and rifles before.

I do not see a reason to only have 10 rounds for a weapon EVER and for some reason the only people trying to spout that DO NOT OWN GUNS nor have any reason to ever want to.

Why can't people HAVE GUNS if they want them OR choose to NOT have guns for those do not?

We can argue left / right issues all day but what someone does in his home or owns does not affect me UNLESS he tries to take away MY RIGHT to do the same OR acts hostile towards me.

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minus the spelling error it does make a great point.

I don't think the point is that great. The shooting took place in a dark crowded theatre.

Looney walks in and starts blowing away people. Do you think gramps would be able get up, pull out his gun, and accurately target the looney in a DARK MOVIE THEATRE While BATMAN is playing...

See old people have bad eyesite. This internet cafe was well lit.

Plus the bank robbers are just average dumb criminals, who got outwitted by a 71-year old.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I don't think the point is that great. The shooting took place in a dark crowded theatre.

Looney walks in and starts blowing away people. Do you think gramps would be able get up, pull out his gun, and accurately target the looney in a DARK MOVIE THEATRE While BATMAN is playing...

See old people have bad eyesite. This internet cafe was well lit.

Plus the bank robbers are just average dumb criminals, who got outwitted by a 71-year old.

I love this response as I have heard many like it. Most come from many who have never shot a gun or are not proficient with one. Someone who is OBEYING the law doesn't just start firing wildly and while YES the gunman would have odds are shot SOME I do believe a ccw would have STOPPED it far faster than the time it took the cops to get there.

Why does everyone think that if someone has a gun they just start firing wildly at ANYTHING, that is NOT the case. It is called trigger control and you never have your finger ON the trigger until you are ready to DESTROY something.

Now let me guess where this argument goes...

well what if someone POPPED UP in front of you right when you were firing!

why do people debate things that they know NOTHING about as if they have been in this situation and know ratios and percentages when it is only based on their OPINION?

As far as that 70 year old man, I would trust him with his ccw and his 70+ years of LIFE EXPERIENCE versus having NO ONE in the theatre due to a damn no gun zone law which MAKES IT EASY to go in and rob, shoot and kill people. He would have SAVED LIVES or someone like him IF they went to that movie.

As if having batman playing would make ccw carriers completely forget gun control LOL
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Active member
this is my kind of thread lol.....but honestly debating gun control advocates and those are so utterly ignorant that they think "banning guns" would do anything to stop criminals...is EXHAUSTING.

they simply dont understand, they need to be educated, they need to be taken to a firing range and shown how to shoot, meet other gun owners, learn about american history and all that...its a long process but hopefully if you can convert a few people than you are making a difference..

there are some seriously ignorant people out there, who literally want the constitution re-written and the fabric of america shifted and fixed to their own liking....they dont care about history, culture, or other peoples rights to self defense...these people i want to try and educate one by one...


Active member
I love this response as I have heard many like it. Most come from many who have never shot a gun or are not proficient with one. Someone who is OBEYING the law doesn't just start firing wildly and while YES the gunman would have odds are shot SOME I do believe a ccw would have STOPPED it far faster than the time it took the cops to get there.

thats a pretty common argument ive gotten from gun control loonies as well...

they are basically saying that you should have ZERO chance of defending yourself from being murdered, just because you might kill someone accidently while trying to defend themselves....just an utterly ridiculous and childish argument...

IN THAT REGARD...we should take away guns from cops than, because during the recent empire state shooting many bystanders were wounded, so its better to disarm them than risk killing bystanders..

just a terrible argument from the gun control side, honestly all of their arguments are pathetic. the only one that holds some weight is "look at japan, they banned guns and have zero crime".....but if they knew about japanese culture that argument goes down in flames too. they have extremely high suicide rates, lots of violence with knives, and the ONLY ones who have the guns are the yakuza so they are able to intimidate and operate with ease..

mexico = extremely strict gun control, guns are still smuggled in, people are massacred left and right because they cannot defend themselves from the cartels.

chicago, IL = gun control heaven. handguns are banned from ownership, chicago has the most strict gun control in the US, so it should be a utopia right? not really, its got the highest rates of gun violence, highest rates of gang membership, and civilians are unable to defend themselves once again

syria, myanmaar, and basically every single dictatorship in our history = banned guns, so when those not in support tried to protest or revolt, they were shot dead in the streeets..

i can go on and on and on...but i gotta get back to work!


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I know exactly what is needed

I know exactly what is needed

this is my kind of thread lol.....but honestly debating gun control advocates and those are so utterly ignorant that they think "banning guns" would do anything to stop criminals...is EXHAUSTING.

they simply dont understand, they need to be educated, they need to be taken to a firing range and shown how to shoot, meet other gun owners, learn about american history and all that...its a long process but hopefully if you can convert a few people than you are making a difference..

there are some seriously ignorant people out there, who literally want the constitution re-written and the fabric of america shifted and fixed to their own liking....they dont care about history, culture, or other peoples rights to self defense...these people i want to try and educate one by one...

This is EXACTLY what every American needs in my opinion


The Appleseed Shoot is a great place to learn REAL American history and not just biased opinion we seem to keep hearing lately.

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