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The real reason Katy Holmes divorced Tom Cruise discovered


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
what I just found on youtube is highly shocking...

I couldn't watch the whole thing and I warn you what you see in the following clip has never made it into the mainstream media... in fact whatever it came from, this must be leaked material, because Ive never heard of this movie before.


its very clear that even Toms money couldn't make up for the shear humiliation involved in viewing this clip.

lost in a sea

tom cruise is gay.. same with loads of actors that hollywood has used for lead roles like travolta and who knows who else because they all still get married and hide away..

the super paedo club he is a member of will sue anyone and have their claims injuncted..

looks like they want people to remember glam rock as even more homo than it was..


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
hes obviously been watching Aerosmith enough to steal all of Tylers moves... who is a known Bi-sexual at the very least.

The way he's holding the mic is so comical... like Rock Power is dribbling out of the mic


He also may have had a role in the split. Not because they are together but a common bond they share.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
we all need a good friend to shower with once in a while

haha welcome all

I just saw another article that said that the church of scientology held an audition for his most recent GF


Active member
scientology comes to mind before that flick.

i read the scientology club interferes in all of their members lives.

which would drive anybody "normal" insane in a few weeks (if i had such busybodies in my life i would rip off their balls and feed them to my cats.)
I read on some conspiracy site that it also had to do with Scientology and that Katie did not want her child to be indoctrinated into scientology.


Active member
dunno, quite alot of people thought i was gay, throughout the years.

(im a rather handsome fellah who is rather "posh" in his movements (nothing i can help, i just have exact control over my body and it comes out that way.))

though...funnily...the people that thought i was gay?

well, only selfhating closet gays (or anyone in their fanclub.)

thought i was gay.

(you could show me dick all day and id just be wondering why you did that. my dick dont stir at other dick ("yes, its a dick, i got one, got any pussy? no, ok lets just share this brewski and talk some shit then.")


East Coast Grower
I just saw a news story today about Scientology arranging Tom's love life, and they like interviewed chicks to be his partner or whatever blah blah blah aliens and such

Smoking Gun

Active member
I have never been so glad to have not seen that movie.

Oh yeah this was about Katie dumping Tom. I have no idea why, honestly I don't care. I am just kinda happy Katie is back on the market.


Active member
:laughing: I can't believe you all are discussing Tom Cruise's 'gayness'! :biggrin::peacock:

you can always tell what issues people have about themselves, by their answers..

its like the other day, that thread about the australian rich bitch.

quite alot of comments were about her being fat (like that was an actual issue)

people who worry about themselves being gay, or looking gay.


"GAY!!!" at everything.

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