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Ron Paul 2012!!!


Active member

Dear Friend,

I can't tell you how touched I've been by my supporters' generosity from day one of my Presidential campaign.

Your support has made an incredible impact that will continue on well into the future. In fact, as I look back at the past year, I'm literally amazed at how far we've come.

Today, we can catch a glimpse of our future - and it's a bright one.

Due to our Liberty Movement's youth, energy, and growing numbers, establishment Republicans are recognizing their days of controlling the national GOP are coming to an end. Even now, they are being forced to recognize that our issues - like finally auditing the Federal Reserve - are not going away.

My hope is, with your continued support, it will not end until free markets, sound money, constitutional principles, respect for individual liberty, and a common-sense foreign policy are all restored in America.

For your generosity and all that you'll continue to do in the name of liberty, thank you.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul


weed fiend
... no 700k didnt understand the process,we are not a democracy,we are reprisentitive republic who's election is determined by law not popular vote.

Call it what you want but majority rules. Ron's never operated under a working majority unless you consider his voter base. No congressional coalitions, no electoral success outside his Texas district. It's all about the math, not emotion. You're basically saying you don't care about 700k votes but you care about votes reportedly taken away from Paul. Sooner or later you have to reason that logic is a two-way street.

we followed FEC rules and the constitution,we were not the ones who changed them so you see theres no reason for cheating, we just followed the rules, we didnt convinced people this was a direct democracy and not a reprisentitive republic.we had full state deligations dismissed today,like the entire maine deligation for no other reason than romney supporters dont have a clue or support.thats mobb rule or orgianized crime.
theres plenty of states that he won plurality and majority,they just were not seated or replaced with alternates or leagaley binding contracts wich secured the romney vote, wich people took the chance of a second vote happening rather than being dissmissed in the first round, as is in the case of mass deligates and others.there were numerous rule changes at the last second for romney's advantage.
FEC rules apply to the general. Ron operated under GOP rules.


Active member
Call it what you want but majority rules. Ron's never operated under a working majority unless you consider his voter base. No congressional coalitions, no electoral success outside his Texas district. It's all about the math, not emotion. You're basically saying you don't care about 700k votes but you care about votes reportedly taken away from Paul. Sooner or later you have to reason that logic is a two-way street.

FEC rules apply to the general. Ron operated under GOP rules.

majority doenst rule unless its outside of the law. this is a reprisentitive republic,where your vote means your understood but you cant violate the original laws.wich outlaws mobb rule.because of article 4 sec.4.
so really its not about the math if its outside the law, and certainly not about emotion because they followed the rules and the constitution.and if romney didnt change the private groups rules to mobb rule(at the state elections and the convention) we would have had a different outcome.(paul also could have gone 3rd party ect....)
as far as i know the states reprisentatives is based on population,so its not reprisentitive when a private group comes in violates the rules the country has set forth (article 4 ,sec.4) ,to a ultimatley illeagle end, then its mobb rule aka organized crime.

ron operated,under GOP rules when he was campaigning throughout the states and that was the GOP dog and pony show, popular votes are useless in certain states and RP supporters showed up at caucuses where they counted, except winner take all states,and at the RNC the different rules made on the spot were void by cheating or lying or distorting the facts.ron paul supporters filled the roles of the predetermined number of spots based on population(reprisentitive).but the platform or person is never above the law.unless they break them(mitt).

im less familiar with the general election rules,but i know its already rigged between two criminals.and shouldnt trump article 4 section 4.
easpeacially with a false altermatum.

it might happen under the color of law,but thats still illeagle.

Jon 54

I hate to say it but Ron Paul doesn't have a chance in hell of becoming the next President. I don't like either of the two frontrunners so I'll just do a write in vote for someone else. I know that my vote will be wasted but I hate those anti pot canditates more than common sense. Face it this election sucks a big one :woohoo::laughing::woohoo:. Maybe next time around or at least I hope. We as voters need to support a candidate who has a chance of winning and that will never be Ron Paul. He never will just to old and out in left field for most voters to support. Jon 54 :plant grow::smoweed:


Active member
yeah but i dont think we will have a choice after this,your choice will be LEAGLEY religated to a predetermined cannidate of the parties choosing based on its rules wich now violate article 4 section 4. of the constitution, but im not sure rules and LAW matter to real criminals.

unforunatley these are a few days old, but it doesnt make romney less of a criminal.i just hope this highlights what isnt highlighted in the news or popular opinion. the 2 party system is dead.im hoping rand decides to go another route in 2016 or gj honestly educates himself on libertarian/austrian economics before another run otherwise he's gonna be ineffective.im still writing paul in.ill never ever choose the lesser of two evils again.


Richard Gilbert Takes On Romneys Organized Crime Convention


Well-known member
A question for the RP supporters....

Now that the repubs have chucked you all under the bus...whatcha gonna do?

Do you sit this one out...a pox on both their houses? Do you keep tilting at windmills and vote for Gary Johnson? Or do you hold your nose and vote for O or R?


Active member
A question for the RP supporters....

Now that the repubs have chucked you all under the bus...whatcha gonna do?

Do you sit this one out...a pox on both their houses? Do you keep tilting at windmills and vote for Gary Johnson? Or do you hold your nose and vote for O or R?

That is a tough one for sure oldhaole.....All I know is that O want's the gov in every aspect of our life...and I do not! Mittons is just an establishment puppet...much like O. Both are bad for America imho. It's fucked no matter what...


Or do you hold your nose and vote for O or R?

And be an active participant in flushing this once great nation down the toilet? No thanks. Anyone who "holds their nose" and votes for the lesser of two evils should be held accountable for the mess we've gotten ourselves in. But you see...It's those types of people who will always point fingers at Congress or the Executive branch while taking no ownership of their own actions.

I will vote for Gary Johnson. Why? Because I've investigated the track/voting records of Obama and Romney. Both candidates will continue to perpetuate the occupation of sovereign nations and will perpetuate the concept of preemptive war.

I choose not to have the blood of American soldiers or civilians on my hands. How about you?


weed fiend
earth to bentom187.... majority rules

earth to bentom187.... majority rules

... Anyone who "holds their nose" and votes for the lesser of two evils should be held accountable for the mess we've gotten ourselves in. But you see...It's those types of people who will always point fingers at Congress or the Executive branch while taking no ownership of their own actions.

If so, Tea Partiers are the ultimate in misled voters. They're all for fiscal discipline yet the folks they elect are still on the same economic track Reagan's own economists admit is an intellectually dishonest failure.

In fact, today's GOPer lawmakers not only advertise "supply side" as successful, they surreptitiously play starve-the-beast. Paul Ryan endorsed all $6.8 trillion in Bush spending - all on the credit card - all intended to break New Deal policies by wrecking the goddamn country. :tiphat:


Well-known member
it's a tough decision. voting for what you percieve to be "the lesser of two evils" is still an endorsement of evil. i'm afraid that i'm going to vote for Obama merely because sometimes "you are better off with the devil you know". i would rather re-elect him (did NOT vote for him first time!) than run the risk of voting into office the equivalent of an "American Taliban" of right-wing religious bigots that want to take us back in time to where "darkies knew their place, mexicans stayed in mexico, abortions were coat hangers & lye soap in back alleys, & women were kept bare-footed, pregnant, and quiet." you know what their favorite joke is ? "know what the first thing the newly empowered woman did when she came home from the battered womens clinic?" answer- "the dishes, if the bitch knows what is good for her..."


weed fiend
Damn right it's a tough decision. After I figured out Obama's too moderate (like he has any choice) I wish I'd voted for Clinton in the primary.


it's a tough decision. voting for what you percieve to be "the lesser of two evils" is still an endorsement of evil. i'm afraid that i'm going to vote for Obama merely because sometimes "you are better off with the devil you know". i would rather re-elect him (did NOT vote for him first time!) than run the risk of voting into office the equivalent of an "American Taliban" of right-wing religious bigots that want to take us back in time to where "darkies knew their place, mexicans stayed in mexico, abortions were coat hangers & lye soap in back alleys, & women were kept bare-footed, pregnant, and quiet." you know what their favorite joke is ? "know what the first thing the newly empowered woman did when she came home from the battered womens clinic?" answer- "the dishes, if the bitch knows what is good for her..."

Wow...Talk about misinformed. I was a conservative Republican from 1978 until 2004 and I held none of those ideals. In fact, and just ask Seamaiden, I am very sensitive to racism having grown up as the only white kid in a Mexican barrio, called "oakie", having our windows bashed out with rocks, and having our tires slashed, and hearing "oakie go home" all the time.

As a former conservative Republican, I am also not a Christian and I am pro-choice.

Oh yeah....one more thing...I was a Republican when Seamaiden and I got together. Do you REALLY think she'd be with a guy that has those opinion(s) you're describing of women? Seriously?

You're just as polarizing as those on the far right if you really believe what you're posting. You have every right to vote for your candidate of choice. I hope you can live with yourself when more civilians and soldiers die overseas.


And for the record, I don't believe Romney hates minorities any more than Obama hates whites. All that shit is nothing more than accusations from extremists and it does nothing to inform. In fact, it keeps people from seeing the "real" issues. Ignore the bullshit accusations and look to the voting record(s)...That's the most telling/damning evidence in a candidate. In that context, There really is no difference between Romney and Obama. They both support illegal wiretaps of Americans (CALEA, FISA, PATRIOT), they both support preemptive war. They both support special interests.


Game Bred
Baffeled today when outside my local post office there were a group of folks setup handing out "literature" from a podium with "dump obama".
Firstly I didnt think this type of stuff was allowed on federal property?
But the truly flabbergasting thing was they were some TRUE FOIL HELMET DEMOCRATS!!!
I mean truly stupid shit!


Active member
highlights of the fiasco.

and the beginings of what might be a write in campaign.im writitng him in,i know if he wins it wont be reported but but im voting for the constitution,and principals from now on. (write in info in the picture).


i guess if barry wins its better than a possible 8 years of mitt with no change or difference in policy.warfare vs welfare and even that difference is questionable. is there really a option that doesnt leave us deeper in the hole to our creditors.nope. we are still slaves to the banks and their govermental branches the treasurey and IRS and CIA/defense department running us deeper into debt.
this happens in every administration republican or democrat because its for the banks not us.

Romney and Obama Top Campaign Contributors - Vote Ron Paul!

Panetta Publicly Admits U.S. Military/Obama Takes Orders from The U.N.

if rand runs,then im behind him,unless somone more eduacated and disiplined than his father shows up 3rd party im not exactly holding my breath.

Comedy Stylings Of Rand Paul At The Congressional Correspondents' Dinner 3/30/11 CSPAN
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So Romney has made it clear on more than one occasion that he's against MMJ. Under Obama we've witnessed more arrests, seizures, prosecutions, dispensary closures than even under Bush...and some of you are going to vote for these guys? Whatcha smokin'?
